ORAS OU Trinte Calla:M-Altaria Balance(peaked 1730)

Hey guys,I am back with another RMT for M-Altaria.I had orginally made this team with M-Gardevoir and Giratina-O but changed it up a bit after finding out that it was a joke.
Listen to this while reading:

The team:


Jirachi @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 176 SpD / 80 Spe
Ability: Serene Grace
Careful Nature
-Stealth Rock
-Iron Head
-Thunder Wave

(Thank you scotti )

Jirachi was chosen to patch up my Fairy weakness and handles Clefable very well.Iron Head is my STAB and the increased chance to flinch is very nice.Wish support for mons in need of recovery and Thunder Wave to cripple mons.


Altaria @ Altarianite
Ability: Cloud Nine
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Return
- Roost
(Thanks HeiDoe )​

Aah,the lord itself.M-Altaria is such a good pokemon,the fact that it is so unpredictable backed up by decent defensive stats and great coverage moves means that you'll be forced to play around it.I chose this set because it single handedly takes on teams.Return is my STAB hitting almost every offensive mon there is,Earthquake hits the likes of Heatran,M-Metagross and is just a great move to have.Roost increases my longevity while DD just makes it more threatening and capable of sweeping.


Chesnaught @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulletproof
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Spikes
- Spiky Shield
- Leech Seed
- Drain Punch

Next up we have Chestnaught,one of the most underrated mons in OU.I wanted a Grass type on this team and originally had Breloom but then went for Chestnaught because I was really weak to ScarfLandoge.Spikes add extra residual damage while Spiky Shield+Leech Seed helps me to stall out some mons.Drain Punch is a good STAB to recover more health and hit the likes of Chansey which can particularly annoying.


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Ability: Levitate
Bold Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Volt Switch
-Pain Split

(Thanks to scotti,again.)

Seeing as to how my team was weak to Talonflame and birdspam in general,Rotom-W was chosen to handle them and RegGyara and Feraligatr.It also checks M-Metagross nicely.Hydro Pump and volt switch are my STABs,WoW to cripple Physical threats and Pain split to recover some health.


Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP / 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Psyshock
- Rapid Spin

Starmie was chosen to pressure Thundurus,Landorus and Gengar in order spin away the hazards that have been set up.Hydro Pump is my STAB that does insane damage on the switch in because of me(see what I did there?hehehe) and Ice Beam pressures Latis,Landoges and Psyshock is my STAB that hits M-Venusaur,Tentacruel and Amoonguss.Rapid Spin is kinda obvious lol.


Landorus-Therian (M) @ Earth Plate
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Polish
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Earthquake

Landorus was chosen as a bluff to deal with M-Altaria and other mons.Once I set up an SD or an RP then it puts so much pressure on the opposing team that I am bound to win.Earthquake is my STAB while Knock Off is for Slowbro,Landorus,Thundurus and Gengar.It is a great deal to pull it off but if I do,I am in a great spot.


One of my first friends on Smogon,great player and person in general
DarkNostalgia a great friend and contributor to the OU Forum
Cypher Amir one of the best players I've known,learnt a lot from him
Stathakis One of the best players around.A great mentor who's guided me along the way.
njnp The biggest scrub ever.What a friend.Gl with your YT channel and continue destroying people.
Alkov We battle more than we talk lol.Wish you luck in the them tours friend.Great player.
Zamrock My G!Only reason why I am giving you a shoutout is because you said I play good,jk.Learnt somethings from him too.Amazing player
Kacey Nu thanks for getting me into competetive battling.Learnt the most from you and I'll never forget whatever you've taught me
Terry24 great friend,awesome team builder
oml it's too ez eziest guy to make friends with :] great fella

PTS friends:
Ende Wilex Rayman94 DeeJ

That's it guys.Thanks for reading.


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Hey cool team, but I have a few suggestions that can help.

At first glace, your team gets destroyed by fairies that can hit tran like mega garde, mega alt, and mega diancie. You also get destroyed by reg gyarados(taunt varients), feraligatr, and mega metagross can be pretty annoying, mostly because lando is offensive.. These threats are the biggest ones imo, but I have a few suggestions that can help with that.

I recommend running Spdef Rocks Jirachi over Heatran. Rachi pretty much patches up your fairy weakness and still allows you to have rocks. Jirachi also gives you a better special dragon resist, since most run quake for tran, and quake or hp fire do little damage to jirachi. Jirachi at the same time handles clef better, which is helpful. The only downside is that you are slightly weak to bisharp and a lot weaker to talonflame, but I have a few suggestions to fix that. I recommend running a set of wish | twave/body slam | iron head | stealth rocks | to handle dd refresh alt.

The next change that I recommend is running defensive rotom-w over raikou. Rotom-w allows you to take on talonflame and bisharp better, and also fixes your weakeness against reg gyarados, feraligatr, and checks mega metagross a bit better. Sub reg gyarados is a threat to rotom-w, since it subs on volt switch, but you has spiky shield chesnaught to kinda handle sub variants, as you can stall it out of bounce. You also handle dd 2 attacks alt pretty well, but dd refresh alt is still a huge threat unless you run a wish + twave/body slam over the standard wish + protect jirachi.

Anyway thats all I got, I hope I helped.
^above is all good, thanks for the shoutout friend :)
change altaria's spread, max max to outrun jolly weavile. you could tone it down for torn-t or sash zam though, your choice. but great team regardless :) (also im shit at rates)
Yo ! Your team is pretty offensive, I do not think the spikes and chesnaught can serve you much, you might be able to replace Breloom, to help you against Excadrill finally the sand in general that can cause you a little problem:

Breloom @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spore
- Bullet Seed
- Mach Punch
- Rock Tomb / Drain Punch
Yo ! Your team is pretty offensive, I do not think the spikes and chesnaught can serve you much, you might be able to replace Breloom, to help you against Excadrill finally the sand in general that can cause you a little problem:

Breloom @ Life Orb
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spore
- Bullet Seed
- Mach Punch
- Rock Tomb / Drain Punch
I get what you're saying.I'm adding Rotom-W now instead of Raikou so my weakness to Exca in sand is pretty much patched up.Chestnaught handles Exca regardless.Thanks for the rate though :]
I get what you're saying.I'm adding Rotom-W now instead of Raikou so my weakness to Exca in sand is pretty much patched up.Chestnaught handles Exca regardless.Thanks for the rate though :]

Oh, very well, I thought you wanted to have a rather heavy offense, otherwise cool team. :)
hey, cool team and not much to mention other than what has been said, however I do want to recommend this potential better spread for Mega Altaria. The spread is 56 HP / 252 Atk / +204 Spe, This allows you to out speed base 70s preventing you from getting statuses by Breloom or taking potential crucial damage, lets you out speed and beat Bisharp and also allows you to out speed base 135s like Mega Loppuny and Mega Manectric after one dragon dance. The power shift isn't too crazy considering you weren't fully invested into attack any ways, it still provides you with some form of bulk investment and it needs less support and time to set up and clean teams.

I hope you were able to gain something out of this and I wish you and your team the best for the future!

Edit: I messed up the attack EVs, it has now been changed, sorry for the confusion.
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I hate being nitpicky but change Cloud Nine on Altaria to Natural Cure. Granted it'll probably be useful in 1/100 battles but then Cloud Nine is probably useful in 1/1000.

Your team seems pretty solid from an offensive standpoint, but it looks like it struggles to break down Ferrothorn, it literally comes in on 5/6 (maybe 4, Lando can overpower it but will hate the Leech Seed) members and starts laying Spikes and spreading residual damage everywhere, as well as coming in on your spinner. Have you considered running a Hidden Power Fire Starmie to attempt to lure it and make Altaria's life much easier as that tends to be most teams best answer to DD Taria. Nice team tho =]
I hate being nitpicky but change Cloud Nine on Altaria to Natural Cure. Granted it'll probably be useful in 1/100 battles but then Cloud Nine is probably useful in 1/1000.

Your team seems pretty solid from an offensive standpoint, but it looks like it struggles to break down Ferrothorn, it literally comes in on 5/6 (maybe 4, Lando can overpower it but will hate the Leech Seed) members and starts laying Spikes and spreading residual damage everywhere, as well as coming in on your spinner. Have you considered running a Hidden Power Fire Starmie to attempt to lure it and make Altaria's life much easier as that tends to be most teams best answer to DD Taria. Nice team tho =]

lmao, cloud nine is useful against Charizard-y, and this mon is widely used.

I agree with starmie hp fire.
lmao, cloud nine is useful against Charizard-y, and this mon is widely used.

I agree with starmie hp fire.

You wall Zard y regardless, and being able to shake off stray T Waves is something I've found more useful, but yeah I shouldn't have dismissed it so freely, personal preference I guess.
Only mons that check ZardY on my team are M-Alt and Starmie to an extent.I can't really do anything about it because ZardY is very good against balance but HP Fire sounds nice on Starmie.I'll try it out
And I vote Natural Cure on Altaria. Here we go: You run into more ZardY than situations where you can use Natural Cure, but even fewer of those ZardY situations are those when Cloud Nine makes a difference in the long-term battle. This is augmented by the facts that... iirc as per stats a FEW more people on mid and high ladder are running DPulse so if Cloud Nine is declared as your ability they'll just DPulse if they have it, and there will be times when they didn't Mega yet and you can't deduce if it's X or Y, and Mega Evolve to not be wrecked by either because your Cloud Nine announced itself. You'd also suffer against my Toxic Landoge.

4 SpD on Chesna lowers the KO chance for non-LO 252 SpA Starmie after SR. It doesn't Drain Punch as much as Conkel so I suggest not putting the excess stat in Atk.

I'm not sure if the Double Dancer Landoge has proven to cover more threats than the ancient Jolly Scarf (if you pivot into it) because it outspeeds Cube and hits it with Rock/Fighting, hits Lopunny, hits Thundu, UTurns to give the offensive pressure to beat Manaphy and Gengar tricks...you get my point. Altaria has a hard time getting around almost all the Lando sets, and your offensive set has as hard a time coming in without a pivot as the Scarf Lando does. I know its point is to set up sweep, presumably from full HP -SR, but you said you don't do that too often.
Nice team bro, maybe with roar>spiky in chegs works better imo giving a extra damage of hazards and help you with ddance and SD users
Try that and good team again :)
How do you handle gengar at all? I am aware that it is listed as a threat but from the looks of your team, if gengar is in, it seems to get a pretty much guaranteed kill
Perhaps you could consider body slam on Jirachi? It can paralyze ground types that are immune to thunder wave.
Although thunder wave does cripple Gengar, which seems to be a problem.
How do you handle gengar at all? I am aware that it is listed as a threat but from the looks of your team, if gengar is in, it seems to get a pretty much guaranteed kill
I'm forced to bluff the scarf on Landorus, Starmie forces it out. It's a huge problem though.
Hey! Pretty cool team tho the lack of special defense hurts me. But I noticed something that you should definitely change and it's the ability of Starmie. Starmie being nasturally fast with base 115 and you giving it max speed and IN ADDITION timid nature, it does absolutely nothing with the analytic ability. Natural cure will help you a lot more!
Hey! Pretty cool team tho the lack of special defense hurts me. But I noticed something that you should definitely change and it's the ability of Starmie. Starmie being nasturally fast with base 115 and you giving it max speed and IN ADDITION timid nature, it does absolutely nothing with the analytic ability. Natural cure will help you a lot more!

Analytic is a curitiual ability for offensive Starmie to run, as it increases the damage done when a pokemon switchs against Starmie, which if you haven't realised, Starmue forces a lot of switches due to its insane coverage and speed. This extra damage can also be the deciding factor between winning and losing a game. While offensive Starmie can surely be used to absorb status, it's already getting worn down by Life Orb and its still limited on the turn it switchs in, it also doesn't use Recover, so status is still wear it down regardless on the switch in, so it's really redundant.
This is a solid team you have. Considering how Lando-T was at the end of every replay, I think there is no need to change it. Choice Scarf and Leftovers are the most expected items on it, and if you switch in with Lando-T and leftovers don't show up, your opponent immediately believes its Scarfed (but you already know this), so no matter what, just keep it. I also think Talonflame is a major threat once Rotom-W is gone, and Ferrothorn also looks annoying to kill. Its not necessarily a threat, but its one of those pokes you can't get rid of instantly. Chesnaught does wall it, but it can't kill immediately and lets Ferrothorn set up spikes/SR. I'm not exactly sure what the best solution is to that, but otherwise its a great team. Nice Job