NU Mesprit (Special Choice Scarf)


the cowboy kid
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QC: CanadianWifier / Dat Blast / Raseri
GP: Psywaves / P Squared



Special Scarf
name: Special Scarf
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Thunderbolt / Signal Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Healing Wish / Trick
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Spa / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid / Modest


Psychic is a powerful STAB move that hits Pokemon with weaker Special Defense, such as Gurdurr, Garbodor, and Mawile, harder than Psyshock. Psyshock is a slightly weaker STAB move that hits Pokemon with lower Defense, such as Hariyama and Cryogonal, harder than Psychic. Thunderbolt hits Flying- and Water-type Pokemon that commonly look to switch into Mesprit, such as Xatu and Mantine. Thunderbolt is also useful for picking off fast threats, such as Archeops and Swellow, which Mesprit outspeeds with Choice Scarf. Signal Beam hits opposing Dark-type Pokemon such as Liepard and Malamar for super effective damage. U-turn is great for revenge killing weakened Pokemon and nabbing momentum when the foe switches out. Healing Wish is a great move for bringing a weakened teammate back to full HP late-game. Trick can cripple bulky support Pokemon such as Mantine and Regirock. Ice Beam hits targets similar to those of Thunderbolt but trades the ability to hit Water-types for the ability to hit Grass-types such as Lilligant and Exeggutor. Energy Ball is a more niche option, as it specifically hits Pokemon that are 4x weak to it, such as Seismitoad and Rhydon. Hidden Power Fire can be used to hit Steel-type Pokemon that give Mesprit trouble, such as Pawniard and Ferroseed.

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment gives Mesprit the ability to outpace a good portion of the tier with Choice Scarf and still hit relatively hard. Thanks to Choice Scarf, Mesprit acts as a great revenge killer, outpacing fast threats such as Swellow and Archeops. A Timid nature allows Mesprit to outpace threats with Speed boosts such as Chlorophyll Exeggutor, Shell Smash Crustle, Rock Polish Rhydon, and neutral-natured Choice Scarf Sawk and Lilligant; however, a Modest nature can be used if more power is desired. Levitate gives Mesprit a really useful Ground-type immunity that allows it to freely switch into Earthquake from the likes of Seismitoad, Rhydon, and Archeops.

Usage Tips

Mesprit should spend the majority of its time revenge killing the opponent's Pokemon or using U-turn to gain momentum on switches. Thanks to its natural bulk, typing, and Levitate, Mesprit can act as a pivot into Fighting-, Psychic-, and Ground-type attacks. Healing Wish should be used when important teammates need to be restored to full HP to preserve a win condition. If the opponent has bulky Pokemon that easily switch into Mesprit, using Trick can limit their effectiveness throughout the game. Before Mesprit's Choice Scarf has been revealed, it can nab surprise KOs early-game.

Team Options

Fairy- and Fighting-type Pokemon such as Granbull, Gurdurr, and Hariyama resist Dark-type attacks and can threaten out Pokemon such as Liepard and Pawniard, which scare Mesprit. Entry hazard setters such as Regirock, Crustle, and Garbodor can help turn 2HKOs into OHKOs by weakening the opposing team with Stealth Rock and Spikes. Mesprit appreciates physical attackers such as Sawk, Archeops, and Mawile, which can break down specially defensive walls such as Lickilicky and Audino. Mesprit can fit well on more offensive teams that find themselves needing a little more Speed, which value a pivot and revenge killer. Thanks to Healing Wish, Mesprit also pairs well with setup sweepers, as it can give them a second chance at a sweep after they weaken the opponent's team.
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Slash Tbolt on move 2 before Signal Beam

U-turn first slash on move 3, idek if HP Fighting should be slashed
^ implemented that stuff, i left a ton of iffy stuff in moves so let me know what to keep and cut. this is qc ready now
I would also mention that Psychic is stronger in general than Psyshock

Talk about the moves in the order they're listed, Psychic > Psyshock > Tbolt > Signal Beam > U-turn > HWish > Trick > rest
  • timid mesprit allows you to outpace threats like +2 golurk crustle gorebyss and rhydon, +1 lilligant sawk and vivillon. if those pokemon aren't a concern for your team you can run modest for more powaaa
Even Timid can't beat Gorebyss. Remove Lilligant and Vivillon since Timid Sprit only beats Modest Lilli / Vivi and those are super rare. Specify that Timid Sprit beats Adamant Scarf Sawk (not Jolly) and replace Golurk with Sun Eggy
I would also mention that Psychic is stronger in general than Psyshock

Talk about the moves in the order they're listed, Psychic > Psyshock > Tbolt > Signal Beam > U-turn > HWish > Trick > rest

Even Timid can't beat Gorebyss. Remove Lilligant and Vivillon since Timid Sprit only beats Modest Lilli / Vivi and those are super rare. Specify that Timid Sprit beats Adamant Scarf Sawk (not Jolly) and replace Golurk with Sun Eggy
ok did
looks good, I suppose you could talk about what teams like Scarf Mesprit over slower ones, like slower less bulky teams that need a better check to Sawk and such

QC 2/3
wrote this one too, two down two to go. (much to/too/two, such wow). ready for third check
damn, i liked the deep inside comment ;-;

added thign to team options, sending to gp
Capitalise/capital -> lower case


Special Scarf

name: Special Scarf
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Thunderbolt / Signal Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Healing Wish / Trick
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Spa / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid / Modest


Psychic is a powerful STAB move that hits Pokemon with weaker Special Defense, (AC) such as Gurdurr, Garbodor, and Mawile, (AC) harder than Psyshock. Psyshock is a slightly weaker STAB move that hits Pokemon with lower Defense, (AC) such as Hariyama and Cryogonal, (AC) harder than Psychic. Thunderbolt hits both Flying- and Water-type Pokemon that commonly look to switch into Mesprit, (AC) such as Xatu and Mantine. Thunderbolt is also useful for picking off fast threats, such as Archeops and Swellow, which you Mesprit outspeeds with Choice Scarf. Signal Beam hits opposing Dark-type Pokemon such as Liepard and Malamar for super effective damage. U-turn is great for revenge killing weakened Pokemon and nabbing momentum when the opponent switches. Healing Wish is a great move for bringing a weakened teammate back to full HP late-game. Trick can cripple bulky support Pokemon such as Mantine and Regirock. Ice Beam hits targets similar to that of Thunderbolt, but trades the ability to hit Water-types for the ability to hit Grass-types such as Lilligant and Exeggutor. Energy Ball is a more niche option that specifically hits Pokemon that are 4x weak to it, (AC) such as Seismitoad and Rhydon. Hidden Power Fire can be used to hit Steel-type Pokemon that give Mesprit trouble, (AC) such as Pawniard and Ferroseed

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment gives Mesprit the ability to outpace a good chunk portion of the tier with a Choice Scarf and still hit relatively hard. Thanks to Choice Scarf, Mesprit acts as a great revenge killer, outpacing fast threats such as Swellow and Archeops. A Timid nature allows Mesprit to outpace threats with Speed boosts such as Chlorophyll Exeggutor, Shell Smash Crustle, Rock Polish Rhydon, and neutral-natured Choice Scarf Sawk and Lilligant; however, a Modest nature can be used just as easily if more power is desired. Levitate gives Mesprit a really useful Ground-type immunity that allows it to freely switch into Earthquake from the likes of Seismitoad, Rhydon, and Archeops.

Usage Tips

Mesprit should spend the majority of its time revenge killing the opponent's Pokemon or using U-turn to gain momentum on switches. Thanks to its natural bulk, typing, and Levitate, Mesprit can act as a pivot into Fighting-, Psychic-, and Ground-type attacks. Healing Wish should be used when important teammates need to be restored to full HP to preserve a win condition. If the opponent has bulky Pokemon that easily switch into Mesprit, using Trick can limit their effectiveness throughout the game. Before Mesprit's Choice Scarf has been revealed, (AC) it can nab surprise kills KOs early-game and on double downs. (is a double down something that the average reader will easily be able to understand?)

Team Options

Fairy- and Fighting-type Pokemon such as Granbull, Gurdurr, and Hariyama resist Dark-type attacks and can threaten out Pokemon such as Liepard and Pawniard, which scare Mesprit. Entry hazard setters such as Regirock, Crustle, and Garbodor can help turn 2HKOs into OHKOs by weakening the opposing team with Stealth Rock and Spikes. Mesprit appreciates physical attackers such as Sawk, Archeops, and Mawile, (AC) that which can break down specially defensive walls such as Lickilicky and Audino. Mesprit can fit well on more offensive teams that find themselves needing a little more Speed, which value a pivot and revenge-(remove hyphen)killer. Thanks to Healing Wish, Mesprit also pairs well with set(remove space)up sweepers, as Mesprit can give them a second chance at a sweep after they weaken the opponent's team.

GP 1/2 (:
Special Scarf
(remove blank line)
name: Special Scarf
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Thunderbolt / Signal Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Healing Wish / Trick
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Spa / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid / Modest


Psychic is a powerful STAB move that hits Pokemon with weaker Special Defense, such as Gurdurr, Garbodor, and Mawile, harder than Psyshock. Psyshock is a slightly weaker STAB move that hits Pokemon with lower Defense, such as Hariyama and Cryogonal, harder than Psychic. Thunderbolt hits both Flying- and Water-type (Flying- and Water-type makes it seem like the Pokemon being hit is Water/Flying) Pokemon that commonly look to switch into Mesprit, such as Xatu and Mantine. Thunderbolt is also useful for picking off fast threats, such as Archeops and Swellow, which (add space)Mesprit outspeeds with Choice Scarf (this seems to fit better in Set Details). Signal Beam hits opposing Dark-type Pokemon such as Liepard and Malamar for super effective damage. U-turn is great for revenge killing weakened Pokemon and nabbing momentum when the opponent foe switches out. Healing Wish is a great move for bringing a weakened teammate back to full HP late-(remove hyphen)game. Trick can cripple bulky support Pokemon such as Mantine and Regirock. Ice Beam hits targets similar to that those of Thunderbolt, but trades the ability to hit Water-types (maybe some examples here too) for with the ability to hit Grass-types such as Lilligant and Exeggutor. Energy Ball is a more niche option that, (AC) as it specifically hits Pokemon that are 4x weak to it, such as Seismitoad and Rhydon. Hidden Power Fire can be used to hit Steel-type Pokemon that give Mesprit trouble, such as Pawniard and Ferroseed. (Add Period)
(remove blank line)

Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment gives Mesprit the ability to outpace a good portion of the tier with Choice Scarf and still hit relatively hard. Thanks to Choice Scarf, Mesprit acts as a great revenge killer, outpacing fast threats such as Swellow and Archeops. A Timid nature allows Mesprit to outpace threats with Speed boosts such as Chlorophyll Exeggutor, Shell Smash Crustle, Rock Polish Rhydon, and neutral-natured Choice Scarf Sawk and Lilligant; however, a Modest nature can be used if more power is desired. Levitate gives Mesprit a really useful Ground-type immunity that allows it to freely switch into Earthquake from the likes of Seismitoad, Rhydon, and Archeops.
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Usage Tips

Mesprit should spend the majority of its time revenge killing the opponent's Pokemon or using U-turn to gain momentum on switches. Thanks to its natural bulk, typing, and Levitate, Mesprit can act as a pivot into Fighting-, Psychic-, and Ground-type attacks. Healing Wish should be used when important teammates need to be restored to full HP to preserve a win condition. If the opponent has bulky Pokemon that easily switch into Mesprit, using Trick can limit their effectiveness throughout the game. Before Mesprit's Choice Scarf has been revealed, it can nab surprise KOs early-game and on double downs (What is a double down?).
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Team Options

Fairy- and Fighting-type Pokemon such as Granbull, Gurdurr, and Hariyama resist Dark-type attacks and can threaten out Pokemon such as Liepard and Pawniard, which scare Mesprit. Entry hazard setters such as Regirock, Crustle, and Garbodor can help turn 2HKOs into OHKOs by weakening the opposing team with Stealth Rock and Spikes. Mesprit appreciates physical attackers such as Sawk, Archeops, and Mawile, which can break down specially defensive walls such as Lickilicky and Audino. Mesprit can fit well on more offensive teams that find themselves needing a little more Speed, which value a pivot and revenge killer. Thanks to Healing Wish, Mesprit also pairs well with setup sweepers, as Mesprit it can give them a second chance at a sweep after they weaken the opponent's team.

i did another amcheck per Goddess Briyella's request
added a couple things to the above for GP 2/2
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Special Scarf
(remove blank line)
name: Special Scarf
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Thunderbolt / Signal Beam
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Healing Wish / Trick
ability: Levitate
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Spa SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid / Modest


Psychic is a powerful STAB move that hits Pokemon with weaker Special Defense, such as Gurdurr, Garbodor, and Mawile, harder than Psyshock. Psyshock is a slightly weaker STAB move that hits Pokemon with lower Defense, such as Hariyama and Cryogonal, harder than Psychic. Thunderbolt hits both Flying- and Water-type (Flying- and Water-type makes it seem like the Pokemon being hit is Water/Flying) (I don't think that change is necessary. if they meant Water/Flying, they would have said Water / Flying types. besides, one of the listed examples, Xatu, isn't Water / Flying. the original phrasing is quite common and imo pretty clear) Pokemon that commonly look to switch into Mesprit, such as Xatu and Mantine. Thunderbolt is also useful for picking off fast threats, such as Archeops and Swellow, which (add space)Mesprit outspeeds with Choice Scarf (this seems to fit better in Set Details). (I think it's fine) Signal Beam hits opposing Dark-type Pokemon such as Liepard and Malamar for super effective damage. U-turn is great for revenge killing weakened Pokemon and nabbing momentum when the opponent foe switches out. Healing Wish is a great move for bringing a weakened teammate back to full HP late-(remove hyphen)game. (keep the hyphen!!!!!!! the change is incorrect) Trick can cripple bulky support Pokemon such as Mantine and Regirock. Ice Beam hits targets similar to that those of Thunderbolt, (remove comma) but trades the ability to hit Water-types (maybe some examples here too) for with (don't make this change. the phrase is "trade x for y"; it was correct before.) the ability to hit Grass-types such as Lilligant and Exeggutor. Energy Ball is a more niche option that, (AC) as it specifically hits Pokemon that are 4x weak to it, such as Seismitoad and Rhydon. Hidden Power Fire can be used to hit Steel-type Pokemon that give Mesprit trouble, such as Pawniard and Ferroseed. (Add Period)
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Set Details

Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment gives Mesprit the ability to outpace a good portion of the tier with Choice Scarf and still hit relatively hard. Thanks to Choice Scarf, Mesprit acts as a great revenge killer, outpacing fast threats such as Swellow and Archeops. A Timid nature allows Mesprit to outpace threats with Speed boosts such as Chlorophyll Exeggutor, Shell Smash Crustle, Rock Polish Rhydon, and neutral-natured Choice Scarf Sawk and Lilligant; however, a Modest nature can be used if more power is desired. Levitate gives Mesprit a really useful Ground-type immunity that allows it to freely switch into Earthquake from the likes of Seismitoad, Rhydon, and Archeops.
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Usage Tips

Mesprit should spend the majority of its time revenge killing the opponent's Pokemon or using U-turn to gain momentum on switches. Thanks to its natural bulk, typing, and Levitate, Mesprit can act as a pivot into Fighting-, Psychic-, and Ground-type attacks. Healing Wish should be used when important teammates need to be restored to full HP to preserve a win condition. If the opponent has bulky Pokemon that easily switch into Mesprit, using Trick can limit their effectiveness throughout the game. Before Mesprit's Choice Scarf has been revealed, it can nab surprise KOs early-game and on double downs (What is a double down?).
(remove blank line)

Team Options

Fairy- and Fighting-type Pokemon such as Granbull, Gurdurr, and Hariyama resist Dark-type attacks and can threaten out Pokemon such as Liepard and Pawniard, which scare Mesprit. Entry hazard setters such as Regirock, Crustle, and Garbodor can help turn 2HKOs into OHKOs by weakening the opposing team with Stealth Rock and Spikes. Mesprit appreciates physical attackers such as Sawk, Archeops, and Mawile, which can break down specially defensive walls such as Lickilicky and Audino. Mesprit can fit well on more offensive teams that find themselves needing a little more Speed, which value a pivot and revenge killer. Thanks to Healing Wish, Mesprit also pairs well with setup sweepers, as Mesprit it can give them a second chance at a sweep after they weaken the opponent's team.
Notes on the amcheck: I don't mean to parrot Gato, but yes, this would be a great check for 1/2. You caught almost every error that I saw, at least. However, you made a couple changes that are unnecessary/incorrect, and one of the incorrect changes (removing the dash in "late-game") is concerning because that term shows up very often in analyses. The weird thing is that you didn't remove the dash in "early-game" in the Usage Tips section, so I'm not sure if you overlooked it there or you think early-game is correct but late-game isn't...? Anyways, yeah, while this is undoubtedly a good check, it falls just a little short of being a comfortable 2/2 imo.
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