OU Dugtrio


Dugtrio is the only fully evolved Pokemon with access to Arena Trap, which, along with its very high Speed stat, allows Dugtrio to trap any grounded Pokemon on the opposing team bar Ghost-types. It can then weaken or KO the trapped Pokemon, potentially supporting a teammate to sweep. However, Dugtrio's other base stats are below average. Its low defenses and HP stats mean Dugtrio has to rely on Focus Sash to survive any moderately powerful attack, and its Attack stat leaves a lot to be desired. Moreover, it faces competition from Gothitelle, which has more power, better coverage, and can trap a wider range of enemies thanks to Shadow Tag. However, Dugtrio has a somewhat better matchup against offensive teams and traps Tyranitar more reliably.

name: Trapper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Memento / Toxic / Stone Edge / Substitute
move 4: Stealth Rock
ability: Arena Trap
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
nature: Naive / Hasty


Earthquake is Dugtrio's most powerful STAB move and allows it to KO trapped Heatran and Magnezone as well as revenge kill weakened enemies. Reversal becomes a 200 Base Power Fighting-type attack when Dugtrio is at 1 HP, even outdamaging STAB Earthquake. It deals huge damage to Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Terrakion, OHKOing all variants except maximum Defense Tyranitar. Memento provides an easy setup oppurtunity for a teammate after Dugtrio has done its job. Toxic allows it to cripple Pokemon which otherwise wall it such as, Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Slowbro. Stone Edge hits Flying-types, which are immune to Arena Trap and Earthquake, and OHKOes Volcarona. Substitute makes sure that Dugtrio beats all variants of Chansey, as the ones carrying Toxic can potentially beat it by first using Toxic, followed by two Seismic Tosses. Stealth Rock provides huge team support to any kind of team by breaking Sturdy and Focus Sash as well as converting some 2HKOs to OHKOs.

Set Details

Arena Trap is Dugtrio's only niche in OU. Focus Sash allows Dugtrio to survive an attack if it is at full HP and makes Reversal a 200 Base Power attack. The EV spread maximizes Attack and Speed to make Dugtrio as fast and powerful as possible. The remaining 4 EVs are not needed as Dugtrio needs to be as frail as possible to take full advantage of Reversal. The nature boosts Speed at the cost of one of Dugtrio's unnecessary defenses. 0 Defense and Special Defense IVs are used for again minimizing Dugtrio's bulk.

Usage Tips

Dugtrio fits on teams that need to eliminate Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Heatran to open a sweep for another Pokemon. Dugtrio should not be switched in with entry hazards on its side of the field, as entry hazards break its Focus Sash, hugely crippling it. Don't switch Dugtrio into any attack, as even resisted hits do a lot of damage. Instead bring Dugtrio in with slow Volt Switches and U-turns, through predicted double switches, or after a teammate has been KOed. Use Team Preview to analyze which Pokemon Dugtrio can trap and use it conservatively until that Pokemon has been KOed. Sometimes, Dugtrio won't have much use in a match; feel free to sacrifice it in such matches. Use Memento if Dugtrio has trapped and KOed the opposing Pokemon that it was supposed to trap, giving a teammate a free switch and a chance to boost and sweep.

Team Options

Pokemon that are checked or countered by Heatran and Tyranitar are the best teammates for Dugtrio. Talonflame appreciates Dugtrio's ability to deal with them, as it can easily sweep a team after they are KOed. It can also provide opportunities for Dugtrio to switch in with U-turn. Serperior and Volcarona also like the removal of Heatran, as the former can then freely use Contrary Leaf Storm and the latter no longer has to run Hidden Power Ground. Mega Sceptile, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Charizard Y also appreciate the removal of Heatran, as they no longer have to rely on Focus Blast to hit it. Defog or Rapid Spin support is mandatory if you are using Dugtrio , because entry hazards will prematurely break its Focus Sash. Latias and Latios are very good options, as they hugely appreciate the removal of Tyranitar and Heatran. Mandibuzz, Starmie, and Zapdos are also good options. Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W can allow Dugtrio to switch in safely with their slow U-turn and Volt Switch, respectively. Setup sweepers such as Gyarados and Azumarill can take advantage of Memento to set up and sweep.

Other Options

Sucker Punch can be used to hit Gengar, Latios, and Latias and to pick off faster weakened foes. However, it will not do much damage to anything else, as it is coming off of Dugtrio's low Attack stat. Choice Band can be used for more power, and it works well with Pursuit to checkmate Pokemon such as Latios, Latias, and Gengar.

Checks & Counters

By definition, nothing counters Dugtrio if it is revenge killing foes that are trapped, because counters need to switch in. However, it is possible to play around it, as a switch to Dugtrio is often quite obvious and a double switch to a check can often leave the Dugtrio user in a bad position.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Because Dugtrio lacks power, physically bulky Pokemon that are not weak to Dugtrio's attacks, such as Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Skarmory, can set up entry hazards on Dugtrio or outright KO it.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types, such as Slowbro, Suicune, Gyarados, and Rotom-W, can easily take any attack Dugtrio throws at them and can either set up or outright KO Dugtrio.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types are resistant to Earthquake and can hit Dugtrio super effectively. Breloom can bypass Dugtrio's Focus Sash with Bullet Seed. Mega Venusaur KOes with Giga Drain and recovers HP in the process. Chesnaught can set up Spikes and Celebi can set up Nasty Plot or Swords Dance and pass the boosts to a teammate that can sweep Dugtrio's team.

**Priority users**: Due to its pitiful bulk, Dugtrio is susceptible to every priority attack in OU. Talonflame, Scizor, and Azumarill can easily KO with their respective priority attacks. However, Talonflame should be wary of Stone Edge if Dugtrio's Focus Sash has not yet been broken.

**Entry Hazards**: Due to its reliance on Focus Sash, Dugtrio is hugely crippled by entry hazards, especially against offensive teams, as they can easily take advantage of Defog or Rapid Spin.
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Talonflame and Mega Pidgeot are probably the most obvious teammates to pair with Dugtrio, as they are troubled by both Tyranitar and Heatran. I understand that this is a WIP, but be sure to include this in the analysis.
If not in the set HP ice should get a mention in OO for hitting pokemon like gliscor, garchomp, and other pokemon that can otherwise take dugtrio.
Mention Toxic since that's the only move which enables you to actually do anything to bulky waters and ground types and is useful if Dugtrio has already accomplished its goal of trapping something and wants to have any lasting effect on the stuff that comes in to "revenge kill" it ie Slowbro Rotom Hippowdon Lando-T etc.
I do not see a choice band set, you should fix this problem.
I don't think choice band is that viable in ou cuz its not that powerful even with band and its attacks have some serious flaws. oh, and that bulk is so atrocius that it absolutely needs sash imo.
Talonflame and Mega Pidgeot are probably the most obvious teammates to pair with Dugtrio, as they are troubled by both Tyranitar and Heatran. I understand that this is a WIP, but be sure to include this in the analysis.
ah yeah will do so.
If not in the set HP ice should get a mention in OO for hitting pokemon like gliscor, garchomp, and other pokemon that can otherwise take dugtrio.
4 SpA Dugtrio Hidden Power Ice vs. 244 HP / 192+ SpD Gliscor: 92-112 (26.1 - 31.8%) -- possible 5HKO after Poison Heal
4 SpA Dugtrio Hidden Power Ice vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-T: 124-148 (38.8 - 46.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
4 SpA Dugtrio Hidden Power Ice vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus: 124-148 (38.8 - 46.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
4 SpA Dugtrio Hidden Power Ice vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 116-140 (32.4 - 39.2%) -- 98.9% chance to 3HKO
252 Atk Dugtrio Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Garchomp: 124-147 (34.7 - 41.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Its better to switch out or memento on them or in chomp's case, earthquake as all of them can kill duggy in return.
Mention Toxic since that's the only move which enables you to actually do anything to bulky waters and ground types and is useful if Dugtrio has already accomplished its goal of trapping something and wants to have any lasting effect on the stuff that comes in to "revenge kill" it ie Slowbro Rotom Hippowdon Lando-T etc.
Kay, thanks for the rate.

Btw, it will be qc ready by tomorrow:)
set should be:

move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Memento / Toxic / Stone Edge / Substitute
move 4: Stealth Rock

I don't see a reason why you wouldn't run SR on Dugtrio just because there's rarely other good places to fit it on the type of teams that Dugtrio is used on, and I certainly wouldn't drop it for Stone Edge. I think that Toxic is a better option than Stone Edge because at least you can do something to Rotom, Lando-T, and Slowbro that way. Substitute should get a slash because it ensures you can get Chansey with Reversal, as Toxic variants would otherwise be able to avoid it by firing off a Toxic.
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set should be:

move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Memento / Toxic / Stone Edge / Substitute
move 4: Stealth Rock

I don't see a reason why you wouldn't run SR on Dugtrio just because there's rarely other good places to fit it on the type of teams that Dugtrio is used on, and I certainly wouldn't drop it for Stone Edge. I think that Toxic is a better option than Stone Edge because at least you can do something to Rotom, Lando-T, and Slowbro that way. Substitute should get a slash because it ensures you can get Chansey with Reversal, as Toxic variants would otherwise be able to avoid it by firing off a Toxic.
kay. I will change the set accordingly, but 3 slashes in one slot?
I don't think choice band is that viable in ou cuz its not that powerful even with band and its attacks have some serious flaws. oh, and that bulk is so atrocius that it absolutely needs sash imo.
Choice band does have it's uses though, such as being able to switch in without needing to remove hazards, and having access to a reasonably powerful sucker punch to eliminate weakened megagross before it resorts to bullet punch, and KO megagross with earthquake after some prior damage. Pursuiting Gengar and the latis, and overall doing more damage. It's not terrible but it is outclassed.
Memento, to me, is mandatory because the mons Duggy pairs well with include Volc, Talonflame, and M-Pidgeot. The first two enjoy setup opportunities and Pidgeot likes having a safe turn to Mega. The only thing that I would slash with it is Substitute because it pairs well with Reversal.
Choice band does have it's uses though, such as being able to switch in without needing to remove hazards, and having access to a reasonably powerful sucker punch to eliminate weakened megagross before it resorts to bullet punch, and KO megagross with earthquake after some prior damage. Pursuiting Gengar and the latis, and overall doing more damage. It's not terrible but it is outclassed.
It's cool that you don't have to worry about Bullet Punch from MegaGross, but honestly it's just not even close to worth the tradeoff. Aside from losing Reversal, Sucker Punch on a Band set just screams "set up on me!" Honestly, it's bad for almost exactly the same reasons Slaking is bad. It will come in and probably kill something, but then the opponent gets to bring in a mon of their choice and set up absolutely for free. That's an incredibly dangerous thing to allow against most competent players. This isn't just true for Sucker Punch, as there are many things that can come in and set up for free on banded Earthquake / Stone Edge too.
2/3 mention teammates that can set up easily with memento. Like dd gyras/bdrum azu/sd lucario/volc/clefable just set up mons in general
GP 1/2 :)


Dugtrio is the only fully evolved Pokemon with access to Arena Trap, (comma) which, along with its very high Speed stat, allows Dugtrio to trap any non Ghost-type grounded Pokemon on the opposing team bar Ghost-types. It can then weaken or KO the trapped Pokemon, that Pokemon potentially supporting a teammate to sweep. However, Dugtrio's other base stats are below average. Its low (or paper-thin, or whatever adjective) defenses and HP stats mean Dugtrio has to rely on Focus Sash to survive live any moderately powerful attack, and its Attack. Its Attacks stat leaves a lot to be desired. Moreover, it faces competition from Gothitelle, who which has more power, better coverage, and can and trap a wider range of enemies, thanks to Shadow Tag. However, Dugtrio has a somewhat better matchup against offensive teams and traps Tyranitar more reliably.

name: Trapper
move 1: Earthquake
move 2: Reversal
move 3: Memento / Toxic / Stone Edge / Substitute
move 4: Stealth Rock
ability: Arena Trap
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
ivs: 21 HP / 0 Def / 0 SpD
nature: Naive / Hasty


Earthquake is Dugtrio's most powerful STAB move and which allows it to KO trapped Heatran and Magnezone as well as revenge kill weakened enemies. Reversal becomes a 200 BP Base Power Fighting-type attack when Dugtrio is at 1 HP and even outdamages STAB Earthquake. It deals huge damage to pokemon like, Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Terrakion, (comma) OHKOing all variants (does this mean all variants of Tyranitar?) except maximum Defense Tyranitar. Memento provides an easy setup oppurtunity for a teammate after Dugtrio has done its job. Toxic allows it to cripple Pokemon which otherwise wall it, such as like, Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Slowbro who otherwise wall it. Stone Edge hits Flying-types, which who are immune to Arena Trap and Earthquake, (comma) and OHKOes Volcarona. Substitute makes sure that Dugtrio beats all variants of Chansey, (comma) as the ones carrying Toxic can potentially beat it by first using Toxic, followed by two Seismic Tosses. Stealth Rock provides huge team support to any kind of team by breaking Sturdy and Focus Sash as well as converting 2HKOs to OHKOs.

Set Details

Arena Trap is Dugtrio's only niche in OU. Focus Sash allows Dugtrio to survive live an attack if it is at full HP and makes Reversal a 200 BP Base Power attack. The EV spread maximizes Attack and Speed to make Dugtrio as fast and powerful as possible. The rest remaining 4 EVs are not needed, (comma) as Dugtrio needs to be as frail as possible to take for taking full advantage of Reversal. The nature boosts Speed at the cost of one of its Dugtrio's defenses. 0 Defense and Special Defense IVs are used for again minimizing Dugtrio's bulk.

Usage Tips

Dugtrio fits on teams that who need to eliminate Pokemon such as like Tyranitar and Heatran to open a sweep for another Pokemon on the team. Dugtrio should not be switched in with entry hazards on its side of the field, (comma) as entry hazards break its Focus Sash, (comma) hugely crippling it. Don't switch Dugtrio into any attack, (comma) as even resisted hits do a lot of damage. Bring Dugtrio in with slow volt-turns Volt Switches and U-turns, or through predicted double switches, or if after a teammate has been KOed. Use Team Preview to analyze which Pokemon Dugtrio can trap and use it conservatively until that Pokemon has been KOed. Sometimes, Dugtrio won't have much use in a match. Feel; feel free to sack it in such matches. Use Memento if Dugtrio has trapped and KOed the opposing Pokemon that it was supposed to trap, giving a teammate a free switch and a chance to boost and sweep and a teammate can sweep if given a boost and a free switch.

Team Options

Pokemon that who are checked or countered by Heatran and Tyranitar are the best teammates for Dugtrio. Talonflame appreciates Dugtrio's ability to deal with them, as it loves those two weakenedor KOed and can easily sweep a team after they are KOed. It can also provide opportunities for Dugtrio to switch in with U-turn switch in oppurtunities for Dgtrio with U-turn. Serperior and Volcarona also like the removal of Heatran, (comma) as the former can then freely use Contrary Leaf Storm and the latter no longer has to use run Hidden Power Ground. Mega Sceptile, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Charizard Y also appreciate the removal of Heatran, as they no longer have to rely on Focus Blast to hit it. Defog or Rapid Spin support is mandatory if you are using Dugtrio, because entry hazards will prematurely break its Focus Sash. Latias and Latios are very good options, (comma) as they hugely appreciate the removal of Tyranitar and Heatran. Mandibuzz, Starmie, and Zapdos are also good options. Pokemon such as Landorus-T and Rotom-W can allow Dugtrio to switch in safely with their slow U-turn and Volt Switch, (comma) respectively. Setup sweepers such as Gyarados and Azumarill can take advantage of Memento to set up and sweep.

Other Options

Sucker Punch can be used to hit for hitting Gengar, Latios Laias, and Latias and to pick picking off faster weakened foes. However, it will not do much damage to anything else, as it is coming off of coming of Dugtrio's low Attack stat to anything else. Choice Band can be used for more power, and it works well with Pursuit to checkmate Pokemon such as Latios, Latias, and Gengar. Choice Band and Pursuit can be used together to checkmate Pokemon like the Lati twins and Gengar.

Checks & Counters

By definition, nothing counters Dugtrio if it is revenge killing opponents that can be foes that are trapped by Arena Trap, because counters need to switch in. However, it is possible to play around it, as a switch to Dugtrio is often quite obvious and a double switch to a check can often leave the Dugtrio user in a bad position.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Because Dugtrio lacks power, Due to its lack of power, physically bulky Pokemon that are not weak to Dugtrio's attacks, such as, Landorus-T, Gliscor, and Skarmory, (comma) can set up entry hazards on Dugtrio or outright KO it.

**Bulky Water-types**: Bulky Water-types, such as Slowbro, Suicune, Gyarados, and Rotom-W, (comma) can easily take any attack Dugtrio throws at them and can either set up or outright KO Dugtrio them.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types are resistant to Earthquake and can hit Dugtrio super effectively it super-effectively. Breloom can bypass Dugtrio's Focus Sash with Bullet Seed. Mega Venusaur KOes with Giga Drain and recovers HP in the process while recovering HP. Chesnaught can set up Spikes and Celebi can set up Nasty Plot or Swords Dance and pass the boosts to a teammate that can sweep your Dugtrio's team.

**Priority users**: Due to its pitiful bulk, Dugtrio is susceptible to every priority attack in OU. Talonflame, Scizor, and Azumarill can easily KO with their respective priority attacks. However, Talonflame should be wary of Stone Edge if Dugtrio's Focus Sash has not yet been broken.

**Entry Hazards**: Due to its reliance on Focus Sash, Dugtrio is hugely crippled by entry hazards, especially against offensive teams, as they can easily take advantage of Defog or Rapid Spin.
standard colors

Moreover, it faces competition from Gothitelle, which has more power, better coverage, and can trap a wider range of enemies,(RC) thanks to Shadow Tag.

Reversal becomes a 200 Base Power Fighting-type attack when Dugtrio is at 1 HP,(AC) and even outdamaging outdamages STAB Earthquake.
Stealth Rock provides huge team support to any kind of team by breaking Sturdy and Focus Sash as well as converting some 2HKOs to OHKOs.

Set Details
The nature boosts Speed at the cost of one of Dugtrio's unnecessary defenses.

Usage Tips
Dugtrio fits on teams that need to eliminate Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Heatran to open a sweep for another Pokemon on the team (already mentioned this).
Instead, Bbring Dugtrio in with slow Volt Switches and U-turns, through predicted double switches, or after a teammate has been KOed.
Sometimes, Dugtrio won't have much use in a match; feel free to sack sacrifice it in such matches.

Other Options
Sucker Punch can be used to hit Gengar, Latios, and Latias and to pick off faster weakened foes. However, it will not do much damage to anything else, as it is coming off of Dugtrio's low Attack stat to anything else.

Checks & Counters
By definition, nothing counters Dugtrio if it is revenge killing foes that are trapped by Arena Trap, because counters need to switch in.

gp 2/2, nicely done and great to have you back aman :]