Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Looking for a few females in specific balls. Need a Friend Ball Roselia, Dive Ball HA Swinub, and Luxury Ball HA Pikachu.

Also looking for any spare Room.

I can trade spitbacks from my thread or any Sport Ball female for these.
Haven't gotten hold of any HA snivy yet. Would anyone like to kindly offer one? Any would be fine.
I can offer special ball Pokemon or some other iv breeding leftovers, but that's about it.
Hi everyone! I'm looking for the following:
  • Dream Ball Female HA Slowpoke
  • Fast Ball Female Pidgey
  • Female HA Mudkip
  • Level Ball Female Mawile
  • Level Ball Female Meditite
  • Safari Ball Female Larvitar
  • Sport Ball Female Pinsir
  • Sport Ball Female Scyther
I can give you a dream ball slopoke with ha, do you have a male herracros?
Today it's Friday so I'm about to catch a female Lapras in SS, which rare ball do you think it's the most valuable (i.e. doesn't mean it has to look better on it)?

Choices, choices
Cool :) so you want a perfect slopoke? Because i have good spitbacks and it will be hard to breed a female:/ in which ball herracros is? And he is with adamant nature and rock blast?

I have a perfect 6IV Male Heracross with Rock Blast and Moxie but Jolly nature, is that ok for perfect slowpoke?
Pokeball, and no Adamant but I can breed it if you want it might take a while since I don't have any perfect Adamant Dittos.

For the slowpoke, it just needs to be female ha slowpoke in dream ball preferably bold. Also nice to have good IVs and some egg moves
Cool, if you can breed me one it will be awesome :) maybe in net ball?
If someone is still looking for a Contrary Snivy, I have a spare flawless HP Fire one (31/00/31/30/31/30) with Glare, Mirror Coat and a couple more EMs for trade. PM/VM with offers.
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