Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 45 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Possible, but highly unlikely. High chance it is a hack.

But how did he get the pentagon though?
It's theoretically possible, but I always say that if someone has stooped low enough to sell Pokemon on eBay, then they've probably also stooped low enough to hack.

Eh, if people are buying then no reason not to sell. The way I see it the people who buy pokemon are stooping much lower than the sellers. I'm concerned with his wording though. If he's trying to pass hack off as "legitimate" then that's against eBay policy, and just fraud in general.
y would you pay 5 bucks for that...

I have intention of paying 5 bucks for that. I was buying TGC cards and that popped up. Looked impossible so I came here. Thinking of reporting him.
But how did he get the pentagon though?

Eh, if people are buying then no reason not to sell. The way I see it the people who buy pokemon are stooping much lower than the sellers. I'm concerned with his wording though. If he's trying to pass hack off as "legitimate" then that's against eBay policy, and just fraud in general.

I have intention of paying 5 bucks for that. I was buying TGC cards and that popped up. Looked impossible so I came here. Thinking of reporting him.
It is hack, and you can also hack the pentagon. Or he could have caught a normal one and shinified it and changed its ivs by hacking.
BTW never buy those things. Trade pokemon 4 pokemon.
I have intention of paying 5 bucks for that. I was buying TGC cards and that popped up. Looked impossible so I came here. Thinking of reporting him.
Buying cards is one thing as ones good for competitive use are hard to pull from packs, but you can also obtain a non shiny 4-5 IV pokemon. The fact he has it as 6 IV AND shiny makes it very questionable as to its legality
Man, if people are actually dumb enough to buy Pokemon from eBay, then I am in the wrong business.

In all seriousness, don't pay for Pokemon; you never know if they're legit or not
can someone give me a shiny lopunny? from omegaruby or alpha? perfect ivs

and make it jolly.

Moderator edit: Don't double post. There's an edit button.
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[qudose notte="crazy_man, post: 6013403, member: 197385"]Sorry I don't have a perfect Japenese Lopunny just lying around....[/quote]
it dose not have to be perfect. just jolly

[qudose notte="crazy_man, post: 6013403, member: 197385"]Sorry I don't have a perfect Japenese Lopunny just lying around....
it dose not have to be perfect. just jolly[/quote] oh and Japanese

Moderator edit: Don't double post.
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Since you asking for a Japanese Lopunny, its obvious you are trying for the Masuda Method.

That would require perfect parents if you want to keep your sanity.

Also, use the edit button to not double post.
Hey guys i have an important question. I´m breeding a flawless horsea HP Fire, but i´m using the Time Machine method in pokemon X. So far i got the perfect one (31/even/31/30/31/30) but instead of sniper ability it has swift swim. I tried to soft reset again to change the ability. So far i only tried one more time and STILL has the same ability.

Does anyone knows if the ability is already "locked" by using this method?
or if i keep trying i will change the ability...?

Thanks in advance.
Hey guys i have an important question. I´m breeding a flawless horsea HP Fire, but i´m using the Time Machine method in pokemon X. So far i got the perfect one (31/even/31/30/31/30) but instead of sniper ability it has swift swim. I tried to soft reset again to change the ability. So far i only tried one more time and STILL has the same ability.

Does anyone knows if the ability is already "locked" by using this method?
or if i keep trying i will change the ability...?

Thanks in advance.

Use an ability capsule. Problem solved :)

Also, you can refer to .com's time machine guide, should say something about it
Hey guys i have an important question. I´m breeding a flawless horsea HP Fire, but i´m using the Time Machine method in pokemon X. So far i got the perfect one (31/even/31/30/31/30) but instead of sniper ability it has swift swim. I tried to soft reset again to change the ability. So far i only tried one more time and STILL has the same ability.

Does anyone knows if the ability is already "locked" by using this method?
or if i keep trying i will change the ability...?

Thanks in advance.
I believe the PID is locked, so yes.
(someone correct me if I'm wrong.)
Thanks! So anyone have an ability capsule i can use?

I can offer several spitback... Inside cool balls

Tirtuga inside luxury ball.
Aerodactyl inside premier ball.
Snorlax inside moon ball.
Natu inside level ball.
Shuckle inside moon ball.
Numel inside iron ball.
Totodile inside nest ball.
Bagon inside safari ball.
Slowpoke inside dream ball.
Venipede inside dream ball.
Yanma inside moon ball.
Scyther inside sport ball or safari ball.
Horsea inside love ball.
Cyndaquil inside luxury ball.
Houndour inside moon ball.
Whishmur inside dream ball.
Dratini inside dream ball.
Escavalier inside dream ball.
Emolga inside luxury ball.
Thanks! So anyone have an ability capsule i can use?

I can offer several spitback... Inside cool balls

Tirtuga inside luxury ball.
Aerodactyl inside premier ball.
Snorlax inside moon ball.
Natu inside level ball.
Shuckle inside moon ball.
Numel inside iron ball.
Totodile inside nest ball.
Bagon inside safari ball.
Slowpoke inside dream ball.
Venipede inside dream ball.
Yanma inside moon ball.
Scyther inside sport ball or safari ball.
Horsea inside love ball.
Cyndaquil inside luxury ball.
Houndour inside moon ball.
Whishmur inside dream ball.
Dratini inside dream ball.
Escavalier inside dream ball.
Emolga inside luxury ball.

I have ability capsules
So, having tech difficulties here. I'm trying to get Suicune and/or Terrakion. I saved my game before going to the ring for Suicune and didn't like the IVs I got. Upon the soft reset the ring wouldn't activate anymore. I've gone to the other spots to get the legendaries and the mysterious ring won't proc the fights. Did I glitch the game somehow or is there an item I don't have or something?
So, having tech difficulties here. I'm trying to get Suicune and/or Terrakion. I saved my game before going to the ring for Suicune and didn't like the IVs I got. Upon the soft reset the ring wouldn't activate anymore. I've gone to the other spots to get the legendaries and the mysterious ring won't proc the fights. Did I glitch the game somehow or is there an item I don't have or something?
Rings activate by time, you can find more info at
So, having tech difficulties here. I'm trying to get Suicune and/or Terrakion. I saved my game before going to the ring for Suicune and didn't like the IVs I got. Upon the soft reset the ring wouldn't activate anymore. I've gone to the other spots to get the legendaries and the mysterious ring won't proc the fights. Did I glitch the game somehow or is there an item I don't have or something?
I don't recall off the top of my head, but I believe the Dogs are based on the time, so if the clock rolled over, Suicune might stop appearing.
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