Finals Official Smogon Tournament XI - Finals [Won by WhiteQueen]

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Not gonna comment on anything else you said, but do you remember when I posted a little red arrow to the place in the roster where your name should have been, but was not? Well, that means that i had the "animated perspectives" webpage, as well the facebook link within it. I did my own search on that facebook, at that time. Its not that hard either, all you gotta do is type in 'sab' into the cute little search bar. You don't get any sabrinas. Recall this was actually before peachy's post, making what you said a lie :(
23:20:47: <%srk1214> omg Mike Trout is clearly a Miguel Cabrera alt
23:20:52: <%srk1214> how could he be hitting every pitcher so well
23:20:53: <%srk1214> he's new
23:20:57: <Aurora> lol
23:20:58: <%srk1214> oooo_OOOO-oO-oOoO
Sooo, a new player comes on the scene, is actually good, receives help from a regular tour player on how the community is and how to counter-act it, and this means that it's someone's alt? That doesn't make sense. Why would you go through all that on an alt when you could just body people on your main? Do you actually want a trophy on your alt profile where you'll never pay attention to again?

I've experienced this issue in other communities before. Guys, it's okay to admit that people can become really good in a short amount of time. That's just how life works.

With that in mind, good luck to Style and WhiteQueen in the Finals!
Sooo, a new player comes on the scene, is actually good, receives help from a regular tour player on how the community is and how to counter-act it, and this means that it's someone's alt? That doesn't make sense. Why would you go through all that on an alt when you could just body people on your main? Do you actually want a trophy on your alt profile where you'll never pay attention to again?

I've experienced this issue in other communities before. Guys, it's okay to admit that people can become really good in a short amount of time. That's just how life works.

With that in mind, good luck to Style and WhiteQueen in the Finals!

Have you ever thought it might be to get more attention than they would if it was on the main? There would be no fuss and no story if they were an experienced player blowing through everyone.
It's the fkn ORAS metagame, it happens way to often you just lost at teampreview, too much weird stuff running around. And if you even bring some own innovation, I don't see why a new player, with some help and a lot of practise, can't win against the people who bring good results on a more regular base. I feel like Style just got good matchups over and over again, there's nothing wrong with that, it's just what ORAS is like. Starting from DPP on, the metagame becomes more and more matchup reliant, way more random, and in ORAS everyone has a good chance when being not to shitty at making plays. So, besides preparation, it's way more about the luck you have when picking the team to play. Haven't really seen Style up against a team, where there was pretty much nothing you could've done. I don't want to take anything away from her, her teams are generally brilliant, no doubt about that. Still, just decent playmaking, a bit preparaion, and then just having the better matchup. The game, for me, gets less about being a good player from generation to generation. More about having a lucky hand when (making and) picking the team right before the match. Don't blame the players, blame the game.
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(22:00) Clemmi: I'm looking for a tryout battle for powc is this okay?
(22:22) Finchinator: what's your forum name
(22:22) Clemmi: I haven't registered for PO yet but on smogon I use Style as my name
(22:23) Finchinator: oh wow
(22:23) Finchinator: you're the one taking ost by storm
(22:23) Finchinator: not bad.
(22:23) Finchinator: congrats on your recent success

one time i pretended to be style and did a tryout for finch's powc team

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however, ever round in which style has been paired up with a "friend" of the lets say relevant smogon circle see: cbb, bkc, rh, blunder, she has had ridiculous matchup. in addition to the fact that after surveying said users they share a common tester with whom they have shared or tested their teams, and who would that user be?

"surveying" more like making shit up i literally said i didnt even know what id use myself until 2 seconds before gametime and i had like 20 teams to choose from, if this was actually a counterteaming conspiracy then they'd be pretty fucking good to make a "perfect counterteam" in the 5 seconds it took between challenging and accepting that challenge

at least don't post stupid blatantly false shit in ur dumbass wall of text rofl

and i dont think bkc tested with anyone or showed his team(s) to anyone before the game started what the fuck??
Good call. You need look no further than the last major tournament hosted (SPL) to see people searching up users private information for their own twisted sense of humour or justice.

It's one thing when Cased looks up my profile to post my face over some image macro because I've posted a picture of myself on here before and have accepted the loss of privacy that goes along with that. It's a whole other thing to search up a user who has not given implied consent for any individual to search up his or her personal information and to use that information against them in a way which causes them hurt, discomfort, or negative repercussions irl.

I'm calling on Oglemi and the rest of the admin team to take a stand and crack down on the breaches of privacy that have occurred in recent times because it's a terrible thing to have tacitly accepted on this site.

It doesn't even matter if Style is eventually proved to be false or if she is who she says she is, no one deserves to have their privacy violated as such.

You want to doxx people? Go to 4chan. There's no place for that shit here.
"surveying" more like making shit up i literally said i didnt even know what id use myself until 2 seconds before gametime and i had like 20 teams to choose from, if this was actually a counterteaming conspiracy then they'd be pretty fucking good to make a perfect counterteam in the 5 seconds it took between challenging and accepting that challenge

at least don't post stupid blatantly false shit in ur dumbass wall of text rofl
i can confirm that cbb played round 2 completely spur of the moment and put 0 preparation into it lol, thats where this silly conspiracy theory kind of falls down
Because writing a 3,000 word post is completely inconspicuous.

If you want the truth about why people find you to be suspicious, it is not because you are a successful new player. Smogon experiences new talent all of the time. Sure, the community is a lot more toxic and non-accepting than it was years ago. But can you really expect anything from a community that you've remained distant from besides this one tournament's threads? One can say that is likely for someone who is under the degree of scrutiny you have fallen under, yet you only began experiencing that scrutiny halfway through the tournament. It's only natural for people who are new to their surroundings to post and make acquaintances. Most community members will admit they have experienced joys that amount to something more tangible to their real life selves. That is something that would have served you better than what will amount to fruitless attempts to convince people of your identity. Moreover, the community is largely the product you see before you from similar actions by other individuals in your position. You used to be able to say you knew almost everyone in this place. While that's no longer possible with the number of members seen here every day, it is the responsibility of spotlight members, such as yourself at the moment, to be an ambassador for the game and the community. In a way, you are the embodiment of the thing that drives you away.

That is something all of the white knights in this thread should consider before posting too.
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