Lower Tier Series - Live Tours for Lower Tiers!

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i say it's all just wind in sails
is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis an Administrator Alumnus
copying my own OP for those who don't browse the tournament forum http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/lower-tier-series-live-tours-for-lower-tiers.3538216/

Welcome to the first ever Lower Tier Live Series! This tournament is going to be a lower tier equivalent to the Smogon Tour. For those unfamiliar, we will be holding live tournaments every weekend with participants getting points depending on how well they finish. The points will be added up over the course of the tour, and the top eight finishers will make a single elimination playoffs!

This tournament will be ORAS UU, RU, and NU. It will be run for 6 weeks, with 2 tours each weekend. You may join both tours each weekend, but you will only get points for your top finish. All tournaments will be posted in the live tournaments subforum.

Tournaments will be on Saturdays and Sundays at 4 and 2 PM EST, respectively. The schedule and hosts are as follows.

Week 1 - UU
Saturday, May 16th - dodmen
Sunday, May 17th - Bouffalant

Week 2 - RU
Saturday, May 23rd - atomicllamas
Sunday May 24th - galbia

Week 3 - NU
Saturday, May 30th - Raseri
Sunday, May 31st - Quite Quiet

Week 4 - UU
Saturday, June 6th - radianthero156
Sunday, June 7th - Sam

Week 5 - RU
Saturday, June 13th - atomicllamas
Sunday, June 14th - galbia

Week 6 - NU
Saturday, June 20th - Zebraiken
Sunday, June 21st - Montsegur

What's on the line? Not only will you get to prove yourself as one of the best lower tiers players, but the winner will also be receiving a banner. Everyone will know how great you are!!

Reminder that it starts this Saturday!
Pity Ubers isn't involved, but a great idea to give some more recognition to lower tiers and play them in more of a tour context, look forward to it!
I'm not familiar to those live tours, could someone explain how it works? any1 can play? and if I want to participate, I have to play UU, RU and NU?
I'm not familiar to those live tours, could someone explain how it works? any1 can play? and if I want to participate, I have to play UU, RU and NU?
Hi Malinowski,

Check out this video:

While it is for a different tournament (namely, Smogon Tour which is all variations of OU), this tournament will be following the same structure. Essentially, each weekend you have two chances to enter that particular "leg" of the tournament - this weekend Sat/Sun will be two UU tournaments. You post "in" in the signup thread which typically is posted a minute or so before the tournament starts - remember to be quick, as we saw in Smogon Tour this season signups were often filled within a minute or two.

You don't have to play UU, RU and NU. You can enter whichever "legs" of the tournament you like. However, if you aim to qualify for the playoffs, you're likely going to have to play at least once a weekend and do pretty well each time you enter, which makes skipping weeks a poor idea (I was excited for this and remembered I'm not going to be able to play for like four weeks hah!). You qualify for playoffs by winning games in the live tour - they're played back to back from start to finish, with each progressive round awarding more points. The eight players with the most points at the end will be in the playoff from there.

I hope that answers any questions you had and if not, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can help
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