ORAS UU Nightmare (feat. Mega Glalie)


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Mega Glalie art done by this guy from D/A. Altered into a banner by metaphysical



What's up guys? I'm Shiba and believe it or not, this is my first UU RMT I've ever posted. After some discussion in the UU Viability Rankings that eventually ended up in dropping Mega Glalie to C, I decided I wanted to build around it and try to prove it wasn't so bad after all. After many attempts trying to make it work, I think I finally found a solid blend to support Glalie. I'm not really a big ladder guy, but with my testing alt I stopped at #15 (it's something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) http://i.imgur.com/pSMpBuo.jpg. But anyway, here's the team!



So as I stated before, I was motivated to build around Mega Glalie due to people saying it was easily outclassed by Mamoswine. But with the combination of strong Refrigerate moves + the great Speed tier really made me want to make this thing work.

Next I needed a Pokemon that could hit Steel-Types that Glalie couldn't, namely Empoleon, Doublade and Lucario. Krookodile seemed like the perfect option, also providing me with Stealth Rocks.

Looking at my first 2 members, I saw that I was really weak to Fighting-Types and needed hazard control. Enter Salamence, providing a nice Fighting-Type check as well as hazard control.

I really needed something for bulky normals like CurseLax, so I chose to put Cobalion in this spot, giving me a nice Normal-Type counter and sweeper

Next I realized that I was relatively weak to Special Attacking Dragon-Types, as I really didn't have a switch-in to Draco or Fire Blast, which a lot of them carry. I chose Porygon2 to put in this slot, as it gave me a check to those Dragons as well as the majority of physical attackers in the tier like Feraligatr or Mamoswine (barring Knock off).

Lastly, I really needed something for bulky waters and just a Scald switch-in to be honest, as really none of my Pokemon except Salamence appreciated a burn. I chose Rotom-C in this last slot, providing me with a really nice Water-Type check and strong offensive presence with Choice Specs

After a couple of laddering sessions, I found that I was extremely weak to Fairy-Types, namely Florges. I decided to replace Cobalion with Doublade, maintaining the main point to check bulky Normals and giving me a nice check to Shadow Ball-less Reuniclus as well.

Glalie @

Ability: Inner Focus --> Refrigerate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Explosion
- Double-Edge
- Freeze-Dry
- Ice Shard

So yeah as I said before, I really wanted to build around this Pokemon. I opted for a Mono-Ice set (after Mega-Evo ofc). Although it might not look that great on paper, it can be extremely effective. Double-Edge could be considered Glalie's most spammable attack, doing massive damage with Refrigerate and STAB even to some Pokemon that resist it. I put Freeze-Dry on next as I found a lot of Swamperts and Alomomolas switching into this, even with little investment it OHKO's and 2HKO's respectively. Ice Shard is the obligatory priority move for Pokemon like Salamence or to pick off weakened foes. Lastly, I slapped on Explosion that usually gets a kill most of the time, due to the massive power it provides. Other options could include Earthquake or Hidden Power Fire, but I felt like every move in my my moveset provided some degree of effectiveness to not be replaced at all.


Krookodile @

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

As I said before in the teambuilding process, Krookodile is the perfect teammate for Mega Glalie, being able to eliminate the Steel-Types that Glalie cannot due to its Mono-Ice moveset. I'm packing pretty much just a standard Stealth Rock Krook set, Knock Off and Earthquake being obvious STABS, although some people do tend to run Taunt over Pursuit. I did opt for Pursuit just because any damage on Doublade (hate this thing) is extremely nice for Glalie late game and I have hazard control so no need to stop it in its tracks.

Salamence @

Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Defog
- Roost

This Pokemon has been extremely common nowadays, possessing the ability to be a physical wall, a Dragon Dance Sweeper, or a Special Attacker, it's definitely one of the most versatile and best mons in the tier right now. So on this team, it really needed hazard control to support the Stealth Rock-weak Glalie and a solid Fighting- and Fire-Type check. Enter Salamence, possessing a noticeable 110 Special Attack Base stat and access to Defog, it seemed like a perfect fit for this team. Draco Meteor is the obvious STAB and Fire Blast is to hit Steel-Types like Doublade and Cobalion. I prefer to use Leftovers over Life Orb as its my personal preference to not to have any chip damage on my Defogger (I use AcroBat as well). Also, Roost coupled with these Leftovers really increases its longevity.

Doublade @

Ability: No Guard
EVs: 236 HP / 240 Atk / 32 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- Gyro Ball
- Swords Dance

Doublade seemed like a great fit after my testing with Cobalion that didn't really work out. I maintained that Normal-Type check and also gained a Fairy-Type and Reuniclus check in one Pokemon, which I didn't have with Cobalion. Doublade also really helps keep some of the pressure off of Porygon2 and Salamence, which was really needed. The set is fairly standard, although I personally prefer to run a Gyro Ball set over Iron Head as I love to hit Dragon Dancers a little harder (usually KOing them bar Feraligatr ofc when they hit +1) and at +2 Gyro hits Fairies like Florges pretty hard anyway.

Porygon2 @

Ability: Trace
EVs: 248 HP / 152 Def / 108 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

This is my second Eviolite user, Porygon2, A.K.A the check to almost everything. If a Hydreigon or Feraligatr switches in, this is usually my go-to Pokemon to switch into 99% of the time, because it's honestly that bulky. The set is pretty standard with a STAB move in Tri Attack and the oh so skillful move in Thunder Wave, which really supports the team. Some people tend to run Foul Play nowadays for stuff like Dragon Dance Salamence or Feraligatr, but I prefer Thunderbolt for Water-Types like Alomomola or Empoleon for a bit more damage.

Rotom-Mow @

Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Trick

Rotom-Mow is my bulky Water-Type check and momentum creator. If it wasn't here, my team would pretty much just take a loss to CroCune. Rotom-Mow has also been an extremely popular offensive Pokemon as of late, with great offensive typing and powerful dual STABs, its extremely hard for anything to switch into it. Equipped with Choice Specs, Its "switch-ins" like Hydreigon and Florges taking a huge chunk of damage from its strongest STAB Leaf Storm, nearing 40-50% each time it connects. With the obvious STABs taking up slots, the last slot went to Trick, giving Rotom the ability to cripple special walls like Snorlax or Blissey upon switch-in.


Even though I had a really tough time building around Mega Glalie, I enjoyed using it. It's an extremely fun Pokemon to use and I still don't think it deserves a place in C on the Viability Rankings, but there's nothing much I can do about that anymore lmao. But yeah, thanks for reading, and I encourage you all to try out this mon at some point :].

Annoying due to the huge movepool it gets but I can play around with switching in and out and getting damage off on it each time
Salamence works as a check since it cares the least about burns out of all the team members but if Stealth Rocks are up Entei is not too big of a problem
Relatively annoying to break but Mega Glalie does some huge damage to it with Double-Edge or I could cripple it with a Rotom-C Trick on the switch-in as well.


There's too much people.

Skype Group u_u
Vapo - let me tutor you in UU sometime though d;^)
anto - You're the best imo. come on PS more often pls Smogon Queen ;_;7. ly
metaphysical - gril?
petyer - when are you quitting again?
scald - fuck scald and his watches

UU frens
NV - Probably one of the best users on this site. Never get in that building slump, you're a great builder fren! :]
YABO - Probably one of my favorite people in UU and one of the best players to play against, keep doing what you're doing dude :]
dodmen - We weren't really on good terms awhile back due to Scald burning you 24/7 on ladder but I think we're pretty cool now hopefully because you're a pretty valuable friend to have. You're still the real UU open winner imo
Mazz - you better come back soon dude, randbats are essential to my good health tbh
Hairy Toenail - ANDY.
Bud Hertz - Packers are ass lol
SmashBrosBrawl - ur ass for calling Glalie ass
King UU - lol youre a meme [15:26:11] +King UU: "you could also put like most amazing hardworking god ever"
Pak - Dark horse Pak :]
DrReuniclus - miss you bro! Come back soon :[
Waiv - you need Hippowdon back in the tier :[
iWanka - hahah good luck with all those Monotype teams not-even-a-UU-player!
Feliburn - Linda > Ape

(I got lazy writing stuff for everyone but you're still all great friends n_n)
R0ady Sacri' Do A Bibarel LeoLancaster teal6 Hogg dingbat Euphonos Patwinking Colbrushie DMT Mahmudkipz Minus BreloomMyHomie Jariibo Yifeng Austin Killintime Blitzamirin iplaytennislol newfren slurmz LessThanThreeMan Twix Megazard Natural Talent Freeroamer Gogoplata Thisbemyalt Tipsy Russian Dad's Dad thecrystalonix CoolStoryBrobat Arifeen

Bash me if I missed anyone, I wrote this at 1 in the morning so yeah ._.


I didn't ladder much with the final product, but I went undefeated one night with it with around 20 games mid- to high-ladder, but here's some replays :]
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-274130182 game against my bud DMT using his Sheddy squad @_@
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-274351746 fun game against malinowski
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uu-274385865 Glalie puts in a lot of work @_@

Glalie-Mega @ Glalitite
Ability: Refrigerate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Double-Edge
- Explosion
- Freeze-Dry
- Ice Shard

Krookodile @ Black Glasses
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

Porygon2 @ Eviolite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 248 HP / 152 Def / 108 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

Salamence @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast
- Defog
- Roost

Doublade @ Eviolite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 240 HP / 236 Atk / 32 Def
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Sneak
- Sacred Sword
- Gyro Ball
- Swords Dance

Rotom-Mow @ Choice Specs
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Trick

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I'm a fan of Intimidate spam
I'm a fan of Rotom-C (why is it still RU lol)
I know how Doublade + P2 is a fuckin good defensive core, specially with Mence in the back

and last but not least Ice STAB is fuckin huge right now
no one really prepares for it and when it comes it truly wrecks

our match didnt show Glalie much, but I know it's because the rest of Glalie partners are really good together and can put, by itself, some real pressure in most UU teams

gj Shiba, I don't have much to say about this team, as it's very similiar to my owns and I know they are effective in their own ways.
just watch out for opposing Ice STABs. they are rare but Kyurem can really put some pressure in your build lol
I hate being that guy, but based on the replays, there is literally no reason to use Glalie :(. Every match Mamo could have done everything Glalie did but required less support in the form of hazard control (I noticed you tried defogging a lot in order to keep Glalie healthy), and the recoil damage significantly hindered Glalie's longevity and thus could only take down one mon at most. The only thing Glalie did that Mamo could not have done was 1v1 mega Sharpedo and act as a bigger nuke with Double Edge, but it never got any unique 2HKOs or OHKOs which is not worth blowing a mega :/. If I were to rate it, I would suggest swapping Glalie for Mamo + other swaps such as new mega to replace Glalie, but that would defeat the purpose of the team. The other 5 members are great but Glalie seems forced. Thanks for the shoutout though <3
I hate being that guy, but based on the replays, there is literally no reason to use Glalie :(. Every match Mamo could have done everything Glalie did but required less support in the form of hazard control (I noticed you tried defogging a lot in order to keep Glalie healthy), and the recoil damage significantly hindered Glalie's longevity and thus could only take down one mon at most. The only thing Glalie did that Mamo could not have done was 1v1 mega Sharpedo and act as a bigger nuke with Double Edge, but it never got any unique 2HKOs or OHKOs which is not worth blowing a mega :/. If I were to rate it, I would suggest swapping Glalie for Mamo + other swaps such as new mega to replace Glalie, but that would defeat the purpose of the team. The other 5 members are great but Glalie seems forced. Thanks for the shoutout though <3
eh I had a lot of matches that I didn't save where Glalie contributed a lot more (room tours mostly so I saw really no point in saving them) and the replays are there just to show how the team works, not to showcase Glalie specifically. I know you were like the main one against Glalie staying at B/B- but I still had a great time building around it even though Mamoswine has better STABs etc. The fact that it can get 2+ kills a lot of the time depending on team matchup (Explosion does wonders ngl) and the speed (tying base 100s like Shaymin and beating out things like Hydreigon and Heracross are huge) were 2 REALLY big traits that made me want to build around it, not to mention the amount of damage Double-Edge can do with STAB + Refrigerate. It's pretty much opinion based atm, but I still think Glalie has some real potential due to those 2 traits. I don't really want this to become the Viability Rankings all over again lmao so I won't do the whole Mamo over Glalie comparison thing, but thanks though n_n
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