Jawl's Trade Thread

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That’s my first time here, so my shop is still poorly stocked, but I will update it very soon. Please be patient.

NB: My TimeZone is GMT +1, I’m sure I will find lot of trouble finding a time that will work with most of you, also because of my full time job. For this reason it’s important to decide a specific time for trading.

Untouched Level 1 Shiny Flawless (5/6 Ivs) KB/HB / Event / Legendaries with good Ivs and correct nature

Untouched Shiny 5/6 Ivs Pentagon Born Pokémon Lv. 1. Most of them were breed by me and hatched on Reddit:


Aerodactyl ♂ Adamant Rock Head
31 31 31 31 31 31 Dark
Dream Ball Wing Attack Supersonic Bite Scary Face
OT: Gem TID: 38763
Bagon ♂ Naive Rock Head
31 31 31 31 31 31 Dark
Safari Ball Fire Fang Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse Hydro Pump
OT: Corey TID: 49880


Barboach ♂ Adamant Oblivious
31 31 31 18 31 31 Electric
Lure Ball Dragon Dance Hydro Pump Mud Shot Spark
OT: Carlos TID: 42137


Bulbasaur ♂ Modest Chlorophyll
31 14 31 30 31 30 Fire
Nest Ball Curse Amnesia Giga Drain Leaf Storm
OT: TID: 15814


Charmander ♀ Jolly Blaze
31 31 31 18 31 31 Electric
Luxury Ball Outrage Dragon Dance Flare Blitz Dragon Rush
OT: Manu TID: 37256


Charmander ♂ Timid Blaze
31 29 31 31 31 31 Dark
Luxury Ball Dragon Dance Air Cutter Ancient Power Dragon Pulse
OT: Hades (mine) TID: 25024


Corphish ♀ Adamant Adaptability
31 31 31 31 31 31 Dark
Dream Ball Superpower Dragon Dance Aqua Jet Knock Off
OT: Squadooosh TID: 18077


Ekans ♂ Adamant Intimidate
31 31 31 25 31 31 Dark
Level Ball Disable Poison Tail Poison Fang Pursuit
OT: FallenPotato TID: 39642


Fletchling ♀ Adamant Gale Wings
31 31 31 7 31 31 Dark
Repeat Ball Growl Tailwind Snatch Quick Guard
OT: Sinnoh TID: 55275


Growlithe ♂ Jolly Intimidate
31 31 31 31 31 31 Dark
Poké Ball Roar Morning Sun Flare Blitz Close Combat
OT: Lax TID: 16603


Honedge ♂ Quiet No Guard
31 31 31 31 31 2 Ice
Poké Ball Tackle Swords Dance Shadow Sneak (None)
OT: TID: 45800


Houndour ♂ Timid Flash Fire
31 20 31 31 31 31 Dragon
Moon Ball Beat Up Sucker Punch Pursuit Counter
OT: Yori TID: 58841


Houndour ♀ Timid Flash Fire
31 5 31 31 31 31 Dark
Moon Ball Beat Up Sucker Punch Pursuit Counter
OT: Vee TID: 20803


Inkay ♀ Adamant Contrary
31 31 31 11 31 31 Dark
Poké Ball Tackle Peck Constrict (None)
OT: Adam TID: 20294


Larvitar ♀ Jolly Guts
31 31 31 16 31 31 Electric
Friend Ball Pursuit Stealth Rock Dragon Dance Iron Head
OT: Hades (mine) TID: 25024


Litleo ♀ Timid Unnerve
31 18 30 31 31 31 Ice
Repeat Ball Fire Spin Yawn Snatch Entrainment
OT: Richie TID: 60573


Marill ♂ Adamant Huge Power
31 31 31 13 31 31 Dark
Quick Ball Water Gun Superpower Aqua Jet Belly Drum
OT: TID: 37321


Pawniard ♂ Adamant Defiant
31 31 31 26 31 31 Electric
Poké Ball Scratch Sucker Punch Psycho Cut (None)
OT: PoDunK! TID: 01213


Pawniard ♂ Jolly Defiant
31 31 31 26 31 31 Electric
Great Ball Pursuit Quick Guard Sucker Punch Psycho Cut
OT: Maple TID: 20610


Petilil ♀ Timid Own Tempo
31 24 31 30 31 30 Fire
Dream Ball Healing Wish Ingrain Grass Whistle Worry Seed
OT: Myxine TID: 12558


Phione - Bold Hydration
31 8 31 31 31 31 Dragon
Poké Ball Bubble Water Sport (None) (None)
OT: Link TID: 29625


Ralts ♀ Modest Trace
31 17 31 31 31 31 Dark
Moon Ball Encore Destiny Bond Memento Skill Swap
OT: Corvo TID: 27703


Rattata ♂ Adamant Guts
31 31 31 26 31 31 Electric
Fast Ball Flame Wheel Reversal Final Gambit Me First
OT: Harry TID: 28313


Scyther ♀ Adamant Technician
31 31 31 18 31 31 Electric
Quick Ball Vacuum Wave Quick Attack Leer Night Slash
OT: つば TID: 32793


Shinx ♀ Adamant Intimidate
31 31 31 8 31 31 Electric
Moon Ball Fire Fang Ice Fang Night Slash Thunder Fang
OT: Emily TID: 58207


Shroomish ♀ Jolly Quick Feet
31 31 31 19 31 31 Dark
Heal Ball Bullet Seed Focus Punch Drain Punch Seed Bomb
OT: Nikku TID: 23546


Slowpoke ♀ Bold Regenerator
31 22 31 31 31 31 Dragon
Dream Ball Wonder Room Zen Headbutt Me First Block
OT: Curtis TID: 36240


Sneasel ♀ Jolly Keen Eye
31 31 31 x 31 31
Moon Ball Ice Punch Fake Out Pursuit Icicle Crash
OT: Folcen TID: 12177


Solosis ♀ Quiet Magic Guard
31 29 31 31 31 0 Ice
Dive Ball Acid Armor Confuse Ray Helping Hand Night Shade
OT: OCAR TID: 40236


Spinda ♂ Jolly Contrary
31 31 31 12 31 31 Electric
Dream Ball Role Play Fake Out Encore Wish
OT: Swags TID: 40041


Starly ♀ Jolly Reckless
31 31 31 28 31 31 Electric
Luxury Ball Double-Edge Detect Pursuit Steel Wing
OT: Dendy TID: 46625


Tepig ♂ Adamant Thick Fat
31 31 31 16 31 31 Electric
Poké Ball Curse Yawn Sucker Punch Superpower
OT: Fred TID: 08998


Togepi ♂ Modest Serene Grace
31 20 31 31 31 31 Dragon
Heal Ball Psycho Shift Future Sight Stored Power Nasty Plot
OT: Jackson TID: 18759


Totodile ♂ Jolly Sheer Force
31 31 31 7 31 31 Dark
Poké Ball Dragon Dance Ice Punch Aqua Jet Crunch
OT: Rox TID: 01118


Vanillite ♀ Modest Ice Body
31 3 31 31 31 31 Dark
Dream Ball Ice Shard Magnet Rise Natural Gift Water Pulse
OT: Rashe TID: 11454


Vulpix ♂ Timid Drought
31 3 31 31 31 31 Dark
Premier Ball Power Swap Heat Wave Hypnosis Disable
OT: Tangle TID: 42067


Vulpix ♀ Timid Drought
31 24 31 31 31 31 Dragon
Premier Ball Power Swap Heat Wave Hypnosis Disable
OT: Jamie TID: 11429


Zorua ♂ Timid Illusion
31 31 31 31 31 31 Dark
Poké Ball Scratch Leer Dark Pulse (None)
OT: Levi TID: 50309
I can clone the Pokémon you offer and send the original one back. I will keep a copy.
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Policy on Linking to Spreadsheets and Other Trade Threads:

As of now, you are no longer allowed to link solely to external references such as Google Doc spreadsheets and trade threads on other websites to use as trade references. This prevents moderators from easily inspecting trade threads for problems. Please take the time to copy whatever information is in your spreadsheet or other trade thread and make a version specific to Smogon.
I haven't checked the link, but please read the whole rule page (follow the linked quote above) and include any required information when updating.

Edit: (Hopefully you see this):
OT and TID are also required so we can see where/who the Pokémon came from.
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Wow you've got some really nice ones there. I'd be very interested in that Lapras, Petilil, and Totodile. CMT in my signature for anything you'd like. If not then I could EV train for you.
Nice collection you have there. As .com said above in his edit, please list OT/TID. When you have, please CMT for your Jolly Charmander in a Luxury Ball and Adamant Corphish in a Dream Ball. Good luck with your thread!
Good luck on your thread if you would like anything from my thread let me know. I would be happy to make a donation.
Nice collection you have there. As .com said above in his edit, please list OT/TID. When you have, please CMT for your Jolly Charmander in a Luxury Ball and Adamant Corphish in a Dream Ball. Good luck with your thread!
I'm interested in:
Eevee ♂ Anticipation (Chlorophyll) | Jolly | 31/31/31/08/31/31 and
Magikarp Swift Swim (Intimidate) | Impish | 31/31/31/31/31/31 :)
Good luck on your thread if you would like anything from my thread let me know. I would be happy to make a donation.
What would you like from my list? I could be interested in some of your stuff :)
When you have time, CMT for Moon Ball Shinx :)
What about Julz's Latios? Is that too much to ask? >.<
It's hard to get it from him, and he requested himself not to trade it easily. Sorry! Any breedables perhaps?
I can clone it and send the original one back. As for the breedables, they are all interesting, but it's quite hard for me to trade a shiny breedable for a not shiny one, sorry. :c
Do you mind cloning them and sending back the original? I'll be able to trade in about 5 hours...maybe?
Ok, I should be available at that hour. c:
I can clone it and send the original one back. As for the breedables, they are all interesting, but it's quite hard for me to trade a shiny breedable for a not shiny one, sorry. :c
Ah, I just saw that they are shiny! Probably you can do a spitback for spitback then? I just need the female for the ball, really. :]
I can clone it and send the original one back. As for the breedables, they are all interesting, but it's quite hard for me to trade a shiny breedable for a not shiny one, sorry. :c

Ok, I should be available at that hour. c:
Edit: I'll be ready to trade in about 1.5 hours.
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Mawile Adamant - Intimidate (31/31/31/xx/31/31)
And Minccino/Shellder as breedables. (: Adding you (:

EDIT: Would you like I clone your Mawile?

Nope, its quite alright, I can QR code clone. Any specific abilities? Also do you mind if the breedables are cloned, or do you want exclusive ones?
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