Alomomola (QC: 0/3) Dropped- please move to L&O


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is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

QC: 0/3
GP: 0/2


+ Walls almost all non-boosting attackers in the tier
+ Reliable recovery in Wish and Regenerator makes Alomomola very difficult to take down
+ Passes the largest Wishes in all of RU
- Has nonexistent offensive presence, so it's huge setup bait and Taunt bait
- Awesome physical bulk is undermined by poor Special Defense

name: Support
move 1: Wish
move 2: Scald
move 3: Toxic / Knock Off
move 4: Protect
ability: Regenerator
item: Leftovers
evs: 104 HP / 152 Def / 252 SpD
nature: Calm


- Wish gives Alomomola reliable recovery and can also heal its teammates
- Scald prevents Alomomola from becoming total Taunt bait; the move can also discourage physical attackers from trying to set up on Alomomola
- Toxic puts a timer on opposing sweepers and walls, while Knock Off can be used instead to strip attackers of their boosting items
- Mirror Coat can be used in the third slot to surprise a special attacker that attempts to KO Alomomola
- Healing Wish can bring your team's win condition back to full health; the move allows Alomomola to fit on offensive teams because it does not kill off momentum
- Refresh works on balance teams by healing Alomomola from burns and Toxic poison, allowing it to out-stall bulky Water-types
- Protect allows Alomomola to safely heal itself with Wish, accumulate a free turn of burn or poison damage, gain a little Leftovers recovery, and scout for dangerous attacks

Set Details

- Maximum investment in Special Defense is necessary to increase Alomomola's below-average Special Defense
- 104 HP EVs give Alomomola a Leftovers number and prevents the 2HKO from Expert Belt Delphox's Grass Knot
- The remaining EVs go into Defense to maximize Alomomola's overall bulk, while a Bold nature lets Alomomola deal with physical attackers more easily
- Regenerator adds to Alomomola's longevity by restoring its HP whenever it switches out
- Leftovers provides passive recovery, making Alomomola even more difficult to take down

Usage Tips

- Works best on balanced or defensive teams that need a dedicated physical wall and a cleric
- Switch Alomomola in and out frequently to scout for the moves of foes and to kill off opposing momentum
- When a teammate is low on health, use Wish on a Pokemon that Alomomola forces out, but be sure that you can switch in the intended recipient safely
- If facing a physical attacker, attempt to burn it with Scald. If facing a special attacker, put a timer on it with Toxic

Team Options

- Pokemon that can take Electric- and Grass-type attacks make for good teammates. Whimsicott, Mega Steelix, and Mega Camerupt can take those attacks easily
- In return, Alomomola can take Flying-type attacks for Whimsicott and Fire-type attacks for Whimsicott and Mega Steelix
- Alomomola pairs well with bulky, offensive Pokemon that lack reliable recovery, such as Escavalier, Druddigon, and Meloetta
- Heal Bell support from Aromatisse can rid Alomomola of Toxic poison

Other Options

- Rocky Helmet allows Alomomola to wear down physical attackers more easily
- Waterfall is significantly stronger than Scald and helps Alomomola not become Taunt bait, but the utility of Scald is often too critical to pass up
- Magic Coat bounces back entry hazards and attempts to give Alomomola a status ailment

Checks & Counters

**Pokemon with Magic Guard**: Thanks to Magic Guard, Reuniclus and Sigilyph completely counter Alomomola, grabbing a free Calm Mind boost as Alomomola switches out. Reuniclus doesn't even fear Knock Off that much.

**Pokemon with Substitute**: Because of Alomomola's lack of offensive presence, setup sweepers that use Substitute, such as Cobalion, Virizion, and Meloetta, can accumulate many offensive boosts as Alomomola struggles to break their Substitute.

**Grass-types**: Grass-types such as Mega Abomasnow, Shiftry, and Amoonguss take little damage from Scald and threaten Alomomola with their STAB Grass-type attacks. However, physical variants of both Mega Abomasnow and Shiftry fear Scald burns.

**Electric-types**: Rotom-C, Eelektross, and Jolteon don't mind Scald burns and can either OHKO Alomomola with their STAB moves or set up Substitute against it.
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ayte, finna go in

it doesn't wall everything in the tier; however it does have the capacity to soft-check the majority of non-boosting attackers in the tier, and it is this point in particular that needs to be emphasized. most significant boosters will, for the most part, come out on top here unless they are incredibly unfortunate in taking on scalds, but vanilla attackers w.o specific techs (taunt, protox, etc.) are pretty reasonable solos for momo. don't sell up scald here haha, it's got some of the best distribution ever.

as for the content itself, i feel strongly that bold is better in this current metagame; calm variants handle on stuff like durant, drap (which has to give serious consider on shuca > lum in this meta, so its actually a valid point here), tyrantrum, and so forth that it'd really wanna be checking here is so much worse w/o a + def nature, and as long as it retains max spdef, it can still avoid the relevant 2hkos from stuff like non-np doomer, ebelt delphox, etc. knock off should be slashed with toxic, rather than given a mention, and mirror coat / refresh / healing wish should be addressed briefly in moves, all (of course) in the tox / knock slot. being able to remove stuff like lo / ebelt really reinforces momo's ability to check the vanilla attackers it so actively seeks to, and even secondary purposes like removing growth specs or what have you can be really significant here, to the point that its on par with tox's value, easily. refresh is nails as fuck, but it really isn't bad here on certain balance builds, since all this does in most circumstances is throw scalds into the opps and wishing up partners where it can, and being able to even out status issues as it does so can really help shape up those bulky water on bulky water exchanges that you'll see a ton of the time. healing wish is just one of the best moves in the game, zero bias, and again, the final moveslot is malleable to the point that this is acceptable, particularly on balance.

amoonguss, registeel, and omastar are all kinda lame examples for partners here, given just how mediocre the former two are (the latter one just has the weirdest overlap here, idgi e_e). whimsicott (offensive and defensive are both valid here) is gr8 as an electric / grass check, especially since it can deter set-up itself, 'lix and camel are also both v.solid mentions here, hazard support seems like an unnecessary mention given the variety of builds momo can be attached to. if you'd want to at all, garbodor and roselia are o_k for spiker mentions, but i don't feel they /need/ to be addressed, yeah?

sigilyph can get a mention w/reuniclus, it's not without its uses in the tier, and can run cm here as well. tox, and i s'pose burns as well, can be mentioned briefly here, as they don't impact this pokemon nearly as much as they do many other defensive 'mons (it doesn't look to stay in for too many turns usually, and regen stymies the issue a bunch), but a dmg inflicting status in tandem with a strong beater can lead to momo getting overwhelmed at times, since it'll rely heavily on that turn-per-turn recovery in those circumstances.
ayte, finna go in

it doesn't wall everything in the tier; however it does have the capacity to soft-check the majority of non-boosting attackers in the tier, and it is this point in particular that needs to be emphasized. most significant boosters will, for the most part, come out on top here unless they are incredibly unfortunate in taking on scalds, but vanilla attackers w.o specific techs (taunt, protox, etc.) are pretty reasonable solos for momo. don't sell up scald here haha, it's got some of the best distribution ever.

as for the content itself, i feel strongly that bold is better in this current metagame; calm variants handle on stuff like durant, drap (which has to give serious consider on shuca > lum in this meta, so its actually a valid point here), tyrantrum, and so forth that it'd really wanna be checking here is so much worse w/o a + def nature, and as long as it retains max spdef, it can still avoid the relevant 2hkos from stuff like non-np doomer, ebelt delphox, etc. knock off should be slashed with toxic, rather than given a mention, and mirror coat / refresh / healing wish should be addressed briefly in moves, all (of course) in the tox / knock slot. being able to remove stuff like lo / ebelt really reinforces momo's ability to check the vanilla attackers it so actively seeks to, and even secondary purposes like removing growth specs or what have you can be really significant here, to the point that its on par with tox's value, easily. refresh is nails as fuck, but it really isn't bad here on certain balance builds, since all this does in most circumstances is throw scalds into the opps and wishing up partners where it can, and being able to even out status issues as it does so can really help shape up those bulky water on bulky water exchanges that you'll see a ton of the time. healing wish is just one of the best moves in the game, zero bias, and again, the final moveslot is malleable to the point that this is acceptable, particularly on balance.

amoonguss, registeel, and omastar are all kinda lame examples for partners here, given just how mediocre the former two are (the latter one just has the weirdest overlap here, idgi e_e). whimsicott (offensive and defensive are both valid here) is gr8 as an electric / grass check, especially since it can deter set-up itself, 'lix and camel are also both v.solid mentions here, hazard support seems like an unnecessary mention given the variety of builds momo can be attached to. if you'd want to at all, garbodor and roselia are o_k for spiker mentions, but i don't feel they /need/ to be addressed, yeah?

sigilyph can get a mention w/reuniclus, it's not without its uses in the tier, and can run cm here as well. tox, and i s'pose burns as well, can be mentioned briefly here, as they don't impact this pokemon nearly as much as they do many other defensive 'mons (it doesn't look to stay in for too many turns usually, and regen stymies the issue a bunch), but a dmg inflicting status in tandem with a strong beater can lead to momo getting overwhelmed at times, since it'll rely heavily on that turn-per-turn recovery in those circumstances.
Did these.
EDIT: Yeah I don't know how to use Mola- please give this to someone more qualified.
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