ORAS OU P&S w/ G Team?! Gothitelle + Gardevoir (1400+ max ranking)

I. Intro

It's fun using a stall team. Using time and elaborate plots to deliver a painful KO will give you nothing but fun and satisfaction, especially to a woefully unprepared foe. It's not the best team to use, but it's definitely the most fun for me.

After the fun of seeing people getting pissed at my team is not there anymore, I tried creating another team based on Gothitelle, and added a few Pokemon along. Gothitelle was suggested to me when I posted my last team. It was a welcome addition and causes many foe to just plain quit. I decided to bring along that fun in this team.

I started with Gothitelle

The first one I added is Mega Gardevoir, because Gothitelle can also dispose of her threats.

To cover up their weaknesses and add flare in the team, I added old reliables, Bisharp and Garchomp.

I've always wanted a dedicated lead, and I saw potential in a Scolipede set I saw.

There's no underestimating the power of Gengar, especially with almost all of them spewing status, and the ground and fighting immunity is always handy.

II. The Team


Gothitelle @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 80 HP / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Trick
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Psyshock
Functions as a stallbreaker, aimed use at Support mons and walls. Trick the Choice Scarf, making the foe use the same weak move or status move all over. Calm Mind to accumulate boosts. Rest to remove status or heal. Then Psyshock for damage. To remove its threats, there's Gardevoir. It is a great response to set-up sweepers that may otherwise sweep the whole team.


Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 16 HP / 8 Def / 232 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Will-O-Wisp
Go-to Mon to switch-in to Dragons, or remove pesky Dark-types. Hyper Voice + Pixilate + STAB = Like! Another STAB in Psyshock. Focus Blast for Steels and Tyranitar. Will-o-wisp to cool down Physical attackers aiming at Gardevoir.


Bisharp @ Black Glasses
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 52 SpD / 204 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
- Pursuit
To deal with Metagross, Jirachi, and Ghost-types like Gengar that are ruining the two, Pawniard serves as a Pursuit trapper. Knock-off is always a welcome STAB and so is Iron Head. Sucker Punch is Sucker Punch. Ghost types may ruin three of the mons in the team, and it's the team's main response to such.


Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 240 HP / 176 Def / 92 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail
- Fire Blast
To set rocks, switch in to predictable Electric-types, and ruin a physical attacker's day, Spiky Wall Chomp is here. Earthquake for STAB, Dragon Tail to spread the hazard, and Fire Blast for the occasional Steel types. One of the team's answer to physical attackers that uses recoil moves, like Talonflame, which resists Flare Blitz aimed at Bisharp.


Scolipede @ Focus Sash
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Spikes
- Toxic Spikes
- Endeavor
- Baton Pass
A dedicated lead and hazard setter. Worst case, 1 layer of Toxic Spikes is set and Scolipede's health is low, and with Speed Boost, Endeavor can weaken the foe the next turn. Megahorn for STAB, and in cases where you survive and Endeavor, a clean attack to KO. Spikes for cases where a team can eliminate Toxic Spikes using a Poison-type.


Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 26 HP / 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Protect
- Disable
- Focus Blast
Aimed for those trying to cripple the team with Dark-type. Protect to guard from the Dark-type move, and Disable it. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast is an unresisted combination. As most Dark-type run Sucker Punch priority to outrun Gengar, this set aims to Disable it or other threats that may otherwise outright OHKO Gengar.

III. Conclusion
So far, I reached 1400+. Is it just chance? Maybe. That's what I want to know. I want to know if I missed any coverages or if I forgot any threats. Any comment is accepted. Negative comment is still a comment.
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Hi! The descriptions you have ATM are a little short. Add a little more detail to the members' descriptions and you should be good.

As an aside, Gothitelle is less of a late-game cleaner and more of a stallbreaker, so you should give a big mention to that in ur goth description. In addition, the team has trouble with Ferrothorn, which walls your main offensive core and places too much pressure onto Garchomp to eliminate it. Therefore, I suggest running Hidden Power Fire>Calm Mind on Gothitelle to trap and eliminate it.

I suggest running Baton Pass>Megahorn on Scolipede as its main niche as a dedicated lead is its ability to pass any boosts it has accumulated to a teammate.

Finally, as Gothitelle already pulls apart stall, HexGar is mostly redundant. I suggest using Sub-Willo Gengar to improve the team's matchup v.s. Bisharp, as it deals with Pursuit mindgames a little better and can easily cripple it.
Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 26 HP / 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Focus Blast

IVs hit a Black Sludge number
Hi! The descriptions you have ATM are a little short. Add a little more detail to the members' descriptions and you should be good.

As an aside, Gothitelle is less of a late-game cleaner and more of a stallbreaker, so you should give a big mention to that in ur goth description. In addition, the team has trouble with Ferrothorn, which walls your main offensive core and places too much pressure onto Garchomp to eliminate it. Therefore, I suggest running Hidden Power Fire>Calm Mind on Gothitelle to trap and eliminate it.

I suggest running Baton Pass>Megahorn on Scolipede as its main niche as a dedicated lead is its ability to pass any boosts it has accumulated to a teammate.

Finally, as Gothitelle already pulls apart stall, HexGar is mostly redundant. I suggest using Sub-Willo Gengar to improve the team's matchup v.s. Bisharp, as it deals with Pursuit mindgames a little better and can easily cripple it.
Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 26 HP / 0 Atk
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp
- Focus Blast

IVs hit a Black Sludge number

You are right about Gothitelle, but I'm still thinking about switching to HP Fire because I use Gothitelle to eliminate Ferrothorn and proceed to sweep with the Calm Mind boost I accumulated, especially when Ferrothorn is choice-locked to setting a hazard.

I disagree on Baton Pass because of situations wherein Baton Pass will go first given Scolipede's Speed, forcing the teammate to switch onto an attack. Plus, the boost is only welcomed by a few mons in my team.

I totally agree with Gengar, and I've been meaning to change it. I like your suggestion set, but I already had in mind Protect and Disable, rather than Substitute and Will-o-wisp. I'll try a few runs in PSD, and if I conclude that Bisharp is a bigger hassle to eliminate than I thought, I'll gladly go to your suggestion.

Thank you for that.
I disagree on Baton Pass because of situations wherein Baton Pass will go first given Scolipede's Speed, forcing the teammate to switch onto an attack. Plus, the boost is only welcomed by a few mons in my team.
I mostly disagree with this logic considering that every teammate benefits hugely from the BP support (Gengar no longer loses to Starmie or Weavile 1v1 and forces both out, Chomp is able to check what it aims to check significantly better due to having the ability to outpace things like Mega Man, Bisharp becomes much less reliant on Sucker Punch to deal damage while also being able to sweep by coming in on defoggers which don't fear Megahorn (e.g. Empoleon, Megazor etc.) Gardevoir fixes up its arkward speed tier, Gothitelle is able to outpace things after tricking the scarf, making it more efficient if it locks the target into an attacking move (e.g. Seismic Toss) as it allows it to set up CMs or attack between Rests).

In addition, Megahorn is also directly outclassed by Double Edge on suicide lead variants for the latter's ability to KO Scoli, which allows it to block Defogs and Spins from things which don't fear Megahorn on top of those which do (the aforementioned Emp and Zor, for example), making it significantly more effective as a lead. However, Pass has such great utility for the team that it is hard to pass up on offensive teams (especially considering that this team's big Weavile and Starmie weakness makes it hugely welcome support).
I mostly disagree with this logic considering that every teammate benefits hugely from the BP support (Gengar no longer loses to Starmie or Weavile 1v1 and forces both out, Chomp is able to check what it aims to check significantly better due to having the ability to outpace things like Mega Man, Bisharp becomes much less reliant on Sucker Punch to deal damage while also being able to sweep by coming in on defoggers which don't fear Megahorn (e.g. Empoleon, Megazor etc.) Gardevoir fixes up its arkward speed tier, Gothitelle is able to outpace things after tricking the scarf, making it more efficient if it locks the target into an attacking move (e.g. Seismic Toss) as it allows it to set up CMs or attack between Rests).

In addition, Megahorn is also directly outclassed by Double Edge on suicide lead variants for the latter's ability to KO Scoli, which allows it to block Defogs and Spins from things which don't fear Megahorn on top of those which do (the aforementioned Emp and Zor, for example), making it significantly more effective as a lead. However, Pass has such great utility for the team that it is hard to pass up on offensive teams (especially considering that this team's big Weavile and Starmie weakness makes it hugely welcome support).

I haven't considered those points. I'm switching to Baton Pass. Thank you for the suggestion.

@EDIT I just realized how amazing Baton Pass is. I only tried like three battles, but I noticed my scenario in one battle. I start Scolipede while the foe goes with Gliscor. He used Earthquake while I lay Toxic Spikes, then +1 speed. Because of the predictable next move, I pass to Gengar, and he was immune to the Earthquake. I go with Shadow Ball, he switched with Weavile, resisting damage yet receiving Poison. I stall with Protect so I can Disable his Dark-type move, and it worked. Because of this, I can switch Protect to Substitute with ease. Thank you for your awesome point regarding Baton Pass.
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