cant say is now a mod + VGC forum


keeps the varmints on the run
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Hello everyone!

You may have noticed low moderator activity for a little while; unfortunately Age of Kings has retired or otherwise is taking a hiatus. We need another mod, so please join me in congratulating her replacement: cant say! With him on board, we should get things running more smoothly around here for a while.

The second announcement has to do with VGC. As most of you know, Battle Spot doubles and VGC 2015 use the exact same ruleset. As we have a dedicated VGC forum, we've decided it is more appropriate to direct all VGC/Battle Spot Doubles discussion to that forum, rather than splitting our userbase between the two forums (I mean, do you really want it to get smaller than it already is?). Keep in mind that they may have slightly different rules over there, so make sure that you read their rules thread and consult their mods if you're not sure about something; we don't run things exactly the same!

Discussion of ORAS Singles, Triples, Rotations, and all XY metagames will still be here, and at whatever point VGC and Battle Spot Doubles rules are no longer the same, Doubles discussion will return here as well. Expect the ORAS 3v3 Singles Discussion thread to come up this week!

(P.S. If anyone makes a "cant say" pun I swear I will delete you from the internet)