Project OU Player of the week #39: xray

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Most Known For:
Being a newcomer and a good OU player.

Favorite Pokemon:
Favorite to use: Starmie, favorite in general: Infernape

Most used Pokemon:

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am 16 years old and from Germany. I love sports and i play badmintonin a club. I also enjoy watching soccer or doing crazy shit with my friends or listening to music :)

Where did you get your name from?
I really dont know. I had some other names in another internet forum and this was the first one i ever had. I think i thought it sounded cool when i was younger oo

How and when did you get into competitive battling?
Ehm, i think i started with competitive battling in 2013 when i played on my DS (wifi) but it was not nearly as much difficult as smogon is and it was 3vs3. Then i quitted Pokemon for a few months and came back. But somehow i didnt enjoyed wifi much anymore so i came to PS in early 2014 and joined smogon not much later but wasnt rlly active at first.

How do you feel about how ORAS plays compared to XY?
XY was cool but it wasnt "my meta". IMO i grew to a much better player in ORAS than in XY and i also like the creativity in ORAS. Sometimes ORAS sucks but thats not a difference to the other gens ;D

To add onto the above, thoughts on the team matchup issue?
Yeah... getting a bad matchup bc you cant cover all threads can be rlly depressing sometimes. But its not a huge deal IMO. I think a lot of people use it as an excuse. Banning 2 or 3 offensive threads could help but i wouldnt rlly know what to ban lol

Do you feel that there is anything that is suspect worthy at the moment?
Definitely Hoopa-U, maybe some other things like Manaphy as well.

What's your favorite playstyle and why?
I dont rlly have one. I like Balance a lot because IMO it is very solid but offense is cool as well, for example my favorite team in XY (MZam, Heatran, Breloom, Latios, Lando-T, Azumarill) was a more offensive one and the team i enjoyed to play the most since i joined smogon :P

What's your favorite generation of OU and why?
I like all: DPP, BW and ORAS a lot but i would call ORAS my favorite gen, just because i enjoy building ORAS teams and because it is my best mode.

How do you go about preparing for tournament matches? Does the process differ depending on the tournament?
I watch my opps replays and try to understand how he thinks and in which situations he tends to go for a risk etc. Then i try to find a team which is good vs my opponent and good in general. I also try to not be predictable in what i bring. I try to predict my opp a bit in what i think i would bring vs me and i try to prepare for that. I am also very self critical when i lose. I think my preparation improves everytime i lose a game. Another important thing is that i try not to play/test too much when i already reached the point that i am motivated and think i will win and feel safe.

Favorite to win STour?
Myself ofc. If i stay motivated.
If not cosine180 has a very high chance of winning.
On the paper cbb and sweepage are the favorites to win as well.
I would also like to see PDC or denissss taking it.

If you could change one thing about OU, what would it be and why?
I would ban Hoopa-U, thats for sure. It can really destroy Balance and Stall. Two playstyles with big problems vs a single mon is too much i think. Idk much more.

Do you have any advice for newer players for playing, and for Smogon in general?
Dont ever give up. You cant imagine how i felt after not getting bought for SPL although i thought i was good enough. Once you have made a name for yourself it is not difficult to get picked up in teamtours or other things :) And if its difficult to make a name for yourself with playing then just start making funny gifs.

If you could change one thing about Smogon as a whole to make it better, what would it be and why?
Ban some people but i am not gonna call any names.

What players do you look up to / are good friends with?
I want to be the best so i dont really look up to anyone anymore.
But the players i respect the most are Sweepage, cbb, McM and Bloo. Maybe cosine180 as well because he got really really good.;D

I dont want to list (or to forget) any of my friends so i just say the ones who are my buddies already know it :]

Finally, can you provide us a team that's a good fit for this metagame and reflects your playstyle, with a brief explanation of how it works?

I made this team for cosine180 last STour Play Offs.
It relies on a defensive FWG-Core and on Sand Offense. Torn-T is a pivot and SD-Balloon Exca is to break Bulky Grounds.

I dont wanna reveal my good newer teams atm because Stour comes and i dont have many new teams (wasnt home last two weeks) and Idk much more to say but i like anyways i like this team although it is a bit old.


leave any questions you have for xray down below. see you next week!
What's your favorite soccer club?
What was your reaction to Germany beating Brazil 7-1 last fifa World Cup?
Nice job in WCoP
Will Dortmund win the EL this year?
Will Kloppo go to Bayern when Pep leaves?
How does it come that u're Dortmund fan since ur not from there?
Favorite to win STour?

gotta say i missunderstood this question. i thought it was who i would like most to win stour and not who is gonna win stour o.o i think i have chances but the guys i already wrote above might have better chances etc just wanted to add this

i will answer the rest tomorrow or in a bit :D
when you teambuild do you try to have certain resists or try to check specific threats?
who do you think is the 3rd best player in world football?
thoughts on manchester city in the champions league 2015/16?
where will dortmund finish in the bundesliga?
What's your favorite soccer club?
What was your reaction to Germany beating Brazil 7-1 last fifa World Cup?
Nice job in WCoP
Borussia Dortmund! (And Mainz 05)

I was crying tears of happiness

ty but my record could have been better :o

Will Dortmund win the EL this year?
Will Kloppo go to Bayern when Pep leaves?
How does it come that u're Dortmund fan since ur not from there?
I think our chances are good if we keep it up. Some players like Mkhitaryan or Kagawa are really on fire right now. If we continue with our performance we definitely have the qualities to win it and we can have a great season.


When i was playing soccer in a club, my best friend was dortmund fan because of his father. We didnt had sky at that time so i always went to them watching BL and from time to time i loved the bvb more n more (especially when Reus came to dortmund since he is my favorite player).

Will you stay motivated for Smogon Tour :D?
Who knows.

when you teambuild do you try to have certain resists or try to check specific threats?
I think i try to have certain resists first and when i have a glue i try to cover the threats i am weak to with the rest of the team. To be honest cosine and me have a concret teambuilding concept but i dont wanna reveal it now ;P

who do you think is the 3rd best player in world football?
thoughts on manchester city in the champions league 2015/16?
where will dortmund finish in the bundesliga?
Manuel Neuer

They are strong and they have a huge financial power (do you say it like this? :D). I am very excited as well how they will perform but IMO they will make place 3/4 or they will completely fuck up lol. But they are a team of the future. Money rules the world, yk.

Place 1-3. The only ones who can make real probs are Bayern and Wolfsburg IMO. Schalke and Leverkusen dont have such a various and balanced team but they can be a danger as well. Maybe some unexpected team can make a good place but i dont see a "random" team getting further the 4th place.
How was it on your christian camp?
Were the girls there good?
Blondies or Brownies?

What's your favorite thing to do in a holiday camp? ( e.g. Gemeinde christlichen Lebens)
What's your favorite beer?
Did you ever use a pokemon-related pick up line in real life?
What's your spirit animal?
How cute is Marco Reus
How cute are Germans
How mad were u when Gotze transferred
What player do you hate most in moms?
Who do u hate more, the player u listed above, or Bayern?
fmk: CBB, Tele, Cosine180
Thoughts on Whitequeen
How do u plan to beat Bayern
How was it on your christian camp?
Were the girls there good?
Blondies or Brownies?

Cool, bro.^^
Who knows.
I dont have a specific type of girl i like more just from hairs oo
What's your favorite thing to do in a holiday camp? ( e.g. Gemeinde christlichen Lebens)
What's your favorite beer?
Did you ever use a pokemon-related pick up line in real life?
What's your spirit animal?
Favorite thing: Feu Feu
Bit and jaköbchen.
Nah but i should better try it :D
Have you ever had an actual X-ray done for yourself? If so, what was it for?
Yeah for my hand, to see somw things lol i dont rlly remember
How cute is Marco Reus
How cute are Germans
How mad were u when Gotze transferred
What player do you hate most in mons?
Who do u hate more, the player u listed above, or Bayern?
fmk: CBB, Tele, Cosine180
Thoughts on Whitequeen
How do u plan to beat Bayern
Hes not cute, hes cool 8)
German girls are cute, german guys not rlly o.o :D
12/10 mad. I was in school when i read it and i was ragin till class ended.
I wouldnt say i hate anyone here because i simply dont really know a lot of people here but i dont like a lot of random ladder guys i meet during OLT and this guy who was very rude and unfriendly during my battles today.
I dont hate bayern, i just dont really like them so i would say the players above :o
f: CBB m: Cosine180 k: tele
Whitequeen is a good player but everytime i read his posts im not sure if i think he is funny or just annoying.
Winning games!:D
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Congrats for your olt Run

Do You Prefer offensive or devensive oriented Teams When you are laddering seriously for sth Like olt ? And Why?
Do you think hoopa u will have a Big role in tournament play?
Who is the Most Important player for Dortmund?
Ty bro :)
On ladder i definitely prefer offensive teams. i love offensive teams with constant recovery so i guess the team i mainly played during olt somehow represents my playstyle.
I just think they are the most constant teams for things like ladder because you got to find a way to handle all kind of teams
I dont think it will have a very big role but i think its role will be big enough to scare away a lot of balanced builds. I just think hoopa is a weird mon in general and its attacks and its movepool are way too good.;)
Dortmund is a team, there is not "the most important player" D:
Obvly reus i think but i can ask some if you want a result

I asked 10 girls for u.
After everyonw replied im gonna tell u the result
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