UU Tornadus

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Tornadus has a nice base 111 Speed, outspeeding Pokemon that sit at the base 110 Speed tier, such as Froslass. Tornadus also has two amazing abilities: Defiant to deter Defoggers and Prankster to give priority to its status moves. Its movepool complements its abilities, as it has access to excellent support moves such as Taunt, Tailwind, and Rain Dance alongside a great offensive movepool including Acrobatics, Hurricane, Knock Off, Superpower, and Focus Blast.

However, Tornadus has to be very careful due to its below average 79 / 70 / 80 bulk. It also has a crippling Stealth Rock weakness, meaning it must have partners that can clear entry hazards easily. Tornadus is also outsped by a lot of Pokemon in UU, such as Mega Beedrill and Crobat, who can proceed to U-turn out, or Mega Aerodactyl, who OHKOs it with a super effective STAB.

Robin Williams
name: Robin Williams
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Rest
move 4: Knock Off / Sleep Talk
ability: Prankster
item: Chesto Berry
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Prankster allows Tornadus to have a priority setup move in Bulk Up, which boosts its Attack and Defense stats. Acrobatics is a STAB move that hits very hard with no item. Rest is a great recovery move that gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster, ridding Tornadus of status while fully restoring its health. The last slot is dependent on whether you want coverage or reliability while asleep. Knock Off allows Tornadus to hit a ton of Pokemon that resist Acrobatics while also making them lose their item. Sleep Talk not only allows Tornadus to not only Rest multiple times, but also grants it a priority Acrobatics.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as possible. Chesto Berry guarantees a one-time wake-up from Rest, whereas running no item allows Tornadus's Acrobatics to hit harder initially. A Jolly nature is necessary to outspeed base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Froslass and other Pokemon below that Speed tier, such as Infernape and Mienshao.

Usage Tips

This set is used best as a late-game cleaner or win condition once walls are broken down and Steel-, Electric-, and Rock-types are out of the way. This set also capitalizes on Tornadus's amazing ability in Prankster, which gives it access to priority recovery, priority setup, and even priority attacking via Sleep Talk.

Team Options

Spikes support is necessary, as Steel-types, which resist Tornadus's STAB moves, are usually grounded and resist Stealth Rock. Froslass is a good partner, as it can easily spinblock while setting Spikes up. Another good partner is Custap Berry lead Forretress, as it can not only set up Spikes, but can also set up Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, pressuring the opponent to find an answer to Tornadus quickly. Wallbreakers, such as Choice Band Heracross, can provide excellent support as they can easily wear down the walls that can continuously annoy Tornadus, such as Mega Aggron. Entry hazard clearing in the form of Defog or Rapid Spin is greatly appreciated, as Tornadus is weak to Stealth Rock, so it has a limited number of switches. Mega Blastoise is a great partner, as it can spin away entry hazards while also functioning as a wallbreaker.

name: Defiance
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Superpower
move 4: U-turn
ability: Defiant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Acrobatics is a STAB move and hits hard because Tornadus is carrying no item. Knock Off removes the foe's item while also hitting bulky Psychic-types that might want to switch into Tornadus. Superpower is used to get past the Steel-types that might try to switch into Acrobatics. U-turn allows Tornadus to keep up momentum while wearing down the opponent's team.

Set Details

No item is used so that Acrobatics hits as hard as it can, while Defiant is used to not only boost Tornadus's Attack stat by two stages, but also to punish Defog users. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are used so Tornadus can hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Jolly nature is necessary, as an Adamant Tornadus is outsped by common Pokemon such as Mienshao and Infernape.

Usage Tips

This set should be used on a more offensively oriented team as a part of a VoltTurn core, as it has a nice base 111 Speed and access to U-turn. This set can also be brought in at any point in the game; in the early- or mid-game it can spam U-turn to gain momentum, while late-game it can use its coverage moves to clean up. This set also has more coverage than the Bulk Up set and as such can take on a lot more Pokemon that might switch into Tornadus.

Team Options

This set appreciates Pokemon that have access to Volt Switch, such as Mega Ampharos, Jolteon, and Heliolisk, as they form a VoltTurn core, gathering momentum for the team while chipping away at the opponent's Pokemon. This set also likes wallbreakers, as it is a nice late-game cleaner. Pokemon such as Life Orb Kyurem and Choice Specs Chandelure are great partners, as they wear down the bulky Steel-types that tend to wall Tornadus. This set loves entry hazards being off the field, as it has no recovery and is worn down very easily by Stealth Rock. Forretress and Empoleon make for great partners, as both can easily get rid of entry hazards while setting hazards of their own.

Life Orb
name: Life Orb
move 1: Hurricane / Air Slash
move 2: Heat Wave / Focus Blast
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Hurricane is the STAB move of choice, hitting very hard coming off Tornadus's base 125 Special Attack stat. Air Slash can be used if Hurricane's accuracy is a problem. Heat Wave is a nice coverage move, nailing the Steel-types that tend to switch into Tornadus to tank its STAB moves. Focus Blast can be used instead, as it gives similar coverage and hits more targets overall. Grass Knot allows Tornadus to hit bulky Water- and Ground-types. Taunt is preferred in the last slot so Tornadus doesn't get set up on and can prevent entry hazards from being set up as well. U-turn can be used to grab momentum against Pokemon Tornadus cannot hope to break through with its coverage moves, such as Rotom-H.

Set Details

This set takes a different approach from the first two, as it takes advantage of Tornadus's amazing base 125 Special Attack stat. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Life Orb is used to further bolster Tornadus's power. A Timid nature is preferred to outspeed everything at base 110 Speed and below. The ability doesn't matter much with this set, but Prankster is nice if you are running Taunt, giving it +1 priority, while Defiant really has no use unless you want the possibility of a boosted U-turn.

Usage Tips

This set can be used as a solid special attacker that can also prevent status moves from being used or pivot via U-turn. This set can also surprise some of Tornadus's checks, as it carries different coverage moves. For example, Mega Aggron, a Pokemon that tends to check Tornadus, is 2HKOed by a Life Orb-boosted Heat Wave.

Team Options

This set appreciates entry hazard support to guarantee certain 2HKOs and OHKOs. Forretress is a great partner, as it has access to Stealth Rock and Spikes while also being able to spin entry hazards away, allowing Tornadus to switch in more often. This set might surprise some of Tornadus's normal checks and counters, but once the set is revealed, special walls become a problem. Heracross is a good partner, as it can reliably break the special walls in UU without being worried about status thanks to Guts.

Utility Support
name: Utility Support
move 1: Rain Dance / Tailwind
move 2: Taunt
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Sky Plate
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Thanks to Tornadus's Prankster ability, it is able to set up Rain Dance multiple times throughout the match, giving rain teams a reliable setter. Tailwind can be used instead, benefiting a lot of Pokemon that have an average Speed tier, such as Haxorus, Heracross, and Chandelure. Taunt allows Tornadus to beat out other leads while it sets up rain or Tailwind. U-turn is used as a way for Tornadus to switch out quickly and allow its teammates to make the most of the rain or Tailwind turns. Hurricane hits hard and has a chance to confuse the foe, albeit with 70% accuracy if not used in conjunction with Rain Dance. Air Slash is a possibility in conjunction with Tailwind if Hurricane's lack of accuracy bothers you.

Set Details

This set aims to help the team through Tornadus's support moves and ability. Rain Dance, Tailwind, and Taunt all gain priority thanks to Prankster, allowing Tornadus to set up and then switch out. Prankster also allows Tornadus to set up Rain Dance or Tailwind even when it is crippled or weakened. Damp Rock is used in conjunction with Rain Dance to extend the duration of the rain to eight turns. Sky Plate is the item of choice in conjunction with Tailwind to give Tornadus a more powerful Hurricane. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used, allowing Tornadus to not be setup bait and to be as fast as it can, outspeeding base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Froslass. A Timid nature is preferred so that Tornadus can outspeed positive-natured base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Froslass and anything slower.

Usage Tips

With Rain Dance, Tornadus is a staple on any rain team, as it has an abusable STAB move that gains 100% accuracy under the rain and Prankster to make sure rain can be set up consistently. Tailwind variants are great on bulky offense teams, allowing the team's Pokemon to overpower the opponent's team even if they carry faster Pokemon. Try to bring in Tornadus on a resisted hit or after a teammate has fainted, as it is pretty frail and does not like taking hits.

Team Options

Mega Swampert is an amazing partner, as it not only tanks Ice-, Electric-, and Rock-type moves for Tornadus, but it also benefits from the rain, gaining a Speed boost thanks to Swift Swim and hitting hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and good coverage. Pokemon that aren't the fastest in UU, such as Chandelure, Haxorus, and Heracross, all benefit from Tailwind support. With Tailwind, these Pokemon become even bigger threats, as they can outspeed a lot of would-be checks and counters.

Other Options

Choice Scarf is an option for Tornadus, as it has access to U-turn and an easily spammable STAB move. Choice Specs is another option, boosting Tornadus's Special Attack further. However, Tornadus doesn't learn Trick or Switcheroo to cripple walls, meaning it has to deal with being locked into one move, and it enjoys switching between its moves to surprise checks and counters.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Mega Aggron and Empoleon can take Tornadus's STAB moves and, in Mega Aggron's case, anything else Tornadus has to offer. Even Life Orb Tornadus has to nail Mega Aggron on the switch to make sure it faints before it KOes Tornadus with Heavy Slam.

**Electric-types**: Jolteon outspeeds Tornadus and KOes it with a Life Orb-boosted Thunderbolt, while Eelektross and Magneton have enough bulk to tank hits and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt.

**Mega Aerodactyl**: Mega Aerodactyl can take any hit Tornadus has to throw at it, Roost off the damage, and proceed to outspeed and OHKO it with Stone Edge.

**Special Walls**: While the special set might surprise the previous checks and counters, special walls such as Blissey and Florges can take special Tornadus on with ease, although Tornadus can force them to switch out due to its access to Taunt.
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Rain support set with damp rock needs to be in there, because it's a staple on rain teams.

It definitely has hurricane + rain dance, but i don't even know what the last 2 moves are
I'd put Scarf in OO as it does get U-turn and outspeeds every other relevant scarfer atm anyway and from my playing experience with it can be pretty decent. Mega Aero should probably get a specific mention in C&C as it can come in on every listed Torn set and Roost off any damage Torn dealt to it and just KO afterwards. Probably put Focus Blast in OO, mention it can be used over heat wave in the LO set, or you could just put in as a slash there, I use it mainly for Aero switching in and the coverage is pretty similar.
I'd put Scarf in OO as it does get U-turn and outspeeds every other relevant scarfer atm anyway and from my playing experience with it can be pretty decent. Mega Aero should probably get a specific mention in C&C as it can come in on every listed Torn set and Roost off any damage Torn dealt to it and just KO afterwards. Probably put Focus Blast in OO, mention it can be used over heat wave in the LO set, or you could just put in as a slash there, I use it mainly for Aero switching in and the coverage is pretty similar.

Thanks I added the Scarf + Focus Blast thing to OO and put Mega Aero in C&C :)
Nice job with this so far :}

Instead of Other Options, Focus Blast should actually be slashed after Heat Wave on the LO set as it allows you to do more damage to Mega Aggron, Empoleon, Umbreon, even Blissey. Heat Wave is a more accurate option for Mega Aggron and Forretress, but Focus Blast definitely hits more targets overall.

Defiant is used to block Defog easily and gain an easy +2 Attack boost, allowing Tornadus to hit even harder and punish Defoggers.
Defiant doesn't actually block Defog, so this should just say "Defiant is used to punish Defog users and gain a +2 Attack boost"

Tornadus doesn't really have the bulk and longevity to pull off Leftovers in its Tailwind set, so I'd stick to Sky Plate to get that Hurricane boost.

Lemme know when you've implemented these and I'll edit this post. Edit: QC 1/3
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Nice job with this so far :}

Instead of Other Options, Focus Blast should actually be slashed after Heat Wave on the LO set as it allows you to do more damage to Mega Aggron, Empoleon, Umbreon, even Blissey. Heat Wave is a more accurate option for Mega Aggron and Forretress, but Focus Blast definitely hits more targets overall.

Defiant doesn't actually block Defog, so this should just say "Defiant is used to punish Defog users and gain a +2 Attack boost"

Tornadus doesn't really have the bulk and longevity to pull off Leftovers in its Tailwind set, so I'd stick to Sky Plate to get that Hurricane boost.

Lemme know when you've implemented these and I'll edit this post.

Implemented, dodmen :)

EDIT: 250th Post!!!
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Ok sorry this took so long but it is written up and ready for its last QC check :)
On the LO set, make sure to slash in Defiant because Prankster is useless if you opt for U-Turn>Taunt.
Actually, a better way to do it on that set would be to remove the Ability tag altogether because you even said that the ability doesn't matter that much with the set, and you are able to not list one if they are both viable options.
On the LO set, make sure to slash in Defiant because Prankster is useless if you opt for U-Turn>Taunt.
Actually, a better way to do it on that set would be to remove the Ability tag altogether because you even said that the ability doesn't matter that much with the set, and you are able to not list one if they are both viable options.

Ok I kept the Ability tag but just put "N/A" since the ability truly doesn't matter as I stated.
Lol, why would you put N/A? I was under the impression it meant "not available" (although I might be wrong). You're better off not putting the ability tag altogether and then mentioning both in Set Details.
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Lol, why would you put N/A? I was under the impression it meant "not available" (although I might be wrong). You're better off not putting the ability tag altogether and then mentioning both in Set Details.

Ok it is fixed :)
Add special walls to Checks and Counters. They can deal with Special sets decently.

Mentioned and also added that while Special sets are hard walled by special walls such as Blissey and Florges, Tornadus can run Taunt on the Life Orb set to force these Pokemon to either switch or allow Tornadus's teammates to set up on these Pokemon.
Mentioned and also added that while Special sets are hard walled by special walls such as Blissey and Florges, Tornadus can run Taunt on the Life Orb set to force these Pokemon to either switch or allow Tornadus's teammates to set up on these Pokemon.

That's exactly why I said decently and not "they hard counter Torn" :o

QC 3/3
Capitalise/capital -> lower case



Tornadus is an underrated threat in the UU metagame. It has a nice base 111 Speed, trolling outspeeding Pokemon that sit at the base 110 Speed tier, such as Froslass. Tornadus also has two amazing abilities; Defiant to deter Defoggers and Prankster to give priority to its status moves. Its movepool complements it abilities, (AC) as it has excellent support moves such as Taunt, Tailwind, and Rain Dance, (RC) alongside a great offensive movepool consisting of including ("consisting of" sounds like it gets no other offensive options than the stuff listed) Acrobatics, Hurricane, Knock Off, Superpower, and Focus Blast.

While However, Tornadus may have an amazing movepool backed by two abilities that complement said movepool, it (more or less already been stated) has to be very careful due to its below average 79 / 70 / 80 bulk. It also has a crippling Stealth Rock weakness, (AC) meaning it must have partners who that can clear hazards easily. Tornadus is also commonly outsped by a lot of Pokemon in UU, such as Mega Beedrill, Crobat, and Mega Aerodactyl, all of which can proceed to U-turn out or proceed to OHKO Torn it with a super effective STAB move.

Robin Williams
name: Robin Williams
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Rest
move 4: Knock Off / Sleep Talk
ability: Prankster
item: Chesto Berry / (itemless) None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Bulk Up is the goal of this set. Prankster allows Tornadus to have a priority set(remove space)up move in Bulk Up, which boostings its Attack and Defense stats. Acrobatics is the obligatory a STAB move and it that hits very hard with no item. Rest is a great recovery move that gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster, ridding Tornadus of status along with while fully restoring its health. It also gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster. The last slot is dependent on if you want coverage or reliability while asleep. Knock Off allows Tornadus to hit a ton of Pokemon that resist Acrobatics while also making them lose their item. Sleep Talk allows Tornadus to not only Rest multiple times, but also grants a priority Acrobatics.

Set Details

This set takes advantage of Tornadus's ability in Prankster to boost fast and hit hard thanks to a base 110 STAB move. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as possible. Chesto Berry guarantees a one-(add hyphen)time wake-up from Rest, (AC) whereas running no item allows Tornadus to hit harder initially. A Jolly nature is necessary to outspeed base 110s such as Froslass and other Pokemon below that Speed tier such as Infernape, (RC) and Mienshao, etc.

Usage Tips

This set is used better best as a late-game cleaner or win condition once walls are broken down and the Steel-, Electric-, and Rock-types are out of the way. This set also capitalizes on Tornadus's amazing ability in Prankster, allowing it to have access to priority recovery, priority set(remove space)up, and even priority attacking in the form of via Sleep Talk.

Team Options

Spikes support is necessary, (AC) as the main type that walls Tornadus's STAB move, Steel-types, which resist Tornadus's STAB moves, are all grounded and resist Stealth Rock. Froslass is a good partner, (AC) as it can easily spinblock while setting Spikes up. Another good partner is Custap Lead Forretress, (AC) as it can not only set up Spikes, but can also set up Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, pressuring the opponent to find an answer to Tornadus quickly. Wallbreakers, such as Choice Band Heracross, can provide excellent support as they can easily wear down the walls that can continuously annoy Tornadus, such as Mega Aggron. Entry hazard clearing in the form of Defog or Rapid Spin is greatly appreciated, (AC) as Tornadus is weak to Stealth Rock, so it has a limited number of switch-ines in. Mega Blastoise is a great partner, (AC) as it can spin away entry hazards while also functioning as a wallbreaker.

name: Defiance
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Superpower
move 4: U-turn
ability: Defiant
item: (itemless) None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Acrobatics is the main a STAB move and hits harder since Tornadus is carrying no item. Flying-type is an easily spammable STAB type as well. Knock Off is next, makinges the opponent's Pokemon lose their item while also hitting bulky Psychic-types that may might wanna want to switch into Tornadus. Superpower is used to get past the Steel-types that may might try to switch into Tornadus's STAB move Acrobatics. U-turn allows Tornadus to keep up momentum while wearing down the opponent's team.

Set Details

No item is used so that Tornadus's STAB move, Acrobatics, (RC) hits as hard as it can, (AC) while Defiant is used to not only boost Tornadus's Attack stat by 2 stages, but to also to punish Defog users. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are used so Tornadus can hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Jolly nature is necessary, (AC) as an Adamant Tornadus is outsped by common UU Pokemon, such as Mienshao, (RC) and Infernape, etc.

Usage Tips

This set should be used on a more offensively oriented team as a part of a VoltTurn core, (AC) as it has a nice base 111 Speed and has access to U-turn. This set can also be brought in throughout the whole at any point in the game, (AC) as early- to or mid-game it can spam U-tturn to gain momentum, (AC) while late-game it can use its coverage moves to clean up. This set also has more coverage than the previous set and as such can take on a lot more Pokemon that may might switch into Tornadus.

Team Options

This set appreciates Pokemon that have access to Volt Switch such as Mega Ampharos, Jolteon, and Heliolisk, as it forms the infamous a VoltTurn core, gathering momentum for the team while chipping away at the opponent's Pokemon. This set also likes wallbreakers as it is a nice late game cleaner. Pokemon such as Life Orb Kyurem and Choice Specs Chandelure are great partners, (AC) as they wear down the bulky Steel-types that tend to wall Tornadus. This set loves entry hazards being off the field, (AC) as Tornadus has no recovery on this set it has no recovery and it is worn down very easily by Stealth Rock. Forretress or Empoleon make great partners, (AC) as both can easily get rid of hazards while setting hazards of their own.

Life Orb
name: Life Orb
move 1: Hurricane / Air Slash
move 2: Heat Wave / Focus Blast
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Hurricane is the STAB move of choice, hitting very hard coming off a base 125 Special Attack stat. Air Slash can be used if Hurricane's accuracy is a problem. Heat Wave is a nice coverage move, nailing the Steel-types that tend to switch into Tornadus to tank its STAB moves. Focus Blast can be used instead, (AC) as it gives similar coverage and hits more targets overall. Grass Knot allows Tornadus to hit bulky Water- and Ground-types. Taunt is preferred so Tornadus doesn't get set up on or to and can prevent entry hazards from being put set up as well. U-turn can be used instead to grab momentum on against Pokemon Tornadus cannot hope to break through with its coverage moves, such as Rotom-H.

Set Details

This set takes a different approach from the first two, (AC) as it takes advantage of Tornadus's beautiful (change for a different adjective) base 125 Special Attack stat. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Life Orb is used to further bolster Tornadus's power and allows Tornadus to switch between its moves (this bit would be necessary if LO was being compared to Choice Specs, but it's not). A Timid nature is preferred to outspeed everything at base 110 Speed and below. The ability doesn't matter much with this set, but Prankster is nice if you are running Taunt since Taunt it gains +1 priority, (AC) while Defiant really has no use unless you want the possibility of a boosted U-turn if you choose to do so.

Usage Tips

This set can be used as a solid special attacker while being able to that can also prevent status moves from being used or pivot via U-turn. This set can also surprise some of Tornadus's checks, (AC) as this set it carries different coverage moves. For example, Mega Aggron, a Pokemon that tends to check Tornadus in general, is 2HKOed by a Life Orb-(add hyphen)boosted Heat Wave.

Team Options

This set appreciates entry hazards support to guarantee some certain 2HKOs / and OHKOs. (if there's any particularly notable 2HKOs/OHKOs assisted by hazards then mention them) Forretress is a great partner, (AC) as it has access to Stealth Rock and Spikes while also being able to spin hazards away, allowing Tornadus to switch in more often. This set may might surprise the some of Tornadus's normal checks and counters, but once the set is revealed, special walls become a problem. Heracross is a good partner as thanks to Guts, Heracross can reliably break the special walls in UU without being worried about status.

Utility Support
name: Utility Support
move 1: Rain Dance / Tailwind
move 2: Taunt
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Sky Plate
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Rain Dance is first as, Thanks to Tornadus's Prankster ability, it is able to set it up Rain Dance multiple times throughout the match, (AC) giving rain teams a reliable setter. Tailwind can be used instead, benefiting a lot of Pokemon that have an ok (IMO change this adjective to something like "decent" or "average") Speed tier, such as Haxorus, Heracross, and Chandelure. Taunt is next, allowings Tornadus to beat out other leads while it sets up rain or Tailwind. U-turn is used as a way for Tornadus to get switch out of there quickly and to allow the its teammates to make the most of the rain or Tailwind turns. Hurricane is a decent STAB (if it wasn't decent it wouldn't be on the set), giving a chance for confusion hax and it hits hard and has a chance to confuse the foe, (AC) albeit with 70% accuracy if not used in conjunction with Rain Dance. (switched the ordering around here because Hurricane's primary purpose is to damage as opposed to confusing the foe) Air Slash is a possibility in conjunction with Tailwind if the Hurricane's lack of accuracy bothers you.

Set Details

This set aims to help the team through Tornadus's awesome "setup" support moves and its Prankster ability. Rain Dance, Tailwind, and Taunt all gain priority thanks to Prankster, allowing Tornadus to set up and then switch out. Prankster also allows Tornadus to have a "dying wish" by allowing it to set up Rain Dance or Tailwind even when it is crippled or weakened. Damp Rock is used in conjunction with Rain Dance to extend the duration of the rain to 8 eight turns. Sky Plate is the item of choice in conjunction with Tailwind to give Tornadus a more powerful Hurricane. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used, allowing Tornadus to not be setup bait and to be as fast as it can, outspeeding base 110s such as Froslass. (could mention nature in here)

Usage Tips

The With Rain Dance, (AC) Tornadus variant is a staple on any rain team, (AC) as it has an abusable STAB move that gains 100% accuracy under the rain and it has Prankster to make sure rain can be set up consistently. The Tailwind variants are great on bulky offense teams, allowing the team's Pokemon to overpower the opponent's team if they carry faster Pokemon. Try to bring in Tornadus on a resisted hit or when a Pokemon dies after a teammate has fainted, (AC) as it is pretty frail and does not like taking hits.

Team Options

Mega Swampert is an amazing partner, (AC) as it not only tanks Ice-, Electric-, and Rock-type moves for Tornadus, (AC) but it also benefits from the rain, gaining a Speed boost thanks to Swift Swim and hitting hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and good coverage. It also hits hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and nice coverage. Pokemon that aren't the fastest in UU, such as Chandelure, Haxorus, and Heracross, all benefit from Tailwind support. With Tailwind, these Pokemon become even bigger threats, (AC) as, under Tailwind, they now can outspeed a lot of would-be checks and counters.

Other Options

Choice Scarf is an option for Tornadus, (AC) as it has access to U-turn and has an easily spammable STAB move. Unfortunately, Tornadus does not like being locked into one move. Choice Specs is another option,; (comma -> semicolon) however, (AC) Tornadus doesn't learn Trick or Switcheroo to cripple walls, (AC) meaning it still has to deal with being locked into one move, and it enjoys switching between its moves to surprise checks and counters.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Mega Aggron and Empoleon can take Tornadus's STAB moves and, in Mega Aggron's case, anything else Tornadus has to offer. Even Life Orb Tornadus has to nail it Mega Aggron on the switch to make sure Mega Aggron it dies before it KOes Tornadus dies to a with Heavy Slam.

**Electric-types**: Jolteon outspeeds Tornadus and kills KOes it with a Life Orb-boosted Thunderbolt, (AC) while Eelektross or and Magneton have enough bulk to tank hits and hit back with a super(space)effective Thunderbolt.

**Mega Aerodactyl**: Mega Aerodactyl can take any hit Tornadus has to throw at it, Roost off the damage, and proceed to outspeed and OHKO it with Stone Edge.

**Special Walls**: While the special set may might surprise the previous checks and counters, special walls such as Blissey and Florges can take special Tornadus on with ease, although Tornadus can force them to switch out due to its access to Taunt.

GP 1/2 :)
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Capitalise/capital -> lower case



Tornadus is an underrated threat in the UU metagame. It has a nice base 111 Speed, trolling outspeeding Pokemon that sit at the base 110 Speed tier, such as Froslass. Tornadus also has two amazing abilities; Defiant to deter Defoggers and Prankster to give priority to its status moves. Its movepool complements it abilities, (AC) as it has excellent support moves such as Taunt, Tailwind, and Rain Dance, (RC) alongside a great offensive movepool consisting of including ("consisting of" sounds like it gets no other offensive options than the stuff listed) Acrobatics, Hurricane, Knock Off, Superpower, and Focus Blast.

While However, Tornadus may have an amazing movepool backed by two abilities that complement said movepool, it (more or less already been stated) has to be very careful due to its below average 79 / 70 / 80 bulk. It also has a crippling Stealth Rock weakness, (AC) meaning it must have partners who that can clear hazards easily. Tornadus is also commonly outsped by a lot of Pokemon in UU, such as Mega Beedrill, Crobat, and Mega Aerodactyl, all of which can proceed to U-turn out or proceed to OHKO Torn it with a super effective STAB move.

Robin Williams
name: Robin Williams
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Rest
move 4: Knock Off / Sleep Talk
ability: Prankster
item: Chesto Berry / (itemless) None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Bulk Up is the goal of this set. Prankster allows Tornadus to have a priority set(remove space)up move in Bulk Up, which boostings its Attack and Defense stats. Acrobatics is the obligatory a STAB move and it that hits very hard with no item. Rest is a great recovery move that gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster, ridding Tornadus of status along with while fully restoring its health. It also gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster. The last slot is dependent on if you want coverage or reliability while asleep. Knock Off allows Tornadus to hit a ton of Pokemon that resist Acrobatics while also making them lose their item. Sleep Talk allows Tornadus to not only Rest multiple times, but also grants a priority Acrobatics.

Set Details

This set takes advantage of Tornadus's ability in Prankster to boost fast and hit hard thanks to a base 110 STAB move. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as possible. Chesto Berry guarantees a one-(add hyphen)time wake-up from Rest, (AC) whereas running no item allows Tornadus to hit harder initially. A Jolly nature is necessary to outspeed base 110s such as Froslass and other Pokemon below that Speed tier such as Infernape, (RC) and Mienshao, etc.

Usage Tips

This set is used better best as a late-game cleaner or win condition once walls are broken down and the Steel-, Electric-, and Rock-types are out of the way. This set also capitalizes on Tornadus's amazing ability in Prankster, allowing it to have access to priority recovery, priority set(remove space)up, and even priority attacking in the form of via Sleep Talk.

Team Options

Spikes support is necessary, (AC) as the main type that walls Tornadus's STAB move, Steel-types, which resist Tornadus's STAB moves, are all grounded and resist Stealth Rock. Froslass is a good partner, (AC) as it can easily spinblock while setting Spikes up. Another good partner is Custap Lead Forretress, (AC) as it can not only set up Spikes, but can also set up Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, pressuring the opponent to find an answer to Tornadus quickly. Wallbreakers, such as Choice Band Heracross, can provide excellent support as they can easily wear down the walls that can continuously annoy Tornadus, such as Mega Aggron. Entry hazard clearing in the form of Defog or Rapid Spin is greatly appreciated, (AC) as Tornadus is weak to Stealth Rock, so it has a limited number of switch-ines in. Mega Blastoise is a great partner, (AC) as it can spin away entry hazards while also functioning as a wallbreaker.

name: Defiance
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Superpower
move 4: U-turn
ability: Defiant
item: (itemless) None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Acrobatics is the main a STAB move and hits harder since Tornadus is carrying no item. Flying-type is an easily spammable STAB type as well. Knock Off is next, makinges the opponent's Pokemon lose their item while also hitting bulky Psychic-types that may might wanna want to switch into Tornadus. Superpower is used to get past the Steel-types that may might try to switch into Tornadus's STAB move Acrobatics. U-turn allows Tornadus to keep up momentum while wearing down the opponent's team.

Set Details

No item is used so that Tornadus's STAB move, Acrobatics, (RC) hits as hard as it can, (AC) while Defiant is used to not only boost Tornadus's Attack stat by 2 stages, but to also to punish Defog users. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are used so Tornadus can hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Jolly nature is necessary, (AC) as an Adamant Tornadus is outsped by common UU Pokemon, such as Mienshao, (RC) and Infernape, etc.

Usage Tips

This set should be used on a more offensively oriented team as a part of a VoltTurn core, (AC) as it has a nice base 111 Speed and has access to U-turn. This set can also be brought in throughout the whole at any point in the game, (AC) as early- to or mid-game it can spam U-tturn to gain momentum, (AC) while late-game it can use its coverage moves to clean up. This set also has more coverage than the previous set and as such can take on a lot more Pokemon that may might switch into Tornadus.

Team Options

This set appreciates Pokemon that have access to Volt Switch such as Mega Ampharos, Jolteon, and Heliolisk, as it forms the infamous a VoltTurn core, gathering momentum for the team while chipping away at the opponent's Pokemon. This set also likes wallbreakers as it is a nice late game cleaner. Pokemon such as Life Orb Kyurem and Choice Specs Chandelure are great partners, (AC) as they wear down the bulky Steel-types that tend to wall Tornadus. This set loves entry hazards being off the field, (AC) as Tornadus has no recovery on this set it has no recovery and it is worn down very easily by Stealth Rock. Forretress or Empoleon make great partners, (AC) as both can easily get rid of hazards while setting hazards of their own.

Life Orb
name: Life Orb
move 1: Hurricane / Air Slash
move 2: Heat Wave / Focus Blast
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Hurricane is the STAB move of choice, hitting very hard coming off a base 125 Special Attack stat. Air Slash can be used if Hurricane's accuracy is a problem. Heat Wave is a nice coverage move, nailing the Steel-types that tend to switch into Tornadus to tank its STAB moves. Focus Blast can be used instead, (AC) as it gives similar coverage and hits more targets overall. Grass Knot allows Tornadus to hit bulky Water- and Ground-types. Taunt is preferred so Tornadus doesn't get set up on or to and can prevent entry hazards from being put set up as well. U-turn can be used instead to grab momentum on against Pokemon Tornadus cannot hope to break through with its coverage moves, such as Rotom-H.

Set Details

This set takes a different approach from the first two, (AC) as it takes advantage of Tornadus's beautiful (change for a different adjective) base 125 Special Attack stat. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Life Orb is used to further bolster Tornadus's power and allows Tornadus to switch between its moves (this bit would be necessary if LO was being compared to Choice Specs, but it's not). A Timid nature is preferred to outspeed everything at base 110 Speed and below. The ability doesn't matter much with this set, but Prankster is nice if you are running Taunt since Taunt it gains +1 priority, (AC) while Defiant really has no use unless you want the possibility of a boosted U-turn if you choose to do so.

Usage Tips

This set can be used as a solid special attacker while being able to that can also prevent status moves from being used or pivot via U-turn. This set can also surprise some of Tornadus's checks, (AC) as this set it carries different coverage moves. For example, Mega Aggron, a Pokemon that tends to check Tornadus in general, is 2HKOed by a Life Orb-(add hyphen)boosted Heat Wave.

Team Options

This set appreciates entry hazards support to guarantee some certain 2HKOs / and OHKOs. (if there's any particularly notable 2HKOs/OHKOs assisted by hazards then mention them) Forretress is a great partner, (AC) as it has access to Stealth Rock and Spikes while also being able to spin hazards away, allowing Tornadus to switch in more often. This set may might surprise the some of Tornadus's normal checks and counters, but once the set is revealed, special walls become a problem. Heracross is a good partner as thanks to Guts, Heracross can reliably break the special walls in UU without being worried about status.

Utility Support
name: Utility Support
move 1: Rain Dance / Tailwind
move 2: Taunt
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Sky Plate
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Rain Dance is first as, Thanks to Tornadus's Prankster ability, it is able to set it up Rain Dance multiple times throughout the match, (AC) giving rain teams a reliable setter. Tailwind can be used instead, benefiting a lot of Pokemon that have an ok (IMO change this adjective to something like "decent" or "average") Speed tier, such as Haxorus, Heracross, and Chandelure. Taunt is next, allowings Tornadus to beat out other leads while it sets up rain or Tailwind. U-turn is used as a way for Tornadus to get switch out of there quickly and to allow the its teammates to make the most of the rain or Tailwind turns. Hurricane is a decent STAB (if it wasn't decent it wouldn't be on the set), giving a chance for confusion hax and it hits hard and has a chance to confuse the foe, (AC) albeit with 70% accuracy if not used in conjunction with Rain Dance. (switched the ordering around here because Hurricane's primary purpose is to damage as opposed to confusing the foe) Air Slash is a possibility in conjunction with Tailwind if the Hurricane's lack of accuracy bothers you.

Set Details

This set aims to help the team through Tornadus's awesome "setup" support moves and its Prankster ability. Rain Dance, Tailwind, and Taunt all gain priority thanks to Prankster, allowing Tornadus to set up and then switch out. Prankster also allows Tornadus to have a "dying wish" by allowing it to set up Rain Dance or Tailwind even when it is crippled or weakened. Damp Rock is used in conjunction with Rain Dance to extend the duration of the rain to 8 eight turns. Sky Plate is the item of choice in conjunction with Tailwind to give Tornadus a more powerful Hurricane. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used, allowing Tornadus to not be setup bait and to be as fast as it can, outspeeding base 110s such as Froslass. (could mention nature in here)

Usage Tips

The With Rain Dance, (AC) Tornadus variant is a staple on any rain team, (AC) as it has an abusable STAB move that gains 100% accuracy under the rain and it has Prankster to make sure rain can be set up consistently. The Tailwind variants are great on bulky offense teams, allowing the team's Pokemon to overpower the opponent's team if they carry faster Pokemon. Try to bring in Tornadus on a resisted hit or when a Pokemon dies after a teammate has fainted, (AC) as it is pretty frail and does not like taking hits.

Team Options

Mega Swampert is an amazing partner, (AC) as it not only tanks Ice-, Electric-, and Rock-type moves for Tornadus, (AC) but it also benefits from the rain, gaining a Speed boost thanks to Swift Swim and hitting hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and good coverage. It also hits hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and nice coverage. Pokemon that aren't the fastest in UU, such as Chandelure, Haxorus, and Heracross, all benefit from Tailwind support. With Tailwind, these Pokemon become even bigger threats, (AC) as, under Tailwind, they now can outspeed a lot of would-be checks and counters.

Other Options

Choice Scarf is an option for Tornadus, (AC) as it has access to U-turn and has an easily spammable STAB move. Unfortunately, Tornadus does not like being locked into one move. Choice Specs is another option,; (comma -> semicolon) however, (AC) Tornadus doesn't learn Trick or Switcheroo to cripple walls, (AC) meaning it still has to deal with being locked into one move, and it enjoys switching between its moves to surprise checks and counters.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Mega Aggron and Empoleon can take Tornadus's STAB moves and, in Mega Aggron's case, anything else Tornadus has to offer. Even Life Orb Tornadus has to nail it Mega Aggron on the switch to make sure Mega Aggron it dies before it KOes Tornadus dies to a with Heavy Slam.

**Electric-types**: Jolteon outspeeds Tornadus and kills KOes it with a Life Orb-boosted Thunderbolt, (AC) while Eelektross or and Magneton have enough bulk to tank hits and hit back with a super(space)effective Thunderbolt.

**Mega Aerodactyl**: Mega Aerodactyl can take any hit Tornadus has to throw at it, Roost off the damage, and proceed to outspeed and OHKO it with Stone Edge.

**Special Walls**: While the special set may might surprise the previous checks and counters, special walls such as Blissey and Florges can take special Tornadus on with ease, although Tornadus can force them to switch out due to its access to Taunt.

GP 1/2 :)

Thanks. :)
2/2 \o/

Tornadus has a nice base 111 Speed, outspeeding Pokemon that sit at the base 110 Speed tier, such as Froslass. Tornadus also has two amazing abilities;: (colon) Defiant to deter Defoggers and Prankster to give priority to its status moves. Its movepool complements its abilities, as it has access to excellent support moves such as Taunt, Tailwind, and Rain Dance alongside a great offensive movepool including Acrobatics, Hurricane, Knock Off, Superpower, and Focus Blast.

However, Tornadus has to be very careful due to its below average 79 / 70 / 80 bulk. It also has a crippling Stealth Rock weakness, meaning it must have partners that can clear entry hazards easily. Tornadus is also outsped by a lot of Pokemon in UU, such as Mega Beedrill, Crobat, and Mega Aerodactyl, all of which can (because this "all" is there, it sounds like Mega Beedrill and Crobat can also OHKO with a super effective STAB move, even though Poison and Flying and Bug aren't super effective. idk how to fix this though. changing "all of which can" to "and they can" might help? it's a bit clearer but doesn't sound as nice @__@ i'll leave it up to you because it's not a huge deal) proceed to U-turn out or OHKO it with a super effective STAB move.

Robin Williams
name: Robin Williams
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Rest
move 4: Knock Off / Sleep Talk
ability: Prankster
item: Chesto Berry / None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Prankster allows Tornadus to have a priority setup move in Bulk Up, which boosts its Attack and Defense stats. Acrobatics is a STAB move that hits very hard with no item. Rest is a great recovery move that gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster, ridding Tornadus of status while fully restoring its health. The last slot is dependent on if whether you want coverage or reliability while asleep. Knock Off allows Tornadus to hit a ton of Pokemon that resist Acrobatics while also making them lose their item. Sleep Talk not only allows Tornadus to not only Rest multiple times, but also grants it a priority Acrobatics.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as possible. Chesto Berry guarantees a one-time wake-up from Rest, whereas running no item allows Tornadus's Acrobatics to hit harder initially. A Jolly nature is necessary to outspeed base 110s Speed Pokemon such as Froslass and other Pokemon below that Speed tier, (comma) such as Infernape and Mienshao.

Usage Tips

This set is used best as a late-game cleaner or win condition once walls are broken down and Steel-, Electric-, and Rock-types are out of the way. This set also capitalizes on Tornadus's amazing ability in Prankster, which gives allowing it to have access to priority recovery, priority setup, and even priority attacking via Sleep Talk.

Team Options

Spikes support is necessary, as Steel-types, which resist Tornadus's STAB moves, are all usually grounded and resist Stealth Rock (ignore the edit if you're only talking about relevant Steel-types here). Froslass is a good partner, as it can easily spinblock while setting Spikes up. Another good partner is Custap Lead Forretress, (if that's a well-known set name then okay, otherwise change to "Custap Berry lead Forretress" or "lead Forretress with Custap Berry") as it can not only set up Spikes, but can also set up Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, pressuring the opponent to find an answer to Tornadus quickly. Wallbreakers, such as Choice Band Heracross, can provide excellent support, (comma) as they can easily wear down the walls that can continuously annoy Tornadus, such as Mega Aggron. Entry hazard clearing in the form of Defog or Rapid Spin is greatly appreciated, as Tornadus is weak to Stealth Rock, so it has a limited number of switches. Mega Blastoise is a great partner, as it can spin away entry hazards while also functioning as a wallbreaker.

name: Defiance
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Superpower
move 4: U-turn
ability: Defiant
item: None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Acrobatics is a STAB move and hits hard because since Tornadus is carrying no item. Knock Off removes the foe's makes the opponent's Pokemon lose their item while also hitting bulky Psychic-types that might want to switch into Tornadus. Superpower is used to get past the Steel-types that might try to switch into Acrobatics. U-turn allows Tornadus to keep up momentum while wearing down the opponent's team.

Set Details

No item is used so that Acrobatics hits as hard as it can, while Defiant is used to not only boost Tornadus's Attack stat by 2 two stages, but also to punish Defog users. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are used so Tornadus can hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Jolly nature is necessary, as an Adamant Tornadus is outsped by common Pokemon, (remove comma) such as Mienshao and Infernape.

Usage Tips

This set should be used on a more offensively oriented team as a part of a VoltTurn core, as it has a nice base 111 Speed and access to U-turn. This set can also be brought in at any point in the game; in the as early- or mid-game it can spam U-turn to gain momentum, while late-game it can use its coverage moves to clean up. This set also has more coverage than the previous set (idk, I'd be careful about referring to other sets, so maybe specify this as "the Bulk Up set") and as such can take on a lot more Pokemon that might switch into Tornadus.

Team Options

This set appreciates Pokemon that have access to Volt Switch, (comma) such as Mega Ampharos, Jolteon, and Heliolisk, as it forms they form a VoltTurn core, gathering momentum for the team while chipping away at the opponent's Pokemon. This set also likes wallbreakers, (comma) as it is a nice late-game cleaner. Pokemon such as Life Orb Kyurem and Choice Specs Chandelure are great partners, as they wear down the bulky Steel-types that tend to wall Tornadus. This set loves entry hazards being off the field, as it has no recovery and it is worn down very easily by Stealth Rock. Forretress or and Empoleon make for great partners, as both can easily get rid of entry hazards while setting hazards of their own.

Life Orb
name: Life Orb
move 1: Hurricane / Air Slash
move 2: Heat Wave / Focus Blast
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Hurricane is the STAB move of choice, hitting very hard coming off a Tornadus's base 125 Special Attack stat. Air Slash can be used if Hurricane's accuracy is a problem. Heat Wave is a nice coverage move, nailing the Steel-types that tend to switch into Tornadus to tank its STAB moves. Focus Blast can be used instead, as it gives similar coverage and hits more targets overall. Grass Knot allows Tornadus to hit bulky Water- and Ground-types. Taunt is preferred in the last slot (or "over U-turn" or something, I just feel like there should be something after "preferred") so Tornadus doesn't get set up on and can prevent entry hazards from being set up as well. U-turn can be used to grab momentum against Pokemon Tornadus cannot hope to break through with its coverage moves, such as Rotom-H.

Set Details

This set takes a different approach from the first two, as it takes advantage of Tornadus's amazing base 125 Special Attack stat. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Life Orb is used to further bolster Tornadus's power. A Timid nature is preferred to outspeed everything at base 110 Speed and below. The ability doesn't matter much with this set, but Prankster is nice if you are running Taunt, giving it since it gains +1 priority, while Defiant really has no use unless you want the possibility of a boosted U-turn.

Usage Tips

This set can be used as a solid special attacker that can also prevent status moves from being used or pivot via U-turn. This set can also surprise some of Tornadus's checks, as it this set carries different coverage moves. For example, Mega Aggron, a Pokemon that tends to check Tornadus, is 2HKOed by a Life Orb-boosted Heat Wave.

Team Options

This set appreciates entry hazard support to guarantee certain 2HKOs and OHKOs. Forretress is a great partner, as it has access to Stealth Rock and Spikes while also being able to spin entry hazards away, allowing Tornadus to switch in more often. This set might surprise the some of Tornadus's normal checks and counters, but once the set is revealed, special walls become a problem. Heracross is a good partner, as it as thanks to Guts, Heracross can reliably break the special walls in UU without being worried about status thanks to Guts.

Utility Support
name: Utility Support
move 1: Rain Dance / Tailwind
move 2: Taunt
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Sky Plate
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Thanks to Tornadus's Prankster ability, it is able to set up Rain Dance multiple times throughout the match, giving rain teams a reliable setter. Tailwind can be used instead, benefiting a lot of Pokemon that have an average Speed tier, such as Haxorus, Heracross, and Chandelure. Taunt allows Tornadus to beat out other leads while it sets up rain or Tailwind. U-turn is used as a way for Tornadus to switch out quickly and allow its teammates to make the most of the rain or Tailwind turns. Hurricane hits hard and has a chance to confuse the foe, albeit with 70% accuracy if not used in conjunction with Rain Dance. Air Slash is a possibility in conjunction with Tailwind if Hurricane's lack of accuracy bothers you.

Set Details

This set aims to help the team through Tornadus's support moves and ability. Rain Dance, Tailwind, and Taunt all gain priority thanks to Prankster, allowing Tornadus to set up and then switch out. Prankster also allows Tornadus to set up Rain Dance or Tailwind even when it is crippled or weakened. Damp Rock is used in conjunction with Rain Dance to extend the duration of the rain to eight turns. Sky Plate is the item of choice in conjunction with Tailwind to give Tornadus a more powerful Hurricane. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used, allowing Tornadus to not be setup bait and to be as fast as it can, outspeeding base 110s Speed Pokemon such as Froslass. A Timid nature is preferred so that Tornadus can outspeed positive-natured base 110s Speed Pokemon such as Froslass and anything slower.

Usage Tips

With Rain Dance, Tornadus is a staple on any rain team, as it has an abusable STAB move that gains 100% accuracy under the rain and Prankster to make sure Rain rain can be set up consistently. Tailwind variants are great on bulky offense teams, allowing the team's Pokemon to overpower the opponent's team even if they carry faster Pokemon. Try to bring in Tornadus on a resisted hit or after a teammate has fainted, as it is pretty frail and does not like taking hits.

Team Options

Mega Swampert is an amazing partner, as it not only tanks Ice-, Electric-, and Rock-type moves for Tornadus, but it also benefits from the rain, gaining a Speed boost thanks to Swift Swim and hitting hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and good coverage. Pokemon that aren't the fastest in UU, such as Chandelure, Haxorus, and Heracross, all benefit from Tailwind support. With Tailwind, these Pokemon become even bigger threats, as they can outspeed a lot of would-be checks and counters.

Other Options

Choice Scarf is an option for Tornadus, as it has access to U-turn and has an easily spammable STAB move. Unfortunately, Tornadus does not like being locked into one move. (this applies to both Scarf and Specs, so I let the final sentence take care of this) Choice Specs is another option, boosting Tornadus's Special Attack further. (or something, do what you like) However,; however, Tornadus doesn't learn Trick or Switcheroo to cripple walls, meaning it still has to deal with being locked into one move, and it enjoys switching between its moves to surprise checks and counters.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Mega Aggron and Empoleon can take Tornadus's STAB moves and, in Mega Aggron's case, anything else Tornadus has to offer. Even Life Orb Tornadus has to nail Mega Aggron on the switch to make sure it dies faints before it KOes Tornadus with Heavy Slam.

**Electric-types**: Jolteon outspeeds Tornadus and KOes it with a Life Orb-boosted Thunderbolt, while Eelektross and Magneton have enough bulk to tank hits and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt.

**Mega Aerodactyl**: Mega Aerodactyl can take any hit Tornadus has to throw at it, Roost off the damage, and proceed to outspeed and OHKO it with Stone Edge.

**Special Walls**: While the special set might surprise the previous checks and counters, special walls such as Blissey and Florges can take special Tornadus on with ease, although Tornadus can force them to switch out due to its access to Taunt.
2/2 \o/

Tornadus has a nice base 111 Speed, outspeeding Pokemon that sit at the base 110 Speed tier, such as Froslass. Tornadus also has two amazing abilities;: (colon) Defiant to deter Defoggers and Prankster to give priority to its status moves. Its movepool complements its abilities, as it has access to excellent support moves such as Taunt, Tailwind, and Rain Dance alongside a great offensive movepool including Acrobatics, Hurricane, Knock Off, Superpower, and Focus Blast.

However, Tornadus has to be very careful due to its below average 79 / 70 / 80 bulk. It also has a crippling Stealth Rock weakness, meaning it must have partners that can clear entry hazards easily. Tornadus is also outsped by a lot of Pokemon in UU, such as Mega Beedrill, Crobat, and Mega Aerodactyl, all of which can (because this "all" is there, it sounds like Mega Beedrill and Crobat can also OHKO with a super effective STAB move, even though Poison and Flying and Bug aren't super effective. idk how to fix this though. changing "all of which can" to "and they can" might help? it's a bit clearer but doesn't sound as nice @__@ i'll leave it up to you because it's not a huge deal) proceed to U-turn out or OHKO it with a super effective STAB move.

Robin Williams
name: Robin Williams
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Acrobatics
move 3: Rest
move 4: Knock Off / Sleep Talk
ability: Prankster
item: Chesto Berry / None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Prankster allows Tornadus to have a priority setup move in Bulk Up, which boosts its Attack and Defense stats. Acrobatics is a STAB move that hits very hard with no item. Rest is a great recovery move that gains +1 priority thanks to Prankster, ridding Tornadus of status while fully restoring its health. The last slot is dependent on if whether you want coverage or reliability while asleep. Knock Off allows Tornadus to hit a ton of Pokemon that resist Acrobatics while also making them lose their item. Sleep Talk not only allows Tornadus to not only Rest multiple times, but also grants it a priority Acrobatics.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as possible. Chesto Berry guarantees a one-time wake-up from Rest, whereas running no item allows Tornadus's Acrobatics to hit harder initially. A Jolly nature is necessary to outspeed base 110s Speed Pokemon such as Froslass and other Pokemon below that Speed tier, (comma) such as Infernape and Mienshao.

Usage Tips

This set is used best as a late-game cleaner or win condition once walls are broken down and Steel-, Electric-, and Rock-types are out of the way. This set also capitalizes on Tornadus's amazing ability in Prankster, which gives allowing it to have access to priority recovery, priority setup, and even priority attacking via Sleep Talk.

Team Options

Spikes support is necessary, as Steel-types, which resist Tornadus's STAB moves, are all usually grounded and resist Stealth Rock (ignore the edit if you're only talking about relevant Steel-types here). Froslass is a good partner, as it can easily spinblock while setting Spikes up. Another good partner is Custap Lead Forretress, (if that's a well-known set name then okay, otherwise change to "Custap Berry lead Forretress" or "lead Forretress with Custap Berry") as it can not only set up Spikes, but can also set up Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes, pressuring the opponent to find an answer to Tornadus quickly. Wallbreakers, such as Choice Band Heracross, can provide excellent support, (comma) as they can easily wear down the walls that can continuously annoy Tornadus, such as Mega Aggron. Entry hazard clearing in the form of Defog or Rapid Spin is greatly appreciated, as Tornadus is weak to Stealth Rock, so it has a limited number of switches. Mega Blastoise is a great partner, as it can spin away entry hazards while also functioning as a wallbreaker.

name: Defiance
move 1: Acrobatics
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Superpower
move 4: U-turn
ability: Defiant
item: None
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Acrobatics is a STAB move and hits hard because since Tornadus is carrying no item. Knock Off removes the foe's makes the opponent's Pokemon lose their item while also hitting bulky Psychic-types that might want to switch into Tornadus. Superpower is used to get past the Steel-types that might try to switch into Acrobatics. U-turn allows Tornadus to keep up momentum while wearing down the opponent's team.

Set Details

No item is used so that Acrobatics hits as hard as it can, while Defiant is used to not only boost Tornadus's Attack stat by 2 two stages, but also to punish Defog users. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are used so Tornadus can hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Jolly nature is necessary, as an Adamant Tornadus is outsped by common Pokemon, (remove comma) such as Mienshao and Infernape.

Usage Tips

This set should be used on a more offensively oriented team as a part of a VoltTurn core, as it has a nice base 111 Speed and access to U-turn. This set can also be brought in at any point in the game; in the as early- or mid-game it can spam U-turn to gain momentum, while late-game it can use its coverage moves to clean up. This set also has more coverage than the previous set (idk, I'd be careful about referring to other sets, so maybe specify this as "the Bulk Up set") and as such can take on a lot more Pokemon that might switch into Tornadus.

Team Options

This set appreciates Pokemon that have access to Volt Switch, (comma) such as Mega Ampharos, Jolteon, and Heliolisk, as it forms they form a VoltTurn core, gathering momentum for the team while chipping away at the opponent's Pokemon. This set also likes wallbreakers, (comma) as it is a nice late-game cleaner. Pokemon such as Life Orb Kyurem and Choice Specs Chandelure are great partners, as they wear down the bulky Steel-types that tend to wall Tornadus. This set loves entry hazards being off the field, as it has no recovery and it is worn down very easily by Stealth Rock. Forretress or and Empoleon make for great partners, as both can easily get rid of entry hazards while setting hazards of their own.

Life Orb
name: Life Orb
move 1: Hurricane / Air Slash
move 2: Heat Wave / Focus Blast
move 3: Grass Knot
move 4: Taunt / U-turn
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Hurricane is the STAB move of choice, hitting very hard coming off a Tornadus's base 125 Special Attack stat. Air Slash can be used if Hurricane's accuracy is a problem. Heat Wave is a nice coverage move, nailing the Steel-types that tend to switch into Tornadus to tank its STAB moves. Focus Blast can be used instead, as it gives similar coverage and hits more targets overall. Grass Knot allows Tornadus to hit bulky Water- and Ground-types. Taunt is preferred in the last slot (or "over U-turn" or something, I just feel like there should be something after "preferred") so Tornadus doesn't get set up on and can prevent entry hazards from being set up as well. U-turn can be used to grab momentum against Pokemon Tornadus cannot hope to break through with its coverage moves, such as Rotom-H.

Set Details

This set takes a different approach from the first two, as it takes advantage of Tornadus's amazing base 125 Special Attack stat. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used to allow Tornadus to hit as hard and as fast as it can. A Life Orb is used to further bolster Tornadus's power. A Timid nature is preferred to outspeed everything at base 110 Speed and below. The ability doesn't matter much with this set, but Prankster is nice if you are running Taunt, giving it since it gains +1 priority, while Defiant really has no use unless you want the possibility of a boosted U-turn.

Usage Tips

This set can be used as a solid special attacker that can also prevent status moves from being used or pivot via U-turn. This set can also surprise some of Tornadus's checks, as it this set carries different coverage moves. For example, Mega Aggron, a Pokemon that tends to check Tornadus, is 2HKOed by a Life Orb-boosted Heat Wave.

Team Options

This set appreciates entry hazard support to guarantee certain 2HKOs and OHKOs. Forretress is a great partner, as it has access to Stealth Rock and Spikes while also being able to spin entry hazards away, allowing Tornadus to switch in more often. This set might surprise the some of Tornadus's normal checks and counters, but once the set is revealed, special walls become a problem. Heracross is a good partner, as it as thanks to Guts, Heracross can reliably break the special walls in UU without being worried about status thanks to Guts.

Utility Support
name: Utility Support
move 1: Rain Dance / Tailwind
move 2: Taunt
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Hurricane
ability: Prankster
item: Damp Rock / Sky Plate
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Thanks to Tornadus's Prankster ability, it is able to set up Rain Dance multiple times throughout the match, giving rain teams a reliable setter. Tailwind can be used instead, benefiting a lot of Pokemon that have an average Speed tier, such as Haxorus, Heracross, and Chandelure. Taunt allows Tornadus to beat out other leads while it sets up rain or Tailwind. U-turn is used as a way for Tornadus to switch out quickly and allow its teammates to make the most of the rain or Tailwind turns. Hurricane hits hard and has a chance to confuse the foe, albeit with 70% accuracy if not used in conjunction with Rain Dance. Air Slash is a possibility in conjunction with Tailwind if Hurricane's lack of accuracy bothers you.

Set Details

This set aims to help the team through Tornadus's support moves and ability. Rain Dance, Tailwind, and Taunt all gain priority thanks to Prankster, allowing Tornadus to set up and then switch out. Prankster also allows Tornadus to set up Rain Dance or Tailwind even when it is crippled or weakened. Damp Rock is used in conjunction with Rain Dance to extend the duration of the rain to eight turns. Sky Plate is the item of choice in conjunction with Tailwind to give Tornadus a more powerful Hurricane. Maximum Special Attack and Speed EVs are used, allowing Tornadus to not be setup bait and to be as fast as it can, outspeeding base 110s Speed Pokemon such as Froslass. A Timid nature is preferred so that Tornadus can outspeed positive-natured base 110s Speed Pokemon such as Froslass and anything slower.

Usage Tips

With Rain Dance, Tornadus is a staple on any rain team, as it has an abusable STAB move that gains 100% accuracy under the rain and Prankster to make sure Rain rain can be set up consistently. Tailwind variants are great on bulky offense teams, allowing the team's Pokemon to overpower the opponent's team even if they carry faster Pokemon. Try to bring in Tornadus on a resisted hit or after a teammate has fainted, as it is pretty frail and does not like taking hits.

Team Options

Mega Swampert is an amazing partner, as it not only tanks Ice-, Electric-, and Rock-type moves for Tornadus, but it also benefits from the rain, gaining a Speed boost thanks to Swift Swim and hitting hard thanks to a base 150 Attack stat and good coverage. Pokemon that aren't the fastest in UU, such as Chandelure, Haxorus, and Heracross, all benefit from Tailwind support. With Tailwind, these Pokemon become even bigger threats, as they can outspeed a lot of would-be checks and counters.

Other Options

Choice Scarf is an option for Tornadus, as it has access to U-turn and has an easily spammable STAB move. Unfortunately, Tornadus does not like being locked into one move. (this applies to both Scarf and Specs, so I let the final sentence take care of this) Choice Specs is another option, boosting Tornadus's Special Attack further. (or something, do what you like) However,; however, Tornadus doesn't learn Trick or Switcheroo to cripple walls, meaning it still has to deal with being locked into one move, and it enjoys switching between its moves to surprise checks and counters.

Checks & Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types such as Mega Aggron and Empoleon can take Tornadus's STAB moves and, in Mega Aggron's case, anything else Tornadus has to offer. Even Life Orb Tornadus has to nail Mega Aggron on the switch to make sure it dies faints before it KOes Tornadus with Heavy Slam.

**Electric-types**: Jolteon outspeeds Tornadus and KOes it with a Life Orb-boosted Thunderbolt, while Eelektross and Magneton have enough bulk to tank hits and hit back with a super effective Thunderbolt.

**Mega Aerodactyl**: Mega Aerodactyl can take any hit Tornadus has to throw at it, Roost off the damage, and proceed to outspeed and OHKO it with Stone Edge.

**Special Walls**: While the special set might surprise the previous checks and counters, special walls such as Blissey and Florges can take special Tornadus on with ease, although Tornadus can force them to switch out due to its access to Taunt.

Thanks fren. :)

This is done.