

The Lost Age
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Kabutops has an excellent offensive STAB combination, allowing it to hit most of the tier for neutral damage. It is also one of the only two relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, which allows it to revenge kill fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar, which may otherwise threaten Kabutops with their coverage moves. While Kabutops's typing is really good offensively, it's below average defensively, leaving Kabutops weak to common types such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting. It also isn't that bulky, which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin and limits the usefulness of its resistances to Normal and Flying.

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance boosts Kabutops's Attack to high levels. Stone Edge provides good neutral coverage, hitting common Pokemon such as Magmortar and Xatu hard. Aqua Jet gives Kabutops priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Pyroar, and +2 Rhydon. Waterfall gives Kabutops a secondary, more reliable Water-type STAB move that helps break bulky teams and hits Ground- and Fighting-types such as Claydol, Piloswine, Hariyama, and Gurdurr harder than any other move Kabutops has. Rapid Spin can be used instead to remove entry hazards. Superpower can be used in the foruth moveslot instead to hit Ferroseed, Cradily, and Poliwrath, as these Pokemon tank Kabutops's STAB moves with ease.

Set Details

Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain teams. Weak Armor can be used instead for a Speed boost to have an easier time sweeping, but it makes it more difficult to set up after repeated physical hits. Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power, while Lum Berry provides Kabutops with protection against status from defensive Pokemon. A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral-natured base 85 Speed Pokemon and below, such as Sawk and Shiftry, while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power, and Kabutops can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams. Try to spin on Pokemon that Kabutops can force out, because it isn't bulky enough to survive much. Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary; otherwise, you can play more recklessly with it. Kabutops can come in on Fire-types such as Pyroar and Magmortar easily and force them out with its STAB moves. Faster Pokemon that are weak to Kabutops's Aqua Jet such as Archeops or frail threats, such as Liepard and Swellow, can be forced out as well.

Team Options

Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant allows Kabutops to essentially set up twice in one game, as it can break teams down early-game and sweep late-game. It also allows Kabutops to play more recklessly throughout the match. Pokemon weak to entry hazards, such as Scyther and Pyroar, appreciate the Rapid Spin support Kabutops can provide. Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and even Skuntank can pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire, allowing Kabutops to set up and sweep. Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing is amazing as well because most of Kabutops's best checks, such as Quagsire and Poliwrath, are crippled by the entry hazard.

Other Options

Knock Off allows Kabutops to hit Gourgeist-S as well as remove items from walls that commonly switch into it, such as Quagsire and Ferroseed. Giga Drain, while coming off of Kabutops's weaker attacking stat, can help it lure in and defeat Quagsire, paving a way for Kabutops to beat the opponent. Stealth Rock can take advantage of Kabutops's ability to force switches; however, Kabutops is better off launching an attack or setting up. Assault Vest can patch up Kabutops's weaker defensive stat, but the increase in bulk doesn't make up for the lack of power.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist-S, Tangela, physically defensive Cradily, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in Ferroseed's case, and with reliable recovery in the last two's case. They also have 4x super effective STAB moves to make sure Kabutops goes down.

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires due to Unaware. It also resists Stone Edge while taking little damage from Waterfall, as well as access to reliable recovery.

**Fast Pokemon That Resist Water**: Jynx and Lilligant either are immune to or can tank Kabutops's Aqua Jet, and they can hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case and STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. However, neither of them can switch into Stone Edge.

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath resist Stone Edge and can use their super effective STAB moves to punish Kabutops. Gurdurr can also set up Bulk Up and has access to priority in Mach Punch, while Poliwrath's Water Absorb makes it immune to Kabutops's Water-type moves.
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  • Great late-game cleaner against offensive teams or mid-game wallbreaker against bulky teams
  • Really difficult to switch into because most Rock resists such as Ground-types are Water weak
  • One of the few physical Water-types in the tier
  • Typing is a double-edged sword; great offensively, below average defensively (weak to Grass, Ground, Fighting)
  • Not many offensive checks, but many of the best ones are common
I'd mention that it's not that bulky which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin, as well as limit the usefulness of its Normal / Flying resistances

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

  • Swords Dance boosts Kabutop's Attack
  • Stone Edge for powerful STAB with good neutral coverage
  • Aqua Jet for priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops and +2 Rhydon.
  • Waterfall for secondary STAB with flinch chance, which helps break bulky teams Also say it hits Ground-types and Fighting-types for more damage than any other move
  • Rapid Spin for offensive spinner that can break bulky spinblockers
  • Superpower can be used to hit Ferroseed, doesn't hit much else

Set Details
  • Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain
  • Weak Armor can be cool for a Speed boost but makes it more difficult to set up
  • Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power while Lum Berry gives more set up opportunities
Talk about the choice between natures and the advantages between the two

Usage Tips
  • Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams
  • Try to spin on Pokemon that you can force out because Kabutops isn't bulky enough to live much
  • Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary, otherwise you can play more recklessly with it

Team Options
  • Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant
  • Hazard weak Pokemon such as Scyther and Pyroar appreciate spin support
  • Strong special attackers to pressure physical walls, esp Ferroseed and Quagsire Give examples
  • Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing because most of its best checks are weak to them

Other Options
  • Knock Off
  • Giga Drain to lure Quagsire
  • Hidden Power Fire to lure Ferroseed you already have superpower so this is unnecessary
Add AV and Stealth Rock here too

Checks and Counters

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires thanks to Unaware.

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in the former's case with reliable recovery in the latter two's case.

**Fast Water resists**: Jynx and Lilligant can proceed to tank Kabutops' Aqua Jet and hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case or STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case.

Add Gurdurr and Poliwrath
Comments in bold, do this stuff and I'll give it another look.
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  • Only one of the few relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, that allows it to revenge fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar who may otherwise threaten it with their coverage.
  • An excellent offensive STAB combination make this the first point
  • Below average typing defensively, being weak to common coverage such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting.
  • Not that bulky making it somewhat difficult to set up or spin, as well as limit the usefulness of its Normal / Flying resistances

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

  • Swords Dance boosts Kabutop's Attack
  • Stone Edge for powerful STAB with good neutral coverage
  • Aqua Jet for priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops and +2 Rhydon. jet only does half to dual dance rhydon so mention something else before it since thats less of an important target
  • Waterfall for secondary STAB with flinch chance, which helps break bulky teams as well as hitting Ground- and Fighting-types examples here harder than any other move Kabutops has.
  • Rapid Spin for offensive spinner that can break bulky spinblockers this sentence is weird just say that spin removes hazards
  • Superpower can be used to hit Ferroseed, doesn't hit much else
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Kabutops Superpower vs. 96 HP / 0 Def Poliwrath: 325-383 (94.2 - 111%)
!_! (the bolded part above is not true, it hits poli)

Set Details
  • Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain
  • Weak Armor can be cool for a Speed boost but makes it more difficult to set up
  • Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power while Lum Berry gives more set up opportunities just say it gives protection against status from defensive pokemon
  • A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral natured base 85s and below such as Sawk and Shiftry while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power and it can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips
  • Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams
  • Try to spin on Pokemon that you can force out because Kabutops isn't bulky enough to live much
  • Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary, otherwise you can play more recklessly with it
add more examples of what offensive mons kabu can pivot into and/or force out

Team Options
  • Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant i know you'll do this in writeup just dont forget to specify why healing wish + setup sweeper is good
  • Hazard weak Pokemon such as Scyther and Pyroar appreciate spin support
  • Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and specially oriented Skunktank to pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire
  • Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing because most of its best checks are weak to them

Other Options
  • Knock Off note that this mainly hits gourgeist in addition to the general utility of removing items
  • Giga Drain to lure Quagsire
  • Stealth Rock
  • Assault Vest

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in the former's case with reliable recovery in the latter two's case.

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires thanks to Unaware. add how it resists stone edge, takes little from waterfall, and has reliable recovery

**Fast Water resists**: Jynx and Lilligant can proceed to tank Kabutops' Aqua Jet and hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case or STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. add how they cant switch into stone edge

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath can either use their super effective STAB moves, or its ability in Poliwrath's case, to wall Kabutops and set up.

try to expand a bit more here in general, even if it is pointing out some obvious things about how x pokemon resists kabutops's stab moves and threatens back with their own
comments in bold
QC 2/3
Sorry for the double post, but this is written up and ready for its last check, :D


Kabutops has an excellent offensive STAB combination, allowing it to hit the most of the tier for neutral damage. It is also one of the only few relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, that allows it to revenge fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar who may otherwise threaten it with their coverage. While Kabutops has really good offensive typing, it's below average typing defensively leaves much to be desired, being weak to common coverage such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting. It also isn't that bulky, which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin, as well as limit the usefulness of its Normal and Flying resistances.

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance boosts Kabutop's Attack quickly. Stone Edge is a powerful STAB move with good neutral coverage. Aqua Jet gives Kabutops priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Pyroar and +2 Rhydon. Waterfall gives Kabutops a secondary, more reliable Water-type STAB move, which helps break bulky teams as well as hitting Ground- and Fighting-types such as Claydol, Piloswine, Hariyama, and Gurdurr harder than any other move Kabutops has. Rapid Spin can be used instead to remove entry hazards. Superpower can be used to hit Ferroseed and Poliwrath as both tank Kabutops STAB moves with ease. Also hits Cradily!

Set Details

Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain teams. Weak Armor can be used instead for a Speed boost, but makes it more difficult to set up How does this make it harder to set up? if anything it has an easier time sweeping, I agree with Swift Swim being the better ability, but Weak Armor isn't that bad.. Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power while Lum Berry provides Kabutops protection against status from defensive Pokemon mention what status and from what mons. A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral natured base 85s and below such as Sawk and Shiftry while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power and it can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams. Try to spin on Pokemon that you can force out because Kabutops isn't bulky enough to live much. Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary, otherwise you can play more recklessly with it. Kabutops can come in on Fire-types such as Pyroar and Magmortar easily and force them out with its STAB moves. Faster Pokemon that are weak to its Aqua Jet such as Archeops or frail threats such as Liepard and Swellow can be forced out as well.

Team Options

Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant allows Kabutops to essentially set up twice in one game as he can break teams down early-game and sweep late-game. It also allows Kabutops to play more recklessly throughout the match. Hazard weak Pokemon such as Scyther and Pyroar appreciate the spin support Kabutops can provide. Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and specially oriented Skunktank can pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire, allowing Kabutops to set up and sweep. Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing is amazing as well because most of its best checks such as Quagsire and Poliwrath are weak to them.

Other Options

Knock Off allows Kabutops to hit Gourgeist as well as remove items from walls that commonly switch in such as Quagsire and Ferroseed. Giga Drain, while coming off of Kabutops lesser attacking stat, can lure Quagsire, paving a way for Kabutops to beat the opponent. Stealth Rock can take advantage of Kabutops' ability to force switches; however, Kabutops is better off firing an attack or setting up. Assault Vest can patch up Kabutops' weaker defense stat, but the lack of power doesn't make up for the increase in bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in the former's case with reliable recovery in the latter two's case. They also have 4x super effective STAB moves to make sure Kabutops goes down. Mention Tangela and physically defensive Cradily here

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires thanks to Unaware. It also resists Stone Edge while taking little from Waterfall with access to reliable recovery.

**Fast Water resists**: Jynx and Lilligant can proceed to tank Jynx doesn't "tank" it, it is immune to it Kabutops' Aqua Jet and hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case or STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. However, neither can switch into Stone Edge.

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath resist Stone Edge, are immune to Waterfall, in the latter's case, and can use their super effective STAB moves to punish Kabutops.Mention Gurdurr also has Mach Punch and can set up Bulk Ups
Implement changes and QC 3/3
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amcheck :) (sorry for the things I missed)


Kabutops has an excellent offensive STAB combination, allowing it to hit the most of the tier for neutral damage. It is also one of the only few relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, thatwhich allows it to revenge kill fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar who,(AC)which may otherwise threaten itKabutops with their coverage moves. While Kabutops has a really good offensive typing, it's below average typing defensively leaves much to be desired, beingmakes it weak to common coverage such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting. It also isn't that bulky, which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin, as well as limit the usefulness of its Normal-(AH) and Flying-(AH)type resistances.

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance boosts Kabutop's Attack quickly. Stone Edge is a powerful STAB move withprovides good neutral coverage. Aqua Jet gives Kabutops priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Pyroar,(AC) and +2 Rhydon. Waterfall gives Kabutops a secondary, more reliable Water-type STAB move, which helps break bulky teams as well as hitting Ground- and Fighting-types such as Claydol, Piloswine, Hariyama, and Gurdurr harder than any other move Kabutops has. Rapid Spin can be used instead to remove entry hazards. Superpower can be used to hit Ferroseed, Cradily, and Poliwrath as these Pokemon tank Kabutops's STAB moves with ease.

Set Details

Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain teams. Weak Armor can be used instead for a Speed boost to have an easier time sweeping, but makes it more difficult to set up after repeated physical hits. Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power while Lum Berry provides Kabutops protection against status from defensive Pokemon. A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral -(AH)natured base 85s and below such as Sawk and Shiftry while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power and it can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams. Try to spin on Pokemon that youKabutops can force out because Kabutopsit isn't bulky enough to live much. Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary, otherwise you can play more recklessly with it. Kabutops can come in on Fire-types such as Pyroar and Magmortar easily and force them out with its STAB moves. Faster Pokemon that are weak to itKabutops's Aqua Jet such as Archeops or frail threats ,(AC)such as Liepard and Swellow,(AC) can be forced out as well.

Team Options

Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant allows Kabutops to essentially set up twice in one game as he,(AC) as it can break teams down early-game and sweep late-game. It also allows Kabutops to play more recklessly throughout the match. Hazard weak PokemonPokemon weak to entry hazards such as Scyther and Pyroar appreciate the spin support Kabutops can provide. Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and specially oriented Skunktank can pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire, allowing Kabutops to set up and sweep. Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing is amazing as well because most of its best checks such as Quagsire and Poliwrath are weak to them(idk what them refers to).

Other Options

Knock Off allows Kabutops to hit Gourgeist as well as remove items from walls that commonly switch in such as Quagsire and Ferroseed. Giga Drain, while coming off of Kabutops lessweaker attacking stat, can help it(Giga Drain dosen't lure, Kabutops does) lure Quagsire, paving a way for Kabutops to beat the opponent. Stealth Rock can take advantage of Kabutops's ability to force switches; however, Kabutops is better off firing an attack or setting up. Assault Vest can patch up Kabutops's weaker defense stat, but the lack of power doesn't make up for the increase in bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist, Tangela, physically defensive Cradily, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in the former's case,(AC) and with reliable recovery in the latter two's case. They also have 4x super effective STAB moves to make sure Kabutops goes down.

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires thanks to Unaware. It also resists Stone Edge while taking little from Waterfall with access to reliable recovery.

**Fast Water resistsPokemon that resist Water-type**: Jynx and Lilligant isare either immune to or can tank Kabutops's Aqua Jet and hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case orand STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. However, neither can switch into Stone Edge.

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath resist Stone Edge, are immune to Waterfall,(RC) in the latter's case, and can use their super effective STAB moves to punish Kabutops. Gurdurr can also can set up Bulk Ups and has access to its own form of priority in Mach Punch.
EDIT: forgot to add a legend

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Kabutops has an excellent offensive STAB combination, allowing it to hit the most of the tier for neutral damage. It is also one of the only few relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, thatwhich allows it to revenge kill fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar who,(AC)which may otherwise threaten itKabutops with their coverage moves. While Kabutops's typing is has really good offensively typing, it's below average typing defensively, leaving leaves much to be desired, being it weak to common coverage types such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting. It also isn't that bulky, which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin, as well as and limits the usefulness of its resistances to Normal and Flying resistances.

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance boosts Kabutops's Attack quickly to high levels. Stone Edge is a powerful STAB move withprovides good neutral coverage (this sentence is kinda flat to me; give it some more depth if you can). Aqua Jet gives Kabutops priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Pyroar,(AC) and +2 Rhydon. Waterfall gives Kabutops a secondary, more reliable Water-type STAB move, which that helps break bulky teams as well as hitting and hits Ground- and Fighting-types such as Claydol, Piloswine, Hariyama, and Gurdurr harder than any other move Kabutops has. Rapid Spin can be used instead to remove entry hazards. Superpower can be used to hit Ferroseed, Cradily, and Poliwrath, (AC) as these Pokemon tank Kabutops's STAB moves with ease.

Set Details

Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain teams. Weak Armor can be used instead for a Speed boost to have an easier time sweeping, but it makes it more difficult to set up after repeated physical hits. Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power, (AC) while Lum Berry provides Kabutops with protection against status from defensive Pokemon. A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral -(AH)natured base 85s Speed Pokemon and below, (AC) such as Sawk and Shiftry, (AC) while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power, (AC) and it Kabutops can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams. Try to spin on Pokemon that youKabutops can force out because Kabutopsit isn't bulky enough to live survive much. Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary,;(change to semicolon) otherwise you can play more recklessly with it. Kabutops can come in on Fire-types such as Pyroar and Magmortar easily and force them out with its STAB moves. Faster Pokemon that are weak to itKabutops's Aqua Jet such as Archeops or frail threats ,(AC)such as Liepard and Swellow,(AC) can be forced out as well.

Team Options

Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant allows Kabutops to essentially set up twice in one game as he,(AC) as it can break teams down early-game and sweep late-game. It also allows Kabutops to play more recklessly throughout the match. Hazard weak PokemonPokemon weak to entry hazards such as Scyther and Pyroar appreciate the spin Rapid Spin support Kabutops can provide. Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and specially oriented even Skunktank can pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire, allowing Kabutops to set up and sweep. Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing is amazing as well because most of its Kabutops's best checks, (AC) such as Quagsire and Poliwrath, (AC) are weak to them entry hazard(idk what them refers to) (it refers to T-Spikes. Changed it for clarification)).

Other Options

Knock Off allows Kabutops to hit Gourgeist (which one?) as well as remove items from walls that commonly switch into it, such as Quagsire and Ferroseed. Giga Drain, while coming off of Kabutops's lessweaker attacking stat, can help it(Giga Drain dosen't lure, Kabutops does) (Well done!) lure Quagsire, paving a way for Kabutops to beat the opponent. Stealth Rock can take advantage of Kabutops's ability to force switches; however, Kabutops is better off firing launching an attack or setting up. Assault Vest can patch up Kabutops's weaker defensivee stat, but the lack of power doesn't make up for the increase in bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist (which one?), Tangela, physically defensive Cradily, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in the former's Ferroseed's case,(AC) and with reliable recovery in the latter last two's case. They also have 4x super effective STAB moves to make sure Kabutops goes down.

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires thanks due to Unaware. It also resists Stone Edge while taking little damage from Waterfall with access to reliable recovery.

**Fast Water resistsPokemon that resist Water**: Jynx and Lilligant isare either immune to or can tank Kabutops's Aqua Jet and hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case orand STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. However, neither of them can switch into Stone Edge.

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath resist Stone Edge, are immune to Waterfall,(RC) in the latter's case, and can use their super effective STAB moves to punish Kabutops. Gurdurr can also can set up Bulk Ups and has access to its own form of priority in Mach Punch, while Poliwrath's Water Absorb makes it immune to Kabutops's Water-type moves.
kt3, strong effort. You did quite well with a lot of changes, and I was very impressed to see that you know what's doing the luring! However, make sure to take a look at the overview. I appreciate that you made attempts to fix up the prose and make the sentences more objectively correct, but compare what you changed to what I changed. If you have any questions, let me know. Good luck!
GP 1/2
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Kabutops has an excellent offensive STAB combination, allowing it to hit the most of the tier for neutral damage. It is also one of the only few relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, thatwhich allows it to revenge kill fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar who,(AC)which may otherwise threaten itKabutops with their coverage moves. While Kabutops's typing is has really good offensively typing, it's below average typing defensively, leaving leaves much to be desired, being it weak to common coverage types such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting. It also isn't that bulky, which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin, as well as and limits the usefulness of its resistances to Normal and Flying resistances.

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance boosts Kabutops's Attack quickly to high levels. Stone Edge is a powerful STAB move withprovides good neutral coverage (this sentence is kinda flat to me; give it some more depth if you can). Aqua Jet gives Kabutops priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Pyroar,(AC) and +2 Rhydon. Waterfall gives Kabutops a secondary, more reliable Water-type STAB move, which that helps break bulky teams as well as hitting and hits Ground- and Fighting-types such as Claydol, Piloswine, Hariyama, and Gurdurr harder than any other move Kabutops has. Rapid Spin can be used instead to remove entry hazards. Superpower can be used to hit Ferroseed, Cradily, and Poliwrath, (AC) as these Pokemon tank Kabutops's STAB moves with ease.

Set Details

Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain teams. Weak Armor can be used instead for a Speed boost to have an easier time sweeping, but it makes it more difficult to set up after repeated physical hits. Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power, (AC) while Lum Berry provides Kabutops with protection against status from defensive Pokemon. A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral -(AH)natured base 85s Speed Pokemon and below, (AC) such as Sawk and Shiftry, (AC) while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power, (AC) and it Kabutops can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams. Try to spin on Pokemon that youKabutops can force out because Kabutopsit isn't bulky enough to live survive much. Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary,;(change to semicolon) otherwise you can play more recklessly with it. Kabutops can come in on Fire-types such as Pyroar and Magmortar easily and force them out with its STAB moves. Faster Pokemon that are weak to itKabutops's Aqua Jet such as Archeops or frail threats ,(AC)such as Liepard and Swellow,(AC) can be forced out as well.

Team Options

Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant allows Kabutops to essentially set up twice in one game as he,(AC) as it can break teams down early-game and sweep late-game. It also allows Kabutops to play more recklessly throughout the match. Hazard weak PokemonPokemon weak to entry hazards such as Scyther and Pyroar appreciate the spin Rapid Spin support Kabutops can provide. Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and specially oriented even Skunktank can pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire, allowing Kabutops to set up and sweep. Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing is amazing as well because most of its Kabutops's best checks, (AC) such as Quagsire and Poliwrath, (AC) are weak to them entry hazard(idk what them refers to) (it refers to T-Spikes. Changed it for clarification)).

Other Options

Knock Off allows Kabutops to hit Gourgeist (which one?) as well as remove items from walls that commonly switch into it, such as Quagsire and Ferroseed. Giga Drain, while coming off of Kabutops's lessweaker attacking stat, can help it(Giga Drain dosen't lure, Kabutops does) (Well done!) lure Quagsire, paving a way for Kabutops to beat the opponent. Stealth Rock can take advantage of Kabutops's ability to force switches; however, Kabutops is better off firing launching an attack or setting up. Assault Vest can patch up Kabutops's weaker defensivee stat, but the lack of power doesn't make up for the increase in bulk.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist (which one?), Tangela, physically defensive Cradily, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in the former's Ferroseed's case,(AC) and with reliable recovery in the latter last two's case. They also have 4x super effective STAB moves to make sure Kabutops goes down.

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires thanks due to Unaware. It also resists Stone Edge while taking little damage from Waterfall with access to reliable recovery.

**Fast Water resistsPokemon that resist Water**: Jynx and Lilligant isare either immune to or can tank Kabutops's Aqua Jet and hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case orand STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. However, neither of them can switch into Stone Edge.

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath resist Stone Edge, are immune to Waterfall,(RC) in the latter's case, and can use their super effective STAB moves to punish Kabutops. Gurdurr can also can set up Bulk Ups and has access to its own form of priority in Mach Punch, while Poliwrath's Water Absorb makes it immune to Kabutops's Water-type moves.
kt3, strong effort. You did quite well with a lot of changes, and I was very impressed to see that you know what's doing the luring! However, make sure to take a look at the overview. I appreciate that you made attempts to fix up the prose and make the sentences more objectively correct, but compare what you changed to what I changed. If you have any questions, let me know. Good luck!
GP 1/2

Implemented and thank you both! :)
2/2 ^_^

Kabutops has an excellent offensive STAB combination, allowing it to hit most of the tier for neutral damage. It is also one of the only few (just use one of the two) relevant Aqua Jet users in the tier, which allows it to revenge kill fast Pokemon such as Archeops and Pyroar, which may otherwise threaten Kabutops with their coverage moves. While Kabutops's typing is really good offensively, it's below average defensively, leaving Kabutops it weak to common types such as Grass, Ground, and Fighting. It also isn't that bulky, which makes it somewhat difficult to set up or spin and limits the usefulness of its resistances to Normal and Flying.

name: Offensive
move 1: Swords Dance / Rapid Spin
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Aqua Jet
move 4: Waterfall / Rapid Spin
item: Life Orb / Lum Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance boosts Kabutops's Attack to high levels. Stone Edge provides good neutral coverage, hitting common Pokemon such as Magmortar and Xatu hard. Aqua Jet gives Kabutops priority to pick off faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Pyroar, and +2 Rhydon. Waterfall gives Kabutops a secondary, more reliable Water-type STAB move, (RC) that helps break bulky teams and hits Ground- and Fighting-types such as Claydol, Piloswine, Hariyama, and Gurdurr harder than any other move Kabutops has. Rapid Spin can be used instead to remove entry hazards. Superpower can be used (maybe specify where? "in the fourth moveslot" or something) to hit Ferroseed, Cradily, and Poliwrath, as these Pokemon tank Kabutops's STAB moves with ease.

Set Details

Swift Swim allows Kabutops to function on or against rain teams. Weak Armor can be used instead for a Speed boost to have an easier time sweeping, but it makes it more difficult to set up after repeated physical hits. Life Orb gives Kabutops extra power, while Lum Berry provides Kabutops with protection against status from defensive Pokemon. A Jolly nature allows Kabutops to get the jump on neutral-natured base 85 Speed Pokemon and below, such as Sawk and Shiftry, while an Adamant nature gives Kabutops more power, and Kabutops can circumvent not outspeeding those threats with a more powerful Aqua Jet.

Usage Tips

Set up mid-game to break balanced teams or late-game to clean offensive teams. Try to spin on Pokemon that Kabutops can force out, (AC) because it isn't bulky enough to survive much. Save Kabutops for its priority when necessary; otherwise, (AC) you can play more recklessly with it. Kabutops can come in on Fire-types such as Pyroar and Magmortar easily and force them out with its STAB moves. Faster Pokemon that are weak to Kabutops's Aqua Jet such as Archeops or frail threats, such as Liepard and Swellow, can be forced out as well.

Team Options

Healing Wish support from Mesprit or Lilligant allows Kabutops to essentially set up twice in one game, as it can break teams down early-game and sweep late-game. It also allows Kabutops to play more recklessly throughout the match. Pokemon weak to entry hazards, (AC) such as Scyther and Pyroar, (AC) appreciate the Rapid Spin support Kabutops can provide. Strong special attackers such as Magmortar, Pyroar, and even Skuntank can pressure physical walls, such as Ferroseed and Quagsire, allowing Kabutops to set up and sweep. Toxic Spikes support from Garbodor or Weezing is amazing as well because most of Kabutops's best checks, such as Quagsire and Poliwrath, are crippled by weak to the entry hazard.

Other Options

Knock Off allows Kabutops to hit Gourgeist-S as well as remove items from walls that commonly switch into it, such as Quagsire and Ferroseed. Giga Drain, while coming off of Kabutops's weaker attacking stat, can help it lure in and defeat Quagsire, paving a way for Kabutops to beat the opponent. Stealth Rock can take advantage of Kabutops's ability to force switches; however, Kabutops is better off launching an attack or setting up. Assault Vest can patch up Kabutops's weaker defensive stat, but the increase in bulk lack of power doesn't make up for the increase in bulk lack of power.

Checks and Counters

**Bulky Grass-types**: Ferroseed, Gourgeist-S, Tangela, physically defensive Cradily, and Torterra can wear Kabutops down with Life Orb recoil and Iron Barbs in Ferroseed's case, and with reliable recovery in the last two's case. They also have 4x super effective STAB moves to make sure Kabutops goes down.

**Quagsire**: Quagsire ignores any boosts Kabutops acquires due to Unaware. It also resists Stone Edge while taking little damage from Waterfall, as well as having with access to reliable recovery.

**Fast Pokemon That Resist Water**: Jynx and Lilligant are either are immune to or can tank Kabutops's Aqua Jet, (AC) and they can hit back with a super effective Focus Blast in Jynx's case and STAB Giga Drain in Lilligant's case. However, neither of them can switch into Stone Edge.

**Bulky Fighting-types**: Gurdurr and Poliwrath resist Stone Edge and can use their super effective STAB moves to punish Kabutops. Gurdurr can also set up Bulk Up and has access to priority in Mach Punch, while Poliwrath's Water Absorb makes it immune to Kabutops's Water-type moves.