Skaulk-Caulkus (Zracknel Art) Updated 9/24

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Oh man. It's been quite the busy month. Busy.

So, then.

Artwork update. Enjoy!

Flight of the Vampire.

In a Cold Sweat.

Finally, some experimentation with Photoshop, Illustrator, layering effects, and some patience:


I apologize if the quality of the first two images isn't optimal-- I've been working in larger canvas sizes, and this made the importing of the images more difficult than usual.


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Jesus hell, you never cease to impress me with your art.

Though it makes me worry about your mental state, someone who regularly concieves of pictures like these is probably a little... troubled.


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I'm sorry, I know this forum is being overcome with stickies, but this shit is incredible and really deserves it.
Thanks for the sticky, DoomMullet!

Keeping up with this artwork is a pleasing but somewhat frightening idea for me. On the one hand, I enjoy doing it-- a lot-- but I'm afraid it will start to feel like work. I'm afraid that I'll slack off and lose the will to update at all. We'll see, I guess.

While entertaining these thoughts, I made this:

I don't know much about the style you have, but let's take a shot at this.

Everything in this thread has a recurring theme to it. In most pics you have something inside something else or ensnared. It does not feel like anything wants to break free either. Your shading is controlled, but seemingly only wild at first glance. One's views on life always seems to seep into their artwork. For your style I think it would be quite difficult to enhance it with digital means, unless you worked with a huge image file. A lot of detail and feeling would be lost if you did too much work in Photoshop.

The only real critique I might have to offer is to clear your thoughts out before you start on something. This is so unusual that I'm not even sure if my advice would help you at all, but I enjoy the art.
I'm alive, I tell you!

After a stretch of inactivity, I've finally found the time to pump out some more artwork. Unfortunately... they're going to come slowly, as my means of uploading them are limited.



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That one's really cool. And by means of uploading, you mean scanning them into your computer? At least I'm assuming it's not something as simple as
All righty-- it's uploading time.

We've got a smorgasbord coming in today: the first are nameless sketches, then a bit of pen and ink, and then some oil paintings. On we go!



[sketch 3]

Cover my face.


City Tree.

Time to Eat.


And now, time for words!

The only real critique I might have to offer is to clear your thoughts out before you start on something.
If it were but that easy!
In truth, though, I feel that people are as different as the art they produce-- everyone has a different process, a different perspective, a different approach, and so on. While I appreciate this feedback, I feel that the process is a part of what makes this stuff what it is... I don't want to sound overly stubborn or set in my ways, but I feel that this process is still developing and taking me somewhere, so I intend to stick with it for a while.

And by means of uploading, you mean scanning them into your computer? At least I'm assuming it's not something as simple as
It was quite the mess-- I have no digital camera, though I did manage to acquire a decent scanner of my own. Transitioning from University to home meant locating and installing the software for my scanner, (I was previously using the scanners at school) which was slowed further by my inability to find the disc. The rest is boring excuses and whatnot. There was probably an easier way to do all of this-- if you look at "Time to Eat," you'll notice the obvious marks of the piece being imported in chunks-- this was due to the size of the original canvas, and was something I can't yet fix with the tools I have here. I'll eventually clean it photoshop when I get back to school.

I'd love for some feedback--tell me what you think!


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I honestly didn't notice the seperation marks on Time To Eat until you mentioned them.

That said, I love those sketches, but I think every single one is brilliant.
I love this art. For some reason every time I look at this I get this inexplicable feeling. It is so weird, so strange, and of course, original. Definitely the best art I have seen in a while.
Some of your stuff has little hints of Bosch here and there...which is pretty cool imo.

Good stuff.

EDIT: These drawings bring to mind the forest temple music from Ocarina of Time...
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and feedback.

I'm especially thankful to the administration for giving me the artist badge!

The total lack of updates recently has been an unfortunate tale indeed, but I'll do what I can to change that!


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It hasn't been updated in two months, and that's when I've been unsticking threads. Well, now that I think about it, he does have the artist badge, so I suppose he can bypass that standard.
I never said that I really like city tree? Ah well, I meant to when I first saw it. You must have some place where you regularly update your art, don't you? I mean, this thread can't be it (besides the fact that it isn't really a regular updating)... Or maybe you've made a dA profile by now?
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