np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 4 - Genie in a bottle

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Why not? If a pokemon is recognized as too much of a strain on teambuilding, you should get rid of it to pursue a healthier meta. If you find something in the post-suspect meta that becomes an even bigger strain on teambuilding, you get rid of that for the same reasons. Broken checking broken has never been a sound argument for keeping something in the meta, and it never will be.

I'm not about to get into discussing whether or not Landorus warrants being banned on its own individual merits, but for those that are, these are important words to keep in mind.

Landorus is not too much of a strain on team building. The other 20-30 niche threats that surround him are what's putting the strain on team building. This is ORAS, and now that the obvious broken mons are gone (Mence, Kangaskhan, Greninja, etc) there is no 1 Poke that is putting massive pressure on you. Everything has a fairly straightforward counter... but you can't use all those counters on the same team.
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I know you're being sarcastic but sure. Things that can come in and revenge kill Lando-I contains a large part of the meta. Alakazam, Azumarill, Conk, Gengar, Gyarados, Keldeo, Kyurem, Both Latis, M-Lop, Raikou, Rotom-W, Skarm, Slowbro, Starmie, Talonflame, Torn-T, Thundurus-T, Scarf Tar, SpD Zapdos, Crawdaunt, Klefki, Pinsir, Thundurus, Victini, SpD Volc, Weavile.

If you've prepped your team for RP Lando, that means you've prepped your team for 50% of Lando's in the meta right now. When you include this long list of revenge killers and checks that can come in on Lando, you can work around the other 50% that aren't RP, "the cores associated with it", very easily.
I question the legitimacy of any of your posts when you go as far to call SpDef Volcarona a thing that is even remotely used in the metagame, calling Skarmory a counter when Focus Blast has gained usage, implying that Rotom-W is some sort of huge burden on Landorus and then you have all these things that are never actually switch ins in the first place and saying that they somehow just revenge kill it out of the blue. So I'm assuming you're saying Scarf Victini correct because going off of base stats you would know that anything other than Scarf is getting outpaced by Landorus. Klefki loses to Focus Blast and that threat you called Specially Defensive Zapdos I find just goes to show much you're trying to further your point that Landorus can be easily dealt with. I'm not gonna really nitpick every single thing you call an answer to Landorus because after reading Skarmory there's not much of a point but I think what is important to note is that at least for myself and Im sure plenty of others we follow the trends going on in the meta to make use of the best assets Landorus can use. If people use fatter teams to counteract Landorus I'm gonna use the coverage move that best suits it based on meta trends + Calm Mind since I'll know teams are not adequately prepared for it because they're supposably running by your logic of being "prepped for RP Lando". I did this for awhile back when Landorus usage started picking up with very fat balance teams after the Greninja ban which was a breeze to beat teams with. Nobody prepped for Sludge Wave as such these SpDef Zapdos that supposably beats it lost to CM / Sludge Wave. Your list frankly isn't very large neither are half of these overbearing or even troublesome to not only Landorus builders but Landorus itself in the metagame. If you've prepped for RP Landorus you most certainly are not prepped for Landorus itself. That is an illusion and if the meta has to be forced to use extremes like Weavile and powerful wall-breakers just to handle Landorus like Latios, who really isn't a counter as much as people like to sort of just assume this, then that's not a good sign Landorus provides anything healthy for the meta-game which is obviously a problem if this idea that it's healthy for OU is being entertained.
Honestly, after playing multiple games, the meta just isn't better and arguable much worse. M-Sableye stall variations have increased tenfold and has basically pigeonholed teambuilding even worse than Lando-I did. Now you have to carry Manaphy or one of the other very few stallbreakers to even have a chance at beating these teams. If you guys want a stally meta then go ahead and vote ban, but I will 100% be voting no ban.

Also I'm dying laughing at the hypocrisy some of the above posters are using. The fact that I got laughed at for saying that Knock Off, Calm Mind, and Rock Slide Lando-I aren't as significant as the main RP set, yet people are trying to argue that Icy Wind Gengar is just "niche" is ridiculous. There are some good points brought up about Gengar here-- it has just as many counters as Lando-I does. Does that mean it deserves a ban? I guess it's only convenient to use usage in explaining viability when it's for YOUR argument.
How is "having" to carry Manaphy to have a chance against Stall/Balance an argument to keep Landorus? If we have to keep Landorus around for the sake of avoiding unbreakable Stall builds, then the issue is the Stall builds being powerful enough to require something we'd ban in order to break them. When you consider options like Gengar, Serperior, Kyu-B, Zard X and Y, Gardevoir, and Alakazam (to name a few from high ranks), there's plenty of offensive options for Wall/Balance Breaking.

And the point being made was that Icy Wind doesn't do as much for Gengar as Rock Slide/Knock Off does for Landorus. Icy Wind deals with a few checks slightly easier, considering that aside from SpD Gliscor, Gengar can 2HKO most of Icy Wind's target with his LO set already.

No, I mean if you read any of arguments I refute the idea that usage = viability. Instead I state its one of the best indicators to what is viable. People argued that even if Knock Off is low in usage, Lando must be banned because it can still use it and counter and other threats. Then when the fact that Gengar has no counters because of Icy Wind came up, people started claiming that Gengar's using Icy Wind are "niche" and basically low in usage. The same argument I used for Lando. So what's stopping us from banning Gengar? It has no counters or really just as many as Lando does.
I'm not seeing talk of people saying Icy Wind Gengar is "niche" and disregardable here in the thread, unless I'm not reading something the same way you are. The point was more that Landorus being OHKO'd is one of the big reasons Gengar likes Icy Wind, since other targets like Garchomp could be 2HKOed by Shadow ball anyway.

And the issue with Landorus is you disregarded things like Knock Off altogether for low usage. I even recall one statement along the lines of preparing for Rock Polish being all you needed to be prepared for Landorus.
Wow, I don't know how many times I need to repeat myself. Lando-I using Knock Off has 12.4% usage. Lando-I's using Rock Slide and Focus Blast have even less % usage. These ARE NOT valid arguments. You are cherry picking moves that are NOT valid in the current meta. Lando-I using these moves MEANS he gets countered by other pokes that he usually beats. The RP set is the MOST USED and MOST VALID. It means team building for him is team building for that set.

Even if RP is Landorus's best set, that doesn't mean you can get away with preparing only for that set. The AoA set is still able to do some pretty decent damage to offense, even if it's not sweeping the entire team.

And quite frankly, I'd argue that Landorus's AoA and CM sets, less effective or not, are still more influential in the Metagame than the difference between Icy Wind vs Taunt on Gengar. Gengar is losing Taunt, a big factor in how he troubles Balance and Stall, to beat one of his counters and hit a few other things slightly harder. Landorus with Knock Off or Rock Slide misses out on some targets, but he gains the ability to hit just as many equally well. It's not significantly different from simply changing HP Electric to HP Bug on Keldeo (Gyarados to Celebi answer move), just that Landorus gets a larger range of mons changed out with different coverage.

I'm not arguing that Lando-I is a solid Gengar check, I'm arguing that Gengar has little to no checks in the current meta-- but that's not a reason to ban it. Also I'd argue that if you prepare your team for RP Lando, than it can be beaten. While Gengar can be easily revenge killed, Lando-I has a variety of checks that can revenge kill it as well in the meta.

And the issue is that Landorus has both much greater power, better defenses (not a wall, but there's much more he'll survive than Gengar), much less susceptible to passive damage (Gengar takes LO recoil, fears priority just as much if not more, while being just as vulnerable to hazards).

252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gengar: 180-213 (69.4 - 82.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Landorus: 260-308 (81.5 - 96.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

That's a approximately an 11% difference, which seems notable, but Landorus is not only weak to that move, but Gengar loses 10% more to his LO in counter attacking. The comparison loses gravity because Landorus not only has absurd power and coverage, but he's not so frail as to be an outright glass cannon like most offensive mons with that kind of strength. Gengar also doesn't immediately swing momentum to his side just by getting on the field. While powerful, Gengar's moves aren't so absurd as to OHKO most neutral targets and consistently 2HKO resists, so while difficult, he's not ABSURD to check in the same way.

I know you're being sarcastic but sure. Things that can come in and revenge kill Lando-I contains a large part of the meta. Alakazam, Azumarill, Conk, Gengar, Gyarados, Keldeo, Kyurem, Both Latis, M-Lop, Raikou, Rotom-W, Skarm, Slowbro, Starmie, Talonflame, Torn-T, Thundurus-T, Scarf Tar, SpD Zapdos, Crawdaunt, Klefki, Pinsir, Thundurus, Victini, SpD Volc, Weavile.

If you've prepped your team for RP Lando, that means you've prepped your team for 50% of Lando's in the meta right now. When you include this long list of revenge killers and checks that can come in on Lando, you can work around the other 50% that aren't RP, "the cores associated with it", very easily.
You only proved mons that can eliminate Landorus himself. You did nothing to disprove "the cores associated with it" by listing those. The point of cores is specifically for the mons to support each other because as good as they may be, no mon is perfect. The problem therein becomes that Landorus requires very little support to do his job while being extremely capable of supporting numerous mons himself without having to jump through hoops with his coverage.

Building a core involving Landorus is extremely low maintenance since Landorus has the tools to cover most of whatever it wants from the metagame with the right set. Many people have brought up the fact that Landorus can't actually handle every single answer to him in the Metagame because he only has 4 moves. Cores mitigate this complaint almost to the point of negligence because at that point, Landorus usually isn't even the heavy for the team. For example, say I build an offensive core around Serperior and Mega Metagross. The most likely thing this core will struggle with are extremely fast mons like Alakazam, Scarftini, and certain Steel types like Skarmory, opposing Metagross or Magnet Rise Klefki. My Landorus at that point doesn't have to be able to beat everything, just those mons to fulfill his roles. So the RP or AoA set using Focus Blast as one of the coverage moves is sufficient for what I need Landorus to do. Unlike most mons though, Landorus doesn't tend to then put much strain on core partners beyond that, because he requires minimal support of his own, so I'm mainly concerned with the members he was already brought in to support: w/out Knock Off or Rock Slide he has trouble with Lati@s and Torn-T, which Metagross handles extremely well in this example.

Landorus's extremely low opportunity makes him very easy to fit onto a team, and the ability to handle so many of his checks on his own makes him easy to support with team members that deal with the rest of them for him instead. Look at where the argument's gotten so far with the mood mostly being "Landorus vs the Metagame". Most of the anti-ban arguments are dealing with how answering Landorus himself goes, but this isn't just Landorus; you have to fight Landorus and his merry band of Sidekicks to be prepared.

Rock Polish Landorus has some answers like Weavile and CB Azumarill for example as Revenge Killers. So what happens if the opponent's team is built to pressure out those answers when fighting offense so they are worn out or broken before Landorus attempts his sweep. Heck, Landorus himself can draw them in early since they have to be prepared to get on the field ASAP after Landorus does, since the only free turn they could have is his boosting turn, and revenging means he probably killed something, which arguably can't be afforded by the point Landorus sweeps, or might have cost the team its best answer to the other/secondary win condition, such as losing Mega Scizor before Mega Metagross/Altaria, or losing Hippowdon before a Zard-X.

Landorus is an offensive crutch to teambuilding in addition to being a strain on the opposition. For defensive teams, dealing with Landorus is extremely tricky because of how many variants a team must be prepared for (even if 50% of Landorus are RP, I don't like the idea of the other 50% being able to run over me themselves). For offensive teams, Landorus is extremely easy to tailor to whatever a team might have missed in the teambuilding process, by poor construction or otherwise. It's similar to something I disapproved of with Aegislash: he's so easy to fit onto teams (albeit not nearly in as many roles or every archetype) and perform the role/provide the synergy he was chosen for that good teambuilding doesn't necessarily require exemplary skill, but just decent skill and the ability to choose the right Landorus set. It's extremely difficult to build a decent offensive team that would not be better for the inclusion of Landorus-I in the role of a wall breaker.
Okay some of the arguments I've been seeing have been absolutely terrible on both sides recently(except for you AM) so I'l come in and handle some of these "arguments" that have been made. Well from my observations during the suspect my opinion still stands that lando-i is broken and absolutely needs to be banned. I can't even believe I saw someone say "the meta is worse stall is more prominent" lol is this a joke? Not only is stall the most hard-pressed playstyle in oras with or without lando but that shows an incredible bias toward one the offensive playstyles. Like seriously there are more playstyles than offense, just because offense does not struggle with lando-i doesn't mean it isn't broken. If we followed the logic of a mon is not broken if it can't beat every playstyle then I guess the incredibly broken and centralizing greninja should be unbanned because it can't beat stall and offense pressures it right?? Like c'mon now how is all this "it's slow just use offense because it checks it easily" even an argument? It's a widespread fact on both sides that lando-i is extremely potent against balance(I'l get into the arguments being made about of how lando isn't broken against balance later) and stall alike while struggling against offense due to getting pressured to set up. The meta being forced to one particular playstyle(offense) is a sign of an unhealthy force which in this case is lando-i forcing the meta away from the more defensive playstyles. I'l agree that the pro-ban side has been over exaggerating the rp set's ability to sweep just a little bit, but does this mean you don't prepare for it? Of course not you should be preparing for every top threat in the meta and taking into account it's other common sets. The reason that is bolded is because that sentence right there destroys all these arguments being made by whoever in this thread that is saying that if you are prepared for rp lando-i your prepared for all of them. First of all 15%(or 12% whatever is being argued) usage for a move isn't uncommon by any means and it also shows that these anti-ban posters making these arguments clearly do not have enough knowledge of the meta to even know what move slots these moves go in to give it this usage statistic. Obviously earth power, sludge wave/focus blast, and hp ice are gonna take up most of the usage because they are the standard moves run on a majority of lando-i. The fourth slot is used for either rp, knock off, rock slide, stealth rock, or calm mind so of course these moves are going to have less usage than the rest because they aren't run on every set. Honestly the fact that people are trying to argue that lando-i has more switch-ins because they handle the rp set is honestly ridiculous. This goes back to what I said about these anti-ban players voting based off their bias toward offense. Yeah maybe you don't have to prepare for AoA or cm lando as much but balance and stall sure as hell do along with rp. Please tell me how stall reliably beats calm mind and knock off lando? Tell me how lando-i isn't centralizing to balance when it takes up two whole slots just to handle both the AoA sets along with rp. That right there hits the nail in the coffin for the anti-ban side saying lando-i isn't centralizing, being forced to dedicate multiple slots of a team just to beat one mon is centralizing.

Now I'm also seeing the argument that lando-i is no different than any other breaker therefore it does not deserve a ban anymore than say gengar or manaphy do. First of all this is absolutely ridiculous and isn't my just my opinion, it's widely accepted lando-i is the best breaker in the tier. If lando-i was no better than mana or gengar don't you think lando would be sitting in the A+ rank with them? The viability rankings show that lando has been an S rank mon(which is higher than every other breaker) for a majority of oras. Now how can you even argue that lando-i is no different from any of the other breakers when it's been ranked higher than all of them for the entirety of the tier's life span? Since people will try to argue this anyways I'l show you all why lando-i is better than the other breakers in the tier. The reasoning is because lando-i cannot be pressured by the opposing balance/stall teams as easily as any of the other breakers. These incredible super-breakers in the tier are usually dealt with through the use of hazards or status to prevent them from doing too much damage to the team. For example zard-y is easily paralyzed on a seemingly free switch into clefable or ferrothorn or has it's free turns taken away from being pressured by stealth rock so it has to roost off the hazard damage. Mgarde is considered one of the most centralizing and fearsome breakers in the tier but it can easily be pressured through the use of full hazards(spikes and stealth rock) to chip off its health and by targeting it's frail defense to minimize the damage it does. Manaphy requires set-up and can be pressured when unboosted to avoid said set-up from occuring. Gengar can be para'd on the switch into clefable, gets worn down by life orb recoil, and is also extremely frail and pursuit weak. I don't think I have to go on about every breaker in the tier and how the teams they specialize in beating can stand up to them. Keep in mind i know that these mons are still hard for these defensive teams to handle I'm just stating the counter play in stopping them since all of them share a similar quality in having little that can switch into them, just trying to not make it seem like I'm downplaying them because I'm not. With that being said someone please explain to me what these teams have to fend themselves from lando-i? It's immune to twave, immune to spikes, neutral to stealth rock, takes no lo recoil bar hp ice and knock off, and has reasonable bulk that can't be exploited by very many defensive pokemon. The only way these teams have of counter-playing lando is to switch around and scout it's moveset in an attempt to find something on your team to reliably stop it from tearing through your core. I've seen people say "scouting is part of the game!" well apparently no one has taken into account the risk associated with scouting lando-i. Is switching around and as a result giving free turns to the best breaker in the meta a reliable way of counter-play? The answer should be clear to everyone that it isn't enough. Yeah, you may find that lando lacks rock slide and that your torn-t can switch into it but at what cost? You have either gone directly into torn-t praying for no rock slide and have gotten knocked off or you have switched around scouting for rock slide only to have a number of your mons take various amounts of chip damage from lando's powerful coverage options or the omnipresent stealth rock. Now what has lando risked here? Having a mon come in and resist a coverage move taking chip damage and then firing off another move to be taken by said tornadus? Very clearly the odds are skewed in favor of lando-i here and while this may be one particular situation it should be obvious that this happens very often considering it is the only "reliable" counter-play these teams have to lando-i. This is how lando-i is very different than the other breakers in the tier and how it is an extremely low risk/high reward mon.

I saved the best argument for last:
Honestly, after playing multiple games, the meta just isn't better and arguable much worse. M-Sableye stall variations have increased tenfold and has basically pigeonholed teambuilding even worse than Lando-I did. Now you have to carry Manaphy or one of the other very few stallbreakers to even have a chance at beating these teams. If you guys want a stally meta then go ahead and vote ban, but I will 100% be voting no ban.

First of all if Msab were to become broken from the departure of lando-i then it would be banned because we don't keep broken to check broken. Now to the most ridiculous part. "Being forced to run one of the few breakers" is this a joke? If you know anything about the meta you'd know that there is a surplus of breakers in the tier and even worse you make it sound as if having to run a breaker is some sort of centralizing symptom of removing lando-i. Like is this a joke? Breakers have been mandatory roles in offensive cores since the birth of competitive pokemon. You're forced to run breakers even with lando-i in the tier so I really have no idea what your trying to say here. Also the last sentence about a "stally meta" just shows your extremely biased toward offensive playstyles. I'm an offense player and you don't see me trying to selfishly vote for my own benefits over the good of the meta. There is more playstyles than offense man, you can't just vote no ban because your playstyle doesn't struggle with the suspect while it's proven that other playstyles struggle against it. With your logic I guess we should unban greninja because it can't break stall and offense can pressure it! I guess we should unban Mega Lucario because offense has multiple checks to it! Seriously stop being blinded by your bias toward one playstyle. Balance cannot afford to forego it's defensive synergy to run a lot of the faster lando checks on one team and the offensive core on balance teams isn't enough to prevent lando from finding opportunities to come in and do it's work. If this is all the anti-ban side has to say then I see no reason as to why lando-i isn't broken and shouldn't be banned from the tier.

I'm not leaving a summary read the whole thing especially if you want to attempt to argue the points I've made.
Honestly, after playing multiple games, the meta just isn't better and arguable much worse. M-Sableye stall variations have increased tenfold and has basically pigeonholed teambuilding even worse than Lando-I did. Now you have to carry Manaphy or one of the other very few stallbreakers to even have a chance at beating these teams. If you guys want a stally meta then go ahead and vote ban, but I will 100% be voting no ban.
So your logic is: "please don't ban landorus or else I will have to use manaphy to beat stall teams!!"

Lol just off the top of my head I can name like 5 other mons that can beat stall teams other than manaphy. Kyurem-b, mega garchomp, mega heracross, trapping cores with gothitelle / magnezone, mega gardevoir, SD zard x, I could go on. If after we ban landorus stall becomes unbreakable then we'll know it's time to start suspecting defensive threats. But right now stall isn't really that hard to beat and even after we ban landorus we'll still have a lot of wallbreakers that can beat stall teams. I mean just the fact that "M-sableye stall variations have increased tenfold" on the suspect ladder without lando is proof that landorus is overcentralizing. Also I don't understand how stall being more common is making the meta worse. Contrary to popular belief, stall is actually a playstyle that takes lots of skill.
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I question the legitimacy of any of your posts when you go as far to call SpDef Volcarona a thing that is even remotely used in the metagame, calling Skarmory a counter when Focus Blast has gained usage, implying that Rotom-W is some sort of huge burden on Landorus and then you have all these things that are never actually switch ins in the first place and saying that they somehow just revenge kill it out of the blue. So I'm assuming you're saying Scarf Victini correct because going off of base stats you would know that anything other than Scarf is getting outpaced by Landorus. Klefki loses to Focus Blast and that threat you called Specially Defensive Zapdos I find just goes to show much you're trying to further your point that Landorus can be easily dealt with. I'm not gonna really nitpick every single thing you call an answer to Landorus because after reading Skarmory there's not much of a point but I think what is important to note is that at least for myself and Im sure plenty of others we follow the trends going on in the meta to make use of the best assets Landorus can use. If people use fatter teams to counteract Landorus I'm gonna use the coverage move that best suits it based on meta trends + Calm Mind since I'll know teams are not adequately prepared for it because they're supposably running by your logic of being "prepped for RP Lando". I did this for awhile back when Landorus usage started picking up with very fat balance teams after the Greninja ban which was a breeze to beat teams with. Nobody prepped for Sludge Wave as such these SpDef Zapdos that supposably beats it lost to CM / Sludge Wave. Your list frankly isn't very large neither are half of these overbearing or even troublesome to not only Landorus builders but Landorus itself in the metagame. If you've prepped for RP Landorus you most certainly are not prepped for Landorus itself. That is an illusion and if the meta has to be forced to use extremes like Weavile and powerful wall-breakers just to handle Landorus like Latios, who really isn't a counter as much as people like to sort of just assume this, then that's not a good sign Landorus provides anything healthy for the meta-game which is obviously a problem if this idea that it's healthy for OU is being entertained.

Okay, if you're going to bring up Focus Blast usage (and use it as an argument against Skarmory as a Lando counter),
which is | Focus Blast 35.830% |, then what follows is the usage of every move that potential Lando-I counters can use that fall into or around that ~35% range. By looking at these numbers, we can see that new Lando-I checks appear.

Zapdos | Hidden Power Ice 23.526% |
Sylveon | Choice Specs 28.679% | (takes a Sludge Wave, kills with Hyper Voice)
M-Metagross | Ice Punch 30.812% |
M-Gallade | Ice Punch 33.495% |
M-Medicham | Ice Punch 59.924% |
Hydreigon | Choice Scarf 46.113% |

And the list can go on. This is what happens when we cherrypick stats like saying "Skarm isn't a counter because Focus Blast usage is up." Okay. It went up to 35%. But if we use that logic, then we must apply to mons whose usage of moves that can check Lando are in that ~35% range. Otherwise, we're being hypocritical. I'll give you SpD Volc, you're right no one uses it. But your argument against Rotom-W as a check is non-existent as Hydro OHKOS. And yes I'm not an idiot, I meant Scarf Victini. Klefi losing to 35% usage Focus Blast falls into the category of my above argument.

You say my list isn't long but what I listed was pretty much half of the OU meta, I didn't even include checks in UU that are seen in the meta like Mamo, Suicune, Mega Swampert, Mega Abomasnow, etc. I even forgot some OU/BL pokes like Manaphy and M-Pinsir. You can't expect me to list every check, the fact is that the checks are numerous.

There's nothing you can really nitpick here. Lando-I has a incredible amount of checks.
So your logic is: "please don't ban landorus or else I will have to use manaphy to beat stall teams!!"

Lol just off the top of my head I can name like 5 other mons that can beat stall teams other than manaphy. Kyurem-b, mega garchomp, mega heracross, trapping cores with gothitelle / magnezone, mega gardevoir, SD zard x, I could go on. If after we ban landorus stall becomes unbreakable then we'll know it's time to start suspecting defensive threats. But right now stall isn't really that hard to beat and even after we ban landorus we'll still have a lot of wallbreakers that can beat stall teams. I mean just the fact that "M-sableye stall variations have increased tenfold" on the suspect ladder without lando is proof that landorus is overcentralizing. Also I don't understand how stall being more common is making the meta worse. Contrary to popular belief, stall is actually a playstyle that takes lots of skill.

No my argument is that with the disappearance of Lando-I, different variations of M-Sable stall has increased tenfold. You no longer need the M-Sable + Chansey/Cressilia core cancer as Lando isn't a threat anymore. This gives stall teams much more variety in what they pick and how they deal with teams. It's makes the meta much more matchup dependent then what it used to me. Kyu-B isn't a stallbreaker, in fact it loses to a lot of things on stall now. M-Hera is revenge killed by Goth on stall easily. If you're running skarm or ferro on stall then you're running Shed Shell unless you want to lose. Goth is beatable by M-Sable. Zardx is beaten by Quag. Also these possibilities are made because the typical stall steam doesn't need a Chansey/Cress as much as it used to anymore.
Lol, why would Lando I need to be banned, he's checked by most special walls in OU and is revenge killed by most of the meta game. Notable examples would be Chansey/Blissey, Rotom W, Specially Defensive Gliscor,Specially Defensive Zapdos, Latias, and if you're pulling Cresselia. That and Lando is revenge killed easily by MegaMeta, Starmie, Thundy, Dragonite (who can set up on Lando), Scarf Kyurem Black, Scarf T-Tar, Manaphy, Lopunny, M-Manectric, and Raikou. If you're pulling again you can also say Weavile, Banded Azu, Life Orb Crawdaunt, M-Blastoise, Feraligatr, Mamo, Scarf Hydra, Meinshao, Porygon-2 for shits and giggles, Suicune, and Vaporeon. Lando is both annoying, but necessary because stall would be unmanageable without a good non-mega special wallbreaker that actually hits hard (cough Starmie cough). Lando isn't "centralizing", a sweeper, a cleaner, or as crazy versatile people say it is. No one runs rock polish, or hidden power ice, it has a very predictable moveset of 5 moves and if you don't have something listed above to wall it or check it, then you're probably playing RU.
No my argument is that with the disappearance of Lando-I, different variations of M-Sable stall has increased tenfold. You no longer need the M-Sable + Chansey/Cressilia core cancer as Lando isn't a threat anymore. This gives stall teams much more variety in what they pick and how they deal with teams. It's makes the meta much more matchup dependent then what it used to me. Kyu-B isn't a stallbreaker, in fact it loses to a lot of things on stall now. M-Hera is revenge killed by Goth on stall easily. If you're running skarm or ferro on stall then you're running Shed Shell unless you want to lose. Goth is beatable by M-Sable. Zardx is beaten by Quag. Also these possibilities are made because the typical stall steam doesn't need a Chansey/Cress as much as it used to anymore.
So who cares if different variations of stall have increased tenfold? We're going to let lando stay in OU because we don't want stall to have more variety? If stall starts getting too much for the meta to handle then we'll start suspecting defensive threats. Just because you don't like stall and just because you don't know how to beat it without lando doesn't mean we need to keep lando in OU. You're acting like lando and manaphy are the only 2 mons in existence that can beat stall teams.

Anyways I'm just wasting my time responding to you because you're very ignorant and all your arguments are very flawed.
Lol, why would Lando I need to be banned, he's checked by most special walls in OU and is revenge killed by most of the meta game. Notable examples would be Chansey/Blissey, Rotom W, Specially Defensive Gliscor,Specially Defensive Zapdos, Latias, and if you're pulling Cresselia. That and Lando is revenge killed easily by MegaMeta, Starmie, Thundy, Dragonite (who can set up on Lando), Scarf Kyurem Black, Scarf T-Tar, Manaphy, Lopunny, M-Manectric, and Raikou. If you're pulling again you can also say Weavile, Banded Azu, Life Orb Crawdaunt, M-Blastoise, Feraligatr, Mamo, Scarf Hydra, Meinshao, Porygon-2 for shits and giggles, Suicune, and Vaporeon. Lando is both annoying, but necessary because stall would be unmanageable without a good non-mega special wallbreaker that actually hits hard (cough Starmie cough). Lando isn't "centralizing", a sweeper, a cleaner, or as crazy versatile people say it is. No one runs rock polish, or hidden power ice, it has a very predictable moveset of 5 moves and if you don't have something listed above to wall it or check it, then you're probably playing RU.

I've bolded the part I'm really curious about. You argue that Stall would become "unimaginable" with Landorus-I gone, but then go on to say that it's not "centralizing." So your logic states the following: Landorus is the only Pokemon keeping Stall back but, nope, it's not metagame defining. Those two contradict each other, not to mention breaks one of the suspect rules that you can, and should, read here:
-FINALLY don't discuss past or future tiering. I couldn't care less if you feel salty about the Aegislash ban, and I don't give a shit that you feel that Thundurus-I should be suspected first. Likewise for the love of god, DON'T, DON'T say "but if we ban Mega Mawile, suddenly haxorus becomes broken", like in one post I read. We do not keep broken things within OU to check others, so please don't try this argument.

The bolded statement here applies to the argument you proposed. Keeping Landorus in OU so that Balance and Stall don't pollute the metagame is not only a flawed argument, but it's also against the rules to discuss.

As for your list of things of things that revenge kill Landorus (Banded Azumarill doesn't OHKO with Aqua Jet btw), I'd like to quote ginganinja's wonderfully sarcastic post:
ginganinja said:
because I'm fully aware that Landorus-I is weak to Ice and Water, fortunately, I can pull off a highly intellectual and advanced tactic known as switching, and thus avoid Landorus getting smacked by a super effective move.

edit: yay 200th post this is a big deal for me i'd like to thank my mother and beyonce

edit 2: to make it more clear that revenge killing is also a pretty flawed argument, the only hazard that Landorus-I is affected by is SR. Even if you force it out over and over, it's only taking 12.5% of its HP (even if you have Spikes up) while it throws out an excruciatingly hard-hitting move without Life Orb recoil every time it comes back in. While Landorus may not sweep through teams every time it comes in, at worst, it punches holes in cores and teams practically for free with its absurd unboosted power and coverage.
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So who cares if different variations of stall have increased tenfold? We're going to let lando stay in OU because we don't want stall to have more variety? If stall starts getting too much for the meta to handle then we'll start suspecting defensive threats. Just because you don't like stall and just because you don't know how to beat it without lando doesn't mean we need to keep lando in OU. You're acting like lando and manaphy are the only 2 mons in existence that can beat stall teams.

Anyways I'm just wasting my time responding to you because you're very ignorant and all your arguments are very flawed.
Actually the variety in stall proves that the metagame got healthier, more cores can be run after a cancerous low maintenance offensive team building crutch has been removed, a degree on the variety of stall cores is a symptom of a better metagame for Christ sake, also take a look at balance and bulky offense now relying on different cores that moved away from Lando I and have to turn those cores into more specific ones to deal with stall + momentum keeping ability against more playstyles, I don't know why people hold this bias against stall, man if anything that's the hardest playstyle to pull off properly in ORAS. Drop the bias and enjoy the new cores that came after that team building crutch is removed. So it does matter, sorry if I sound angry but many stall players are rejoicing for this very reason and bulky offence is getting a bit more original in their builds, it is proof enough of a healthy metagame with that evidence.

Want to check stall, I have been using wow Taunt victini to a degree of success.
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I've bolded the part I'm really curious about. You argue that Stall would become "unimaginable" with Landorus-I gone, but then go on to say that it's not "centralizing." So your logic states the following: Landorus is the only Pokemon keeping Stall back but, nope, it's not metagame defining. Those two contradict each other, not to mention breaks one of the suspect rules that you can, and should, read here:

The bolded statement here applies to the argument you proposed. Keeping Landorus in OU so that Balance and Stall don't pollute the metagame is not only a flawed argument, but it's also against the rules to discuss.

As for your list of things of things that revenge kill Landorus (Banded Azumarill doesn't OHKO with Aqua Jet btw), I'd like to quote ginganinja's wonderfully sarcastic post:

edit: yay 200th post this is a big deal for me i'd like to thank my mother and beyonce

Why yes switching is quite easy, but the point of that list is to say that Lando I has a significant amount of checks in the metagame, and while yes you can switch, you lose momentum and predict switches and so on and so on (also Crawdaunt dosen't OHKO which is why I said I was pulling because both can OHKO with rocks). The reason I said it was not centralizing, yet needed for making stall manageable is that while there are other Special Non-Mega wallbreakers, Lando I is the best and checks many common cores while also being checked by others as well. Lando-I is not broken, he just excels at his job,and the point of that list was to show that Lando does have many hard checks and they aren't niche choices which is the point of my post falling in the rules of the thread. Also thank you for making such a well composed and thought out response, since most of the rest of this thread got really of topic and are just shit-flinging at this point.

Edit: Sorry didn't see that last comment, how is having a myriad of different options of being revenge killed a flawed argument, when most of the metagame can come in and kill said threat. It just proves that Lando isn't broken by saying so many different things can kill it, and the list (of non pulls) were all pokes that could OHKO, not counting the numerous others that could kill Lando if rocks were up since it is incredibly frail.
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Our Data Miner Antar advised us not to run a W/L ratio alongside a coil requirement as it was pretty much pointless and we decided to go with a game limit instead. Also, as stated in the OP, we reserve the right to change the requirements as we see fit.

You can identify yourself here.

For the 46 people who already identified themselves, you are fine. As for everyone else, refer to the bold/underlined portion of this post.

Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your time.
Actually the variety in stall proves that the metagame got healthier, more cores can be run after a cancerous low maintenance offensive team building crutch has been removed, a degree on the variety of stall cores is a symptom of a better metagame for Christ sake, also take a look at balance and bulky offense now relying on different cores that moved away from Lando I and have to turn those cores into more specific ones to deal with stall + momentum keeping ability against more playstyles, I don't know why people hold this bias against stall, man if anything that's the hardest playstyle to pull off properly in ORAS. Drop the bias and enjoy the new cores that came after that team building crutch is removed. So it does matter, sorry if I sound angry but many stall players are rejoicing for this very reason and bulky offence is getting a bit more original in their builds, it is proof enough of a healthy metagame with that evidence.

Want to check stall, I have been using wow Taunt victini to a degree of success.
Lol that's exactly my point, stall having more variety isn't a bad thing at all.
I think you might have misunderstood my post. I was just quoting someone who was saying that without lando stall has too much variety and I was basically just saying that's fine. I know that stall is actually a playstyle that takes lots of skill, sorry if my post offended you.

Also phew got my reqs before the 85 game limit, that would be pretty hard
Lol, why would Lando I need to be banned, he's checked by most special walls in OU and is revenge killed by most of the meta game. Notable examples would be Chansey/Blissey, Rotom W, Specially Defensive Gliscor,Specially Defensive Zapdos, Latias, and if you're pulling Cresselia. That and Lando is revenge killed easily by MegaMeta, Starmie, Thundy, Dragonite (who can set up on Lando), Scarf Kyurem Black, Scarf T-Tar, Manaphy, Lopunny, M-Manectric, and Raikou. If you're pulling again you can also say Weavile, Banded Azu, Life Orb Crawdaunt, M-Blastoise, Feraligatr, Mamo, Scarf Hydra, Meinshao, Porygon-2 for shits and giggles, Suicune, and Vaporeon. Lando is both annoying, but necessary because stall would be unmanageable without a good non-mega special wallbreaker that actually hits hard (cough Starmie cough). Lando isn't "centralizing", a sweeper, a cleaner, or as crazy versatile people say it is. No one runs rock polish, or hidden power ice, it has a very predictable moveset of 5 moves and if you don't have something listed above to wall it or check it, then you're probably playing RU.
Alright let me address these points

Lol, why would Lando I need to be banned, he's checked by most special walls in OU and is revenge killed by most of the meta game. Notable examples would be Chansey/Blissey, Rotom W, Specially Defensive Gliscor,Specially Defensive Zapdos, Latias, and if you're pulling Cresselia.
Lots of calcs. Will use a hide tag.
Rotom-W doesn't like switching into Landors-I using Sludge Wave or Focus Blast, arguably two of his most spammable moves, because he suffers a 2HKO from them, not to mention just being pressured in the role of a pivot with no recovery.

AoA Landorus beats Latias (unless you meant Mega) and Chansey thanks to Knock Off (KOs Latias and removes Chansey's eviolite to do this)
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Focus Blast vs. 4 HP / 252 SpD Chansey: 309-367 (48.1 - 57.1%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO

Gliscor hates HP Ice, Zapdos hates Rock Slide (which also has merit for Mandibuzz, Tornadus-T, and SpD Zard-Y).

Cresselia is a counter. It is also extremely passive, limited to Stall, and a momentum sink for Dark type opponents. It also loses to CM Landorus without carrying Ice Beam or Toxic if it doesn't get in near immediately.
0 SpA Cresselia Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus: 93-109 (29.1 - 34.1%) -- 2.6% chance to 3HKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Cresselia: 256-302 (57.6 - 68%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
And these aren't considered niche/lure options because Landorus can function perfectly fine using those in the moveslots needed.

That and Lando is revenge killed easily by MegaMeta, Starmie, Thundy, Dragonite (who can set up on Lando), Scarf Kyurem Black, Scarf T-Tar, Manaphy, Lopunny, M-Manectric, and Raikou. If you're pulling again you can also say Weavile, Banded Azu, Life Orb Crawdaunt, M-Blastoise, Feraligatr, Mamo, Scarf Hydra, Meinshao, Porygon-2 for shits and giggles, Suicune, and Vaporeon.
Before I look into any of these, I should note that needing to Revenge Landorus means he already killed something, which is a pretty big loss to have for Stall or balance, which need to maintain their cores until big offensive threats like Lando are beaten.

Starmie needs to be offensive to guarantee a KO on Landorus, and even bulky variants fare kinda poorly.
0 SpA Starmie Scald vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus: 206-246 (64.5 - 77.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 16 SpD Starmie: 255-302 (78.9 - 93.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Bulky Roost Dragonite was conceptualized as a Lando counter, but you should note this was before Lando took to running things like HP Ice for SpD Gliscor or Rock Slide for Flying Checks. And don't even bother with offensive variants.
252 SpA Life Orb Landorus Hidden Power Ice vs. 216 HP / 228 SpD Dragonite: 255-302 (67.6 - 80.1%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
0 Atk Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Rock Slide vs. 216 HP / 0 Def Dragonite: 231-273 (61.2 - 72.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Scarftar can't OHKO without Ice Punch, which isn't really a standard option for it to my knowledge
252 Atk Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Landorus: 183-216 (57.3 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in Sand: 307-361 (90 - 105.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

You listed a lot of Scarfed mons, which are extremely exploitable if locked into the wrong move, and could lose whatever momentum they grabbed from Landorus on the revenge attempt.

Azumarill hurts, but it needs rocks to OHKO with Aqua Jet. Landorus does not.
252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Landorus: 260-308 (81.5 - 96.5%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Sludge Wave vs. 172 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 387-458 (100.7 - 119.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Most of the others are reaching a bit too far to be considered relevant threats (Vaporeon, Mienshao?), to the point that considering them as Landorus answers might indicate a problem when they're otherwise outclassed in their role, similar to suggestions of running Arcanine, an otherwise non-OU Pokemon (not even D-Rank) to counter Mawile.

Lando is both annoying, but necessary because stall would be unmanageable without a good non-mega special wallbreaker that actually hits hard (cough Starmie cough). Lando isn't "centralizing", a sweeper, a cleaner, or as crazy versatile people say it is.
Lando should not be kept in the tier for the sake of checking things. If Stall really became so ridiculously unmanageable, we'd move to defensive suspects. Also, no non-Mega Special Wallbreakers?
Manaphy, Serperior, Keldeo, Gengar and Nasty Plot Thundurus all exist right off the bat, and most are already considered nightmares for Stall to prepare for in a game where Landorus is likely to overlap for that role.

You note Landorus not to be centralizing, then say Stall would be unmanageable if he were banned. Those statements are outright contradictions since that would mean Landorus is the only thing making Stall a manageable playstyle right now. One Pokemon having that much influence, healthy or not (spoilers, it's not) is by definition centralization.

I also don't see how you can't call a mon that can be made to put in work with 3 different S-Rank sets to not be versatile, and Rock Polish is in fact designed to be a sweeper, but I can say from experience the set is perfectly capable of putting in work even without having to actually boost and pull off a sweep.

No one runs rock polish, or hidden power ice, it has a very predictable moveset of 5 moves and if you don't have something listed above to wall it or check it, then you're probably playing RU.
Not sure where you got the idea those moves don't see significant usage, but could someone provide the usage statistics since I'm fairly certain these moves are plenty common if Rock Polish is an S-Rank set on the set viability?

Also, usable moves
- Earth power (duh)
- Focus Blast
- Sludge Wave
- Hidden power Ice
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide
- Rock Polish
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
(These are niche, but they have legitimate uses)
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn (mainly for AoA to pivot from its few defensive counters)

I'm fairly certain that's a bit more than 5 moves, and I also don't think you can quite call this predictable since, again, it has at least 3 main sets and the absurd power to afford opting for mostly neutral coverage.

So look at the metagame as a whole, get off your high Horsea and provide me arguments that prove Landorus does not have a negative effect on the variety and skill level of the OU metagame instead of resorting to arguments of our skill and assuming people who disagree wit your point don't play OU enough. For this suspect to arise means a decent number of people who do in fact play OU at a high level think this mon might not be healthy for the competitive environment. Hell, I only get much play around mid-ladder, using this mon extensively myself, and I still personally think it's cancer.
Why yes switching is quite easy, but the point of that list is to say that Lando I has a significant amount of checks in the metagame, and while yes you can switch, you lose momentum and predict switches and so on and so on (also Crawdaunt dosen't OHKO which is why I said I was pulling because both can OHKO with rocks). The reason I said it was not centralizing, yet needed for making stall manageable is that while there are other Special Non-Mega wallbreakers, Lando I is the best and checks many common cores while also being checked by others as well.
I wasn't sure what you meant by "pulling" when I replied, sorry. I think you meant stretching? Anyway, terminology aside,
1.) predicting switches goes both ways. It's been discussed already. I'll leave it at that.
2.) The main and realistic way that those revenge killers you listed are coming in on Landorus is after Lando actually kills something. Taking out a Pokemon will make anything lose momentum, even if you have an Uber Pokemon out. It's just the way the game of Pokemon is. When you kill something, people bring their revenge killer in and you're either forced to let your Pokemon die or switch out. This isn't only applicable to Landours, but literally every single Pokemon in the game. When arguing about a specific Pokemon, it's a good idea to make points that are specific to that Pokemon.
3.) Many of the checks you listed only cover specific Landorus sets, not all of them. This is exactly the part of the problem with Landorus. Rotom-W is mostly seen as a physically defensive set to cover more of the things that its typing allows it to check, like Birdspam and Azumarill. Because of this, Rotom-W is actually 2HKO'd by Focus Blast. Chansey really doesn't like its item getting Knocked Off. SDef Zapdos has to run HP Ice to beat Rock Slide Landorus 1-on-1, but it cannot switch into Rock Slide or it'll be 2HKOd. Latias and Cresselia don't like Knock Off and are Pursuit weak (I don't particularly like the Pursuit weak argument, but it seems to be receptive to many people on this thread). SDef Gliscor (I'm talking 252/252+) takes 76% min from HP Ice. Now don't take me out of context here--I'm not saying that Landorus-I can run 6 moves at once. What I'm saying is that you don't know what actually checks Landorus until it reveals its entire moveset, and you can easily lose a Pokemon or two by then. Plus, your actual dedicated Landorus "check" could very well have trouble with its coverage moves.
4.) Back to terminology: Landorus cannot be "not centralizing" yet "needed for making stall manageable" at the same time. Perhaps your word choice isn't really displaying your argument to its fullest potential.

Lando-I is not broken, he just excels at his job,and the point of that list was to show that Lando does have many hard checks and they aren't niche choices which is the point of my post falling in the rules of the thread. Also thank you for making such a well composed and thought out response, since most of the rest of this thread got really of topic and are just shit-flinging at this point.
Landorus's checks and counters have been discussed thoroughly towards the beginning of this thread, and there seems to be a mutual agreement that the only counters are Mega Latias and Cresselia. I think it's a bit of a stretch to call Rotom-W, Zapdos, and Gliscor "hard checks" when they're all 2HKOd by various coverage moves. You can say that Rotom-W can live any hit and Hydro Pump back, but a well played Landorus will wait until said "checks" are weakened enough to the point where it can be knocked out by a coverage move. I'm trying to avoid the prediction argument here, so all I'm going to say is that it happens. And that's why being 2HKOd by a move should constitute as a shaky check.

Edit: Sorry didn't see that last comment, how is having a myriad of different options of being revenge killed a flawed argument, when most of the metagame can come in and kill said threat. It just proves that Lando isn't broken by saying so many different things can kill it, and the list (of non pulls) were all pokes that could OHKO, not counting the numerous others that could kill Lando if rocks were up since it is incredibly frail.
"Most of the metagame" can't exactly come in and kill Landorus. And almost every single one of the revenge killers you listed is actually OHKOd after Rocks (think Rock Polish, Modest) and are mostly seen on more offensive teams. Saying that Landorus dies to Water and Ice moves doesn't "prove" that it's not broken; it just explains that it can be threatened out or revenge killed, just like every other Pokemon. I think I addressed the "revenge killing is a flawed argument" in 2.) in response to your first point. Lastly, saying that Landorus is "incredibly frail" is a massive overstatement. 89/90/80 defenses on something as powerful and threatening as Landorus is actually really impressive. Here's a pretty good example:
252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Landorus: 232-274 (72.7 - 85.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
That's a STAB Tough Claws boosted base 145 Meteor Mash and can never, ever OHKO a 0/0 Landorus even after Stealth Rock. I'm not saying Landorus is a bulky mon, but it's definitely not "incredibly frail."

edit: post #420 i'm just on a roll with my post numbers today
Lol that's exactly my point, stall having more variety isn't a bad thing at all.
I think you might have misunderstood my post. I was just quoting someone who was saying that without lando stall has too much variety and I was basically just saying that's fine. I know that stall is actually a playstyle that takes lots of skill, sorry if my post offended you.

Also phew got my reqs before the 85 game limit, that would be pretty hard
Yep my bad as well, the antiban faction arguments ended up making me hate myself for sharing the same species with them for a moment, not trying to be rude or anything tough.

Anyways it was mostly directed to those who said that Lando I should be kept on OU to check broken elements that in practice aren't even broken at all and in fact are quite pressured on the metagame already, not to mention the big fat bias towards stall, and huge amount of "love" for offense diminishing other playstyles for having a degree of versatility. Especially considering how the statement of running manaphy came around in such an hypocrisy filled way disregarding the thought process behind team building and treating manaphy in the same way they treat Lando I as a staple this crutch to cover loads of weaknesses without making a dedicated core to it for having a low cost effectiveness rate and a high reward nature against a huge portion of the metagame... It kinda got in my nerves and I apologize for getting that off on my quote.

However it should be noticed that the tier is seeing a Renaissance of new cores post Lando I, not only in stall as offensive cores are now evolving to go for different coverage options and other checks that actually have a degree of team building thinking process outside of use "Lando T as Lando I" is gone trends.
I wasn't sure what you meant by "pulling" when I replied, sorry. I think you meant stretching? Anyway, terminology aside,
1.) predicting switches goes both ways. It's been discussed already. I'll leave it at that.
2.) The main and realistic way that those revenge killers you listed are coming in on Landorus is after Lando actually kills something. Taking out a Pokemon will make anything lose momentum, even if you have an Uber Pokemon out. It's just the way the game of Pokemon is. When you kill something, people bring their revenge killer in and you're either forced to let your Pokemon die or switch out. This isn't only applicable to Landours, but literally every single Pokemon in the game. When arguing about a specific Pokemon, it's a good idea to make points that are specific to that Pokemon.
3.) Many of the checks you listed only cover specific Landorus sets, not all of them. This is exactly the part of the problem with Landorus. Rotom-W is mostly seen as a physically defensive set to cover more of the things that its typing allows it to check, like Birdspam and Azumarill. Because of this, Rotom-W is actually 2HKO'd by Focus Blast. Chansey really doesn't like its item getting Knocked Off. SDef Zapdos has to run HP Ice to beat Rock Slide Landorus 1-on-1, but it cannot switch into Rock Slide or it'll be 2HKOd. Latias and Cresselia don't like Knock Off and are Pursuit weak (I don't particularly like the Pursuit weak argument, but it seems to be receptive to many people on this thread). SDef Gliscor (I'm talking 252/252+) takes 76% min from HP Ice. Now don't take me out of context here--I'm not saying that Landorus-I can run 6 moves at once. What I'm saying is that you don't know what actually checks Landorus until it reveals its entire moveset, and you can easily lose a Pokemon or two by then. Plus, your actual dedicated Landorus "check" could very well have trouble with its coverage moves.
4.) Back to terminology: Landorus cannot be "not centralizing" yet "needed for making stall manageable" at the same time. Perhaps your word choice isn't really displaying your argument to its fullest potential.

Landorus's checks and counters have been discussed thoroughly towards the beginning of this thread, and there seems to be a mutual agreement that the only counters are Mega Latias and Cresselia. I think it's a bit of a stretch to call Rotom-W, Zapdos, and Gliscor "hard checks" when they're all 2HKOd by various coverage moves. You can say that Rotom-W can live any hit and Hydro Pump back, but a well played Landorus will wait until said "checks" are weakened enough to the point where it can be knocked out by a coverage move. I'm trying to avoid the prediction argument here, so all I'm going to say is that it happens. And that's why being 2HKOd by a move should constitute as a shaky check.

"Most of the metagame" can't exactly come in and kill Landorus. And almost every single one of the revenge killers you listed is actually OHKOd after Rocks (think Rock Polish, Modest) and are mostly seen on more offensive teams. Saying that Landorus dies to Water and Ice moves doesn't "prove" that it's not broken; it just explains that it can be threatened out or revenge killed, just like every other Pokemon. I think I addressed the "revenge killing is a flawed argument" in 2.) in response to your first point. Lastly, saying that Landorus is "incredibly frail" is a massive overstatement. 89/90/80 defenses on something as powerful and threatening as Landorus is actually really impressive. Here's a pretty good example:
252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Landorus: 232-274 (72.7 - 85.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
That's a STAB Tough Claws boosted base 145 Meteor Mash and can never, ever OHKO a 0/0 Landorus even after Stealth Rock. I'm not saying Landorus is a bulky mon, but it's definitely not "incredibly frail."

edit: post #420 i'm just on a roll with my post numbers today
Well this is going to take a while since I already typed this twice and accidentally refreshed the page.
One: By "pulling" I meant in the same way you list HP Ice and Rock Slide as coverage moves, I list those extra mons as checks. Neither are common, the listed pokes are just other Pokemon that can either revenge kill or wall Lando-I, yet they aren't common in OU, so if you don't want to list them it's fine.
Two: On your third point, the checks can't obviously take every one of Lando's sets, hence the term check. While yes Gliscor dies to HP ice, or how SDef Zapdos dies to Rock Slide then you now have significantly less coverage. That and If you run HP Ice then you are shit on Chansey, Latias, Rotom (I was talking about SDef Rotom), and Zapdos. Run rock slide and Gliscor Chansey, Rotom and others then wall you. Those moves are only good against one or two at most defensive threats and you can't cover them all. If you go back to the Greninja suspect the main reason he was banned was because he could actually cover most, if not all of the defensive checks against him with 4 moves and hence he was banned. Yet when Meta was under suspect, he could run moves like grass knot to stop slowbro, yet it reduced coverage and made you less effective for one pokemon stopped. While I'm not saying the previous suspects should necessarily have an impact on this one, I feel like the arguments against Lando are almost identical to Mega Meta
Three: On your fourth point I said without Lando, stall would become unmanageable. This is kind of an overstatement (so yes I'm back tracking, the best move in an argument) but it excels against HO and wallbreaking stall. I still believe it's the best special non-mega wallbreaker since it has versatility but not as much as you claim it to have. It is not centralizing since you do not need a specific Pokemon to check it, hence why Cresselia isn't OU, yet it is still great at checking stall. I feel like this argument can still stand since you are not required to have an off the wall check to stop Lando.
Four: 89/90/80 defenses or not that impressive since Altaria, Azu, Dragonite, Garchomp, Gyarados, Kyruem-B, Mega Meta, and other poses similar if not more amounts of bulk while retaining similar amounts of offensive presence. It may not be super frail, but no one runs Lando I for it's bulk and many pokemon (Like the ones just listed) can significantly damage a full health Lando or kill a slightly weakened one. Also most if not all of the checks I listed outspeed Lando, or have priority that kills it, since its actually getting speed creeped pretty hard. Also Blaze it
Alright, this is my attempt to counter the argument made by Mur on the anti-ban side of Landorus. Mur put together a great argument, so this probably won't be successful, but here goes.

Okay some of the arguments I've been seeing have been absolutely terrible on both sides recently(except for you AM) so I'l come in and handle some of these "arguments" that have been made. Well from my observations during the suspect my opinion still stands that lando-i is broken and absolutely needs to be banned. I can't even believe I saw someone say "the meta is worse stall is more prominent" lol is this a joke?

First of all, there is a ton of generalization going on in this thread, suggesting that all-anti-ban arguments are completely invalid and idiotic, which is not the case.

just because offense does not struggle with lando-i doesn't mean it isn't broken. If we followed the logic of a mon is not broken if it can't beat every playstyle then I guess the incredibly broken and centralizing greninja should be unbanned because it can't beat stall and offense pressures it right?? Like c'mon now how is all this "it's slow just use offense because it checks it easily" even an argument?
Ok, so you are saying that even though Lando-i is pretty ineffective against a dominant playstyle, it is still broken. Has this ever been the case? Greninja had coverage to beat every so-called check or counter it faced, and no other banned suspect has really not been effective against every single playstyle. So, to conclude, Lando already isn't on par with other banned suspects because of its ineffectiveness against a major playstyle in the current meta.

It's a widespread fact on both sides that lando-i is extremely potent against balance(I'l get into the arguments being made about of how lando isn't broken against balance later) and stall alike while struggling against offense due to getting pressured to set up. The meta being forced to one particular playstyle(offense) is a sign of an unhealthy force which in this case is lando-i forcing the meta away from the more defensive playstyles.

Really? You make it sound like all the other playstyles have become extinct just because of Lando's presence. This is far from the case, and there are a lot of other reasons why balance and stall have been forced to decline other than lando. Even then, the above bolded statement is false because neither balance nor stall are rendered completely unviable because of lando, and also because the suspect ladder also consists mainly of offensive teams in spite of Lando being gone. There's more on this later.

I'll agree that the pro-ban side has been over exaggerating the rp set's ability to sweep just a little bit, but does this mean you don't prepare for it? Of course not you should be preparing for every top threat in the meta and taking into account it's other common sets. The reason that is bolded is because that sentence right there destroys all these arguments being made by whoever in this thread that is saying that if you are prepared for rp lando-i your prepared for all of them. First of all 15%(or 12% whatever is being argued) usage for a move isn't uncommon by any means and it also shows that these anti-ban posters making these arguments clearly do not have enough knowledge of the meta to even know what move slots these moves go in to give it this usage statistic. Obviously earth power, sludge wave/focus blast, and hp ice are gonna take up most of the usage because they are the standard moves run on a majority of lando-i. The fourth slot is used for either rp, knock off, rock slide, stealth rock, or calm mind so of course these moves are going to have less usage than the rest because they aren't run on every set. Honestly the fact that people are trying to argue that lando-i has more switch-ins because they handle the rp set is honestly ridiculous.

Ok, its good that you concede the fact that the pro-ban side is suggesting that the RP set is unbeatable because they honestly are. Now, as for the rest of your argument, yes it is important to take into account all of the common sets of a top threat. However, the amount of overexaggeration the RP set is getting is forcing belief that it is the most viable set in the meta and unbeatable, meaning that if you prepare for it, you are prepared for every set. While this may be false to a certain degree, it still has the basic ring of truth that you are prepared for a hard-hitting wallbreaker with a huge speed stat to go along with it. If you are prepared to be able to beat a Lando with a RP set up, you will most likely be revenge killing it, with priority users such as CB Azu and Weaville. If you bring either of these two mons, you should be able to beat any common Landorus set other than a Sub set or some random defense investment, indicating that you are prepared for all viable sets. I mean, this can obviously be interpreted from the point of view that Landorus is sacrificing one of its coverage moves, and so therefore has more switchins, meaning that you could beat it more easily, but that is only half the argument. The real argument, as stated above, has no bearing on whether you can switch in to RP Lando or not, but rather if you can revenge kill it.

This goes back to what I said about these anti-ban players voting based off their bias toward offense. Yeah maybe you don't have to prepare for AoA or cm lando as much but balance and stall sure as hell do along with rp. Please tell me how stall reliably beats calm mind and knock off lando? Tell me how lando-i isn't centralizing to balance when it takes up two whole slots just to handle both the AoA sets along with rp. That right there hits the nail in the coffin for the anti-ban side saying lando-i isn't centralizing, being forced to dedicate multiple slots of a team just to beat one mon is centralizing.

Oh, the centralization argument. First off, you acknowledge the existence of Balance and Stall as legitimate playstyles even though you stated earlier that Lando is forcing them not to exist. Second, when is any top-tier threat not considered centralizing to a certain degree? You act as though any centralization is the final word in whether a mon is bannable or not, and this isn' the case. Centralization indicates that you have to prepare for the common sets of a mon. By your logic, Keldeo would be overcentralizing because Balance, Stall, and offense have to prepare for the AoA Specs Set, Scarf Set, and Sub CM, as well as the occasional LO Taunt Set. Does the existence of all of these different sets mean Keldeo is broken and overcentralizing? Of course not. As far as the whole two slots argument goes, many teams have secondary checks to top tier threats, and it isn't usually considered overpreparation at all. Landorus is a powerful top tier threat, and it deserves to be prepared for because of its capabilities.

Now I'm also seeing the argument that lando-i is no different than any other breaker therefore it does not deserve a ban anymore than say gengar or manaphy do. First of all this is absolutely ridiculous and isn't my just my opinion, it's widely accepted lando-i is the best breaker in the tier. If lando-i was no better than mana or gengar don't you think lando would be sitting in the A+ rank with them? The viability rankings show that lando has been an S rank mon(which is higher than every other breaker) for a majority of oras. Now how can you even argue that lando-i is no different from any of the other breakers when it's been ranked higher than all of them for the entirety of the tier's life span?

I won't argue with you over the fact that Lando is the tier's best wallbreaker, but the basis of this argument is wrong. You state that Lando is proven better because it has sat in S rank for the entire period of the metagame, yet you ignore the fact the metagame trends can force changes in the viability rankings. For example, TankChomp has slowly risen since the dawn of ORAS as a bulky defensive SR setter to the position of A+ Rank, while Ferrothorn has sat in A rank the entire time. Now, some might argue that it is in A+ for its ability to run multiple sets, but its rise from A rank to A+ rank was almost entirely because of its newly discovered Tank set. As of right now, many people would argue that TankChomp is a better bulky SR setter than Ferrothorn, even though Ferrothorn was originally a more popular mon to fill that role. While their roles may differ slightly, this example is to prove that metagame trends can influence the Viability Rankings and change which mons are best at their respective roles. If a trend causes a surge in usage of Mega Latias, then Landorus will become less viable.
These incredible super-breakers in the tier are usually dealt with through the use of hazards or status to prevent them from doing too much damage to the team. For example zard-y is easily paralyzed on a seemingly free switch into clefable or ferrothorn or has it's free turns taken away from being pressured by stealth rock so it has to roost off the hazard damage. Mgarde is considered one of the most centralizing and fearsome breakers in the tier but it can easily be pressured through the use of full hazards(spikes and stealth rock) to chip off its health and by targeting it's frail defense to minimize the damage it does. Manaphy requires set-up and can be pressured when unboosted to avoid said set-up from occuring. Gengar can be para'd on the switch into clefable, gets worn down by life orb recoil, and is also extremely frail and pursuit weak. I don't think I have to go on about every breaker in the tier and how the teams they specialize in beating can stand up to them. Keep in mind i know that these mons are still hard for these defensive teams to handle I'm just stating the counter play in stopping them since all of them share a similar quality in having little that can switch into them, just trying to not make it seem like I'm downplaying them because I'm not. With that being said someone please explain to me what these teams have to fend themselves from lando-i? It's immune to twave, immune to spikes, neutral to stealth rock, takes no lo recoil bar hp ice and knock off, and has reasonable bulk that can't be exploited by very many defensive pokemon. The only way these teams have of counter-playing lando is to switch around and scout it's moveset in an attempt to find something on your team to reliably stop it from tearing through your core. I've seen people say "scouting is part of the game!" well apparently no one has taken into account the risk associated with scouting lando-i. Is switching around and as a result giving free turns to the best breaker in the meta a reliable way of counter-play? The answer should be clear to everyone that it isn't enough. Yeah, you may find that lando lacks rock slide and that your torn-t can switch into it but at what cost? You have either gone directly into torn-t praying for no rock slide and have gotten knocked off or you have switched around scouting for rock slide only to have a number of your mons take various amounts of chip damage from lando's powerful coverage options or the omnipresent stealth rock. Now what has lando risked here? Having a mon come in and resist a coverage move taking chip damage and then firing off another move to be taken by said tornadus? Very clearly the odds are skewed in favor of lando-i here and while this may be one particular situation it should be obvious that this happens very often considering it is the only "reliable" counter-play these teams have to lando-i. This is how lando-i is very different than the other breakers in the tier and how it is an extremely low risk/high reward mon.

I appreciate the fact that you mention counter-play and hazards because this is the only reason why Lando is the tier's best wallbreaker. Other than these reasons, other wallbreakers would be on par with Lando as far as power, speed and bulk. I really can't deny any of this part because Lando is still an incredible wallbreaker. However, scouting isn't nearly as hard as people make it out to be, especially the Tornadus argument you make. It really isn't that hard- switch into Torn-T on an Earth Power and then switch into a Rock Resist on the presumed rock slide. Based on the results, Lando is going to lack a certain coverage move. If this only applies to Stall or Balance, then any mons that take chip damage should be able to heal it off later.

"Being forced to run one of the few breakers" is this a joke? If you know anything about the meta you'd know that there is a surplus of breakers in the tier and even worse you make it sound as if having to run a breaker is some sort of centralizing symptom of removing lando-i. Like is this a joke? Breakers have been mandatory roles in offensive cores since the birth of competitive pokemon. You're forced to run breakers even with lando-i in the tier so I really have no idea what your trying to say here.
Alright, so there is a surplus of breakers in the tier, yet Lando-I is still overcentralizing to you. If Lando was actually as overcentralizing as you made it seem, then there would be no need to run any other wallbreakers other than it. Obvously it doesn't outclass everything in its role because the other breakers in the tier still are very viable. The idea of bannable overcentralization would imply that the metagame has deteriorated into stale battles where every team includes Landorus as its mandatory breaker and teams are filled with Lando, Lando's checks/counters, and checks/counters to Lando's checks/counters. Obviously this isn't the case as a lot of threats are still extremely viable, and many teams do not include Landorus as their mandatory wallbreaker.

Also, the decline of balance isn't only due to the rise of Landorus, even though it is a factor. The rise of TG Manaphy, as well as the presence of Torn-T, Kyu-B and other balance breakers. As it turns out, there are numerous factors that cause the decline of balance, with Lando being only one of them. A metagame without Landorus will end up having an even higher density of the above threats to compensate for Landorus being gone.

So there you have it. Many of the problems associated with Landorus are really exaggerated and inflated until people believe that Lando is 6-0ing stall and single-handedly killing balance, which really isn't the case, at least in my opinion. No ban.
Two: On your third point, the checks can't obviously take every one of Lando's sets, hence the term check. While yes Gliscor dies to HP ice, or how SDef Zapdos dies to Rock Slide then you now have significantly less coverage. That and If you run HP Ice then you are shit on Chansey, Latias, Rotom (I was talking about SDef Rotom), and Zapdos. Run rock slide and Gliscor Chansey, Rotom and others then wall you. Those moves are only good against one or two at most defensive threats and you can't cover them all. If you go back to the Greninja suspect the main reason he was banned was because he could actually cover most, if not all of the defensive checks against him with 4 moves and hence he was banned. Yet when Meta was under suspect, he could run moves like grass knot to stop slowbro, yet it reduced coverage and made you less effective for one pokemon stopped. While I'm not saying the previous suspects should necessarily have an impact on this one, I feel like the arguments against Lando are almost identical to Mega Meta
Yeah I wouldn't use this argument as a case against Landorus' banning saying, "this is why this was banned", when in reality it was banned cause people voted for it to be banned for their own individual reasons not always necessarily collectively and Mega Metagross was pretty close in the votes anyways.
Lol, why would Lando I need to be banned, he's checked by most special walls in OU and is revenge killed by most of the meta game. Notable examples would be Chansey/Blissey, Rotom W, Specially Defensive Gliscor,Specially Defensive Zapdos, Latias, and if you're pulling Cresselia. That and Lando is revenge killed easily by MegaMeta, Starmie, Thundy, Dragonite (who can set up on Lando), Scarf Kyurem Black, Scarf T-Tar, Manaphy, Lopunny, M-Manectric, and Raikou. If you're pulling again you can also say Weavile, Banded Azu, Life Orb Crawdaunt, M-Blastoise, Feraligatr, Mamo, Scarf Hydra, Meinshao, Porygon-2 for shits and giggles, Suicune, and Vaporeon. Lando is both annoying, but necessary because stall would be unmanageable without a good non-mega special wallbreaker that actually hits hard (cough Starmie cough). Lando isn't "centralizing", a sweeper, a cleaner, or as crazy versatile people say it is. No one runs rock polish, or hidden power ice, it has a very predictable moveset of 5 moves and if you don't have something listed above to wall it or check it, then you're probably playing RU.

Lol you clearly need to lurk more before posting
Now for this post.
One: most of the stuff I said in my last post applies, while you can use HP Ice or rock slide to check one specific defensive wall, you then lose a great amount of coverage and these moves are also quite rare. Sure Lando has "9 usable moves", doesn't mean he actually uses them (like rock polish, which is all kinds of useless). Lando does not have 3 sets he has 2. Calm Mind and normal Life Orb.
And what is this "normal life orb" set? 4 attacks? Cuz if so then E power is the only guaranteed move. I don't see how you lose out on coverage when running certain moves. E power, hp ice, sludge wave, and Rock slide hits literally everything hard and invalidates 2/3 of landos checks. You literally lose out on nothing because you're now only walled by SpDef Venusaur and mega Latias /Cresselia

Also lmao @ calling Rock Polish useless. You've obviously never faced a RP Lando in the hands of a competent player because it literally sweeps any offense team that doesn't have a good priority user because nothing switches in and it outspeeds everything. Lando absolutely has a third set in Rock Polish and it is also the scariest for a dominant playstyle (offense)

Two: the checks you listed that aren't very effective were kind of odd since all of them get and use ice beam, and can OHKO Lando (Starmie, T-Tar). Dragonite can get to +1 outspeed and OHKO with ice punch or Outrage. That and the non-OU meta picks like Meinshao were listed since they were in either OU or UU and poses the speed or offensive prowess (or both) to check lando. It says "pulling" in quotes for a reason. You can not list them as checks if you want since that still leaves like over a dozen Pokemon checking Lando

Okay, stuff kills Lando. That doesn't matter. What matters is that shit can't switch into it in fear of 'x' coverage move, whether Lando is actually running it or not. Just the fear of a certain move is enough to keep a mon at bay. And that alone puts immense pressure on an opponent which can force suboptimal plays. That's not healthy for the tier.

Three: Centralize:concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority. Like I said, you don't have to have Lando on your team to deal with stall, since all of the special wallbreakers you listed can also do what Lando does, and they all set up easier since they are actually fast (or bulky in Manaphy's case), while lando gets out sped by most offensive threats in the metagame . That and like in my last post, you don't have to run a cresselia to check lando, since there are several other pokemon that check Lando
I'm really lost here ._.

Finally if you think Lando is cancer then why do you use him?
Because why would you not use a mon that instantly makes your team better?

Honestly what you're saying here just shows a lack of knowledge in the tier and I would advise you to take a step back and think about what you're saying and what everyone else is saying to you. Then look at the posts replying to yours and see the support that those posts are getting. Only then might you realize that you're in the wrong here.
Ah thank you quagback2qc for being someone from the anti-ban side making actual arguments. I would also like to say some of my other arguments may have come off aggressive since it was mainly toward the people posting "lol so I got reqs and the ladder showed that stall was better lol NO BAN" and I think you and me both can agree that biasing your vote toward one particular playstyle is a pretty bad argument which infuriated me that people where actually trying to pass that off as legitimate arguments which led to me making things seem a bit exaggerated a little bit. Anyways lemme counter your arguments in a less aggressive and possibly more thorough answer.

First of all, there is a ton of generalization going on in this thread, suggesting that all-anti-ban arguments are completely invalid and idiotic, which is not the case.

Yeah this was not meant to suggest all the arguments were idiotic, it was meant for the people that I mentioned above biasing their votes to their one playstyle and was more of my opening. Not really much to discuss here just a misunderstanding of what was meant by my post here.

Ok, so you are saying that even though Lando-i is pretty ineffective against a dominant playstyle, it is still broken. Has this ever been the case? Greninja had coverage to beat every so-called check or counter it faced, and no other banned suspect has really not been effective against every single playstyle. So, to conclude, Lando already isn't on par with other banned suspects because of its ineffectiveness against a major playstyle in the current meta.

Actually yes that has been the case in the past and most of the arguments being made are based off of this which may be why you see lando differently than myself. Greninja was never able to beat stall and offense never really cared about not being able to switch into it since offense only focuses on offensive synergy. A majority of the arguments from the greninja suspect involved greninja dominating and centralizing balance and this was a huge point for the pro ban side even though the tier was mostly offense(mainly because of gren). Honestly the effects lando-i causes are a lot similar to greninja in a way. It has various moves to get past the common answers to it, threatens two of the three playstyles immensely(greninja only bodied 1/3), and gravitates the meta toward offense. Now I think that's where your argument here falls apart because based off this information lando is indeed on par with greninja in terms of it's effects on the tier. Actually if you look back on it greninja really only tore apart one playstyle while lando tears apart two. I'm not sure about you but if greninja was banned for it's unhealthy effects toward one playstyle I'm not sure why lando-i can't go for beating two.

Really? You make it sound like all the other playstyles have become extinct just because of Lando's presence. This is far from the case, and there are a lot of other reasons why balance and stall have been forced to decline other than lando. Even then, the above bolded statement is false because neither balance nor stall are rendered completely unviable because of lando, and also because the suspect ladder also consists mainly of offensive teams in spite of Lando being gone. There's more on this later.
Oh, the centralization argument. First off, you acknowledge the existence of Balance and Stall as legitimate playstyles even though you stated earlier that Lando is forcing them not to exist. Second, when is any top-tier threat not considered centralizing to a certain degree? You act as though any centralization is the final word in whether a mon is bannable or not, and this isn' the case. Centralization indicates that you have to prepare for the common sets of a mon. By your logic, Keldeo would be overcentralizing because Balance, Stall, and offense have to prepare for the AoA Specs Set, Scarf Set, and Sub CM, as well as the occasional LO Taunt Set. Does the existence of all of these different sets mean Keldeo is broken and overcentralizing? Of course not. As far as the whole two slots argument goes, many teams have secondary checks to top tier threats, and it isn't usually considered overpreparation at all. Landorus is a powerful top tier threat, and it deserves to be prepared for because of its capabilities.

I paired these together because they basically are the same topic. While yes balance and stall are not completely extinct and lando isn't the entire reason for offense reining supreme, but it is indeed the head of the group that is making balance and stall less viable. This group I referred to is indeed these "super breakers" that reside in the tier. These super-breakers put a lot of strain on balance specifically because the entire team isn't all defensive mons leaving a gaping weakness to said mons somewhere(enter the "matchup" problem). This is what causes some of the other mons like metagross and altaria(who is already suspect worthy on it's own) to seem way more ridiculous then they really are since they can be paired with these super-breakers that give these beasts that already don't need much to sweep a larger hole to work with. Now enough with my thoughts on whats wrong with the tier, so how does this involve lando? Well in your post somewhere you do agree to say that lando is indeed the best breaker in the tier which I think everyone agrees on whether you want it banned or not. This of course makes lando-i the head of these super-breakers so obviously it is going to be the one causing the most trouble. Now yes being a top tier threat does mean you are centralizing in some way but I'l use your keldeo example to show you why lando-i's centralization is that of the unhealthy kind shown among other banned mons. The difference between lando and keldeo is quite simple. You say the playstyles have to prepare for all sets of keldeo but in reality they are contain virtually the same checks. Latios, starmie, Mvenu etc will always be solid checks to keldeo regardless of what it is running. Now with lando this isn't the case. What checks the rp set (torn-t, latis) does not exactly check the AoA set and vice versa. This forces you to dedicate multiple slots to deal with all the sets of lando while keldeo is stopped with just one slot therefore making lando more restricting then other mons in it's class(except for maybe altaria but that's being talked bout as a potential suspect too, but this isn't the place to discuss that). Also not every team runs multiple checks to everything and most certainly is not forced to so I'm not sure where this is coming from as a reason as to why the fact that lando is essentially forcing you to run multiple checks to it when nothing else really needs that preparation does not make it an unhealthy centralization.

I won't argue with you over the fact that Lando is the tier's best wallbreaker, but the basis of this argument is wrong. You state that Lando is proven better because it has sat in S rank for the entire period of the metagame, yet you ignore the fact the metagame trends can force changes in the viability rankings. For example, TankChomp has slowly risen since the dawn of ORAS as a bulky defensive SR setter to the position of A+ Rank, while Ferrothorn has sat in A rank the entire time. Now, some might argue that it is in A+ for its ability to run multiple sets, but its rise from A rank to A+ rank was almost entirely because of its newly discovered Tank set. As of right now, many people would argue that TankChomp is a better bulky SR setter than Ferrothorn, even though Ferrothorn was originally a more popular mon to fill that role. While their roles may differ slightly, this example is to prove that metagame trends can influence the Viability Rankings and change which mons are best at their respective roles. If a trend causes a surge in usage of Mega Latias, then Landorus will become less viable.

Again this was apart of the argument underneath it and was more aimed toward the people saying that the other breakers are the same as lando. I was simply pointing out that this can't be true because of lando-i being consistently a higher rank then the rest. You did mention something however that can kind of strikes me an an indicator of an unhealthy force in the meta that I previously did not notice before. You mention how if Mlatias started increasing in viability lando would lose some viabilty. Now if lando were not over the top then yes that would be true but hilariously enough that is exactly what is happening except lando is staying at the top. Mlatias is not a bad mon and has even been used on a popular team in the tour community but it clearly has some issues and some loss to using it, mainly that it takes up the mega slot. So Mlatias is increasing in usage but lando is still staying where it's at? While Mlatias is not a niche mon by any means the fact that the biggest counter to lando-i is rising and it practically hasn't even made a change to lando's viability shows me that something is wrong here. This kind of leads into what I will mention next about team support and the whole risk/reward argument that I feel a lot of the anti-ban side seems to be overlooking so I'l leave this section off right here.

I appreciate the fact that you mention counter-play and hazards because this is the only reason why Lando is the tier's best wallbreaker. Other than these reasons, other wallbreakers would be on par with Lando as far as power, speed and bulk. I really can't deny any of this part because Lando is still an incredible wallbreaker. However, scouting isn't nearly as hard as people make it out to be, especially the Tornadus argument you make. It really isn't that hard- switch into Torn-T on an Earth Power and then switch into a Rock Resist on the presumed rock slide. Based on the results, Lando is going to lack a certain coverage move. If this only applies to Stall or Balance, then any mons that take chip damage should be able to heal it off later.

Well by nature scouting around one of the hardest mons to switch into in the tier(broken or not) is going to be a little hard regardless so I think you are kind of downplaying this but it isn't too relevant to the argument so we can ignore this. I guess I did not really go too much into depth into why the lando-i user has little risk doing whatever it wants so I'l try it again being more specific, not going into the prediction argument, and trying to not cherry pick the ideal situation for the lando-i user. So let's say lando-i(no moves revealed yet) is in on something like a clefable and you have a torn-t and scizor sitting in the back. The safest play for the lando user is to simply sludge wave as it hits clef and the incoming torn-t. Now that the situation is mapped out let's look at the options for the clefable user and the amount of risk associated with them. If you stay in with clef you risk getting hit with a sludge wave, which is the safest play for lando, without doing much back to lando if sludge wave is not used so you are aware that you cannot stay in and you know that your opponent most likely knows this as well since it's an obvious play. So what if you go torn-t? You risk the unrevealed coverage move being knock off or rock slide either being crippled from switching into lando further or taking a massive hit to torn and possibly dying if rocks are up all to just force lando out. Well what if you go to scizor on the obvious sludge wave? If the unrevealed move turns out to be knock off scizor loses it's choice band and if rock slide is revealed you take about 32-36% all for scouting for that unrevealed move that may or may not be revealed here. Now what if scizor comes in on the sludge wave and then what? You're stuck in a similar set of positions in which there is high risk to each move all over again and whose to say that maybe the lando user wants scizor dead so they bop you with earth power catching you trying to scout? So what is the lando user thinking during all of this? Whether they have rock slide or not the risk is minuscule compared to that of the opponent. If you sludge wave and they go to scizor oh well you still have the advantage as it can't do much back and if they go to torn you net about 6-13%(more if rocks) before being forced out and if clef stay in it dies. If you rockslide you potentially kill torn or do 32-36% to scizor and you risk clef staying in and doing about 30% with moonblast. If you knock off you cripple any of the 3 mons that decide to appear in front of you while risking clef staying in and moonblasting. Finally if you earth power you risk giving torn a free switch while possibly looking like a savage catching scizor or doing immense damage to clefable. Now what if you successfully get torn in unscathed and force lando out? Every time it comes in (which we have proved it can better then most other breakers because of the lack of counter-play to lando stated previously and you also stated that these defensive mons "can just heal it off later" giving yet another opportunity for lando to come in) it just puts you into a similar set of situations in which the lando user has way less risk and way more reward then the opponent. This isn't really cherry picked either because I think anyone who has played against lando has been in a similar situation like this and it really is not an uncommon occurance. So one of the big arguments that the anti-ban side hasn't touched is how lando is a no risk/high reward mon(which is a trait among past ban worthy mons) and this right here shows exactly how lando-i does just this. In every situation the clefable user risks either losing a mon or taking massive damage all just to force lando out while the lando user simply risks being forced out while potentially picking up a kill. This proves that despite there being some decent checks to lando-i on balance the odds are still skewed in favor of lando no matter what which is a highly broken trait that no other mons really have in the tier bar metagross who was already a suspect that only survived by a few votes.

Alright, so there is a surplus of breakers in the tier, yet Lando-I is still overcentralizing to you. If Lando was actually as overcentralizing as you made it seem, then there would be no need to run any other wallbreakers other than it. Obvously it doesn't outclass everything in its role because the other breakers in the tier still are very viable. The idea of bannable overcentralization would imply that the metagame has deteriorated into stale battles where every team includes Landorus as its mandatory breaker and teams are filled with Lando, Lando's checks/counters, and checks/counters to Lando's checks/counters. Obviously this isn't the case as a lot of threats are still extremely viable, and many teams do not include Landorus as their mandatory wallbreaker.

Also, the decline of balance isn't only due to the rise of Landorus, even though it is a factor. The rise of TG Manaphy, as well as the presence of Torn-T, Kyu-B and other balance breakers. As it turns out, there are numerous factors that cause the decline of balance, with Lando being only one of them. A metagame without Landorus will end up having an even higher density of the above threats to compensate for Landorus being gone.

I think you know this was specifically aimed toward the individual making some absurd claims somewhere in the thread that I mentioned at the beginning of this novel but I do actually like how you made an argument out of what I said regarding the matter this was very clever on your part. Anyways I think just about everything said here was covered somewhere else as this seems like a bit of a summary to me but I'l cover the few things I may not have replied to. Well lando being the best breaker does indeed outclass the rest but being outclassed does not mean the same as unviable(see gallade vs medicham both are viable yet one is outclassed). Yes there are many viable and amazing breakers in the tier but is there really a reason not to use lando? Let me show you something:
| 14 | Landorus | 518 | 14.35% | 48.46% |
This is lando-i's usage for the entirety of smogon tour and that is more then every breaker in the tier besides keldeo who is commonly paired with it and is not always used as a breaker(wouldn't really call scarf keldeo a breaker) hell the next closest breaker is manaphy who is 6 spots behind. If the best of the best are selecting lando more often then not I think that shows that this mon in particular is out preforming others in it's role and has little reason to not use it. I stated before in the second quote as to why lando isn't the only reason balance has been weakened but is the main offender so no need to discuss that again.

I'd like to say before finishing this that just because you can play around something does not mean it isn't broken. I bet you or myself that we can take one of our OU teams and play around an e-killer arceus and beat it but does that mean it isn't broken just because we played around it? Of course not and while this is an extreme example I think it gets the point across. Just because balance or stall can carry a few shaky checks and potentially beat a lando-i doesn't mean it isn't broken and isn't consistently difficult to play against on a game-by-game basis.

So there you have it. Many of the problems associated with Landorus are really exaggerated and inflated until people believe that Lando is 6-0ing stall and single-handedly killing balance, which really isn't the case, at least in my opinion. No ban.

While saying that lando-i is 6-0ing stall and pushing balance to extinction is clearly over exaggerated, what I have stated above is not. Landorus-Incarnate is the tiers best wallbreaker, doesn't cost a mega slot, resembles similar traits to previously banned mons, is arguably more effective at it's role then the previous suspect who barely survived, has the ability to beat two of the three major playstyles, centralizes said playstyles more then any other mon in the tier, skews common risk/reward scenarios in it's favor just by hitting the field, and lacks counter-play from the opposing playstyles that it threatens. I hope this has convinced you to change your opinion but to me and many others this is an obvious Ban.
No my argument is that with the disappearance of Lando-I, different variations of M-Sable stall has increased tenfold. You no longer need the M-Sable + Chansey/Cressilia core cancer as Lando isn't a threat anymore. This gives stall teams much more variety in what they pick and how they deal with teams. It's makes the meta much more matchup dependent then what it used to me. Kyu-B isn't a stallbreaker, in fact it loses to a lot of things on stall now. M-Hera is revenge killed by Goth on stall easily. If you're running skarm or ferro on stall then you're running Shed Shell unless you want to lose. Goth is beatable by M-Sable. Zardx is beaten by Quag. Also these possibilities are made because the typical stall steam doesn't need a Chansey/Cress as much as it used to anymore.

Summarised this for ya:

Banning Lando will make stall more diverse!
If stall is more diverse, it isn't a guarantee that (particular stallbreaker) will work against them!
Therefore I will actually need to play better than the stall player!

You can see why posts like this make people think you're just a Lando-I abuser who doesn't want to lose their favourite toy, right?

Also just to educate you - Kyu-B is more of a balance-breaker (which is another thing that people are saying will be OP without Lando) - but with LO and good prediction it can still do a number to stall. M-Hera destroys most stall - "revenged by Goth" is so obviously a shit argument that it hurts to explain why, but in a nutshell, most stalls don't run Goth because it makes them much weaker to a bunch of other threats, and Goth can only come in on a predicted SD or after a kill anyway. "Goth is beatable by M-Sableye" is just like fuck logic. Skarm and Ferro often don't run Shed Shell, again because it hurts their ability to counter other threats. SD Zard-X wrecks most of its common defensive checks; Quagsire and Rhyperior are basically the two which still handle it, but Quag is 2HKO'd with minor residual damage or if Zard has Outrage, and Rhyperior has overall bad typing and no recovery; plus both are relatively uncommon.

But even explaining why these threats are stallbreakers is misleading. It's catering to the mindset that you should be able to beat stall by using a stallbreaker. It should help, but ideally, beating it should require a cohesive team strategy, same as any other playstyle.

Please try actually playing with stall and seeing if its as unbreakable as you think, and then see if that changes your mind about how "necessary" Lando-I is for the meta.
Wow,some of these arguements gave me cancer,ffs. Does anyone not realize how bad Lando-I is for the meta?Does it have to spelled out? It has three superb sets, RP/All-out Attacker/CM all of which are excellnt. See the thing is, Lando-I is already excellent versus balance but chooses which of stall/offense it wants to wreck. Of course everyone wants to use it,because it instantly makes you less vulnerable to stall,why would I not want to use one of the best mons in the current meta? Also to those who say balance is now super popular on ladder? Um MGardevoir,Kyu-B,ZardY and a few more pokemon demolish balance almost nearly as well so I don't even see how this is an arguement! Actually this suspect test has been a long time in the making ,and I would rather like to see Lando-I leave this metagame, and thus put a little less pressure on me at team bulding stage,and let me actually focus on playing. I mean the thing hardly has any hard counters except Cresselia, and you can't seriously expect me to use Cresselia on anything but stall,also note how Cresselia gets owned by Lando-I+Pursuit support,so with smart play,you even get the chance to remove one of your better counters on hard stall. Not broken? Give me a break. Also inb4 we don't ban Lando-I and it slips through the cracks like MGross.
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