Competitive Pokemon Skype Group Anyone?


My name is Alan, I’m 22, and I am a competitive breeder and trainer. Nice to meet you! Only looking for friends 18+ otherwise you’ll be removed. Thanks! But yeah, free to add me! I play Pokemon quite frequently, and currently have over 760 hours logged into X. Just bought OR again, and completed the game in 5 hours, 32 mins. Transferred a Lapras from X (lvl 30) to help speed things up, but still had to play the game legitimately for Lapras to listen to me!

Skype: ChainlinkX
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Sounds hot add me



My name is Alan, I’m 22, and I am a competitive breeder and trainer. Nice to meet you! Only looking for friends 18+ otherwise you’ll be removed. Thanks! But yeah, free to add me! I play Pokemon quite frequently, and currently have over 760 hours logged into X. Just bought OR again, and completed the game in 5 hours, 32 mins. Transferred a Lapras from X (lvl 30) to help speed things up, but still had to play the game legitimately for Lapras to listen to me!

Skype: ChainlinkX

Also I like the addition of the pube on the screen. Shows true dedication.
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Quite curious what this group is about. I remember accidentally leaving it a while ago. Can the owner add me again?
yo littlelucario is my skype and im down to teambuild and fuck around whenever unless im busy lol, but I usually have a ton of freetime n_n
Yo, if this thread is still active I'd be down for joining! I'd like to get to know people who are also interested in comp mons, so this is pretty neat! Skype name: jackson.mayberry
I have a group chat of other smogon users on skype most of them always want to battle. If you want I can add you or anyone else into the chat. Thanks.
Hey! Name's Erdymus, 25-year-old guy who's been playing Pokemon since the beginning. I just felt like searching for a nice groupchat to be part of.

I tend to breed a lot more than battling but I like both very much :D

If the chat is still active, could I perhaps join? frha1991 is my Skype name.
Just wondering if this is still active for sun and moon? if so add me: wardides
I would be interested in specific tiered battling or just trying out random mons, also do a little bit of breeding