Tournament PU Tour #2 ~ Won by SCORPDESTROYER

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Gas keeps putting it off until he builds, he said today hopefully
I have posted on Alfons's wall about the tourney, but it has been over twenty-four hours and he has not responded. I don't know exactly what to do.
I have posted on Alfons's wall about the tourney, but it has been over twenty-four hours and he has not responded. I don't know exactly what to do.

24 hours isnt enough ground to call activity. Neither of you have had decent contact. Unless you get the game done by tommorrow in like 23hrs, it will be coinflipped
The .pick was accidental as i thought it was bottt's command

Every one fight, if every one wins once, then redo till someone gets two wins in one round

No dead line, but expect to be pestered af if you dont play
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