No More Recycling - Finals [Won by Genesis7]

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Banned deucer.

Approved by Oglemi | Tournament Rules & General Guidelines

Embrace your inner Oscar the Grouch and stop recycling! For the duration of this OU tour, players are unable to "recycle" any Pokemon with the same Pokedex number or from the same evolutionary family. That means if you use any Eeveelution in Round 1, you are barred from using another Eeveelution or Eevee itself in future rounds. This applies to formes as well, so you can use Rotom in any forme only once.

Because this tournament requires extra attention to ensure you follow the rules, replays are required. You may PM them to me if you don't want to post them in the thread. Either way, I need them to keep track of the winners' teams. If you don't post a replay before the end of the round and your opponent doesn't confirm, that match will be treated as unfinished and coin flipped.

OU, best of 1.
You can't use the same Pokemon more than once, including Pokemon of the same evolutionary family or formes, such as Rotom or Megas.
Players caught recycling are disqualified.

Follow all rules as outlined in the Tournament Rules & General Guidelines thread, including:
    • Sleep Clause: If a player has already put an opposing Pokémon to sleep using a sleep inducing move and that Pokémon is still sleeping due to that sleep inducing move, the player cannot put another opposing Pokémon to sleep using a sleep inducing move.
    • Species Clause: A player cannot have two of the same species of Pokémon on their team, based on the National Pokedex Number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on his or her team.
    • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use Double Team or Minimize in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
    • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
    • Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
    • Plus any other bans/clauses that affect the OU tier. Any bans that happen during the tour will come into affect the next round.

Finals Deadline: Get it done!

Genesis7 vs Seven Cat
Alkov vs Genesis7
vs Seven Cat

Finals R2

Genesis7 vs Seven Cat
Alkov vs Genesis7
Alkov vs Seven Cat

You can use the same team versus both opponents. PM me if you need the full list of your prior teams. If this round ends in a tie, your team(s) will be recorded and the next finals will be with new teams.
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Seven Cat because italian

and also because he's becoming a good player, and I saw him play when he was very bad so that's a nice thing
Seven Cat because italian

and also because he's becoming a good player, and I saw him play when he was very bad so that's a nice thing
Thanks, i think that the Winner will be Alkov, but I'm going to try to win this tournament.
I and Genesis7 are the "Seven" Players...
Can i know the max deadline?
Today i have problem with connection and i no want lose for that. I can play from internet point and i have to organise three days before min. Sorry Mans.
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Won the first battle against Genesis7, Alkov it's the next. (I hope to win for close here and not use again other 6 mons). Sorry Genesis7 for the MU
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