Reflection Cave Giveaway [COMPLETE]

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So this was supposed to be my 400th post, except for the fact that the Giveaways Forum doesn't add to one's post count, unfortunately. :P

Anyway, I'd like to pay some tribute to the very first giveaway I participated in, which eventually brought me to the Wi-Fi Section of Smogon, a place I've since then enjoyed to stick around due to the many awesome users I've been able to meet here.
And coincidentally, the first few giveaways I participated in all seemed to follow one particular theme:
Milotic by Shinyshuppet1
Gyarados by Fiat500
Serperior by Nelson Tangela

So as you might have guessed, it is my turn today to distribute yet another breedable shiny serpent. Hope you guys enjoy!^^

Without further ado, on to the giveaway!


Onix > Steelix

OT: Kris (14273) | Hatched at Reflective Cave | Lv.1
Adamant | Weak Armour > Sheer Force (HA)
31 | 31 | 31 | 24 | 31 | 31
EMs: Heavy Slam, Rototiller, Flail, Rock Blast
Tutor Moves: Iron Head

Special thanks to
Thomaz for catching the original parent in his Friend Safari
rufus drumknott for the ESV check and tutoring
Nelson Tangela for cloning all the Onix for this giveaway
Onix - 16 / 30
Metal Coat - 0 / 10
  1. Deposit any Pokemon on the GTS, and specify the Level (1-10) and Gender (♀) of what you are requesting
  2. Leave a message here with the following information: Deposited Pokemon (Level, Gender), IGN, GTS message. Also include the German name of the deposited Pokemon so I know you read the rules.
  3. You may request for a Metal Coat to be attached to the Onix, so it will evolve during the trade.
  4. Onix / Steelix is semi-redistributable. You may clone and attach it to your trade thread, as long as you received it from me and give me credit.

The leftover Onix will still be available in my trade thread, though without the redistribution rights.​
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Nice giveaway!
Can I have Onix please? :) I deposited a lvl 30 Phantump (Paragoni in German). My IGN is Max and the message is CRETA.

Thanks in advance!
Eevee(Evoli) lvl 8 Male

note creta

metal coat plz

plz, thank you

edit: got sniped, redeposited lvl 1 female vullaby(Skallyk) nickname is bird
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Could I please have an Onix with a Metal Coat attached?
The Pokemon deposited is a Level 33 female Lickilicky (Schlurplek), the IGN is Martin and the message is "Creta". Thank you!
Thanks for this man, I was actually needing a mega steelix :)
Can I have an Onix with a Metal Coat attached?
I deposited a male LV 5 Wurmple (German name is Waumpel)
IGN: Anthony
Message: Creta
Thanks in advance man :)
Could I please get an Onix with a Metal Coat?
Deposited a level 35 female Luvdisc with the message Cretacerus.
German name for Luvdisc is Liebiskus.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Hey there, thanks for the shoutout mate :)

Actually, that Onix looks amazing and I was wondering if I could please reserve one since I can't post anything atm :( let me know!! Thanks in advance :)
Eevee(Evoli) lvl 8 Male

note creta

metal coat plz

plz, thank you

edit: got sniped, redeposited lvl 1 female vullaby(Skallyk) nickname is bird
Could I please have an Onix with a Metal Coat attached?
The Pokemon deposited is a Level 33 female Lickilicky (Schlurplek), the IGN is Martin and the message is "Creta". Thank you!
Could I please get an Onix with a Metal Coat?
Deposited a level 35 female Luvdisc with the message Cretacerus.
German name for Luvdisc is Liebiskus.

Thanks for the giveaway.
Can I request an onix with metal coat too. I'll deposit a lvl 1 male exeggcute German name is owei
Ign is May and gts msg is owei
Sorry for the delay, it seems as if all of these have been sniped already. :(
I won't be able to do the trade immediately most of the time, so perhaps more common Pokemon would remain on the GTS for longer.

Thanks for this man, I was actually needing a mega steelix :)
Can I have an Onix with a Metal Coat attached?
I deposited a male LV 5 Wurmple (German name is Waumpel)
IGN: Anthony
Message: Creta
Thanks in advance man :)
This has been sent.^^

For those making reservations, do note that this giveaway will close after 48 hours. I'll be able to hold the Onix until then. ;)
Shiny Mega Steelix must have one of the best sprite of all pokemon.

Deposited pokemon: FEMALE lv.36 Gourgeist ("Pumpdjinn")
IGN: Henning
Message: *CRETA*

Thanks in advance ^^
Deposited a level 1 female lotad, could I please have an Onix holding a metal coat please? IGN: Shabab, Message: Cretacerus. Thanks! :)

Also, I couldnt level or gender lock cuz I don't have an Onix yet, so I had to enter the name :/
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