PU PU Winter Seasonal - Round 8

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[awaiting tour-specific art]
(approved by Galbia (circuit approved by Oglemi), current art by brightobject)
Welcome to the second PU Seasonal! These seasonals will be part of the PU Circuit. Entering in this seasonal earns you points for an overall PU leaderboard. After a number of seasonals (depening on activity), the top 16 players on this leaderboard will enter a seeded playoffs, where the winner of the tournament will become the PU champion! There may also be other prizes in store, which are still being discussed.
Specific Rules:
  • This is a standard ORAS PU tournament.
  • This tournament will be a double elimination tournament.
  • If you drop out of the tournament immediately after losing in winner's bracket, you will be banned from future PU circuit tournaments, and potentially risk being infracted.
  • All rounds will be best of three.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!.
  • To encourage the development of the metagame, and so that everyone is on an even playing field, all matches must have replays recorded. If neither player posts replays of the match, regardless of whether you confirm that your opponent won, your series will be coinflipped unless you can provide replays. We will not disqualify both players, but we will coinflip the series, not because we don't believe that you played, but because the replay rule ensures everyone is on an even playing field, as stated. There may be exceptions to this rule.
  • PU is a usage based tier. Essentially you can use anything that is not in a higher tier; NU effectively serves as the PU banlist. However, there are several Pokemon and one move banned from PU which are not in NU or a higher tier; aka BL4. This consists of Barbaracle, Carracosta, Exeggutor, Linoone, Throh, Vigoroth, Victreebel, and the move Chatter.
Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same PokeDex number on his team.
  • Sleep Clause: You cannot inflict sleep upon more than one member of the opposing team.
  • Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned.
  • OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
Winner's Bracket:
lockjaw vs shartruce
Teddeh vs Rayzark
Feliburn vs r0ady
amber lamps vs Raiza

Loser's Bracket:
HJAD vs Azkul
Dundies vs KJ Corp
zdrup15 vs Entei.
Megazard vs Shaneghoul

If I made a mistake or you dropped out, please tell me

Thursday 24th March, 8pm gmt+0 (3pm est)

General Tournament Rules:
  • Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
  • Scouting: Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any blatant scouting. There is a difference between "[user] is known for using stall" and "let me follow [user] around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter. I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. Everyone will have access to your replays from earlier rounds though.
  • Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.
  • Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.
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I would have won the series 2-0 because without that confusion I would have set the rocks and then won the battle. Pokemon is funny :)
I would have won the series 2-0 because without that confusion I would have set the rocks and then won the battle. Pokemon is funny :)
Prin has defog, it wouldn't have been over simply because you set rocks that turn :X but ggs and good luck in losers bracket
Prin has defog, it wouldn't have been over simply because you set rocks that turn :X but ggs and good luck in losers bracket

I could take the advantage of that because you couldn't use Shedinja and it wasn't the only turn in which I had bad luck. Thank your for your good luck. I was a little bit angry but now I have calmed down. Have fun in next rounds and hope we see each other again :)
lost, incredible amount of hax took what should've been an easy g2 way out of my hands but oh well at least g1 was clean
betting on amber lamps to win this
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