

How should I live to be happy
is a Contributor Alumnus

6th Gen:


With a solid defensive typing to check Electric-, Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types, such as Rotom, Archeops, Fletchinder, and Klinklang, and great mixed bulk, Stunfisk is a neat tank and one of the better Stealth Rock setters in the tier. Between an immunity to Volt Switch and the ability to punish U-turns with Static, Stunfisk is also an excellent tool against the common VoltTurn strategy. It's no sitting duck either, as the combination of Discharge and Static gives it a high chance to paralyze and severely cripple the foe. However, Stunfisk is easy to take advantage of. Stunfisk's lack of reliable recovery substantially hinders its defensive capabilities. Exploitable weaknesses to the very common Water-, Ground-, Ice-, and, especially, Grass-type attacks, against which Stunfisk can't do much of anything, don't help it at all either. As a Stealth Rock setter, Stunfisk also suffers from a bad matchup against all the common spinners, though this is remedied by its ability to threaten most Defoggers and Xatu.

name: Tank
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Discharge
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Static
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Stealth Rock is invaluable support for any team, and Stunfisk is one of the better setters. Discharge is a decently powerful Electric-type STAB move and, together with Static, gives Stunfisk a high chance to paralyze the foe. Earth Power is Stunfisk's most powerful STAB move and hits the Electric-, Steel-, and Poison-types Stunfisk checks super effectively. Toxic punishes switch-ins and other walls that take little damage from Stunfisk's STAB moves, especially the Ground- and Grass-types that Stunfisk is otherwise helpless against. Yawn is great for forcing switches and pairs well with Stealth Rock due to this. Rest heals Stunfisk to full health but forces it to switch out and requires cleric support to use.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense EVs and a Bold nature let Stunfisk handle the Pokemon it checks and most physical attackers that can't hit it super effectively, notably letting it take Archeops's Earthquake and Scyther's U-turn better. A fully specially defensive spread, however, lets Stunfisk check special attackers, particularly Electric-types, significantly better. Static is Stunfisk's only useful ability and punishes contact moves, particularly U-turn. Leftovers gives Stunfisk much-needed longevity and is usually its only form of recovery.

Usage Tips

Send Stunfisk in on Pokemon it checks or counters, such as Fletchinder, Archeops, Rotom, and Klinklang, to prevent them from accomplishing much. Stunfisk can also be switched in against U-turn users such as Mesprit and Scyther throughout the game to punish them with Static. However, unless running Rest and cleric support, be careful around coverage moves, such as Archeops's Earthquake, or lure sets, such as Hex Rotom; avoid getting excessively worn down by U-turns; and generally play it safe with Stunfisk if there's a Pokemon it needs to check. Usually, Stunfisk should set up Stealth Rock as early as possible. After this, Stunfisk can spam Discharge against switch-ins to paralyze them. Use Toxic, though, against Ground- and Grass-type switch-ins and walls to wear them down gradually.

Team Options

Checks to Grass-, Water-, Ground-, and Ice-types are generally appreciated by Stunfisk. Grass-types, such as Vileplume, Ludicolo, Tangela, and Gourgeist, the latter of which can also spinblock, take care of Water-, Grass-, and Ground-types for Stunfisk while Stunfisk handles Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types for them. Hariyama, Cryogonal, and Water-types, among others, can take on the Ice-types that threaten Stunfisk, with the former two also resisting Freeze-Dry. Stunfisk offers a Flying-, Steel-, and Electric-type resistance or immunity in return. Pokemon such as Garbodor, Ferroseed, and Cacturne form a solid entry hazard-stacking core and have decent synergy with Stunfisk.

Other Options

An offensive Stealth Rock set is a reasonable option, as it makes Stunfisk significantly less passive, and makes use of its natural bulk and good coverage options, such as Sludge Bomb. However, its typing and low Speed make it more suited for defensive roles. A Choice Specs set works similarly well for offensive teams that already have a Stealth Rock setter and hits fairly hard. Pain Split can work as a form of recovery for the tank set, but it is very unreliable, especially because of Stunfisk's high HP stat. Scald is also a decent move in the defensive set, but it's rather weak and would only be useful for the burn chance.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types resist both of Stunfisk's STAB moves and hit it super effectively, with the only thing Stunfisk can do in return being Toxic or praying for Discharge paralysis. Torterra in particular is immune to paralysis and easily beats Stunfisk. Vileplume doesn't mind paralysis and is immune to Toxic.

**Ice- and Ground-types**: Most Ice- and Ground-types can safely switch into one, if not all, of Stunfisk's moves, though Ice-types typically hate getting paralyzed, and neither of them likes Toxic or Yawn. They can then immediately threaten it with their STAB moves. Cryogonal gets a special mention because it takes almost nothing from Stunfisk's moves and can spin Stealth Rock away.

**Water-types**: Water-types, such as Samurott and Swanna, can threaten Stunfisk out with their powerful Water-type STAB moves, but they fear switching into Discharge. Ludicolo and Quagsire get special mentions for their respective neutrality and immunity to Discharge, though the former hates being paralyzed.

**Rapid Spinners**: Kabutops, Claydol, Cryogonal, and Sandslash can all force Stunfisk out with their STAB moves and spin away Stealth Rock, with the latter three hard checking Stunfisk, though Kabutops can't directly switch in and can't OHKO with Waterfall.

**Super Effective Coverage**: Coverage moves, such as Archeops's Earthquake and Rotom's full-powered Hex, can do crippling damage to Stunfisk and keep it from switching in later in the match.
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- what does "Volt Switch :(" mean?
- I wouldn't say Stunfisk beats Electivire because Evire is pretty much out there for the purpose of beating Stunfisk.
- You could mention that Stunfisk spreads paralysis really well because of Discharge and Static

- Pain Split to OO imo, the recovery is low because of Stunfisk's high HP so isn't worth running over a normal move

Checks and counters:
- you say that water, grass, ground, and ice types are checks but the former 3 hate paralysis. I think you mixed up the order here

QC 1/3 Pokedots good work
You can go into further detail in the Overview that the lack of Volt Switch means Stunfisk is unable to generate momentum for its teammates.

Note that aside from the Pokemon Stunfisk handles well, it can struggles against many other Pokemon due to its bothersome weaknesses, lack of reliable recovery, and doesn't have that much resistances.

Toxic can also cripple bulky Ground-types such as Quagsire and Torterra that otherwise do not care about Earth Power.

Hariyama, Cryogonal, Water-types, and others can also take on the Pokemon that threaten Stunfisk
Be specific about this. Elaborate on their Ice resistance plus the former two's resistance to Freeze-Dry, and what benefits Stunfisk yield for them in return (Flying, Steel, and Electric resistance).

The specially defensive spread should probably be more emphasized, since the counter argument can be made that Stunfisk is bulky enough to check Flyings and Steels (Fletchinder and Klinklang) without investment. As it stands, once physically defensive Stunfisk is hit by a single Analytic Hidden Power from Specs Magneton, it won't be able to switch in on even Flash Cannons anymore. Specially defensive Stunfisk not only avoids this issue, but can even take 2 Hidden Powers (first one being Analytic boosted) in a pinch. Note that the reason physically defensive is preferred is because it makes use of Static better, most notably taking repeated U-turns from Scyther to hopefully inflict it with paralysis, and because specially defensive Stunfisk can face mild competition with Lanturn.

**Water-, Grass-, Ice-, and Ground-types**: Most Water-, Grass-, Ground-, and Ice-types can safely switch into one if not all of Stunfisk's moves and immediately threaten it with their STAB moves, though the former three don't enjoy getting paralyzed and none of them like Toxic. Yawn allows Stunfisk force them out or make them useless indefinitely, however
This section should preferably be separated, since they handle Stunfisk in different ways (Water-types cannot switch in directly, but Grass-types can). The bigger reason this section should be separated is to name examples of each type, and how they can deal with Stunfisk (plus what moves from Stunfisk they should watch out for).

  • Good typing to check Electric-, Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types, such as Rotom, Archeops, Fletchinder, Klinklang, and, most importantly, Magneton
Why is this relevant when you can't name any examples? Either list some or remove this entirely.
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  • Currently very long. Cut down on some of the unnecessary information, such as "decent Special Attack," "very slow," and "Volt Switch :(" because they don't tell you anything important.
  • When you talk about exploitable weaknesses, you should mostly be talking about how badly it struggles with Grass-types because that's Stunfisk's biggest problem. It can't do shit to Grass-types aside from praying for Discharge paralysis, which isn't even that helpful against many of them.
  • The fact that it's beaten by all the spinners also doesn't matter much because Rapid Spin is a move that gives up momentum, so you should be trying to gain free turns off of it anyways.
  • Don't care for the spread. Even though Stunfisk takes Magneton's dual STAB well, Specs Analytic HP Ground does 63-74% without any special bulk. I'd prefer 248 HP / 128 Def / 132 SpD Calm as the main spread to guarantee Analytic HP Ground followed by a regular HP Ground never gets the 2HKO after Leftovers recovery. It takes way too much SpDef to guarantee living both after Leftovers with Stealth Rock.
Set Details:
  • Adjust to reflect new spread.
  • I wouldn't say that SpDef Stunfisk faces competition from Lanturn because it's a Stealth Rock setter, which gives it a huge niche over Lanturn.
Usage Tips:
  • Don't mention Yawn here, as it's not on the main set and its purpose is explained in Moves anyways.
  • Same with Pain Split and Rest, especially since Pain Split is now only in OO.
Team Options:
  • Wouldn't bother mentioning spinblockers because pretty much only Gourgeist can actually spinblock without dying or taking loads on the switch, and you already mentioned it. If anything, just mention that Gourgeist can take on Grass- and Water-types as well as spinblock.
  • Again, you already mentioned in Moves that using Rest requires cleric support, so you don't need to mention it here.
Checks and Counters:
  • Grass-types should be first and in their own section. Huge mention to Torterra because it doesn't have to worry about paralysis and often just gets a kill whenever it comes in for free on Stunfisk. Move Ice- and Ground-types to their own section below Grass-types, and give a big mention to Cryogonal because it takes roughly 0% from all of Stunfisk's moves.
  • I don't think the status moves section should really be there. Stunfisk doesn't even mind status that much because although it hard walls a lot of the stuff it walls, it also gets forced out pretty easily, which means getting hit with a Toxic doesn't even matter for it a lot of the time.
Remove Magneton mentions and replace it with different examples throughout and such. One of the main reasons to use this was specifically for Magneton, so try to tone down the overview a bit since it's obviously not as good after losing Magneton.

Change the spread back to max hp max defense bold unless you have a better idea, can't really think of something and it doesn't really need the special bulk anymore. Not sure if a fully specially defensive spread is good either, but thats not a huge concern.

In moves, you state that Yawn pairs well with Stealth Rock, and I don't entirely get what you mean, so either remove that bit or explain what it does better.


Idk if an offensive Stealth Rock set would actually keep up offensive pressure, just state that Stunfisk's typing is better suited for a defensive role. Also, such a set wouldnt really have to be on offensive teams, so it could work fine on balanced builds as well. Hope that tries to fix the repeating "offensive" wording issue a bit :P

Skim through for some spelling / grammar errors before sending to GP, apart from that this is good.

QC 3/3
quick am check



With a solid defensive typing to check Electric-, Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types, such as Rotom, Archeops, Fletchinder, and Klinklang, and great mixed bulk, Stunfisk is a neat tank and one of the better Stealth Rock setters in the tier. Between an immunity to Volt Switch and punishing U-turns with Static, Stunfisk is also an excellent tool against the common VoltTurn strategy. It's no sitting duck either, as the combination of Discharge and Static gives it a high chance to paralyze and, (AC) thus, (AC) severely cripple the foe. However, Stunfisk is easy to take advantage of, however. Stunfisk's lack of reliable recovery substantially hinders it's (remove apostrophe) defensive capabilities. Exploitable weaknesses to the very common Water-, Ground-, Ice-, and, (AC) especially, (AC) Grass-types, against which Stunfisk can't do much of anything against, don't help it at all either. As a Stealth Rock setter, Stunfisk also suffers from a bad matchup against all the common spinners, though this is remedied by it's (remove apostrophe) ability to threaten most defoggers and Xatu.

name: Tank
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Discharge
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Static
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Stealth Rock is invaluable support for any team, and Stunfisk is one of the better setters. Discharge is a decently powerful Electric-type STAB move, (RC) and, together with Static, gives Stunfisk a high chance to paralyze the foe. Earth Power is Stunfisk's most powerful STAB move and hits the Electric-, Steel-, and Poison-types Stunfisk checks super effectively. Toxic punishes switch-ins and other walls that take little damage from Stunfisk's STAB moves, especially the Ground- and Grass-types that Stunfisk can is otherwise be helpless against. Yawn is great for forcing switches and pairs well with Stealth Rock due to this. Rest heals Stunfisk to full health, but forces it to switch out and basically requires cleric support to use.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense EVs and a Bold nature let Stunfisk take handle the Pokemon it checks and most physical attackers that can't hit it super effectively, notably letting it take Archeops's Earthquake and Scyther's U-Turn U-turn better. A fully specially defensive spread, however, lets Stunfisk check special attackers, particularly Electric-types, significantly better. (sentence is more relevant here) Static is Stunfisk's only useful ability and punishes contact moves, particularly U-Turn U-turn. A fully specially defensive spread lets Stunfisk check Special Attackers, particularly Electric-types, significantly better. Leftovers gives Stunfisk much needed longevity and is usually it's only form of recovery.

Usage Tips

Send Stunfisk in on Pokemon it checks or counters, such as Fletchinder, Archeops, Rotom, and Klinklang, to prevent them from accomplishing much. Stunfisk can also be switched in in against U-Turn U-turn users such as Mesprit and Scyther throughout the game to punish them with Static. However, unless running Rest and cleric support, be careful around coverage moves, (AC) such as Archeops's Earthquake, (AC) or lure sets, (AC) such as Hex Rotom, avoid getting excessively worn down by U-Turns U-turns, and generally play it safe with Stunfisk if there's a Pokemon it needs to check. Usually, Stunfisk will want to should set up rocks Stealth Rock as early as possible. After this, Stunfisk can spam Discharge against switch-ins to paralyze them. Use Toxic, though, against Ground- and Grass-type switch-ins and walls to wear them down gradually.

Team Options

Checks to Grass-, Water-, Ground-, and Ice-types are generally appreciated by Stunfisk. Grass-types, such as Vileplume, Ludicolo, Tangela, and Gourgeist, the latter of which can also spinblock, take care of Water-, Grass-, and Ground-types for Stunfisk while Stunfisk handles Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types for them. Hariyama, Cryogonal, and Water-types, and among others, (AC) can take on the Ice-types that threaten Stunfisk, with the former two also resisting Freeze Dry. Stunfisk offers a Flying- (add hyphen), Steel- (add hyphen), and Electric-type resistance or immunity in return. Pokemon such as Garbodor, Ferroseed, and Cacturne form a solid hazard-stacking core and have decent synergy with Stunfisk

Other Options

An offensive Stealth Rock set is a reasonable option, (AC) and as it makes Stunfisk significantly less passive, (RC) and it possesses makes use of its good coverage options, (AC) such as Sludge Bomb, (AC) on for the last slot and already solid uninvested defenses natural bulk, (RC) . (add period) though However, its typing and low speed make it more suited for defensive roles. A Choice Specs set works similarly well for offensive teams that already have a Stealth Rock setter, (RC) and hits fairly hard. Pain Split can work as a form of recovery for the tank set, but it is very unreliable, especially because of Stunfisk's high HP stat. Scald is also a decent move in the defensive set, but it's rather weak and would only be used useful for the burn chance.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types resist both of Stunfisk's STAB moves and hit it super effectively, with the only thing Stunfisk can do in return being Toxic or praying for Discharge paralysis. Torterra in particular can't even be paralyzed is immune to paralysis and can often simply guarantee a kill cleanly KOes, and . (add period. I suppose removing the comma could work too but just to keep things simple I'd make separate sentences) Vileplume doesn't mind paralysis and is immune to Toxic.

**Ice- and Ground-types**: Most Ice- and Ground-types can safely switch into one, (AC) if not all, (AC) of Stunfisk's moves, though Ice-types typically hate getting paralyzed, (RC) and neither of them like Toxic. They can then immediately threaten it with their STAB moves. Yawn allows Stunfisk to force them out or make them useless indefinitely, however. (You sure you need this? It's so out of place and it's not mentioned in the set nor is it an OO) Cryogonal gets a special mention because it takes almost nothing from Stunfisk's moves and can spin Stealth Rock away.

**Water-types**: Water-types, (AC) such as Samurott and Swanna, (AC) can threaten Stunfisk out with their powerful Water STAB moves, but they fear switching into Discharge. Ludicolo and Quagsire get special mentions for their respective neutrality and immunity to Discharge, though the former hates being paralyzed.

**Rapid Spinners**: Kabutops, Claydol, Cryogonal, and Sandslash can all force Stunfisk out with their STAB moves and spin away Stealth Rock, with the latter three hard checking Stunfisk, though Kabutops can't directly switch in and can't OHKO with Waterfall.

**Super Effective Coverage**: Coverage moves, (AC) such as Archeops's Earthquake and Rotom's full-powered Hex, (AC) can do crippling damage to Stunfisk and keep it from switching in later in the match.
Mr Uncompetitive: Additions Removals Comments
Me: Additions Removals Comments


With a solid defensive typing to check Electric-, Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types, such as Rotom, Archeops, Fletchinder, and Klinklang, and great mixed bulk, Stunfisk is a neat tank and one of the better Stealth Rock setters in the tier. Between an immunity to Volt Switch and the ability to punish punishing U-turns with Static, Stunfisk is also an excellent tool against the common VoltTurn strategy. It's no sitting duck either, as the combination of Discharge and Static gives it a high chance to paralyze and, (AC) thus, (AC) (I would just remove "thus" altogether) severely cripple the foe. However, Stunfisk is easy to take advantage of, however. (remove period) Stunfisk's lack of reliable recovery substantially hinders it's (remove apostrophe) defensive capabilities. Exploitable weaknesses to the very common Water-, Ground-, Ice-, and, (AC) especially, (AC) Grass-types attacks, against which Stunfisk can't do much of anything against, don't help it at all either. As a Stealth Rock setter, Stunfisk also suffers from a bad matchup against all the common spinners, though this is remedied by it's (remove apostrophe) ability to threaten most Defoggers and Xatu.

name: Tank
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Discharge
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Static
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Stealth Rock is invaluable support for any team, and Stunfisk is one of the better setters. Discharge is a decently powerful Electric-type STAB move, (RC) and, together with Static, gives Stunfisk a high chance to paralyze the foe. Earth Power is Stunfisk's most powerful STAB move and hits the Electric-, Steel-, and Poison-types Stunfisk checks super effectively. Toxic punishes switch-ins and other walls that take little damage from Stunfisk's STAB moves, especially the Ground- and Grass-types that Stunfisk can is otherwise be helpless against. Yawn is great for forcing switches and pairs well with Stealth Rock due to this. Rest heals Stunfisk to full health, but forces it to switch out and basically requires cleric support to use.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense EVs and a Bold nature let Stunfisk take handle the Pokemon it checks and most physical attackers that can't hit it super effectively, notably letting it take Archeops's Earthquake and Scyther's U-Turn U-turn better. A fully specially defensive spread, however, lets Stunfisk check special attackers, particularly Electric-types, significantly better. (sentence is more relevant here) Static is Stunfisk's only useful ability and punishes contact moves, particularly U-Turn U-turn. A fully specially defensive spread lets Stunfisk check Special Attackers, particularly Electric-types, significantly better. Leftovers gives Stunfisk much needed longevity and is usually its it's only form of recovery.

Usage Tips

Send Stunfisk in on Pokemon it checks or counters, such as Fletchinder, Archeops, Rotom, and Klinklang, to prevent them from accomplishing much. Stunfisk can also be switched in in against U-Turn U-turn users such as Mesprit and Scyther throughout the game to punish them with Static. However, unless running Rest and cleric support, be careful around coverage moves, (AC) such as Archeops's Earthquake, (AC) or lure sets, (AC) such as Hex Rotom; (semi > comma) avoid getting excessively worn down by U-Turns U-turns; (semi > comma) and generally play it safe with Stunfisk if there's a Pokemon it needs to check. Usually, Stunfisk will want to should set up rocks Stealth Rock as early as possible. After this, Stunfisk can spam Discharge against switch-ins to paralyze them. Use Toxic, though, against Ground- and Grass-type switch-ins and walls to wear them down gradually.

Team Options

Checks to Grass-, Water-, Ground-, and Ice-types (add hyphen) are generally appreciated by Stunfisk. Grass-types, such as Vileplume, Ludicolo, Tangela, and Gourgeist, the latter of which can also spinblock, take care of Water-, Grass-, and Ground-types for Stunfisk while Stunfisk handles Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types for them. Hariyama, Cryogonal, and Water-types, and among others, (AC) can take on the Ice-types that threaten Stunfisk, with the former two also resisting Freeze Dry. Stunfisk offers a Flying- (add hyphen), Steel- (add hyphen), and Electric-type resistance or immunity in return. Pokemon such as Garbodor, Ferroseed, and Cacturne form a solid entry hazard-stacking core and have decent synergy with Stunfisk. (period)

Other Options

An offensive Stealth Rock set is a reasonable option, (AC) and as it makes Stunfisk significantly less passive, (RC) and it possesses makes use of its good coverage options, (AC) such as Sludge Bomb, (AC) on the last slot and already solid uninvested defenses natural bulk, (RC). (add period) though However, its typing and low Speed make it more suited for defensive roles. A Choice Specs set works similarly well for offensive teams that already have a Stealth Rock setter, (RC) and hits fairly hard. Pain Split can work as a form of recovery for the tank set, but it (was ok) is very unreliable, especially because of Stunfisk's high HP stat. Scald is also a decent move in the defensive set, but it's rather weak and would only be used useful for the burn chance.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types resist both of Stunfisk's STAB moves and hit it super effectively, with the only thing Stunfisk can do in return being Toxic or praying for Discharge paralysis. Torterra in particular can't even be paralyzed is immune to paralysis and can often simply guarantee a kill cleanly KOes Stunfisk, and. (add period. I suppose removing the comma could work too but just to keep things simple I'd make separate sentences) Vileplume doesn't mind paralysis and is immune to Toxic.

**Ice- and Ground-types**: Most Ice- and Ground-types can safely switch into one, (AC) if not all, (AC) of Stunfisk's moves, though Ice-types typically hate getting paralyzed, (RC) and neither of them like Toxic. They can then immediately threaten it with their STAB moves. Yawn allows Stunfisk to force them out or make them useless indefinitely, however. (You sure you need this? It's so out of place and it's not mentioned in the set nor is it an OO) Cryogonal gets a special mention because it takes almost nothing from Stunfisk's moves and can spin Stealth Rock away.

**Water-types**: Water-types, (AC) such as Samurott and Swanna, (AC) can threaten Stunfisk out with their powerful Water STAB moves, but they fear switching into Discharge. Ludicolo and Quagsire get special mentions for their respective neutrality and immunity to Discharge, though the former hates being paralyzed.

**Rapid Spinners**: Kabutops, Claydol, Cryogonal, and Sandslash can all force Stunfisk out with their STAB moves and spin away Stealth Rock, with the latter three hard checking Stunfisk, though Kabutops can't directly switch in and can't OHKO with Waterfall.

**Super Effective Coverage**: Coverage moves, (AC) such as Archeops's Earthquake and Rotom's full-powered Hex, (AC) can do crippling damage to Stunfisk and keep it from switching in later in the match.
1/2 nice job Mr. Uncompetitive :)
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2/2 add remove comment

With a solid defensive typing to check Electric-, Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types, such as Rotom, Archeops, Fletchinder, and Klinklang, and great mixed bulk, Stunfisk is a neat tank and one of the better Stealth Rock setters in the tier. Between an immunity to Volt Switch and the ability to punish U-turns with Static, Stunfisk is also an excellent tool against the common VoltTurn strategy. It's no sitting duck either, as the combination of Discharge and Static gives it a high chance to paralyze and severely cripple the foe. However, Stunfisk is easy to take advantage of. Stunfisk's lack of reliable recovery substantially hinders its defensive capabilities. Exploitable weaknesses to the very common Water-, Ground-, Ice-, and, especially, Grass-type attacks, against which Stunfisk can't do much of anything against, don't help it at all either. As a Stealth Rock setter, Stunfisk also suffers from a bad matchup against all the common spinners, though this is remedied by its ability to threaten most Defoggers and Xatu.

name: Tank
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Discharge
move 3: Earth Power
move 4: Toxic
item: Leftovers
ability: Static
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


Stealth Rock is invaluable support for any team, and Stunfisk is one of the better setters. Discharge is a decently powerful Electric-type STAB move, (remove comma) and, together with Static, gives Stunfisk a high chance to paralyze the foe. Earth Power is Stunfisk's most powerful STAB move and hits the Electric-, Steel-, and Poison-types Stunfisk checks super effectively. Toxic punishes switch-ins and other walls that take little damage from Stunfisk's STAB moves, especially the Ground- and Grass-types that Stunfisk is otherwise helpless against. Yawn is great for forcing switches and pairs well with Stealth Rock due to this. Rest heals Stunfisk to full health, (remove comma) but forces it to switch out and requires cleric support to use.

Set Details

Maximum HP and Defense EVs and a Bold nature let Stunfisk handle the Pokemon it checks and most physical attackers that can't hit it super effectively, notably letting it take Archeops's Earthquake and Scyther's U-turn better. A fully specially defensive spread, however, lets Stunfisk check special attackers, particularly Electric-types, significantly better. Static is Stunfisk's only useful ability and punishes contact moves, particularly U-turn. Leftovers gives Stunfisk much-needed longevity and is usually its only form of recovery.

Usage Tips

Send Stunfisk in on Pokemon it checks or counters, such as Fletchinder, Archeops, Rotom, and Klinklang, to prevent them from accomplishing much. Stunfisk can also be switched in against U-turn users such as Mesprit and Scyther throughout the game to punish them with Static. However, unless running Rest and cleric support, be careful around coverage moves, such as Archeops's Earthquake, or lure sets, such as Hex Rotom; avoid getting excessively worn down by U-turns; and generally play it safe with Stunfisk if there's a Pokemon it needs to check. Usually, Stunfisk should set up Stealth Rock as early as possible. After this, Stunfisk can spam Discharge against switch-ins to paralyze them. Use Toxic, though, against Ground- and Grass-type switch-ins and walls to wear them down gradually.

Team Options

Checks to Grass-, Water-, Ground-, and Ice-types are generally appreciated by Stunfisk. Grass-types, such as Vileplume, Ludicolo, Tangela, and Gourgeist, the latter of which can also spinblock, take care of Water-, Grass-, and Ground-types for Stunfisk while Stunfisk handles Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-types for them. Hariyama, Cryogonal, and Water-types, among others, can take on the Ice-types that threaten Stunfisk, with the former two also resisting Freeze-Dry. Stunfisk offers a Flying-, Steel-, and Electric-type resistance or immunity in return. Pokemon such as Garbodor, Ferroseed, and Cacturne form a solid entry hazard-stacking core and have decent synergy with Stunfisk.

Other Options

An offensive Stealth Rock set is a reasonable option, as it makes Stunfisk significantly less passive, (RC) and makes use of its natural bulk and good coverage options, such as Sludge Bomb, on the last slot and natural bulk. However, its typing and low Speed make it more suited for defensive roles. A Choice Specs set works similarly well for offensive teams that already have a Stealth Rock setter, (remove comma) and hits fairly hard. Pain Split can work as a form of recovery for the tank set, but it is very unreliable, especially because of Stunfisk's high HP stat. Scald is also a decent move in the defensive set, but it's rather weak and would only be useful for the burn chance.

Checks and Counters

**Grass-types**: Grass-types resist both of Stunfisk's STAB moves and hit it super effectively, with the only thing Stunfisk can do in return being Toxic or praying for Discharge paralysis. Torterra in particular is immune to paralysis and easily beats Stunfisk. Vileplume doesn't mind paralysis and is immune to Toxic.

**Ice- and Ground-types**: Most Ice- and Ground-types can safely switch into one, if not all, of Stunfisk's moves, though Ice-types typically hate getting paralyzed, and neither of them likes Toxic or Yawn. They can then immediately threaten it with their STAB moves. Cryogonal gets a special mention because it takes almost nothing from Stunfisk's moves and can spin Stealth Rock away.

**Water-types**: Water-types, such as Samurott and Swanna, can threaten Stunfisk out with their powerful Water-type STAB moves, but they fear switching into Discharge. Ludicolo and Quagsire get special mentions for their respective neutrality and immunity to Discharge, though the former hates being paralyzed.

**Rapid Spinners**: Kabutops, Claydol, Cryogonal, and Sandslash can all force Stunfisk out with their STAB moves and spin away Stealth Rock, with the latter three hard checking Stunfisk, though Kabutops can't directly switch in and can't OHKO with Waterfall.

**Super Effective Coverage**: Coverage moves, such as Archeops's Earthquake and Rotom's full-powered Hex, can do crippling damage to Stunfisk and keep it from switching in later in the match.