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  • Hey, hope you do end up giving Coldplay's Viva la Vida album a listen, its actually one of my favorite albums! I usually dont mention it cause musicheads often scoff at Coldplay (partially deserved). But this album really breaks the mold for them with its maximalistic sound that like a combination of a medieval-era orchestra and moody alt-rock. The main hit is actually one of the less interesting songs on here imo
    The main hit is the main reason I give the band the time of day (and Crazy Rich Asians to a lesser extent). But the album is up soon on my list.
    glad you liked it. WTP was one of my favorites of 2020! when you have the time, another recent album that seems down your line of interest is SAWAYAMA — Rina Sawayama (2020). brit pop singer with experimental production & draws from rock in a neat fashion. always down to talk music tho! quint#8818 on discord
    It seems like SAWAYAMA is going to win (or at least tie) the first album club vote, and I'm looking forward to it.
    yo on your post just now youtube is blocking the video for me so I can't see anything about it. not even the title

    I assume its a ye song but which one?
    Its the i still love you viral video
    yo dog your post deletions are gonna make me look nuts out here js
    also why would you target my posts alone for deletion? i don't mind if the whole tangent is deleted but why should I be singled out?
    Yes I did make a thread on how mean certain mods were, on the one you commented on I said that like 90% of the mods are chill. Also the intent of the post wasn't to reach out to the person, it was to see if I was in the wrong. As I said on the post, I don't know why you would put quotes on my joke, and as I said last time, it's alright to not like my jokes, I just don't like it when people take it to seriously.
    his posts are simply too bad to respond to logically
    joe biden's long history of inappropriately touching women reappearing immediately after the insane media-enforced suspended animation rules of the democratic primary are lifted? his long record of familial corruption about to do the same? his senility becoming more obvious by the day? simply the most electable candidate,
    I mean that elephant in the room hasn't been brought up yet with Mike. But I'm really afraid of seeing his garbage take on it.
    "his family's history of corruption" American leftists are fucking wild lmao, they'll just straight-up repeat Paul Manafort's propaganda. I take it CrowdStrike were also the REAL hackers who did Watergate 2: Electric Boogaloo
    im wondering why that person's posts keep getting deleted in the LGBT thread. They seemed to be in a very unhealthy state of mind and their posts getting deleted seemed to be pushing them into a lot of distress. Ig it could be a troll but that seems like a lot of effort for trolling

    apologies if you know nothing about this
    It's either that (which would be very distressing), or as has been told to me, a person with a record of trolling making a strawman post that regurgitates a lot of negative ideas about trans people (and asking cis men to respond no less), then saying that they never got a chance to talk to mods even though I communicated with them and they never responded back to me.
    However, I am trying to get LGBT site staff to give their opinions, as I am way out of my wheelhouse here.
    if thats true thats indeed very shitty. I guess I shouldnt be surprised given how vindictive people on the internet can be,
    oh well
    Rise of Skywalker is such a letdown after the original trilogy. Somebody aptly described Rose of Skywalker as only reassuring fans of the original series’ brilliance.
    do u like ulysses? if you like joyce you should read finnegans wake
    I have not started it yet. I already Portrait of an Artist.
    amazing! you consolidated your efforts, so as to annoy both myself and von with minimal effort; i give you a hearty congratulations on your conservation of energy.
    bro ur an old cong poster how do u put up with these ppl its insane
    someone deleted my post on absorbing my twin. it's ok that it was deleted, but for posterity: that did happen. i did not make it up for that post.
    this was the best post of all time
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