The Great Library Trade Thread | Temporarily trading for Vivillons only

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KeldeoJustified said:
Monsoon and Continental
I would love both of these! Is there anyway I could request them with flawless spread and timid nature, in Premier Balls? Also, what would you be looking for in exchange?:D
Xado said:
Que ótimo, obrigada! No entanto, ainda não estou com os seus pokemons prontos (a Anorith está me atrasando um pouco :( ), mas te avisarei assim que estiver pronta para trocar... Desculpe pela demora!
Veinburst said:
Sure, that would be great, I'll be waiting for your reply! Let me know what you'd like to trade it for.:)
Sorry, I thought I had Marine since I live in Chile, but I actually have Taiga and I don't even know why D: My 3DS must have another country. I still could manage to breed a flawless Taiga one but I realised you already have one. :c
Sorry, I thought I had Marine since I live in Chile, but I actually have Taiga and I don't even know why D: My 3DS must have another country. I still could manage to breed a flawless Taiga one but I realised you already have one. :c
Ah, that's too bad... I do have someone taking care of trading me one, but I think I could really use two eggs! Is there anyway you could breed one a Premier Ball and trade as an egg?:D

Also, a little update on the thread:
So, I finally got my Alpha Sapphire! With that in mind, I'll close the shop for breeding requests until I beat the game - but I'll complete all the other trades and talk about all the offers made before this, don't worry. I'll leave this open, though, because I'll still be willing to trade some pokemon in exchange for the Vivillons I'm missing (I'm excited about this collection!), so, if you happen to have a Vivillon pattern that I'm looking for and I have something that interests you, don't be afraid to post/vm. I'm basically open for Vivillons only now for some time, haha.:D

Also, I'd like to add a new rule: I won't breed flawless 12,5% females for some time, now (I might make an exception if you happen to have the Latias or Reshiram I needed stated at the wants list in the first post). I'll still trade spitbaks of these, though.

I'll update this again in some time with a list of Vivillons that I have and a list of Vivillons I need to make things more organized. I'll also edit and put this list in the first page to make it easier to find.
Well, I bred a lot on dive balls lol but hmmm but I think I could do premier if you want. Is rage powder mandatory as EM though?
Ok, I should have it by tomorrow. :) EDIT: forgot I already traded for a Buneary! Would a Pineco or an Audino be fair to you?
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I have some extra female craindos. I would be interested in a perfect female HA gothita for one of the spitbacks but I would prefer it if it had a fourth egg move. Let me know if this would suit you. If not, not worries. :)
Veinburst said:
Pineco or Audino
Sure, I can breed any of the two! Let me know wich one you prefer.:D
Chill said:
Perfect Gothita
Oh, thanks a lot for replying! But I was actually thinking about 2-3 flawless breedables in exchange for a female HA spitback of a fossil pokemon... A 6IV female HA Gothita would be a little bit hard for me to get, unfortunately! The only one I have is the parent SkylarGreen traded me, but I'm not sure if his breedables are redistributable (and it wouldn't have my OT and ID), so I'm afraid I can't trade it... I'm very sorry, but thank you for the offer.D:
Sure, I can breed any of the two! Let me know wich one you prefer.:D

Oh, thanks a lot for replying! But I was actually thinking about 2-3 flawless breedables in exchange for a female HA spitback of a fossil pokemon... A 6IV female HA Gothita would be a little bit hard for me to get, unfortunately! The only one I have is the parent SkylarGreen traded me, but I'm not sure if his breedables are redistributable (and it wouldn't have my OT and ID), so I'm afraid I can't trade it... I'm very sorry, but thank you for the offer.D:
When I say perfect I don't meant 6IV. I mean 31/x/31/31/31/31. :p
Oooh sorry about that! D: lol
If that's the case, I can breed the Gothita! Wich egg move would you prefer as the fourth one?:)
Miracle Eye or Dark Pulse would be good. Whichever is easier for you. Also, since you offered 2-3 would it be possible to get a dream Trapinch as well? If you have time for it that would be great!
Miracle Eye or Dark Pulse would be good. Whichever is easier for you. Also, since you offered 2-3 would it be possible to get a dream Trapinch as well? If you have time for it that would be great!
Sure, no problem! I might take a little while since I'm working on a couple requests too, but I'll get them ready, don't worry.:)
And I finally got some time to update -
Here are the Vivillons I have or am looking for. Eggs moves aren't mandatory, but would be a nice addition! I'm looking foward to trade for these, so please, have a look around the thread and let me know if anything interests you in exchange for a Vivillon.:)

Vivillons I have
(with special thanks under each pattern to everybody that has traded/helped me with these. Thanks, guys!):

*Thank you very much, Lady Valkyrie!

*Thank you very much, Nelson_Tangela!

*Thank you very much, flargananddingle!

*Thank you very much, flargananddingle!

*Thank you very much, flargananddingle!

*Thank you very much, flargananddingle!

*Thank you very much, flargananddingle!
And Veinburst!

*Thank you very much, flargananddingle!


*Thank you very much, Xen!


*Thank you very much, Rodo!

Vivillons I'm looking for:


31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31

Also, there are a couple patterns that I really love and I'm looking for them in eggs (1-2 eggs):


31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31



31 xx 31 31 31 31
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If you're still looking for Modern Pattern Vivillon, I should still have a few Premier Ball eggs sitting in my AS save. They don't have egg moves though, if that matters?
If you're still looking for Modern Pattern Vivillon, I should still have a few Premier Ball eggs sitting in my AS save. They don't have egg moves though, if that matters?
No problem at all, I'd absolutely love a modern Vivillon egg! What would you like in exchange?:D
No problem at all, I'd absolutely love a modern Vivillon egg! What would you like in exchange?:D

Don't really need anything since I haven't had much interest in playing as of late. Maybe a credit if your thread uses a credit system, but otherwise it's no biggie.

I'll double-check my eggs when I get back home later tonight. iirc, I think one of the eggs was a 6 IV, but I do know I have a few that are 31/x/31/31/31/31
Don't really need anything since I haven't had much interest in playing as of late. Maybe a credit if your thread uses a credit system, but otherwise it's no biggie.

I'll double-check my eggs when I get back home later tonight. iirc, I think one of the eggs was a 6 IV, but I do know I have a few that are 31/x/31/31/31/31
Are you sure? The only reason I don't really use a credit system is because I think it's hard to keep track of, but I'll make an exception and get you a credit, it's a special case.:D
You can claim it any time. And I'd be very happy with a 31 xx 31 31 31 31 egg!
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Are you sure? The only reason I don't really use a credit system is because I think it's hard to keep track of, but I'll make an exception and get you a credit, it's a special case.:D
You can claim it any time. And I'd be very happy with a 31 xx 31 31 31 31 egg!

Sounds good. I should be free sometime tomorrow in the afternoon, most likely around 9 PM, if that works with you?

I also checked and I do have a 6 IV female bug. I already forgot the ESV of the egg though. I'll have to make a note of that later on, if you care about that?
Sounds good. I should be free sometime tomorrow in the afternoon, most likely around 9 PM, if that works with you?

I also checked and I do have a 6 IV female bug. I already forgot the ESV of the egg though. I'll have to make a note of that later on, if you care about that?
No problem at all, I can find out the ESV later! No need to worry about it. Thanks a lot.:D
May I ask your time zone, so I can calculate at what time 9pm would be for me?
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