looking for ways to improve for the next giveaway thread (please lock mods)

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I'm assuming you deposited a magikarp if so it got sniped.
Yeah, that was before. But not now. It's a Japanese Magikarp now, almost no one wants a Japanese named Pokemon, unless you are a Japanese person.

EDIT: Do you mind if I just add you? Or, do you not want that?
Yeah, that was before. But not now. It's a Japanese Magikarp now, almost no one wants a Japanese named Pokemon, unless you are a Japanese person.

EDIT: Do you mind if I just add you? Or, do you not want that?
redeposit something and if what you deposit gets sniped then I will message you to work out a trade.
Hi there! Great giveaway by the way. May i ask for the treecko in a pokeball? Deposited a female level 2 zigzagoon with the message "chester" IGN is BeeJae. Thanks in advance! :)
Hi there! Great giveaway by the way. May i ask for the treecko in a pokeball? Deposited a female level 2 zigzagoon with the message "chester" IGN is BeeJae. Thanks in advance! :)
Redeposited a lvl 22 female trapinch for a snowrunt.message is chester. Thanks. This give away is great.
Think you guys can redeposit for me.

Also hosting a cool giveaway with several pokemon to choose from. Feel free to answer any of the four questions and pick your prize depending on which question you have answered. You may only answer one question:).


TheTSBasic on reddit hatched my egg
ability: compound eyes
egg moves: poison powder, stun spore


(2 in stock)

Question: What is your favorite bug type? Or...What is your least favorite bug type?

Deposited a level 9 male Whismur for this. IGN: Tori. Message: eggs

Answer: My favorite bug type is Volcarona. It's powerful, beautiful, and I guess you can say it's HOT.

(P.S. Is it a Scatterbug?)

(P.P.S: That's not Spewpa's shiny form, this is:)

Hi and thanks for such a huge giveaway!
If you have ever gone on a vacation before what was the hottest place you have ever been to?The hottest place I have been to is the south of Portugal a region called Algarve. The place is super nice but way too hot..! The bad part is that the ocean water is really really cold so you could not bath for too long :(

If you still have one, I'd like to request the Groudon. I deposited a lvl 7 female Silcoon, message: Chester, IGN:DoubleD. Thanks..!
Deposited a level 9 male Whismur for this. IGN: Tori. Message: eggs

Answer: My favorite bug type is Volcarona. It's powerful, beautiful, and I guess you can say it's HOT.

(P.S. Is it a Scatterbug?)

(P.P.S: That's not Spewpa's shiny form, this is:)

Hi and thanks for such a huge giveaway!
If you have ever gone on a vacation before what was the hottest place you have ever been to?The hottest place I have been to is the south of Portugal a region called Algarve. The place is super nice but way too hot..! The bad part is that the ocean water is really really cold so you could not bath for too long :(

If you still have one, I'd like to request the Groudon. I deposited a lvl 7 female Silcoon, message: Chester, IGN:DoubleD. Thanks..!
I'm online now think you guys can redeposit stuff.
Great giveaway! I'll try to get this crab:

OT: Maja (NordlysFisk hatched it on reddit) I gave here the parent
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Hyper cutter
Moves: Knock off

I really wanted to answer the fossil question, since it is a great interest of mine, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to receive one of my all time favorite pokemon, with one of the most fitting shiny design: Kingler!

Anyways, on to the answer: the coolest beach I've been to must be "Grøtfjorden" in Norway. It is far north (even north of the polar circle), so it's covered with snow several month per year. During the (very short) summer, though, it shows it's true beauty (picture below), and judging by its looks, it might just as well be located in spain or another warm place. The seabed (on shallow water) is also full of flounders, which are fun to chase around.

I deposited a Male lv.1 Tyrunt for it. IGN: Henning

Thanks in advance!
Great giveaway! I'll try to get this crab:

OT: Maja (NordlysFisk hatched it on reddit) I gave here the parent
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Hyper cutter
Moves: Knock off

I really wanted to answer the fossil question, since it is a great interest of mine, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to receive one of my all time favorite pokemon, with one of the most fitting shiny design: Kingler!

Anyways, on to the answer: the coolest beach I've been to must be "Grøtfjorden" in Norway. It is far north (even north of the polar circle), so it's covered with snow several month per year. During the (very short) summer, though, it shows it's true beauty (picture below), and judging by its looks, it might just as well be located in spain or another warm place. The seabed (on shallow water) is also full of flounders, which are fun to chase around.

I deposited a Male lv.1 Tyrunt for it. IGN: Henning

Thanks in advance!
So Jealous:) I sent you you're Krabby. Hope we can talk again soon:) Also feel free to participate in any other giveaways in the future:)
Yeah, it's a beautiful beach, right? :) Thanks for the crab, and for helping out the community. We'll meet again in the forums some day! :)
For your beautiful slowpoke i have offered a manky on gts lvl21 femalw my ign is tyler.

The coolest beach ive been to is a beach in switzerland i dont know the name but i could wake up every morning and go swimming. There was practically always people there but the water was freezing. On the plus side everything felt warmer afterwards. Thank you

Edit: is there any chance you can nickname it paul?
Hey it's me again, could I have aa moon ball gastly? I'll wait until your online and then put something on the GTS.
For your beautiful slowpoke i have offered a manky on gts lvl21 femalw my ign is tyler.

The coolest beach ive been to is a beach in switzerland i dont know the name but i could wake up every morning and go swimming. There was practically always people there but the water was freezing. On the plus side everything felt warmer afterwards. Thank you

Edit: is there any chance you can nickname it paul?
Just came back from the ACT a few hours ago if you guys need help still put something up on gts.
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