Project PS NU Room Teambuilding Workshops [see post #183]

I nominate Kingler. Best mon alive
I nominate Kingler. Can be scarfed, banded, LO+3 Attacks or even dual dancing.
Piloswine, acess to sr, good bulk, switch for skuntank, no free switch ins to grass types, checks things like Shiftry with acess to priority that is always good. And a ground type that is not weak to ice moves thanks to your type and to Thik Fat that also helps against fire moves.
We're starting the work shop in 2 hours, friends, so if you have any more nominations for mons to team build with, throw em out now!
just my opinion: don't build around shit 'mons like kingler next time. when even the players leading the discussion have problems building with the chosen Pokemon, it makes it hard for spectators / users participating to want to stick around until the end. they want a good team, not a half-assed one made around a niche 'mon that wont work most of the time!

Also consider doing that on PS! next time: I love IRC, but I know that lots of the new users prefer PS. Maybe try to get a private room going for workshops and link the room in the NU one so that people can join?

Not trying to be a butt; I hosted the first workshop myself and I know the problems that comes with building with a shit mon !_!. I just want this project to work as well as possible since I believe that it is potential!

Kingler @ Life Orb
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Crabhammer
- Agility
- Knock Off
- Superpower

Cacturne @ Life Orb
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash Nature
- Giga Drain
- Dark Pulse
- Sucker Punch
- Spikes

Rhydon @ Eviolite
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 248 HP / 56 Atk / 108 SpD / 96 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Blast
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Swords Dance

Weezing @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 136 Def / 120 Spe
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb
- Taunt

Mesprit @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
- Trick

Primeape @ Choice Band
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Earthquake
- Gunk Shot
- U-turn

Here's the finished product! The gang decided they wanted to build around Kingler instead of Torterra in the end, so we did what we could. There were tons of different options and variations suggested by other users, such as Finchinator and soulgazer, so if anyone had any improvements to the team in mind I'm sure other users would love to hear them. I'd say the team would appreciate a bit of testing so go out and try what works!

The event went a awry a bit at the end, everyone got sidetracked throughout, I felt like I couldn't control the flow of chat well enough, and I didn't think I had many tools to grab the attention of users. Now that I have a couple of these pressing issues in mind, I'll try some changes to how things work for next month's work shop. Overall, I'm happy everyone who showed up did!
Okay, I've seen regigigas, but What about slacking? The attack stat on the Peeko King is pretty high, as far as nu tier is concerned. And if you are able to get a skill swap off either of these giants, the hammer can, and will, fall. I know that this would mean a doubles format, but if it works, why not use it?
Okay, I've seen regigigas, but What about slacking? The attack stat on the Peeko King is pretty high, as far as nu tier is concerned. And if you are able to get a skill swap off either of these giants, the hammer can, and will, fall. I know that this would mean a doubles format, but if it works, why not use it?

Wassup Onihunter93,
Unfortunately, the workshop for this month is already done, as you can see above. Also, NU is a strictly singles format, not doubles (not to mention Slaking is just plain terrible).
Hey guys! The straw poll came back with a majority of people wanting to do every 2 weeks, so we're going to be aiming for Saturday, September 5th at 3 PM EST (GMT -4) for our next work shop. Before we get into voting, I'd like to mention the changes I have in mind for the building process
  • We'll still be using straw polls to determine what we'll be building around, but I'll be using a subjective criteria to prevent blatantly bad Pokemon from being selected. The idea behind the workshop is to give an idea to newer users how to build effective teams and maybe even give older builders a new perspective on how to approach teams; this is extremely hard to do if we're building around a sub-optimal strategy or Pokemon.
  • This will be hosted in the Pokemon Showdown! NeverUsed room. I have moderating powers there and it's way more accessible than IRC.
  • We'll be utilizing modchat to control the flow of discussion. We will start out with a suggestion/voting period where we determine what we're voting with and suggest sets. At that point, we'll put on modchat and I'll discuss with my hosts what set to use and why we think it's effective. From there, we'll discuss where to take the team, open it back up to chat for suggestions, and go on like that. If you have any suggestions, you're free to pm me anytime during modchat segments and I'll do what I can to sort through them.
  • Quite Quiet was nice enough to implement some workshop functionality which is just something I wanted to mention and thank him for :)
And that's about it. I'll be cohosting with two hosts this time in the case that my cohost and I disagree on something and need a final vote. Kiyo and iplaytennislol will be my hosts so treat them nicely in the shop :)

And that'll open us up for voting! Try and reference the viability ranks before you make a nomination because we don't want you wasting a nomination on something worthless.