Media One Piece (spoilers!)

Okay, just talked with my colleague, and he says Dofla is surprised that Luffy is bouncy even while using Busoushoku. He said Gear 3 or Busoushoku attacks are usually hard like steel. The fact that Luffy is bouncy even while HE uses busoushoku is what Dofla commented on.

My co-worker also believes that Luffy has learned to selectively harden or rubber-fy parts of his body depending on the best defense (ie. he could harden his body with busoushoku to increase his defense against sharp/cutting attacks, while make his body rubbery in order to take on blunt attacks).

That said, we agreed that BOTH phenomenon were special to gear 4 (Luffy maintaining rubberness while using Busoushoku, and Busoushoku attacks not negating his rubber).

Luffy is nothing like other DF users. Nothing. His boosts to power are galactic compared to anything else out there. Look at Lucci's zoan with its measly little stat buffs. Now look at G4 going from Luffy tickling doflamingo to blasting him the fuck hell away like he's nothing. Luffy gets like five times stronger. And these are perpetual "modes" that he goes into and all his attributes shoot up. He moves far faster, his attacks are a gazillion times stronger, he reacts faster, he tanks attacks better. Just like an SSJ mode.

It would not be okay with Luffy using his rubber fruit to give himself a "boost" because Oda is heavily over-relying on the stat multiplication side of things for dramatic effect and that in turn makes Luffy's basic combat abilities absolutely atrocious by proxy. If we are to assume the admirals were using their basic attacks, they undoubtedly look a lot stronger in comparison to Luffy's base stats without the need to enter a form. If Luffy used his abilities more as individual tactical elements in fights, and tied it all together by making fights the same way he used to, the older, more creative, less black-and-white way, we'd be able to keep the core of Luffy while still having him evolve his ability in cool ways and grow in power in a way that isn't overblown and SSJ-esque but still awesome, as long as it's the creativity and interesting power usages you want and not the mindless flash. One does not have to mean the other.


I just want moderation. Balance. Yes the basic techniques getting stronger over time but that doesn't mean changing nothing ever. Exactly what we used to have. Not super mode blitzkrieging the enemy in every. single. fight that matters. Preferably not super mode blitzkrieging the enemy at all because it's generally a boring way of fighting and doesn't even really fit very well in a series like One Piece. The Lucci fight is only as good as it is because of novelty and the sheer amount of emotion packed into it. It is all about the progression of base stats. I am not asking for ridiculous high base stats.

Concrete examples?

G2: don't make it such a huge boost in the first place. Make the technique effective but moderate in its effect. The boost was too damn big and too vertical, leading to it becoming impossible for Oda to write fights where G2 wasn't the best option all the time. This in turn led to Luffy's base stats starting to look like crap because the enemies had to be able to withstand G2. Now post-timeskip he's nerfed it into oblivion, its symbolic power and meaning lies trampled in the mud and it's all just sad and laughable at the same time. If you made it a more moderate, horizontal power-up in the first place, while Luffy's base stats stay strong? This problem will be neatly evaded. It will be a tactical element in a fight, not a superman mode. We could still have the same progression over the timeskip where he learns to selectively apply it and loses the heavy energy drain.

G3: it's good, really. Perhaps it should be slightly faster.

G4: don't make it such a huge boost. Seriously. Screw the kids who want their flash fix. The concept is fine, it's cool, that's not the issue. The goddamned SSJ esque stat multiplication concept is. It's far too vertical. If it was more horizontal it would have been able to be another cool tactical element that together with the other Gears made a dynamic, adaptable fighting style where the base stats remained respectable. But because the boost is so galactic, it just doesn't.
Pretty cool chapter, both because the Awakening of Devil Fruits seems pretty cool AND because the Dressrosa Arc is (hopefully) FINALLY OVER. Can't wait for the backlash from Kaido and Sanji's return
I don't really get the awakening thing. Why was Luffy so surprised when Doflamingo turned things into string? Robin creates body parts wherever she wants and is not awakened. Also creating a huge cage over a city is more impressive than turning stone into strings.
Well, Robin doesn't turn things INTO her body parts. I think if she awakened she'd be able to control buildings (and other people?) as if they were her own body parts. I'm unconvinced that Dof is down completely, it just seems very anticlimactic, especially since we got 0 explanation of the awakening. Overall I was a little disappointed with this chapter because over half of it was bullshit again (Run to the center of the town!!!) though I did like the grandma.
Yes but we literally had no idea what that really meant. In the Zoans it was said they had increased strength and stamina but that is soooo nonspecific.
Awakening might have different effects based on fruit type: Zoan, Paramecia, Logia all being different. Awakening is also probably possible for non-users, a la The power to hear all things.
Man I was wishing Zoro had cut down the cage with Fujitora watching, that would have been amazing. Also the Don Flamingo was talking/mocking Luffy as he reached his 4th gear limit, Luffy is still not awakened and I wonder if his fifth gear would have to do with him being powered non stop or having way more stamina or something more Logia like like turning things to rubber/launching rubber projectiles?

Also since we are closing in on Kaido we all know that Black Beard has a Cerberus as his symbol, and him acquiring the most powerful Logia (or devil fruit period) and the Strongest Paramecia, I've been wondering if to complete the symbolism he will acquire the most powerful Zoan and sap it from Kaido somehow like he did in MarineFord war, waiting in the shadows and striking when least expected? Also opening bets on what kind of creature Kaido is, my bet ofcourse him being a Cerberus.

There is also talk about Oda foreshadowing Zoro's death in the cover where he rests on a graveyard with numbers on it and something in Spanish but Ill leave that to another day.

Overall satisfying arc even if it did drag on, on to Samurai land plz.
The Zoro thing is really stupid, the tombs are there because the drawing is called "Picnic with zombies" and the skull is just a pirate thing. The Spanish phrase is probably "Quien ríe el último ríe mejor", which means "He who laughs last laughs best". I don't see any foreshadowing there.
Well, defeated isn't dead. My bet is Luffy knocked Doflamingo unconscious and Fujitora brings him to Impel Down or something where Doflamingo, through either bribery or some World Nobles BS gets released and lives to terrorize again like Moria. Either way we haven't seen the last of him I bet. While all of Luffy's opponents have no issues with killing, none of Luffy's enemies suffer death from their (losing) encounters with him. Luffy just likes to beat them within inches of their lives...
Also since we are closing in on Kaido we all know that Black Beard has a Cerberus as his symbol, and him acquiring the most powerful Logia (or devil fruit period) and the Strongest Paramecia, I've been wondering if to complete the symbolism he will acquire the most powerful Zoan and sap it from Kaido somehow like he did in MarineFord war, waiting in the shadows and striking when least expected? Also opening bets on what kind of creature Kaido is, my bet ofcourse him being a Cerberus.

Either Blackbeard has eaten the Cerberus fruit first (which could give it the power to hold up to three devil fruits at the same time - so Cerberus, Yami, Gura Gura), he's going for Marco's Phoenix (I mean, can you think of a more powerful Zoan?), or the cerberus jolly roger means nothing and he'll stop at two fruits.
My money is on Kaido being a Chimera zoan and BB acquiring a broken zoan (most likely a mythical one).

I have no idea as to how Luffy's awakened fruit would work though, gear fourth pretty much reached the limit of what I can imagine being done with rubber powers.
I doubt the battle is over, it was too anticlimactic. I bet he'll get up again when Luffy's exhausted.

Would it really matter though?

DD is clearly beaten to the point where any number of people (like say, a nearly completely healthy Cavendish) can just finish him off anyway. DD lost this the moment Jora couldn't secure Mansherry to heal his subordinates.

There are a few factors that might oppose that, like CP0 still not appearing and Burgess being up to something, but atm, even if both fight to defend DD, they'll still have to face a bunch of people capable of fending them off (as everyone is heading to the fight's spot anyway to avoid the cage)

I'm far more interested in seeing CP0 / Burgess pop up and seeing how Fujitora plans on dealing with the fall out (and obv Sabo's plan for intervention)
While we're on the topic, my money is on Kaido being a Nemean Lion mythical zoan. Lion being the king of beasts, the nemean lion from Hercules mythos having an impenetrable hide.