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Blessed with access to great boosting moves and solid stats, Zygarde is one of the premier threats in the UU metagame. With access to Dragon Dance and Coil, the legendary snake has two fantastic sets that can both wreak havoc on the opposing team, and Zygarde's respectable typing and natural bulk aid it in doing so. Although its attacking movepool is rather bland, Zygarde gets all the coverage it needs with its STAB attacks and Stone Edge, and it even has a good form of priority in Extreme Speed. Zygarde's relatively low base Attack and unfortunate reliance on Outrage as a Dragon-type move somewhat hinder it, but nonetheless, it is a threat that every UU player should prepare for.

name: SubCoil
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Coil
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Dragon Tail / Extreme Speed
item: Leftovers
evs: 188 HP / 132 SpD / 188 Spe
nature: Jolly


When behind a Substitute, Zygarde cannot be statused by moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Scald. Coil boosts Zygarde's Defense to make its Substitutes more difficult to break with physical moves, Attack to let it take down bulkier Pokemon, and Dragon Tail's accuracy to 100%. Earthquake is Zygarde's best STAB move and most reliable attack. Dragon Tail provides very good coverage alongside Earthquake and lets Zygarde phaze foes and rack up entry hazard damage. Dragon Tail is especially useful for phazing other setup sweepers, such as CurseLax, CroCune, and Calm Mind Reuniclus, before they can attain too many boosts, making SubCoil Zygarde an excellent win condition. Another possible move in the fourth slot is Extreme Speed, which is a relatively weak option but lets Zygarde pick off faster foes like Crobat before taking damage or getting statused; it is also a good way to hit Whimsicott, which could otherwise Encore Zygarde into an unfavorable move.

Set Details

The given Speed EVs allow Zygarde to outspeed everything up to Adamant Entei, including Pokemon that can threaten its sweep, such as Nidoking, Roserade, and Chandelure. Blissey must use two Seismic Tosses to break Zygarde's Substitute with the given HP EVs. The rest of the EVs are placed into Special Defense to let the Substitute remain unbroken by most defensive users of Scald, with only Vaporeon having a very low chance to break it in one hit. More EVs can be placed into bulk at the cost of Speed, if desired, to let Zygarde set up more effectively and be harder to knock out. Leftovers gives Zygarde passive recovery as it's boosting and phazing, making it extremely difficult to revenge kill.

Usage Tips

The combined damage of entry hazards and Zygarde's boosted Dragon Tail is very effective at wearing balanced teams down and forcing defensive Pokemon to recover frequently, giving Zygarde more opportunities to boost. In particular, Toxic Spikes are great at draining away at the health of opposing Pokemon, especially Fairy-types. However, Toxic Spikes must be off Zygarde's side of the field before it tries to set up. Zygarde should use Dragon Tail often when it first comes in to have a chance of a Pokemon that it can set up on being brought in. Using Coil on a forced switch usually gives Zygarde more flexibility so that the following Substitute is harder to break, although Substitute should always be used first against Blissey and defensive Water-types. It is important to keep in mind that Zygarde is the fastest phazer in the tier, so it can't be phazed by Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Swampert, and Suicune if it uses Dragon Tail on them.

Team Options

Reliable users of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, make Zygarde much harder to deal with. Stealth Rock Jirachi has very good synergy with Zygarde, and Roserade is an excellent offensive user of Toxic Spikes that can deal with Fairy-types and also remove Toxic Spikes from its own side of the field. With Healing Wish support, Zygarde can wear down its checks early- to mid-game and be healed back later for an easier sweep. Alternatively, a cleric and Wish passer can be used on more defensively oriented teams to restore Zygarde's health if it gets worn down.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Outrage / Stone Edge
move 4: Extreme Speed / Stone Edge
item: Lum Berry / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly


Dragon Dance is the other great boosting move that Zygarde has access to, trading Coil's boosts to bulk and longevity for a more immediate offensive presence. Earthquake is Zygarde's most reliable STAB attack, while Outrage provides excellent coverage alongside it and is a more powerful option. Extreme Speed can be used before a boost to pick off weakened or frail foes such as Mega Alakazam and Mega Beedrill; it can also KO worn-down Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon and Mienshao that threaten Zygarde even after one Dragon Dance. Stone Edge is a coverage move that can be useful for hitting Pokemon such as Crobat and Rotom-H without locking Zygarde into Outrage.

Set Details

The set's EVs allow Zygarde to simply hit as hard and as fast as possible since it shouldn't need to survive many hits to set up. An Adamant nature can be used for noticeably more power, while a Jolly nature lets unboosted Zygarde outspeed foes such as Nidoking, Roserade, and Entei. Lum Berry can be used to let Zygarde set up against defensive Pokemon such as Arcanine and various Scald users without fear of being burned or poisoned. A Life Orb can be used instead to greatly increase Zygarde's ability to break through other defensive Pokemon, most notably allowing it to OHKO standard Florges after Stealth Rock damage with +1 Earthquake.

Usage Tips

A full sweep can be difficult to achieve with Zygarde, especially with a Life Orb variant, so Dragon Dance Zygarde is better used to punch holes mid-game and provide openings for other Pokemon. Zygarde can use its great bulk to set up against weaker attackers, such as Crobat, or Choice-locked resisted hits. Removing Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon, or weakening them to the point where Extreme Speed can KO them, will allow Zygarde a better chance at sweeping after only one Dragon Dance. Outrage should be used sparingly, especially with a Life Orb, as opponents can use the fact that Zygarde is locked into a Dragon-type move and will possibly become confused to their advantage.

Team Options

Pokemon that appreciate Fairies, bulky Water-types, and other physically defensive Pokemon being weakened or removed, such as Mega Absol and Mienshao, can make full use of Dragon Dance Zygarde's support. Healing Wish support is fantastic with this set, giving an already incredibly threatening Pokemon two chances at sweeping.

Other Options
Pain Split is available to Zygarde as a form of recovery, but there is generally no room on any set for it. Glare is another option to provide Zygarde's team with paralysis support, but many of Zygarde's switch-ins aren't crippled too badly by paralysis. A ChestoRest set can be used with Dragon Dance to remove damage and status after setting up on defensive Pokemon. This set is over-reliant on Outrage, however, and must be extremely cautious of Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

**Fairies**: Physically defensive variants of Florges, Aromatisse, and Granbull can take attacks from both of Zygarde's sets and threaten to KO back. Whimsicott in particular is a great counter to both sets, Encoring the Coil set and living Extreme Speeds from the Dragon Dance set to KO in return.

**Bronzong**: Bronzong hard counters Dragon Dance variants of Zygarde and can stop the SubCoil set as well with Hidden Power Ice. Without Hidden Power Ice, however, Bronzong is setup fodder for SubCoil Zygarde.

**Defensive Water-types with Ice Beam**: While the SubCoil set doesn't have to worry too much about Scald, bulky Water-types can stomach hits from Zygarde and threaten to KO it with Ice Beam. They do a fairly good job of stopping both sets, though some, such as Vaporeon, don't appreciate taking +1 Life Orb Outrages.

**Infiltrator**: Infiltrator Pokemon such as Toxic Crobat, Choice Specs Noivern, and Choice Specs Whimsicott can outspeed and knock out SubCoil variants through a Substitute.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Hydreigon, Jirachi, and Mienshao can check the Dragon Dance set fairly well if they're healthy enough to live Extreme Speed.
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Bronzong should be added to c&c, it is a hard counter to the DD set while ones carrying HP Ice are a full stop to any version. Otherwise looks great, so provided the above change is implemented - QC 3/3
Blessed with access to great boosting moves and solid stats, Zygarde is one of the premier threats in the UU metagame. With access to Dragon Dance and Coil, the legendary snake has two fantastic sets that can both wreak havoc on the opposing team, and Zygarde's respectable typing and natural bulk aid it in doing so breaking through teams. Although its attacking movepool is rather bland, it Zygarde gets all the coverage it needs with its STAB-boosted attacks and Stone Edge, and even has a good form of priority in Extremespeed. Zygarde's relatively low base Attack and unfortunate reliance on Outrage as a Dragon-type move somewhat hinder it, but nonetheless, it is a threat something that every UU player should prepare for.
(remove empty line)
name: SubCoil Zygarde (The two have to be the same)
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Coil
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Dragon Tail / Extremespeed
Ability: Aura Break
item: Leftovers
evs: 188 HP / 132 SpD / 188 Spe
nature: Jolly

(add empty space)
With When behind a Substitute, Zygarde cannot be crippled statused with moves like such as Will-O-Wisp or Toxic or burned by Scald. (consider removing the move examples; it's kinda fluggy.) After one use, (AC) Coil boosts Zygarde's Defense to make its Substitutes more difficult to break with physical moves, raises Attack to let it take down bulkier Pokemon, and raises Dragon Tail's accuracy to 100% after one boost. Earthquake is Zygarde's best STAB-boosted move and most reliable attack. Dragon Tail provides very good coverage alongside Earthquake and lets Zygarde phaze foes and rack up entry hazard damage. It Dragon Tail is also very especially useful for forcing out phazing other set up setup sweepers, (AC) such as CurseLax, CroCune, and Calm Mind Reuniclus, (AC) before they can attain too many boosts, making SubCoil Zygarde an excellent win condition. Another possible move in the fourth slot is ExtremeSpeed Extreme Speed, which is a relatively weak option but has some use. ExtremeSpeed Extreme Speed lets Zygarde pick off faster foes like such as Crobat before taking damage or getting statused; it is also a good way to hit Whimsicott, (AC) which who could otherwise Encore Zygarde into an unfavorable move.

Set Details
(add empty space)
The given Speed EVs allow Zygarde to outspeed everything up to Adamant Entei and everything slower, including Pokemon that can threaten its sweep like such as Nidoking, Roserade, and Chandelure. Blissey must use two Seismic Tosses to break Zygarde's Substitute with the given HP EVs. The rest of the EVs are placed into Special Defense to let the Substitute remain unbroken by most defensive users of Scald, with only Vaporeon having a very low chance to break it in one hit. More investment can be placed into bulk at the cost of Speed, if desired, to let Zygarde set up more effectively and be harder to knock out. Leftovers gives Zygarde passive recovery that builds up (This implies some kind of increasing recovery akin to Toxic damage.) as it's boosting and phazing, making it extremely difficult to revenge kill.

Usage Tips
(add empty space)
The combined damage of entry hazards and Zygarde's damage in conjunction with boosted Dragon Tail is very effective at wearing balanced teams down and forcing defensive Pokemon to recover frequently, giving Zygarde more opportunities to boosth. In particular, Toxic Spikes are great at draining away at the health of opposing Pokemon, especially Fairy-types Pokemon. However, it must be ensured that Toxic Spikes should be are off Zygarde's side of the field before it tries to set up. Zygarde should use Dragon Tail often when it first comes in to have a chance of phazing into a Pokemon that it can set up on being switched in. Using Coil on a forced switch usually gives Zygarde more flexibility so that the following Substitute is harder to break, although Substitute should always be used first against Blissey and defensive Water-types. It is important to keep in mind that Zygarde is the fastest phazer in the tier, so it can't be phazed by Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Swampert, or and Suicune if it uses Dragon Tail on them.

Team Options
(add empty space)
Reliable users of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, make Zygarde much harder to deal with. Stealth Rock Jirachi has very good synergy with Zygarde, and Roserade is an excellent offensive user of Toxic Spikes that can deal with Fairy-types and also remove Toxic Spikes from its own side of the field. With Healing Wish support, Zygarde can wear down its checks early- to mid-game and be healed back later for an easier sweep. Alternatively, a cleric and Wish-passer can be used on more defensively oriented teams to restore Zygarde's to health if it gets worn down.
(remove empty space)
Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance Zygarde
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Outrage / Stone Edge
move 4: Extremespeed / Stone Edge
ability: Aura Break
item: Lum Berry / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly

(add empty space)
Dragon Dance is a the other second great boosting move that Zygarde has access to, trading Coil's bulk and survivability for a more immediate offensive presence. Earthquake is its Zygarde's more reliable STAB-boosted attack, while Outrage provides excellent coverage alongside it and is a more powerful option. ExtremeSpeed Extreme Speed can be used even before a boost to pick off weakened or frail foes such as Mega Alakazam and Mega Beedrill; it can also KO worn-down Scarfers like Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon and Mienshao that threaten Zygarde even it after one Dragon Dance. Stone Edge is a form of coverage move that can be useful for hitting Pokemon such as Crobat and Rotom-Heat without locking Zygarde into Outrage.

Set Details
(add empty space)
The set's EVs allow Zygarde to simply hit as hard and as fast as possible, (AC) as and maximize its speed since it shouldn't need to survive many hits to set up. An Adamant nature can be used for noticeably more power, while a Jolly nature lets unboosted Zygarde outspeed foes like such as Nidoking, Roserade, and Entei before a Dragon Dance. A Lum Berry can be used to let Zygarde set up against defensive Pokemon like such as Arcanine and various Scald users without fear of a being burned or poisoned. A Life Orb can be used instead to greatly increase Zygarde's ability to break through other defensive Pokemon, most notably OHKOing standard Florges after Stealth Rock damage with +1 Earthquake (I'm assuming this is the correct move.) after a boost and a switch into Stealth Rock.

Usage Tips
(add empty space)
A full sweep can be difficult to achieve with Zygarde, especially with a Life Orb variant equipped, so Dragon Dance Zygarde is better used to punch holes mid-game and to provide openings for other Pokemon. Zygarde can use its great bulk to set up against weaker attackers, (AC) on offense such as Crobat, (AC) and or Choice-locked resisted hits. Removing Scarfers Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon, or weakening them to the point where of an ExtremeSpeed Extreme Speed can KO them, will allow Zygarde a better chance at sweeping after only one Dragon Dance. Outrage should be used sparingly, especially with a Life Orb, since as opponents can use the fact that Zygarde is locked into a Dragon-type move and will possibly become confused e confusion to their advantage.

Team Options
(add empty space)
Pokemon such as Mega Absol and Mienshao that appreciate Fairies, bulky Water-types, and other physically defensive Pokemon being weakened or removed, (AC) such as Mega Absol and Mienshao, (AC) can make full use of Dragon Dance Zygarde's support. Healing Wish support is fantastic with this set, giving an already incredibly threatening Pokemon two chances at sweeping.

Other Options

Pain Split is available to Zygarde as a form of recovery, but there is generally no room on any set for it. Glare is another option to provide Zygarde's team with paralysis support, but many of Zygarde's switch-(add hyphen)ins aren't crippled too badly by paralysis. A ChestoRest set can be used with Dragon Dance to remove damage and status after setting up on defensive Pokemon. This set suffers greatly from reliance on Outrage, (AC) however, and must be extremely cautious of Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

**Fairies**: Physically defensive variants of Florges, Aromatisse, and Granbull can take attacks from both of Zygarde's sets and threaten to KO back. Whimsicott in particular is a great counter to both sets, Encoring the Coil set and living ExtremeSpeeds Extreme Speeds from the Dragon Dance set to KO in return.

**Bronzong**: It Bronzong hard counters Dragon Dance variants of Zygarde and can stop the SubCoil (Be consistent. Don't call it the "Coil" set, as the set is called "SubCoil.")set as well with Hidden Power Ice. Without Hidden Power Ice, however, it becomes Bronzong is setup fodder for SubCoil Zygarde.

**Defensive Water-types with Ice Beam**: While the SubCoil set doesn't have to worry too much about Scald, bulky Water-types can stomach hits from Zygarde and threaten to KO it with Ice Beam. They do a fairly good job of stopping both sets, though some, (AC) such as like Vaporeon, (AC) don't appreciate taking +1 Life Orb Outrages.

**Infiltrator**: Infiltrator Pokemon like such as Toxic Crobat, Choice Specs Noivern, and Choice Specs Whimsicott can outspeed and knock out SubCoil variants through behind a Substitute.

**Scarfers**: Hydreigon, Jirachi, and Mienshao can check the DD set fairly well if they're healthy enough to live ExtremeSpeed Extreme Speed.

GP 1/2

Watch these double spaces; only have one. You have quite a few repeated spaces after periods. You can (and should) just say "STAB move"; using "STAB-boosted" is not necessary. "STAB-boosted" is also a *bit* redundant, since it's a bonus in itself. Now that it's Generation VI, the move is formatted Extreme Speed, not ExtremeSpeed. Remember this: "Such as" is used for inclusion, whereas "like" is used for comparison. Take the sentences: "I love cool Pokemon such as Charizard and Blastoise." and "Dragon-types like Mega Charizard X are the worst." The first tells you Charizard and Blastoise are part of the list of cool Pokemon that I love. The second sentence tells you Dragon-types that share similar qualities with Mega Charizard X are the worst. When "like" is used in an analysis, it is often the case that the analysis writer is informally giving one or more examples; "such as" should be used in these cases. When in doubt for giving examples, "such as" is usually a safe option. However, there are cases where "like" can be used, and "such as" cannot. Take, for example, the sentence: Mega Altaria is a strong setup sweeper, like Zygarde. Here, "such as" clearly cannot be used, as "like" is being used for comparison. Hope I could help!
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Additions / Corrections

Blessed with access to great boosting moves and solid stats, Zygarde is one of the premier threats in the UU metagame. With access to Dragon Dance and Coil, the legendary snake has two fantastic sets that can both wreak havoc on the opposing team, and Zygarde's respectable typing and natural bulk aid it in doing so. Although its attacking movepool is rather bland, Zygarde gets all the coverage it needs with its STAB attacks and Stone Edge, and it even has a good form of priority in Extreme Speed. Zygarde's relatively low base Attack and unfortunate reliance on Outrage as a Dragon-type move somewhat hinder it, but nonetheless, it is a threat that every UU player should prepare for.

name: SubCoil
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Coil
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Dragon Tail / Extreme Speed
item: Leftovers
evs: 188 HP / 132 SpD / 188 Spe
nature: Jolly


When behind a Substitute, Zygarde cannot be statused with by moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Scald. After one boost, Coil boosts Zygarde's Defense to make its Substitutes more difficult to break with physical moves, Attack to let it take down bulkier Pokemon, and Dragon Tail's accuracy to 100%. Earthquake is Zygarde's best STAB-boosted move and most reliable attack. Dragon Tail provides very good coverage alongside Earthquake and lets Zygarde phaze foes and rack up entry hazard damage. Dragon Tail is especially useful for phazing other setup sweepers, such as CurseLax, CroCune, and Calm Mind Reuniclus, before they can attain too many boosts, making SubCoil Zygarde an excellent win condition. Another possible move in the fourth slot is Extreme Speed, which is a relatively weak option but has some use. Extreme Speed lets Zygarde pick off faster foes like Crobat before taking damage or getting statused; it is also a good way to hit Whimsicott, which could otherwise Encore Zygarde into an unfavorable move.

Set Details

The given Speed EVs allow Zygarde to outspeed everything up to Adamant Entei, including Pokemon that can threaten its sweep, (add comma) such as Nidoking, Roserade, and Chandelure. Blissey must use two Seismic Tosses to break Zygarde's Substitute with the given HP EVs. The rest of the EVs are placed into Special Defense to let the Substitute remain unbroken by most defensive users of Scald, with only Vaporeon having a very low chance to break it in one hit. More investment EVs can be placed into bulk at the cost of Speed, if desired, to let Zygarde set up more effectively and be harder to knock out. Leftovers gives Zygarde passive recovery as it's boosting and phazing, making it extremely difficult to revenge kill.

Usage Tips

The combined damage of entry hazards and Zygarde's boosted Dragon Tail is very effective at wearing balanced teams down and forcing defensive Pokemon to recover frequently, giving Zygarde more opportunities to boost. In particular, Toxic Spikes are great at draining away at the health of opposing Pokemon, especially Fairy-types. However, Toxic Spikes must be off Zygarde's side of the field before it tries to set up. Zygarde should use Dragon Tail often when it first comes in to have a chance of a Pokemon that it can set up on being switched brought in (you normally say 'switched' when the opponent has a say in it). Using Coil on a forced switch usually gives Zygarde more flexibility so that the following Substitute is harder to break, although Substitute should always be used first against Blissey and defensive Water-types. It is important to keep in mind that Zygarde is the fastest phazer in the tier, so it can't be phazed by Pokemon such as Hippowdon, Swampert, and Suicune if it uses Dragon Tail on them.

Team Options

Reliable users of entry hazards, especially Toxic Spikes, make Zygarde much harder to deal with. Stealth Rock Jirachi has very good synergy with Zygarde, and Roserade is an excellent offensive user of Toxic Spikes that can deal with Fairy-types and also remove Toxic Spikes from its own side of the field. With Healing Wish support, Zygarde can wear down its checks early- to mid-game and be healed back later for an easier sweep. Alternatively, a cleric and Wish passer can be used on more defensively oriented teams to restore Zygarde's health if it gets worn down.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Outrage / Stone Edge
move 4: Extreme Speed / Stone Edge
item: Lum Berry / Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly


Dragon Dance is the other great boosting move that Zygarde has access to, trading Coil's increase in boosts to bulk and survivability longevity for a more immediate offensive presence. Earthquake is Zygarde's most reliable STAB attack, while Outrage provides excellent coverage alongside it and is a more powerful option. Extreme Speed can be used before a boost to pick off weakened or frail foes such as Mega Alakazam and Mega Beedrill; it can also KO worn-down Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon and Mienshao that threaten Zygarde even after one Dragon Dance. Stone Edge is a coverage move that can be useful for hitting Pokemon such as Crobat and Rotom-H without locking Zygarde into Outrage.

Set Details

The set's EVs allow Zygarde to simply hit as hard and as fast as possible since it shouldn't need to survive many hits to set up. An Adamant nature can be used for noticeably more power, while a Jolly nature lets unboosted Zygarde outspeed foes such as Nidoking, Roserade, and Entei. Lum Berry can be used to let Zygarde set up against defensive Pokemon such as Arcanine and various Scald users without fear of being burned or poisoned. A Life Orb can be used instead to greatly increase Zygarde's ability to break through other defensive Pokemon, most notably allowing it to OHKO standard Florges after Stealth Rock damage with +1 Earthquake.

Usage Tips

A full sweep can be difficult to achieve with Zygarde, especially with a Life Orb variant, so Dragon Dance Zygarde is better used to punch holes mid-game and provide openings for other Pokemon. Zygarde can use its great bulk to set up against weaker attackers, such as Crobat, or Choice-locked resisted hits. Removing Choice Scarf users such as Hydreigon, or weakening them to the point where Extreme Speed can KO them, will allow Zygarde a better chance at sweeping after only one Dragon Dance. Outrage should be used sparingly, especially with a Life Orb, as opponents can use the fact that Zygarde is locked into a Dragon-type move and will possibly become confused to their advantage.

Team Options

Pokemon that appreciate Fairies, bulky Water-types, and other physically defensive Pokemon being weakened or removed, such as Mega Absol and Mienshao, can make full use of Dragon Dance Zygarde's support. Healing Wish support is fantastic with this set, giving an already incredibly threatening Pokemon two chances at sweeping.

Other Options
Pain Split is available to Zygarde as a form of recovery, but there is generally no room on any set for it. Glare is another option to provide Zygarde's team with paralysis support, but many of Zygarde's switch-ins aren't crippled too badly by paralysis. A ChestoRest set can be used with Dragon Dance to remove damage and status after setting up on defensive Pokemon. This set suffers greatly from reliance is over-reliant on Outrage, however, and must be extremely cautious of Knock Off.

Checks & Counters

**Fairies**: Physically defensive variants of Florges, Aromatisse, and Granbull can take attacks from both of Zygarde's sets and threaten to KO back. Whimsicott in particular is a great counter to both sets, Encoring the Coil set and living Extreme Speeds from the Dragon Dance set to KO in return.

**Bronzong**: Bronzong hard counters Dragon Dance variants of Zygarde and can stop the SubCoil set as well with Hidden Power Ice. Without Hidden Power Ice, however, Bronzong is setup fodder for SubCoil Zygarde.

**Defensive Water-types With Ice Beam**: While the SubCoil set doesn't have to worry too much about Scald, bulky Water-types can stomach hits from Zygarde and threaten to KO it with Ice Beam. They do a fairly good job of stopping both sets, though some, such as Vaporeon, don't appreciate taking +1 Life Orb Outrages.

**Infiltrator**: Infiltrator Pokemon such as Toxic Crobat, Choice Specs Noivern, and Choice Specs Whimsicott can outspeed and knock out SubCoil variants through a Substitute.

**Choice Scarf Users**: Hydreigon, Jirachi, and Mienshao can check the Dragon Dance set fairly well if they're healthy enough to live Extreme Speed.


GP 2 / 2
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Calm Pokemaster, why did you capitalize "with" in "Defensive Water-types with Ice Beam"? "With" is a preposition, and as far as I can tell, Smogon uses the rule of capitalizing the first word, the last word, "important" words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) but never prepositions.
Calm Pokemaster, why did you capitalize "with" in "Defensive Water-types with Ice Beam"? "With" is a preposition, and as far as I can tell, Smogon uses the rule of capitalizing the first word, the last word, "important" words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc.) but never prepositions.

I was under the impression that we capitalised all the words in the C&C heading... The rule you mentioned is new to me. I suggest you double-check with Jelli or Oglemi regarding this :/
I was under the impression that we capitalised all the words in the C&C heading... The rule you mentioned is new to me. I suggest you double-check with Jelli or Oglemi regarding this :/
I did with SuperJOCKE, who told me prepositions weren't capitalized, as per regular title capitalization standards on Smogon.
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