NU Gurdurr


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is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

QC: 3/3 (Dat Blast, hollywood, Zebraiken)
GP: 2/2 (hollywood, P Squared)


Great Attack and solid bulk with Eviolite make Gurdurr a threatening Fighting-type. Bulk Up allows Gurdurr to improve its power and bulk even further, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Access to great STAB moves in Drain Punch and Mach Punch allows Gurdurr to bolster its longevity and revenge kill faster Pokemon, respectively. Guts turns crippling status problems into an advantage by boosting Gurdurr's Attack stat, preventing burns from cutting its sweep short. Knock Off and Ice Punch give Gurdurr a way to muscle past Psychic- and Grass-types. On the downside, Gurdurr's low Speed leaves it easily revenge killed by Pokemon that resist its Mach Punch. Even with Eviolite, Gurdurr cannot withstand many powerful special attacks with its low Special Defense stat. It also faces competition as a bulky Fighting-type with Hariyama, which boasts better special bulk and a resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves.

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Mach Punch
move 4: Knock Off / Ice Punch
ability: Guts
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
nature: Adamant


Bulk Up is a great boosting move, which raises Gurdurr's high Attack and Defense, allowing it to sweep and take hits better. Drain Punch is a reliable STAB attack that prevents wallbreakers from wearing Gurdurr down as easily. Mach Punch helps Gurdurr act as a revenge killer and allows it to fare better against faster Pokemon. Knock Off is the best option in the fourth slot to remove foes' items and to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types for massive damage. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to hit Vileplume and Scyther harder.

Set Details

The EVs and nature are standard for a bulky physical sweeper. Eviolite makes Gurdurr a good physical tank and patches up its low Special Defense. Guts is typically the best ability, as it allows Gurdurr to absorb status problems for the team and prevent a stray Will-O-Wisp or Scald burn from ruining its sweep.

Alternatively, you could run a specially defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD and a Careful nature in order to make the most of Gurdurr's mixed bulk. Another spread of 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Spe with an Adamant nature allows Gurdurr to outspeed Pokemon with base 50 Speed, most notably Audino. Yet another option is a spread of 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD, which provides Gurdurr with some special bulk and lets it avoid the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Double-Edge after Stealth Rock damage.

Usage Tips

In the early game, use Knock Off on predicted switches to weaken your opponent's checks to Gurdurr. It's fine to set up on Pokemon that resist Fighting if they cannot do much back to Gurdurr, such as against Qwilfish without Taunt, but do not set up on special attackers, as Gurdurr cannot afford to take many special hits even with the aid of Eviolite. Moreover, Gurdurr dislikes Toxic even with Guts, as it is not meant to be switched out often. As such, defensive Pokemon that carry Toxic, such as Seismitoad, do not always make good setup fodder.

Team Options

A Psychic-type such as Mesprit can deal with the bulky Poison-types, such as Vileplume and Garbodor, that threaten Gurdurr. A Ghost-type such as Mismagius can beat the Psychic-types that Gurdurr lures in and cannot defeat. Gurdurr pairs well with bulky Rock- and Steel-types, such as Rhydon and Steelix, as they wall the physical Flying-types that beat Gurdurr, such as Archeops and Scyther. Especially if running the faster spread, this set works well alongside Swords Dance + Baton Pass Leafeon and Scyther, as they allow Gurdurr to replace Bulk Up with Ice Punch in order to break its checks more easily. Liepard provides Gurdurr with Pursuit support to trap the Psychic-types that check it, as well as Knock Off to wear down some of Gurdurr's checks, such as Weezing.

Sweepers such as Lilligant and Swellow appreciate having Gurdurr around to Knock Off their checks. This put pressure on them to switch in, as most checks to Gurdurr have no reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, with the exceptions of Musharna, Xatu, and Mega Audino. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Jynx enjoy Gurdurr's ability to take on physical Normal-types, such as Kangaskhan and Bouffalant.

Other Options

Iron Fist is an alternative ability that is more consistent than Guts but with a significantly lesser benefit that leaves Gurdurr vulnerable to burns, so Guts is typically the better option. Stone Edge is a coverage option that hits Scyther and Rotom-S hard, while Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, such as Mega Audino and Granbull. An all-out attacking set with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. However, Gurdurr will typically miss having Bulk Up, as it needs a boost to deal significant damage.

Checks & Counters

**Poison-types**: Bulky Poison-types, such as Garbodor and Vileplume, wall Gurdurr's STAB moves and don't mind Knock Off too much.

**Fairy-types**: Mega Audino and Granbull are nightmares to Gurdurr. Audino can survive two +1 Poison Jabs and force it out with Dazzling Gleam, while Granbull will cut Gurdurr's Attack with Intimidate and threaten it with Play Rough. Both of the aforementioned Fairy-types are faster than Gurdurr, as well.

**Psychic-types**: Fast Psychic-types, such as Mesprit and Xatu, will deal serious damage to Gurdurr before it can use Knock Off. Mesprit OHKOes Gurdurr, while Xatu 2HKOes it and will usually survive a Knock Off followed by a Mach Punch. However, neither can safely switch into Gurdurr due to the threat of Knock Off.

**Offensive Pressure**: Gurdurr really needs a boost in order to be used to its fullest potential. Despite its bulk, enough repeated hits will wear it down and prevent it from reliably setting up. Its low Speed and reliance on Drain Punch are easy to take advantage of as well.

**Special Attackers**: Due to Gurdurr's low Special Defense even with Eviolite, it won't stand up to powerful special attacks such as Typhlosion's Eruption or Samurott's Hydro Pump.
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I think Ice Punch can get a mention in moves and you should mention a specially defensive spread in set details.

Remove taunt from oo, its way to slow to make any use of it and it can't afford the moveslot.
A fast Gurdurr that outspeed base 50s is viable and probably deserves a mention somewhere in set details. Works really well with SD pass Leafeon or Scyther for exemple too as you can afford to go with 4 attacks which lets Gurdurr break through multiple threats.
A fast Gurdurr that outspeed base 50s is viable and probably deserves a mention somewhere in set details. Works really well with SD pass Leafeon or Scyther for exemple too as you can afford to go with 4 attacks which lets Gurdurr break through multiple threats.
Replace Archeops with Scyther for Ice Punch targets; Archeops is hit hard enough by Fighting STAB as it is.

Gurdurr also has an exploitable Special Defense stat; mention that in the Overview as well as 'Offensive Pressure' in the C&C section. Gurdurr won't stand up to the likes of Typhlosion's Eruption and Samurott's Hydro Pump.
Replace Archeops with Scyther for Ice Punch targets; Archeops is hit hard enough by Fighting STAB as it is.

Gurdurr also has an exploitable Special Defense stat; mention that in the Overview as well as 'Offensive Pressure' in the C&C section. Gurdurr won't stand up to the likes of Typhlosion's Eruption and Samurott's Hydro Pump.
Done. As "Offensive Pressure" was becoming too crowded, I made a new section for special attacks.
  • A lot of the points are either worded weird or unnecessary. "Great Attack," "can take advantage of Eviolite easily," "learns Knock Off," and so on are all obvious things that don't teach anyone anything they shouldn't already know. If you really want to talk about that type of stuff, you also need to explain how they intertwine with its roles and effectiveness in the metagame (the most physically bulky Fighting-type in the meta, boosting sweeper, etc).
  • In a similar vein, "often losing to Psychic-types 1v1" is technically true, but it's also worded really weird lol
  • You also don't need to specifically mention Iron Fist when it's not listed on any of the sets.
  • BU doesn't turn it into a wallbreaker
Set Details
  • The faster spread you mentioned is missing 4 EVs
  • Mention a bulkier spread too. 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD is one I use a lot, it avoids the 2HKO from Silk Scarf Kanga's Double-Edge and Mega Steelix's Heavy Slam after rocks and provides a little more than 10% extra special bulk.
  • A lot of the points are either worded weird or unnecessary. "Great Attack," "can take advantage of Eviolite easily," "learns Knock Off," and so on are all obvious things that don't teach anyone anything they shouldn't already know. If you really want to talk about that type of stuff, you also need to explain how they intertwine with its roles and effectiveness in the metagame (the most physically bulky Fighting-type in the meta, boosting sweeper, etc).
  • In a similar vein, "often losing to Psychic-types 1v1" is technically true, but it's also worded really weird lol
  • You also don't need to specifically mention Iron Fist when it's not listed on any of the sets.
  • BU doesn't turn it into a wallbreaker
Set Details
  • The faster spread you mentioned is missing 4 EVs
  • Mention a bulkier spread too. 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD is one I use a lot, it avoids the 2HKO from Silk Scarf Kanga's Double-Edge and Mega Steelix's Heavy Slam after rocks and provides a little more than 10% extra special bulk.
Thanks- changes have been implemented.
I still don't really like how you're only mentioning Psychic-types in the Overview, since that gives off the impression that Psychic is the only type Gurdurr struggles against. Reword it to something more like how its low Speed and SpD often make it overreliant on its STABs

You also need 84 Spe to beat base 50s
- Yet another option is a spread of 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD. It provides Gurdurr with some special bulk, and lets it avoid the 2HKO from Mega Kangaskhan's Double Edge and Mega Steelix's Heavy Slam after Stealth Rock damage
QC 1/3
I still don't really like how you're only mentioning Psychic-types in the Overview, since that gives off the impression that Psychic is the only type Gurdurr struggles against. Reword it to something more like how its low Speed and SpD often make it overreliant on its STABs

You also need 84 Spe to beat base 50s

QC 1/3
Aw yes :)
Changes implemented.
- Such low Speed and Special Defense make it over-reliant on its STAB moves
What does this even mean? How do its stats correlate to its moves at all, barring Speed with Mach Punch?

Mention in the Overview that Gurdurr competes a lot with Hariyama as a bulky Fighting-type.

Under Usage Tips, you have a point about setting up while the opponent has bulky Fighting resists left. Sometimes it's ok to do this, and sometimes you need to do it. As an example, you can use Qwilfish without Taunt as setup fodder and regain the little HP it will take away with Waterfall. It's fine to have a point about not setting up before you can sweep, but don't make the point so general.

Mention a four attacks set in OO. Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Knock Off / filler is good too.

QC 2/3

write it up
- Such low Speed and Special Defense make it over-reliant on its STAB moves
What does this even mean? How do its stats correlate to its moves at all, barring Speed with Mach Punch?

Mention in the Overview that Gurdurr competes a lot with Hariyama as a bulky Fighting-type.

Under Usage Tips, you have a point about setting up while the opponent has bulky Fighting resists left. Sometimes it's ok to do this, and sometimes you need to do it. As an example, you can use Qwilfish without Taunt as setup fodder and regain the little HP it will take away with Waterfall. It's fine to have a point about not setting up before you can sweep, but don't make the point so general.

Mention a four attacks set in OO. Drain Punch / Mach Punch / Knock Off / filler is good too.

QC 2/3

write it up
Thanks Hollywood! Will write this up ASAP.

EDIT: Written. Ready for the final QC check!
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- in other options: Ice Beam / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. <-- should be punch, not beam. i do this all the time with shadow ball / shadow punch haha

- would actually mention liepard -> cacturne in other options section; pursuit support benefits gurdurr a shitton, and liepard gets knock off too to help wear down similar answers like garbodor.

- additionally, would devote a second paragraph to pokemon that like having gurdurr around, not just those that gurdurr likes having around. stuff that wants common gurdurr answers like garby, weezing, fairies worn down will appreciate gurdurr knocking them off and putting pressure on them to come in whenever it's around, since gurdurr answers tend to have no / bad recovery (barring musharna / xatu / mega dino). examples of that would be lilligant and swellow.

- less important, but frail pokemon that want a more proactive check to pokemon like kangaskhan and other normals will like having gurdurr around, since it handles those relatively well and forces them out. examples of that would be jynx, liepard, mismag, etc.

looks fine otherwise. 3/3

first check in like the last year O_O
- in other options: Ice Beam / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. <-- should be punch, not beam. i do this all the time with shadow ball / shadow punch haha

- would actually mention liepard -> cacturne in other options section; pursuit support benefits gurdurr a shitton, and liepard gets knock off too to help wear down similar answers like garbodor.

- additionally, would devote a second paragraph to pokemon that like having gurdurr around, not just those that gurdurr likes having around. stuff that wants common gurdurr answers like garby, weezing, fairies worn down will appreciate gurdurr knocking them off and putting pressure on them to come in whenever it's around, since gurdurr answers tend to have no / bad recovery (barring musharna / xatu / mega dino). examples of that would be lilligant and swellow.

- less important, but frail pokemon that want a more proactive check to pokemon like kangaskhan and other normals will like having gurdurr around, since it handles those relatively well and forces them out. examples of that would be jynx, liepard, mismag, etc.

looks fine otherwise. 3/3

first check in like the last year O_O
Thank you- all changes implemented. Ready for GP now.



Great Attack and solid bulk with Eviolite make Gurdurr a threatening Fighting-type in the NU metagame. Bulk Up allows it Gurdurr to improve its power and bulk even further, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Its Access to great STAB moves in Drain Punch and Mach Punch allow it Gurdurr to bolster its longevity and revenge kill faster Pokemon, respectively. Guts turns crippling status problems into an advantage by boosting Gurdurr's Attack stat, preventing burns from cutting its sweep short. Knock Off and Ice Punch give it a way to muscle past Psychic- and Grass-types, as well. On the downside, Gurdurr is Gurdurr's low Speed leaves it easily revenge killed by Pokemon that resist its Mach Punch,(RC) due to its mere 40 base Speed. Even with Eviolite, it Gurdurr cannot withstand many powerful special attacks with its low Special Defense stat. It also faces competition competes with Hariyama as a bulky Fighting-type with Hariyama, who which boasts better special bulk and a resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves. Nonetheless, Gurdurr is always worthy of consideration on teams that require a bulky sweeper. (fluff)

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Mach Punch
move 4: Knock Off / Ice Punch
ability: Guts
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
nature: Adamant


Bulk Up is a great boosting move, raising which raises Gurdurr's high Attack and Defense,(AC) allowing it to sweep and take hits better to turn it into a sweeper and a tank. Drain Punch is a reliable STAB attack,(RC) and that prevents wallbreakers from wearing it down as easily. Mach Punch helps Gurdurr act as a revenge killer,(RC) and allows it to fare better against faster Pokemon. Knock Off is the best option in the fourth slot to remove opposing items,(RC) and gives Gurdurr a way to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types for massive damage. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to hit Vileplume and Scyther harder.

Set Details

The EVs and nature are standard for a bulky physical sweeper. Eviolite,(RC) a staple on NFEs,(RC) makes Gurdurr a good physical tank and patches up its low Special Defense. Guts is typically the best ability, as it allows Gurdurr to reliably absorb status problems for the team,(RC) and prevents a stray Will-O-Wisp or Scald burn from ruining its sweep.

Alternatively, you could run a Specially Defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD and a Careful nature in order to make the most of Gurdurr's mixed bulk. Another spread of 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Spe while retaining with an Adamant nature allows Gurdurr to outspeed Pokemon with base 50 Speed, most notably Audino. Yet another option is a spread of 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD,(change period to comma) which It provides Gurdurr with some special bulk,(RC) and lets it avoid the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Double Edge Double-Edge after Stealth Rock damage.

Usage Tips

In the early game, use Knock Off on predicted switches,(RC) and to weaken your opponent's checks to Gurdurr. It's fine to set up on Fighting-type resistant Pokemon if they cannot do much back to Gurdurr, such as against Qwilfish without Taunt,(change period to comma) but do not set up on special attackers, as it cannot afford to take many special hits even with the aid of Eviolite. Moreover, Gurdurr dislikes Toxic even with Guts, as it is not meant to be switched out often. As such, defensive Pokemon that carry Toxic, such as Seismitoad, do not always make good setup fodder.

Team Options

A Psychic-type,(RC) such as Mesprit,(RC) will can deal with the bulky Poison-types,(AC) such as Vileplume and Weezing,(AC) that threaten Gurdurr,(RC) most notably Vileplume and Weezing. A Ghost-type,(RC) such as Mismagius,(RC) beats can beat the Psychic-types that it Gurdurr lures in and cannot defeat 1v1, such as Xatu. Gurdurr pairs well with bulky Rock- and Steel-types, such as Rhydon and Steelix, as they wall the physical Flying-types who that otherwise beat Gurdurr, such as Archeops and Scyther. Especially if running the faster spread, this set works well alongside Swords Dance + Baton Pass Leafeon and Scyther, as they allow Gurdurr to replace Bulk Up with Ice Punch in order to break its checks more easily. Liepard provides Gurdurr with Pursuit support to trap the Psychic-types that check it, as well as Knock Off to cripple wear down (is Garbodor really crippled without its Rocky Helmet?) some of its Gurdurr's checks for it, such as Garbodor.

Sweepers such as Lilligant and Swellow appreciate having Gurdurr around to Knock Off their checks,(RC) such as Weezing. This put pressure on them to switch in, as most checks to Gurdurr have no reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, with the exceptions of Musharna, Xatu,(AC) and Mega Audino. Frail offensive Pokemon,(RC) such as Jynx,(RC) enjoy Gurdurr's ability to take on physical Normal-types, such as Kangaskhan and Bouffalant.

Other Options

Iron Fist is an alternative ability that is less matchup-dependent more consistent than Guts but with a considerably lesser benefit that,(RC) but it leaves Gurdurr vulnerable to burns, and so Guts is typically the better option. (I toyed with this sentence for a while, and I'm still not 100% sold on it. I just don't like calling Guts matchup-dependent because it's not really as much the case as Iron Fist just not having as high of a payout.) Stone Edge is a coverage option that hits Scyther and Rotom-S hard, while Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, such as Mega Audino and Granbull. An all-out attacking set of Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. However, Gurdurr will typically miss having Bulk Up in its moveset, as it needs a boost to deal significant damage.

Checks & Counters

**Poison-types**: Bulky Poison-types, such as Garbodor and Vileplume, wall Gurdurr's STAB moves and don't mind Knock Off too much.

**Fairy-types**: Mega Audino and Granbull are nightmares to Gurdurr. Audino will can survive a pair of two +1 Poison Jabs and force it out with Dazzling Gleam, while Granbull will cut Gurdurr's Attack with Intimidate and threaten it with Play Rough. Both of the aforementioned Fairies Fairy-types are faster than Gurdurr, as well.

**Psychic-types**: Fast Psychic-types, such as Mesprit and Xatu, will deal serious damage to Gurdurr before it can use Knock Off. Mesprit OHKOes Gurdurr, while Xatu 2HKOes it and will usually live a Knock Off and followed by a Mach Punch combined. However, neither can safely switch into Gurdurr due to the threat of Knock Off.

**Offensive Pressure**: Gurdurr really needs a boost in order to be used to its fullest potential. Despite its bulk, enough repeated hits will wear it down and prevent it from reliably setting up. Its low Speed and reliance on Drain Punch are easy to take advantage of as well.

**Special Attackers**: Due to Gurdurr's low Special Defense,(RC) even with Eviolite, it won't stand up to powerful special attacks such as Typhlosion's Eruption or Samurott's Hydro Pump.
GP 1/2
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Great Attack and solid bulk with Eviolite make Gurdurr a threatening Fighting-type in the NU metagame. Bulk Up allows it Gurdurr to improve its power and bulk even further, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Its Access to great STAB moves in Drain Punch and Mach Punch allow it Gurdurr to bolster its longevity and revenge kill faster Pokemon, respectively. Guts turns crippling status problems into an advantage by boosting Gurdurr's Attack stat, preventing burns from cutting its sweep short. Knock Off and Ice Punch give it a way to muscle past Psychic- and Grass-types, as well. On the downside, Gurdurr is Gurdurr's low Speed leaves it easily revenge killed by Pokemon that resist its Mach Punch,(RC) due to its mere 40 base Speed. Even with Eviolite, it Gurdurr cannot withstand many powerful special attacks with its low Special Defense stat. It also faces competition competes with Hariyama as a bulky Fighting-type with Hariyama, who which boasts better special bulk and a resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves. Nonetheless, Gurdurr is always worthy of consideration on teams that require a bulky sweeper. (fluff)

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Mach Punch
move 4: Knock Off / Ice Punch
ability: Guts
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
nature: Adamant


Bulk Up is a great boosting move, raising which raises Gurdurr's high Attack and Defense,(AC) allowing it to sweep and take hits better to turn it into a sweeper and a tank. Drain Punch is a reliable STAB attack,(RC) and that prevents wallbreakers from wearing it down as easily. Mach Punch helps Gurdurr act as a revenge killer,(RC) and allows it to fare better against faster Pokemon. Knock Off is the best option in the fourth slot to remove opposing items,(RC) and gives Gurdurr a way to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types for massive damage. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to hit Vileplume and Scyther harder.

Set Details

The EVs and nature are standard for a bulky physical sweeper. Eviolite,(RC) a staple on NFEs,(RC) makes Gurdurr a good physical tank and patches up its low Special Defense. Guts is typically the best ability, as it allows Gurdurr to reliably absorb status problems for the team,(RC) and prevents a stray Will-O-Wisp or Scald burn from ruining its sweep.

Alternatively, you could run a Specially Defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD and a Careful nature in order to make the most of Gurdurr's mixed bulk. Another spread of 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Spe while retaining with an Adamant nature allows Gurdurr to outspeed Pokemon with base 50 Speed, most notably Audino. Yet another option is a spread of 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD,(change period to comma) which It provides Gurdurr with some special bulk,(RC) and lets it avoid the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Double Edge Double-Edge after Stealth Rock damage.

Usage Tips

In the early game, use Knock Off on predicted switches,(RC) and to weaken your opponent's checks to Gurdurr. It's fine to set up on Fighting-type resistant Pokemon if they cannot do much back to Gurdurr, such as against Qwilfish without Taunt,(change period to comma) but do not set up on special attackers, as it cannot afford to take many special hits even with the aid of Eviolite. Moreover, Gurdurr dislikes Toxic even with Guts, as it is not meant to be switched out often. As such, defensive Pokemon that carry Toxic, such as Seismitoad, do not always make good setup fodder.

Team Options

A Psychic-type,(RC) such as Mesprit,(RC) will can deal with the bulky Poison-types,(AC) such as Vileplume and Weezing,(AC) that threaten Gurdurr,(RC) most notably Vileplume and Weezing. A Ghost-type,(RC) such as Mismagius,(RC) beats can beat the Psychic-types that it Gurdurr lures in and cannot defeat 1v1, such as Xatu. Gurdurr pairs well with bulky Rock- and Steel-types, such as Rhydon and Steelix, as they wall the physical Flying-types who that otherwise beat Gurdurr, such as Archeops and Scyther. Especially if running the faster spread, this set works well alongside Swords Dance + Baton Pass Leafeon and Scyther, as they allow Gurdurr to replace Bulk Up with Ice Punch in order to break its checks more easily. Liepard provides Gurdurr with Pursuit support to trap the Psychic-types that check it, as well as Knock Off to cripple wear down (is Garbodor really crippled without its Rocky Helmet?) some of its Gurdurr's checks for it, such as Garbodor.

Sweepers such as Lilligant and Swellow appreciate having Gurdurr around to Knock Off their checks,(RC) such as Weezing. This put pressure on them to switch in, as most checks to Gurdurr have no reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, with the exceptions of Musharna, Xatu,(AC) and Mega Audino. Frail offensive Pokemon,(RC) such as Jynx,(RC) enjoy Gurdurr's ability to take on physical Normal-types, such as Kangaskhan and Bouffalant.

Other Options

Iron Fist is an alternative ability that is less matchup-dependent more consistent than Guts but with a considerably lesser benefit that,(RC) but it leaves Gurdurr vulnerable to burns, and so Guts is typically the better option. (I toyed with this sentence for a while, and I'm still not 100% sold on it. I just don't like calling Guts matchup-dependent because it's not really as much the case as Iron Fist just not having as high of a payout.) Stone Edge is a coverage option that hits Scyther and Rotom-S hard, while Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, such as Mega Audino and Granbull. An all-out attacking set of Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. However, Gurdurr will typically miss having Bulk Up in its moveset, as it needs a boost to deal significant damage.

Checks & Counters

**Poison-types**: Bulky Poison-types, such as Garbodor and Vileplume, wall Gurdurr's STAB moves and don't mind Knock Off too much.

**Fairy-types**: Mega Audino and Granbull are nightmares to Gurdurr. Audino will can survive a pair of two +1 Poison Jabs and force it out with Dazzling Gleam, while Granbull will cut Gurdurr's Attack with Intimidate and threaten it with Play Rough. Both of the aforementioned Fairies Fairy-types are faster than Gurdurr, as well.

**Psychic-types**: Fast Psychic-types, such as Mesprit and Xatu, will deal serious damage to Gurdurr before it can use Knock Off. Mesprit OHKOes Gurdurr, while Xatu 2HKOes it and will usually live a Knock Off and followed by a Mach Punch combined. However, neither can safely switch into Gurdurr due to the threat of Knock Off.

**Offensive Pressure**: Gurdurr really needs a boost in order to be used to its fullest potential. Despite its bulk, enough repeated hits will wear it down and prevent it from reliably setting up. Its low Speed and reliance on Drain Punch are easy to take advantage of as well.

**Special Attackers**: Due to Gurdurr's low Special Defense,(RC) even with Eviolite, it won't stand up to powerful special attacks such as Typhlosion's Eruption or Samurott's Hydro Pump.
GP 1/2
Thank you, and excellent song choice. Ready for the final check!
GP 2/2 =u=


Great Attack and solid bulk with Eviolite make Gurdurr a threatening Fighting-type. Bulk Up allows Gurdurr to improve its power and bulk even further, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Access to great STAB moves in Drain Punch and Mach Punch allow allows (allows goes back to access, which is singular) Gurdurr to bolster its longevity and revenge kill faster Pokemon, respectively. Guts turns crippling status problems into an advantage by boosting Gurdurr's Attack stat, preventing burns from cutting its sweep short. Knock Off and Ice Punch give it Gurdurr a way to muscle past Psychic- and Grass-types, as well. On the downside, Gurdurr's low Speed leaves it easily revenge killed by Pokemon that resist its Mach Punch. Even with Eviolite, Gurdurr cannot withstand many powerful special attacks with its low Special Defense stat. It also faces competition as a bulky Fighting-type from Hariyama competes with Hariyama as a bulky Fighting-type, which boasts better special bulk and a resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves.

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Mach Punch
move 4: Knock Off / Ice Punch
ability: Guts
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
nature: Adamant


Bulk Up is a great boosting move, which raises Gurdurr's high Attack and Defense, allowing it to sweep and take hits better. Drain Punch is a reliable STAB attack that prevents wallbreakers from wearing it Gurdurr down as easily. Mach Punch helps Gurdurr act as a revenge killer and allows it to fare better against faster Pokemon. Knock Off is the best option in the fourth slot to remove opposing foes' items and to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types for massive damage. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to hit Vileplume and Scyther harder.

Set Details

The EVs and nature are standard for a bulky physical sweeper. Eviolite makes Gurdurr a good physical tank and patches up its low Special Defense. Guts is typically the best ability, as it allows Gurdurr to absorb status problems for the team and prevent a stray Will-O-Wisp or Scald burn from ruining its sweep.

Alternatively, you could run a specially defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD and a Careful nature in order to make the most of Gurdurr's mixed bulk. Another spread of 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Spe with an Adamant nature allows Gurdurr to outspeed Pokemon with base 50 Speed, most notably Audino. Yet another option is a spread of 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD, which provides Gurdurr with some special bulk and lets it avoid the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Double-Edge after Stealth Rock damage.

Usage Tips

In the early game, use Knock Off on predicted switches to weaken your opponent's checks to Gurdurr. It's fine to set up on Fighting-type resistant Pokemon that resist Fighting if they cannot do much back to Gurdurr, such as against Qwilfish without Taunt, but do not set up on special attackers, as it Gurdurr cannot afford to take many special hits even with the aid of Eviolite. Moreover, Gurdurr dislikes Toxic even with Guts, as it is not meant to be switched out often. As such, defensive Pokemon that carry Toxic, such as Seismitoad, do not always make good setup fodder.

Team Options

A Psychic-type such as Mesprit can deal with the bulky Poison-types, such as Vileplume and Garbodor, that threaten Gurdurr. A Ghost-type such as Mismagius can beat the Psychic-types that Gurdurr lures in and cannot defeat. Gurdurr pairs well with bulky Rock- and Steel-types, such as Rhydon and Steelix, as they wall the physical Flying-types that beat Gurdurr, such as Archeops and Scyther. Especially if running the faster spread, this set works well alongside Swords Dance + Baton Pass Leafeon and Scyther, as they allow Gurdurr to replace Bulk Up with Ice Punch in order to break its checks more easily. Liepard provides Gurdurr with Pursuit support to trap the Psychic-types that check it, as well as Knock Off to wear down some of Gurdurr's checks, such as Weezing.

Sweepers such as Lilligant and Swellow appreciate having Gurdurr around to Knock Off their checks. This put pressure on them to switch in, as most checks to Gurdurr have no reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, with the exceptions of Musharna, Xatu, and Mega Audino. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Jynx enjoy Gurdurr's ability to take on physical Normal-types, such as Kangaskhan and Bouffalant.

Other Options

Iron Fist is an alternative ability that is more consistent than Guts but with a significantly lesser benefit that leaves Gurdurr vulnerable to burns, so Guts is typically the better option. Stone Edge is a coverage option that hits Scyther and Rotom-S hard, while Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, such as Mega Audino and Granbull. An all-out attacking set of with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. However, Gurdurr will typically miss having Bulk Up, as it needs a boost to deal significant damage.

Checks & Counters

**Poison-types**: Bulky Poison-types, such as Garbodor and Vileplume, wall Gurdurr's STAB moves and don't mind Knock Off too much.

**Fairy-types**: Mega Audino and Granbull are nightmares to Gurdurr. Audino can survive two +1 Poison Jabs and force it out with Dazzling Gleam, while Granbull will cut Gurdurr's Attack with Intimidate and threaten it with Play Rough. Both of the aforementioned Fairy-types are faster than Gurdurr, as well.

**Psychic-types**: Fast Psychic-types, such as Mesprit and Xatu, will deal serious damage to Gurdurr before it can use Knock Off. Mesprit OHKOes Gurdurr, while Xatu 2HKOes it and will usually live survive a Knock Off followed by a Mach Punch. However, neither can safely switch into Gurdurr due to the threat of Knock Off.

**Offensive Pressure**: Gurdurr really needs a boost in order to be used to its fullest potential. Despite its bulk, enough repeated hits will wear it down and prevent it from reliably setting up. Its low Speed and reliance on Drain Punch are easy to take advantage of as well.

**Special Attackers**: Due to Gurdurr's low Special Defense even with Eviolite, it won't stand up to powerful special attacks such as Typhlosion's Eruption or Samurott's Hydro Pump.
GP 2/2 =u=


Great Attack and solid bulk with Eviolite make Gurdurr a threatening Fighting-type. Bulk Up allows Gurdurr to improve its power and bulk even further, turning it into a fearsome sweeper. Access to great STAB moves in Drain Punch and Mach Punch allow allows (allows goes back to access, which is singular) Gurdurr to bolster its longevity and revenge kill faster Pokemon, respectively. Guts turns crippling status problems into an advantage by boosting Gurdurr's Attack stat, preventing burns from cutting its sweep short. Knock Off and Ice Punch give it Gurdurr a way to muscle past Psychic- and Grass-types, as well. On the downside, Gurdurr's low Speed leaves it easily revenge killed by Pokemon that resist its Mach Punch. Even with Eviolite, Gurdurr cannot withstand many powerful special attacks with its low Special Defense stat. It also faces competition as a bulky Fighting-type from Hariyama competes with Hariyama as a bulky Fighting-type, which boasts better special bulk and a resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves.

Bulk Up
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Mach Punch
move 4: Knock Off / Ice Punch
ability: Guts
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
nature: Adamant


Bulk Up is a great boosting move, which raises Gurdurr's high Attack and Defense, allowing it to sweep and take hits better. Drain Punch is a reliable STAB attack that prevents wallbreakers from wearing it Gurdurr down as easily. Mach Punch helps Gurdurr act as a revenge killer and allows it to fare better against faster Pokemon. Knock Off is the best option in the fourth slot to remove opposing foes' items and to hit Ghost- and Psychic-types for massive damage. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to hit Vileplume and Scyther harder.

Set Details

The EVs and nature are standard for a bulky physical sweeper. Eviolite makes Gurdurr a good physical tank and patches up its low Special Defense. Guts is typically the best ability, as it allows Gurdurr to absorb status problems for the team and prevent a stray Will-O-Wisp or Scald burn from ruining its sweep.

Alternatively, you could run a specially defensive EV spread of 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD and a Careful nature in order to make the most of Gurdurr's mixed bulk. Another spread of 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Spe with an Adamant nature allows Gurdurr to outspeed Pokemon with base 50 Speed, most notably Audino. Yet another option is a spread of 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD, which provides Gurdurr with some special bulk and lets it avoid the 2HKO from Kangaskhan's Double-Edge after Stealth Rock damage.

Usage Tips

In the early game, use Knock Off on predicted switches to weaken your opponent's checks to Gurdurr. It's fine to set up on Fighting-type resistant Pokemon that resist Fighting if they cannot do much back to Gurdurr, such as against Qwilfish without Taunt, but do not set up on special attackers, as it Gurdurr cannot afford to take many special hits even with the aid of Eviolite. Moreover, Gurdurr dislikes Toxic even with Guts, as it is not meant to be switched out often. As such, defensive Pokemon that carry Toxic, such as Seismitoad, do not always make good setup fodder.

Team Options

A Psychic-type such as Mesprit can deal with the bulky Poison-types, such as Vileplume and Garbodor, that threaten Gurdurr. A Ghost-type such as Mismagius can beat the Psychic-types that Gurdurr lures in and cannot defeat. Gurdurr pairs well with bulky Rock- and Steel-types, such as Rhydon and Steelix, as they wall the physical Flying-types that beat Gurdurr, such as Archeops and Scyther. Especially if running the faster spread, this set works well alongside Swords Dance + Baton Pass Leafeon and Scyther, as they allow Gurdurr to replace Bulk Up with Ice Punch in order to break its checks more easily. Liepard provides Gurdurr with Pursuit support to trap the Psychic-types that check it, as well as Knock Off to wear down some of Gurdurr's checks, such as Weezing.

Sweepers such as Lilligant and Swellow appreciate having Gurdurr around to Knock Off their checks. This put pressure on them to switch in, as most checks to Gurdurr have no reliable recovery outside of Leftovers, with the exceptions of Musharna, Xatu, and Mega Audino. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Jynx enjoy Gurdurr's ability to take on physical Normal-types, such as Kangaskhan and Bouffalant.

Other Options

Iron Fist is an alternative ability that is more consistent than Guts but with a significantly lesser benefit that leaves Gurdurr vulnerable to burns, so Guts is typically the better option. Stone Edge is a coverage option that hits Scyther and Rotom-S hard, while Poison Jab can be used to hit Fairy-types, such as Mega Audino and Granbull. An all-out attacking set of with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Ice Punch / Poison Jab / Stone Edge is viable as well. However, Gurdurr will typically miss having Bulk Up, as it needs a boost to deal significant damage.

Checks & Counters

**Poison-types**: Bulky Poison-types, such as Garbodor and Vileplume, wall Gurdurr's STAB moves and don't mind Knock Off too much.

**Fairy-types**: Mega Audino and Granbull are nightmares to Gurdurr. Audino can survive two +1 Poison Jabs and force it out with Dazzling Gleam, while Granbull will cut Gurdurr's Attack with Intimidate and threaten it with Play Rough. Both of the aforementioned Fairy-types are faster than Gurdurr, as well.

**Psychic-types**: Fast Psychic-types, such as Mesprit and Xatu, will deal serious damage to Gurdurr before it can use Knock Off. Mesprit OHKOes Gurdurr, while Xatu 2HKOes it and will usually live survive a Knock Off followed by a Mach Punch. However, neither can safely switch into Gurdurr due to the threat of Knock Off.

**Offensive Pressure**: Gurdurr really needs a boost in order to be used to its fullest potential. Despite its bulk, enough repeated hits will wear it down and prevent it from reliably setting up. Its low Speed and reliance on Drain Punch are easy to take advantage of as well.

**Special Attackers**: Due to Gurdurr's low Special Defense even with Eviolite, it won't stand up to powerful special attacks such as Typhlosion's Eruption or Samurott's Hydro Pump.
Thank you very much! Gurdurr is now done!