ORAS OU Gotta Go Fast, Gotta Go Kiyo (Custap Skarmory ft. 110+ Speed Hyper Offense)


Run Away With Me

^click the image, it's for your listening pleasure^



Hi, my name is TheCanadianWifier, or Richard. You may have heard of me before, though it would likely be from Youtube or through the forums, as I'm not very active in the OU community. Either way, it's still the most fun and popular tier in ORAS, and one that I still watch the most battles from (be it on Youtube or Showdown), so I have a general sense of how to teambuild despite not really playing as much as I'd like to. Last generation, I loved using Custap Skarm offense (I even made an RMT with it!), as if you can get a favourable lead matchup, you either start the battle up 6-5, or with a ton of hazards on the opponents side of the field. It's also very simple to learn and easy to use once you get the hang of it, and it just tears up the lower and middle sections of the ladder, while remaining strong against top players, too. Anyway, as you know Custap Berry went unreleased for all of XY, and the first little bit of ORAS; however, recently it was made available through the Dream World and, well, I was excited haha. The few teams I have built for ORAS so far have all been Balance, so I decided to try my hand at something a bit more offensive. From what I've seen in OU games, 110 is a mind-bogglingly important speed tier in OU this generation, with Lati@s, Gengar, Megagross, M-Gallade, and others just chilling there. Not to mention that this gen has started to casually push it a bit higher, with Thundurus, Serperior, Starmie, Rakiou, and Talonflame. My point is that I learned speed is really important, and often times in HO vs HO battles, late-game came down to who has the faster Pokemon left at the end.
tl;dr, I wanted to try and make this team Hyper Offense, and with all the new viable options sitting at and above 110 Base Speed in OU, I tried to make the team as fast as possible to better my odds in a Hyper Offense vs Hyper Offense match-up. Anyway, onto the meat and potatoes of this RMT :)



This team actually started out around wanting to use an Offensive HP Fire Starmie. Saw it a while ago in a video from Tom Bus, and this morning some friends were playing OU with Defensive Starmie, and I noticed that almost every game an offensive Starmie would have been better. With this realization of how solid Starmie looks in OU atm, I set out to build a Hyper Offense team around it. I paired it up with Custap Skarm for two reasons: 1) Starmie gives me entry hazard control without blowing away my own Spikes from Skarmory, and 2) it helps eat away at bulkier teams which lets Starmie's Analytic Hydro's really punish switches.


I wanted a spinblocker, and Gengar has been providing spin support alongside Custap Skarmory on Hyper Offense since 2012. Gengar is also notorious for being really fucking difficult to switch into, which is a nice quality to have on Hyper Offense. I decided to go with Sub Willo 2 Attacks, to make my life against Bisharp and Tyranitar a bit easier. Could be replaced with other options though, Gengar only has about 15 moves it can run.


Added an offensive Mega. Was originally a Mega Gallade, but I quickly switched it over to a Lopunny for its access to Fake Out, and its crazy Speed. With an Adamant nature Mega Lopunny still reaches 369 Speed, enough to outspeed everything in base 110 - 115, which accounts for approximately 80% of relevant Offensive OU Pokemon.


A bit weak to Water and Electric, as I have 0 things that can take a Volt Switch. Serperior fit on nicely, and it was at this point where I realized I have an Offensive team that is super fast, with all members barring lead Skarmory being at or above 110 Base.


I had literally 0 things for Talonflame, so it was between Thundurus and Raikou. As little as I needed it, I really like the safety net that Prankster Thundy Thunder Wave provides, as well as being able to lure in and cripple the Lati's with Knock Off, as I lack a Bisharp to deter them from Defogging.



Starmie @
| Analytic
Timid | 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Hydro Pump
- Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin

Absolute monster, what else can I say. Due to it's amazing 115 Speed, it can wreak havoc with offensive teams, and with access to Analytic Life Orb Hydro Pumps, it really punishes balance teams as well when they switch around trying to get a "favourable" match-up. Hydro Pump is used cause its the most powerful move Starmie gets access to, and base 100 SpA isn't as impressive as it once was :( Psyshock is used to shit on Special walls, specifically Chansey and Blissey but it also nails the odd AV Conkeldurr and SpDef Clefable. In general I can't remember the last time I actually used Psychic on a Pokemon, Psyshock is just so much better. The third move is really interchangeable - depending on what you want. Ice Beam prevents shit like Serperior, Thundurus, Pinsir, and Garchomp from forcing you out. It also gives you a reliable accurate way to kill Lando, Gliscor, and the like without relying on Hydro Pump. Thunderbolt helps with this teams relatively large DD Gyarados weakness. However, HP Fire is also seriously awesome, as luring in and bopping Ferrothorn and Scizor is hella fun, and can change the momentum of the game quickly. Last move Rapid Spin, helps me not lose to opposing hazard stack and even opposing HO teams, as Gengar really doesn't like trying to switch into Starmie to spinblock. All in all a great member on HO.


Lopunny @
| Limber --> Scrappy
Jolly | 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Fake Out
- Frustration
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch

Once upon a time, I hated this thing. As an NU player back when ORAS launched, we had to put up with this shit in NU for like 3 weeks, where it was free to ruin my life. Seriously, I really didn't like it. Then I started watching Reverend, and I also started playing OU a bit. I quickly realized how valuable Mega Lopunny is.​
It fits like every criteria for a successful Hyper Offense Pokemon:
Does it outspeed most of the tier unboosted?
Does it have a spammable priority?
Does it have spammable STAB moves?
Does it have super powerful STAB moves?
Is the last moveslot unpredictable?
This thing seriously is amazing now, and I love it. Adamant nature, because with Greninja gone, the only relevant things you don't outspeed are Weavile, Tornadus-T, and Alakazam; and Adamant allows it to hit a noticeable amount harder. As much as I hate doing it, Jolly nature is pretty critical, as without the ability to outspeed Weavile, it can literally outspeed OHKO every single member of my team (baring a T-wave from Thundy.) As nice as the power boost from Adamant is, Jolly is a much necessary adjustment. Limber is the ability of choice, as you can use stray Thunder Waves as an opportunity to switch in, and Cute Charm is somehow even more situational than that. Fake Out is amazing on Offense, chip damage and free Mega evolution. Frustration is because I like my moves to go in order from shortest to longest, and Return is too short.. Also for ditto, lol. HJK is obligatory, and in the last slot, Power-Up-Punch was changed to Ice Punch for a bit more consistency vs Landorus. Power-Up-Punch is definitely usable though, as boosting on stall teams helps you break them down a lot easier.


Gengar @
| Levitate
Timid | 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Taunt
- Destiny Bond

Gengar is really difficult for most teams to switch into. Dual STAB is basically on every Gengar ever, and Substitute is probably on 99% of them. The only thing that can safely switch-in to most Gengar is Tyranitar, and even then they have to watch out for Focus Blast. It was suggested to change Will-O-Wisp and Substitute with Taunt and Destiny Bond, as Taunt helps with CM Clefable, which otherwise gives this team a ton of trouble, and Destiny Bond helps dispose of Bisharp without fail, as opposed to Will-O-Wisp which only cripples it. Sludge Wave hits Chesnaught, and I get more poisons with it than I do with Sludge Bomb anyway. Oh, this also spin blocks for me, preventing basically anything but Starmie from spinning vs my team and removing all of Skarmory's hazards. Anyway, moving on :)


Serperior @
| Contrary
Timid | 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

- Leaf Storm
- Dragon Pulse

- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Giga Drain
Serperior, my oh my. 2 months ago you were chilling in the depths of NU, now you're banned from every tier bar OU. All with a simple ability addition. Anyway this thing is a unrivaled game-ending sweeper. Late-game, if you can eliminate it's checks (Heatran), and get off a Leaf Storm to revenge something, its pretty much over. On this team in particular, Serperior is my only Electric resist, so I commonly double into it predicting Rotom-W and the like, giving me a free +2 as they switch (or stay in, I don't really care). Dragon Pulse is there to stop shit like the Lati's, Dragonite, and bulky Fire-types from stopping Serperior short. Hidden Power Fire can take care of any Steel- or Grass-type that stand in its way, Ferrothorn being a common example. Last slot is mainly filler, Giga Drain is nice because it can recover health lost from entry hazards, Life Orb, and random attacks, while killing shit off and preserving Leaf Storm PP at the same time. Also nice utility to paralyze shit like Megagross as it switches in. Serperior is a fantastic Pokemon; and though I miss using SubCM in NU, its new found powerful presence in OU makes up for that pain :)


Thundurus @
| Prankster
Naive | 76 Atk / 180 SpA / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave

I love Thundurus. Never got a chance to use it last gen, as I started playing OU shortly after its banning (Nasty Plot with Thunder in Rain, that shit's ridiculous..). Anyway, as much as I want Leftovers to help keep Thundy alive due to it being my only Flying switch-in, the lack of Life Orb really hurts its offensive capabilities, and on an offensive team that's bad. Thunderbolt is crazy strong, and HP Ice beats Landorus and Garchomp, and to a lesser extent Gliscor, that try to switch in. Knock Off is for the Lati's, as my team lacks a Bisharp, and if I didn't have a way to lure them in and defeat the two of them, they would get off easy Defogs against the rest of my team. With 76 Atk EVs, Knock Off is a guaranteed OHKO on Latios, preventing it from switching in and Defogging. on Latias, it requires a lot of previous damage, though. Knock Off also helps me beats Chansey by removing its Eviolite, letting Starmie 2HKO it with Psyshock; and just in general makes it 100% easier to beat. Thunder Wave in the last slot is nice if the opponent has a setup threat that got out of control, emergency safety net if you will. It also helps against just fast Pokemon I want to slow down and make easier to kill with another member.


Skarmory @
| Sturdy
Jolly | 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Taunt / Brave Bird
- Iron Head

My love. My joy. I seriously don't understand why this set isn't well known and used by everyone by this point, it's just so damn good. Basically guaranteed Stealth Rock barring opponent's Taunt, in which case you can normally Taunt them first cause with 252+ speed, Skarmory is deceivingly fast - speed tying with Breloom and outspeeding a ton of mid-range OU pokemon. After you get up rocks, you can proceed to spam Spikes until you die, or get off a decently powerful Brave Bird at 1 HP with a little help from Custap Berry if you need to break a Focus Sash. Despite everything above being written in mid-BW2 from my other RMT, it stands true even in ORAS. Taunt things that are obviously their Stealth Rock user or stuff that can set-up like Bisharp or Gyarados. Rocks are nearly impossible not to set up, because you can get them up after you live a hit with Sturdy at 9999 Speed within your priority bracket next turn thanks to Custap Berry. Spikes are a nice bonus if you didn't have to Taunt turn 1, or if your opponent can't 2HKO Skarmory with their lead. Brave Bird is really powerful with 252 Attack, wearing shit down to the range where it can normally be picked off with a Lopunny Fake Out + PuP. Iron Head is also decent as a way to hit Mega-Diancie, as it has Magic Bounce, and otherwise fucks you over completely. Against a Mega Sableye or Mega Diancie (if lacking Iron Head) lead, you should obviously lead with something else, and switch Skarmory in later to their Stealth Rock user to preserve Sturdy. Anyway, this Pokemon is amazing on Hyper Offense, as it's basically Taunt lead Terrakion with less Speed, but with access to both Spikes and Sturdy. If you haven't tried out a Hyper Offensive team with it yet, well, I guess you can always give this one a test drive if you're interested :)


Many thanks to many amazing friends I've made on forums the past 9 months. Thank you! :)
Tom Bus - Might as well start off with the most entertaining OU player I know.
galbia - First ever tour game against him, really chill guy. Grats on mods nerd :)
Raseri - best TL puts up with NU's cancer and hasn't perma'd anyone yet. That's amazing.
Reverend - only "poketuber" I actually watch anymore, great commentary and solid battles. Too bad he's lazier than I am when it comes to playing and uploading.
DMT - Canadian friend, 1 of 2 bus drivers I know of :) Used to play mons now his soul had been darkened. rip
hollywood - cute smod, lazy as a pile of rocks. likes captain morgan which is commendable.
iplaytennislol - my favourite jew, and my favourite Californian. pretty lucky at pokemon, though. Also thanks for helping me test the team with your high ladder rank, sorry for the losses tho :(
Zebraiken - nu-guy-in-charge I've talked to the least, but seems chill. running spl must be tough.
Kiyo - most 2-sided motherfucker I've ever met in my life. some days you want to force him to drink bleach, and some days you invite him across the country to join you at a Taylor Swift concert. glad I know you though fren, you're normally pretty chill :)
swagilyph - doesn't really use the forums that often, but a really down-to-earth dude I can hit up on skype and talk to about whatever. gl getting qc 3/3 on leafeon, lol.
NV - best uu mod, larvitar is nice. rip my voice in UU, probably won't ever happen :(
sniperaim - back in NU alpha, we used to ladder a lot together. sorta died when I stopped playing mons. those were fun times though
Can-Eh-Dian - up-and-coming tryhard on the forums, gl to you in the future :) i know youre heading off to school next year, so best of luck getting in where ya want to go fren. Also Canadian!
The Goomy - great fren, leo introduced us a while back because he wanted to steal OU teams from you, lol. got along great and yea 10/10 guy. but for real record more don't starve with me, I've literally gotten like 10 requests / pms about what happened to the series, lol :(
Montsegur - nice guy, friendly mod. Doesn't abuse his powers for worse, and actually qc's stuff. can't ask for much more!
barton - dont even know if you use the forums anymore, but hi :)
Darnell - rip, we miss you :(
Punchshroom - really well thought out posts in nu forum, nice getting to know you :)
Quite Quiet - as his name suggests, a rather quiet mod. but he does well and is nice :)
Teddeh - hi teddeh :3 grats on spl fren!
innovamania - most abusive global, omg.. really nice guy, funny in call, and our thrift shop a Capella was great :)
boltsandbombers - bolt sand bombers, quality user! works really hard on the forums, deserves all the badges :) welcome to qc team!
Brawlfest - nice avatar... speaking of qc team, hi brawlfest. cute user, shitposter, whatever you wanna call him :)
Arikado - havent talked much as you're a RU guy and I'm an nu person, but you seem chill. stop by nu more :)
Robert Alfons - during the summer back in a tiershift tour in the nu room, I haxed the shit out of you, and I don't think you've ever forgiven me :( youre a chill person though!
atomicllamas - nice smods! :^(
Dolph The Showoff - introduced me to phozon, land, and basically all the important people in the yt community back in 2012 when I only had like 200 subs :) great fren!
Kayo - I'm having some gril problems... what should I do happy place guy?
fingerscrossed - seriously down to earth guy, awesome in calls. Introduced me to high level OU, and just good playing in general. 10/10 guy.
marilli - quality nu mod, oldtimer nu user but really nice! glad we started talking :)
Dangerous - fuck me, I'm famous bitch. Used to look up to you as some sorta celeb, lol. but once you talk to someone in skype, you realize that they're just a regular guy, and you're super chill. nice meeting you fren.
QueenOfLuvdiscs - holy shit I almost forgot queen. the fact that you live in the uk is nice for me, cause I normally stay up to ridiculous times, and you chill in call most morning really late. also a great friend and a great mons player! you dont just stall.
Lord Alphose - quality user! :)
NotHyunation - actually got me into posting on the forums, lol. ty for that I guess, kinda a blessing cause I met all these cool people, kinda a curse for all the wasted hours.
Deej Dy - nice NU user :)
Disjunction - grats on ladybug!
Realistic Waters - another quality nu user!
Nozzle - nu is chocked full of quality users :)
Mysteria - very chill user, gl on future badges! :)
scorpdestroyer - nicest nu mod ever :)
Aladyyn - fellow t-swift lover :))
fleurdyleurse - deserves a shoutout just for all the hard gp work she does. amazing :)
Zenza - formerly aquajetbreloom, former NU player. still a great friend!
dEnIsSsS - best teambuilder of all time, always deserves a shoutout in rmt's :)
Soulgazer - comment dites-vous (BAN ME PLEASE) en français? cool guy tho :)
Dat Blast - omg i forgot dat blast. always workin away, sometimes all the hard work goes unnoticed. I know I just forgot about you at least :( keep up the modding, you're much better than mont :)
trc - came to learn about nu a few times, i know you do ou as well. hi :)
aim - youtube inspiration if such a thing exists. I remember asking for permission to use your rant about hax for one of my videos a long time ago, lol. Really really nice guy, glad you got active on forums and didn't turn into the stereotypical "bad youtuber". very respectable guy!
Draeden - can't believe I forgot about you for so long! amazing friend, nice guy, quality nu/ou player! :)
mochi_sux - no better way to end off this long list than with an old friend. very first friend I made while playing on Showdown. Literally have known you for 3 years now, this is insane.. great guy, can always talk about whatever! I promise to send you coffee one day, man :)

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-218781401 <---- vs opposing Skarm HO.
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-220043327 <--- another vs Skarm HO
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-218778334 <---- Lopunny+Starmie are demonstrated nicely.
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-218774197 <---- Versus balance
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-220042822 <-- iplaytennislol tennis' his way through rain

These replays are played by user iplaytennislol, who was top 50ish at time of testing.
Thanks for reading everyone, hope you enjoyed the RMT and the team!
Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Psyshock
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin

Lopunny @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Happiness: 0
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Frustration
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Wave
- Taunt
- Destiny Bond

Thundurus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 76 Atk / 180 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave

Skarmory @ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Iron Head
- Taunt

Serperior @ Life Orb
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Leaf Storm
- Dragon Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Giga Drain
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Hey man, cool team, and thanks for the shout out! I'm not gonna lie, it's been a while since I've rated a team. This is mainly because it's impossible to create teams that can check most of the threats in ORAS OU. I don't really have much to add as I don't want to change the way the team works, but I do however suggest the use of Taunt over Substitute on Gengar. Calm Mind Thunder Wave Clefable (yes the yellow color is a set, a common one albeit that) looks like a huge pain to your team as it stops all your offensive sweepers cold and can set up on them with a few full paras and some without. Taunt helps you better take on Clefable as well as stopping other pokemon from defogging away your hazards as besides Skarmory, your suicide lead, you have no way of doing that (Knock Off from min investment Thundurus does not knock out standard Latias. My second suggestion is trying Ice Punch over Power-Up Punch on Mega Lopunny. Choice Scarf Landorus-T looks like an issue. It can safely revenge kill the majority of your team with its coverage. Fortunately, the bunny baits in Landorus-t and can weaken it enough, with Stealth Rock, to the point that it can no longer come in at at as it's dead, lol. Anyway that's basically all i have man. Happy that i could inspire you. :]
Hey fellow OU player.
This team looks pretty damn solid, I'm gonna try to suggest a few optimal changes you could consider making to help this team match better against some threats.
  • Brave Bird/Iron Head > Taunt on Skarmory. The reason for this being, that you can prevent Mega Diancie from blocking your rocks, and spinners from Spin-killing you. Taunt doesn't have too much of an use since Starmie is able to spin against common hazards setter. This brings me to the next point :
  • Ice Beam > Psyshock on Starmie. While you do lose a way to even remotely damage fat blobs, you prevent the Lati@s from defogging, which is pretty huge considering you have a suicide hazards lead and no Bisharp to make the aformentioned think twice about defogging.
  • Meadow Plate > Life Orb on Serperior. No recoil, that's basically it. You don't need the extra power from your coverage moves when at +2 either way. Also Giga Drain seems pretty neat over Glare to help with stall, which suicide-lead based teams are usually weak to, and Glare isn't needed as much considering you have Prankster Thunder Wave on Thundurus.
  • Destiny Bond > Will-o-Wisp and Taunt > Substitute on Gengar. The former suggested move forces Bisharp to kill itself thus denying it a potential sweep. The latter for reasons aim explained.
  • Quick attack > Power-up-Punch on Lopunny. You're pretty weak to Talonflame (with Sharp Beak Thundurus isn't a check nor a revenge killer if the bird has set up) and you can catch unexpecting Talonflames with double priority (after rocks obviously) before it is able to do any damage to your team. Alternatively, Healing Wish, Ice Punch and Encore or even Substitute if you choose to forgo DBond on Gengar are all pretty cool options.
That's it. Nice team though, showcasing the use of Custap Skarmory which is rising in usage pretty fast, and all of the HO teams that come with it.
Nice team at first glance

There are a few glaring weaknesses though which are pretty common considering this is a H/O Team.

  • Landorus-I:You don't really have switch ins to this.Be it Rock Polish or an all out attacker set,it is a pretty huge threat to your team.
  • M-Metagross:M-Metagross is really good against Balance and H/O teams like yours,an Agility or RP Set just pretty much sweeps.
  • M-Diancie:After it manages to get off an RP,it'll be really hard to handle and you don't have switch ins to it regardless.
  • Sand Offense:Has a pretty good matchup against your team.Once Excadrill manages to get off an SD,it pretty much sweeps you.
  • SD Talonflame:This has a good matchup against your team as well although it will find limited opportunities to set up.
I really come up as blank when it comes to giving you suggestions because H/O is a play style that is weak to set up sweepers.

One thing I can point out though is,most of the threats that I've mentioned are set up sweepers.Now that you're gonna be running Taunt on Gengar,I think it eases the pressure on your team and you do have priority TWave.The threats that I mentioned are also outsped by most of your team so I think that you'll have to play aggressively pulling doubles from time to time.

Hope I helped,good luck with your team n_n
Nice team at first glance

There are a few glaring weaknesses though which are pretty common considering this is a H/O Team.

  • Landorus-I:You don't really have switch ins to this.Be it Rock Polish or an all out attacker set,it is a pretty huge threat to your team.
  • M-Metagross:M-Metagross is really good against Balance and H/O teams like yours,an Agility or RP Set just pretty much sweeps.
  • M-Diancie:After it manages to get off an RP,it'll be really hard to handle and you don't have switch ins to it regardless.
  • Sand Offense:Has a pretty good matchup against your team.Once Excadrill manages to get off an SD,it pretty much sweeps you.
  • SD Talonflame:This has a good matchup against your team as well although it will find limited opportunities to set up.
I really come up as blank when it comes to giving you suggestions because H/O is a play style that is weak to set up sweepers.

One thing I can point out though is,most of the threats that I've mentioned are set up sweepers.Now that you're gonna be running Taunt on Gengar,I think it eases the pressure on your team and you do have priority TWave.The threats that I mentioned are also outsped by most of your team so I think that you'll have to play aggressively pulling doubles from time to time.

Hope I helped,good luck with your team n_n

I don't think any of these get any free set-up nor free switches, so the team is fine against them tbh.
Taunt over Substitute on Gengar. Ice Punch over Power-Up Punch on Mega Lopunny.
thanks for the rate! Definitely gonna put Taunt on Gengar as it's been suggested a few times and it seems really solid. Ice Punch is definitely good too, and as much fun as Pup is to mess around with, sometimes the most reliable move is best lol. ty again.

Hey fellow OU player.
This team looks pretty damn solid, I'm gonna try to suggest a few optimal changes you could consider making to help this team match better against some threats.
  • Brave Bird/Iron Head > Taunt on Skarmory. The reason for this being, that you can prevent Mega Diancie from blocking your rocks, and spinners from Spin-killing you. Taunt doesn't have too much of an use since Starmie is able to spin against common hazards setter. This brings me to the next point :
  • Ice Beam > Psyshock on Starmie. While you do lose a way to even remotely damage fat blobs, you prevent the Lati@s from defogging, which is pretty huge considering you have a suicide hazards lead and no Bisharp to make the aformentioned think twice about defogging.
  • Meadow Plate > Life Orb on Serperior. No recoil, that's basically it. You don't need the extra power from your coverage moves when at +2 either way. Also Giga Drain seems pretty neat over Glare to help with stall, which suicide-lead based teams are usually weak to, and Glare isn't needed as much considering you have Prankster Thunder Wave on Thundurus.
  • Destiny Bond > Will-o-Wisp and Taunt > Substitute on Gengar. The former suggested move forces Bisharp to kill itself thus denying it a potential sweep. The latter for reasons aim explained.
  • Quick attack > Power-up-Punch on Lopunny. You're pretty weak to Talonflame (with Sharp Beak Thundurus isn't a check nor a revenge killer if the bird has set up) and you can catch unexpecting Talonflames with double priority (after rocks obviously) before it is able to do any damage to your team. Alternatively, Healing Wish, Ice Punch and Encore or even Substitute if you choose to forgo DBond on Gengar are all pretty cool options.
Really quality rate, gonna try out pretty much all of these changes and I'll update the OP as necessary. I haven't seen very many M-Diancie, but it's a huge threat to HO and being able to "lure" it with Lead Skarm and beat it turn 1 would be great. Meadow Plate seems really obvious now, don't know why I went with LO tbh :\ Gengar changes sound nice to patch up a few holes I noticed myself, and dual priority Bunny is something I messed around with a bit before, but I'll give it another shot :] ty again!
Hey there.

I don't have much to say here,great team, I agree with Aim suggestion of Taunt over Substitute on Gengar, and Ice Punch on MLopunny, you also seem to have some troubles against Latios, so, how about running 76 attack evs on Thundurus? With 76 atk evs you will ohko Latios after stealth rocks 100% of times, not needing any prior damage like Thunderbolt to him.

Another problem for your team is Mega Diancie, be it Rock Polish, making it faster than MLopunny, Thundurus Serperior and Starmie or 3 attacks Protect, since it forces mega Lop on coinflips situations, I would run Iron Head over Taunt and Salac Berry over Custap Berry on Skarmory

Normally Custap Berry outclasses Salac Berry on Suicide leads, but after a boost you get a respectable 393 speed able to outspeed majority of OU, and various priority users won't kill you regardless, since they expect Custap Berry as the item of choice, however, Salac Berry allows you to get a speed boost untill you die or switch out, and this is a big key difference against Mega Diancie with Protect or a team with Latios/Latias/Starmie who can lure you in using Spikes/Iron Head at low hp and then send out Latios/Latias/Starmie only to defog you, however with Salac Berry, this kind of "pillaring" will not work, and you get more safely hazards on the field.


Thundurus (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 76 Atk / 180 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 Def
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Knock Off
- Hidden Power [Ice]


Skarmory (F) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Brave Bird
- Iron Head
Again, nice team; I especially love how everyone in the team bar gengar which ties is faster than Latios
great team overall, but excadrill on sands is a really pain to deal with.

This is the first thing I thought when looking at the team, too. Conkeldurr over Serperior is the ezpz solution because it still checks waters and electrics but it doesn't really fit with the gotta go fast theme and causes Mega Bro to became a problem if there's too much pressure on Thundurus.
Keeping in mind that you want to keep your speed control via Prankster Thunder Wave, I recommend a mixed EV Spread for Thundurus. Mixed, wall breaker Thundurus is a hassle to deal with, as it can 1 or 2hko any relevant wall in the meta, which allows for other speedy sweepers to clean up nicely.

Thundurus @ Life Orb
Ability: Prankster/ Defiant
Nature: Naive
EVs:76 Atk / 180 SpA / 252 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice /Grass Knot
- Knock Off
- Thunder Wave / Superpower

The slightly altered evs allow you to OHKO Latios after SR, and allows you to completely beat Latias on the switch. Grass Knot can be used to deal with more annoyinig walls, such as Hippowdon and Quagsire, and Superpower can be opted to be able to 2hko Chansey, so you wouldn't be able to rely on the situational Knock Off + Psyshock from Starmie.
Suggest a way to solve this problem then :]
This is the first thing I thought when looking at the team, too. Conkeldurr over Serperior is the ezpz solution because it still checks waters and electrics but it doesn't really fit with the gotta go fast theme and causes Mega Bro to became a problem if there's too much pressure on Thundurus.
i was trying to see a good mon to replace on the team but i do not found something cool to fit the theme, maybe landorus-i rock polish or offensive zapdos can be cool
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Hey solid and great team richard. However, I have a few suggestions that may help.

You said the third move on starmie depends on what you want to use, but I would honestly run Ice Beam > Hp Fire all of time. Hp Fire really helps against ferrothorn and mega scizor; two threats that you are not really weak to. Your team is also extremely weak to dragon types, and starmie is a free switch in to most them like dragonite, hydreigon, latias, latios, and mega altaria. That is why I recommend Ice Beam, because it keeps starmie from being complete setup bait, for some of the most powerful threats in the tier. Mostly since you are extremely weak to them. Ice Beam is also better, because your team is really annoyed by bulky grass types. Hp Fire does pretty shit damage, but Ice Beam does a hell of a lot. Its also nice to hit grass types, because serperior has a hard time breaking through them.

The next change I recommend is Taunt > Giga Drain/Glare on serperior. Your team is great annoyed by stall teams, so by having a taunter, it will help them break past the powerful defensive moves of the tier. Taunt also nice, because it keeps the opponent from defogging, allowing you to keep your hazards down. Taunt can also keep your opponent from setting up hazards. This is helpful, if you opponent has a lead or a mon that threatens skarm from getting up hazards. Taunt is also nice if you ladder with this team, take on the very common baton pass teams. Because you can taunt smeargle and you can't be put to sleep with spore.

Another cool option for this team is running Encore > Power-Up-Punch on mega lopunny. If you decide to run taunt on gengar, then your team will have a pretty great match up vs stall. This also gives you the option of running encore on mega lop. Encore would be helpful against bulky set up mons like clefable, suicune, manaphy, sd gliscor, rock leads, and sucker punch mons like bisharp. Imo encore would be very helpful to this team. I would love to run encore over fake out, so you can run an encore + power up punch combo, but lacking fake out on mega lopunny really sucks. Encore also pairs well with hazards, as it forces a lot of switches.

Thats all I got. Great team richard :]
Small change, but you should run Limber as an ability on Lopunny, so it can use a stray Thunder Wave as a switch-in oppertunity. That and Cute Charm isn't really useful at all. Everything else has really been said but the above ability thing mentioned in OU SQSA and caused confusion so I figure that I'd mention that it should be changed.
im on my phone so maybe i missed it, but i dont see any mention of weavile. not sure how youre supposed to win ho matchups when all your opponent has to do is sack pokemon to bring in weavile safely. and its super common, nah?
Bit of a bump, but I've done a bunch more testing with most (if not all) of the suggestions, and the team looks quite different now! Lots of small changes were implemented, and I think overall the team is a much better version of it's former self.

Changes include:
Sub --> Taunt on Gengar
Will-o --> D-Bond on Gengar
Adamant --> Jolly on Lopunny
Cute Charm --> Limber on Lopunny
PuP --> Ice Punch on Lopunny
Brave Bird --> Iron Head on Skarm
Hp Fire --> Ice Beam on Starmie.
Slashed Salac with Custap on Skarm
76 Atk on Thundy

Thank you all for the suggestions, hope you enjoyed the RMT :)