Theorymon's World of Free, 100% Redistributable VGC Ubers Mark II

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Don't have the Moltres yet so I am going to have to let Theory deal with you steve and also iPRODiGY VGC which Cresselia do you want? There are two sassy ones and I don't have the Modest Heatran so you will have to wait on Theory as well. :C

Thank you so much!

Deposit - lv2 Zorua
IGN - Veebyy
Message - Theorymon
Want -
IVs: 31/xx/31/30/30/31
Nature: Timid
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 4 HP / 4 Def / 248 SpA / 252 Spe
Level: 51
OT: Melvilicious ID: 06682

Sent in place of Theorymon! :3
Since everyone else seems to have gotten their Pokemon, I'll just bump my request I posted on Thursday (after my other Pokemon I put up last Saturday got sniped). I redeposited them, just in case there was this disapearing glitch you mentioned.
Thank you!

First of all: You don't have to apologize for taking care of your health. Your health is MUCH more important than giving away Pokemon.

But nonetheless, since you said you will be trading today and tomorrow and my Pokemon got sniped, I'll put up new requests:

1. Modest Heatran. I deposited a male level 8 Surskit with the message "Theorymon" (IGN Hannes)
2. Adamant Landorus. I deposited a male level 28 Machop with the message "Theorymon" (IGN Hannes)

Thanks a lot!
Since everyone else seems to have gotten their Pokemon, I'll just bump my request I posted on Thursday (after my other Pokemon I put up last Saturday got sniped). I redeposited them, just in case there was this disapearing glitch you mentioned.
Thank you!
Neither myself nor Blizzicane have the Modest Heatran, but I've sent the Landorus (sorry your post got skipped)
Thank you Theorymon :3

I deposited a lvl1 male Ralts
IGN = Nutella
Message = Theorymon
Request = timid Yveltal

I deposited a lvl1 male Skarmory
IGN = Nutella
Message = Theorymon
Request = modest Dialga

Deposited: lv.1 Honedge
Request: Modest Xerneas
IGN: LotusInc
Message: thanks theorymon

Thanks for the help again =)
Deposited LV. 6 F Phantump
Requesting Sassy Cresselia
IGN: Quentin
Message: Theorymon

Requesting Modest Heatran
Deposited LV. 13 F Driftloon
IGN Quentin
Message: Theorymon

Phantump sniped. Depositing LV. 1 M Marill

Why are people sniping regular pokemon for legendaries? Makes no sense.

Edit: Sniped again. Depositing another LV. 1 M Marill
Changing request to Salamence.
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Hi, can I get the mewtwo? Deposited Bellsprout lvl 3 female for it. Message Theorymon

IVs: 30/31/31/xx/31/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Pressure
Level: 71
OT: Theorymon ID: 00635

Got sniped. Gonna try and ask it tomorrow again :(
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Deposite: Lv.1 Honedge
Request: Timid Thundurus
IGN: LotusInc
Message: thanks theorymon

Hi Theorymon thanks again for the help
Deposit - lv36 golbat
IGN - veebyy
Msg - theorymon
Want -
IVs: 31/31/28/31/31/0
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Drought
Level: 45
OT: Adam ID: 17504

Thanks for all the help!
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Let's try this again:

Depositing a lvl 1 Hawlucha
Requesting Timid Thundurus
IGN: Rhett
Message: Theorymon

Depositing a lvl 20 Spoink
Requesting Timid Latios
IGN: Ruby
Message: Theorymon

Thanks again!
Could I get a copy of the lonely zekrom? I deposited a lv 45 male Durant with the message tmon. Ign Aditya. Thanks!
Hi! I would like to receive this cutemon :3

Raichu (
[Battle Ready]
IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Lightning Rod
Level: 51
OT: TheSaxlad ID: 02286


-Volt Tackle
-Fake Out
-Helping Hand

Breeding a Volt Tackle Pichu is one of the worst things ever. Seriously, being required to hold a light ball while breeding a baby Pokemon?! What the heck was Gamefreak thinking?! Thankfully, Nugget Bridge user TheSaxlad is here to the rescue, breeding this beast! Believe it or not, I think with a zap plate, Raichu can actually OHKO Kyogre o_O

IGN: Sarrasasa
Pokemon deposited: Lv.7 female Whismur
Message: Theorymon

Thanks so much for the kyogre!! I really appreciate it! I'd like to request another if that's okay.

Requested: the jolly rayquaza
Deposited: Deino lvl 26 male
IGN: Brian
Message: Ty theory

And happy Valentine's day to everyone!
Hi! I am renewing my Heatran request,and if is possible I would like to add another request!

Heatran (
IVs: 29/27/31/31/30/31
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flash Fire
Level: 51
OT: Christie ID: 38843

-Heat Wave
-Earth Power

Oldman Keith donated this nearly perfect Modest Heatran. I wouldn't use it at this years VGC, but this thing is PERFECT for all the other Battle Spot Metagames. Especially in Battle Spot Doubles, where Heatran was part of the infamous "CHALK" core!

IGN: Patagarru
Pokemon deposited: lv.2 female Zigzagoon
Message: Theorymon

Thanks so much!!!
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Thanks for all of the pokemon so far!

Next request timid raikou
Ign Josh
Donation 5 iv Magikcarp
Reposting from several pages ago so it is easier to see. Happy V-day, by the way! Thanks again for everything you do!

Heyo! Thanks again and always for this giveaway!

Deposited: lvl 13 Male Gulpin
IGN: Landen
Message: Theorymon
IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/31
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Level: 71
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Air Lock
OT: Anne ID: 32901


Deposted: lvl 8 female Silcoon
IGN: Wesley
Message: Theorymon
Want:Groudon (Gordon)
IVs: 31/31/31/20-21/30/1
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Nature: Brave
Ability: Drought
Level: 100
OT: Joseph ID: 37476
Thanks for al the stuff. This time I'd like the Jolly Raichu.

Deposited a level 1 female Numel(too many of these.)
Message is Theorymon
IGN is Cowless
Both of these were snipped, so I am reposting:
Request: Modest Xerneas
Deposited: Level 13 male zigzagoon
Message: Theorymon :)
IGN: Quentin

Request: Timid Yveltal
Deposited: Level 9 male skiddo
Message: Theorymon!
IGN: Quentin

Thanks again!

Edit: thanks Legofigure11 !
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IVs: 31/31/31/31/28/31
Nature: Timid
Ability: Pressure
Level: 50
OT: LegoFigure11 ID: 09388


-Calm Mind

Legofigure11 's pretty rad Timid Lugia! At level 50 that 28 SpD is only one point off of Special Defense, so Lugia still takes most hits well. This is untrained, since Lugia has many different speed options to hit. I'd recommend at least 180 Speed EVs to outspeed Mega Kangaskhan, Palkia, and Salamence before it mega evolves. Feel free to change the moveset: I made it CM because I remember that it was the most common in Generation Showdown (though I think people used Ice Beam over Psyshock), there's also dual screens as an option.

IGN: Sgaragagaggu
Pokemon deposited: Lv.35 female magikarp
Message: Theorymon

Thanks so much!!!

Sent the Lugia! (I don't have access to the modest Heatran, so it may be advisable to edit your post so that you are requesting only that)

Both of these were snipped, so I am reposting:

Request: Modest Xerneas
Deposited: Level 13 male zigzagoon
Message: Theorymon :)
IGN: Quentin

Thanks again!
Sent the Xerneas! (I don't have access to the Yveltal, so it maybe be advisable to edit your post so you're only requesting that)
Requested: Legofigure11's quiet palkia
Deposited: Magikarp Lv 15
IGN: Chris
Message: Theorymon vgc

Requested: Groudon (OT: Theorymon, Quiet Nature, Level '81-90')
Deposited: Plusle lv 12
IGN: Chris
Message: Theorymon vgc
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Request 1

IVs: 31/30/31/31/31/3
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Levitate
Level: 50
OT: Most ID: 50959

Deposit: Pidgey Lv.1 Female
IGN: Vera
Message: Thanks Theorymon

Request 2
IVs: 31/31/31/26/31/31
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Drought
Level: 45
OT: Jibaku ID: 28343
Deposit: Larvitar Lv.1 male
IGN: Aurion
Message: Thanks Theorymon

Thanks in advance!
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