A Blueblizz of Pokemon! Jirachi Giveaway Please Read Rules! Latest Update: 4/30/2016 Nya! :3

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I would like to get:

Pokèmon: Heracross

Level: 29

OT/ID: Gus/29040

Ability: Guts

Nature: Adamant

IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31

EVs: N/A

Move 1: Take Down

Move 2: Rock Blast

Move 3: Pursuit

Move 4: N/A

Fully Redis

Notes: Donated by Matteo

Deposit: LVL 33 male heracross

IGN: Mattia

Message: Blizzicane
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Hi, could I have this one please?


Level: 100
OT/ID: Bluemew/33207
Nickname: Gloria
Ability: Sandforce
Nature: Impish
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP/144 Def/112 SpD

Move 1: Earthquake
Move 2: Stealth Rock
Move 3: Slack Off
Move 4: Whirlwind

Deposited: Lv.2 female Poochyena
IGN: Daniel
Message: Blizzicane

Thanks in advance!
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Pokemon Wanted: Xemnas' Garchomp
Pokemon Deposited (level/gender/species): 16/female/Spinda
IGN: Daevon
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Not doing request yet (not sure if I am doing it today) but I have updated all of iPRODiGY VGC's Donated Pokemon to free redis from fully redis per his request, nya. :3
[Heracross] Level: 29
OT/ID: Gus/29040
Ability: Guts
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
EVs: N/A

Move 1: Take Down
Move 2: Rock Blast
Move 3: Pursuit
Move 4: N/A
Fully Redis
Notes: Donated by Matteo
Deposited: lvl. 3 male Poochyena
IGN: D a v i n
Message: Blizzicane

Thanks in advance : )
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Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. Also, I wasn't sure if you wanted an Alakazam or a Ferrothorn because you stated you wanted an Alakazam but you had the information for Ferrothorn listed.

Yeah an alakazam was wanted haha. I was sniped, yes. I've reuploaded more specifically this time. Sorry about that!

Alakazam level 12 Male

Not doing request yet (not sure if I am doing it today) but I have updated all of iPRODiGY VGC's Donated Pokemon to free redis from fully redis per his request, nya. :3

Er seems i'm too late.
Hi, could i request a female modest eevee with the anticipation ability.
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
IGN: Jophie
Deposited pokemon: Male Wailmer Level 25.
message: Blizzicane
deposited a lvl 1 female mienfoo
requesting for latios

thank y very much!!!!i was looking for a defog latios for months!!!thank y!!!thank y!!!! :) :)
Hi, could i request a female modest eevee with the anticipation ability.
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
IGN: Jophie
Deposited pokemon: Male Wailmer Level 25.
message: Blizzicane
Direct quote from OP

  • Most spitbacks will have 4 to 5 IVs but will most likely not have ideal IVs but can have them, nya. They can also potentially have 6IVs! and even more rare 3IVs (which you wouldn't want). They may also be listed if I clone them, nya.
porygon 2
Level: 70
OT/ID: Xemnas/20016
Ability: Trace
Nature: Bold
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EVs: 244 HP/252 Def/12 SpD
i deposited a lvl 14 roselia male
message ... blizzicane
ty in advance
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Direct quote from OP

  • Most spitbacks will have 4 to 5 IVs but will most likely not have ideal IVs but can have them, nya. They can also potentially have 6IVs! and even more rare 3IVs (which you wouldn't want). They may also be listed if I clone them, nya.
those are the ideal IVs
those are the ideal IVs

I know,

"but most likely will not have ideal IVs"

He's not breeding them on demand. You're asking for a spitback. They're usually not perfect like that.

Anyways if you can wait a few days I'm contacting him about donating my perfect Shiny Sylveon.
I know,

"but most likely will not have ideal IVs"

He's not breeding them on demand. You're asking for a spitback. They're usually not perfect like that.

Anyways if you can wait a few days I'm contacting him about donating my perfect Shiny Sylveon.

oh alright. thanks then :)
Gender: Male
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVs: 6 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe

Move 1: Volt Switch
Move 2: Thunderbolt
Move 3: Overheat
Move 4: Hidden Power

Pokemon deposited: combee/male/lvl1
pokemon wanted: your porygon2
ign: Brandon
message: Blizzicane
pokemon deposited: lvl 22 female wobbuffet
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Request time, nya! Also, possible update after this post as well, nya.

Updated the OP with a new rule that states (effective as soon as I post this):
  • Avoid depositing the same Pokemon as the one you are receiving, nya. Because that makes me tend to believe I still have a copy of that Pokemon left when really it is just some junk pokemon, nya. And that also could lead to me potentially sending that Pokemon instead of my own (I haven't done this yet but still).

Additionally, Bluemew and I are potentially going to join threads soon so look forward to it, nya! Which also means traffic will probably raise so if or when it happens so if you are a person with a powersaves and some free time and are willing to be a distributor pm me, nya. :3

Again so sorry love your giveaways though:
Level: 100
OT/ID: Bluemew/33207
Nickname: Lemonite
Ability: Multiscale
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk/6 Def/252 Spe

Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Outrage
Move 3: Earthquake
Move 4: Extreme Speed

Deposit : Electrike
IGN : Chloe
Message : Blizzicane

Thx !

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. Also, remember to state the gender and level of the deposited Pokemon, nya.

Hello! My vullaby was sniped, so I'm depositing a: zubat Lvl 16 Female
Asking for Bluemew's Espeon
IGN: ヨシキ

Sent, nya!

Hope I'm not asking for too much

Pokemon Wanted: Xemnas's Milotic
Pokemon deposited: lv. 25 female pelipper
IGN: Jeffrey
Message: Blizzikitty

Sent, nya! And its never too much, nya. :3

Request: Bluemew's Breloom
Deposit: LVL 8 Female Wurmple
IGN: Rohan
Message: rpalvai
Thanks for the mon.

Sent, nya!

Would like to request these guys:

Bluemew's Crobat
Deposited: female lvl 1 Eevee
Message: Blizzicane ty!

Bluemew's Bisharp
Deposited: male lvl 30 pikachu
IGN: Percy
Message: Blizzicane ty!

Bluemew's Ferrothorn
Deposited: female lvl 15 Helioptile
IGN: Bryan
Message: Blizzicane ty!

As always, thank you so much! You're the best!! =]

Sent all of them, nya! :3

Deposited: Lv. 16 Male Machop
Request: Bluemew's Togekiss
IGN: Caio
Message: Blizzicane

Sent, nya!

Pokemon: Wanted: Gyarados
Level: 100
OT/ID: Bluemew/33207
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Careful
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 248 HP/104 Def/156 SpD

Pokemon Deposited: Azumaril female level 20
IGN: T-Rex
Message: Thanks =)

Sent, nya!


Wanted: Kyurem
Level: 50
OT/ID: Quentin/16261
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/4-5/29/31/30/31
EVs: N/A

Pokemon Deposited: Larvitar male level 1
IGN: Sam
Message: blizzicane

Sent, nya!

Sorry that my previous requests were all sniped and I had no time at all to redeposit until now.

Request: iPRODiGY VGC's Greninja
Deposited: Lvl. 18 Mightyena (F)
IGN: Wesley
Message: Blizzicane

Thank you!

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. :C

Pokemon Wanted: HP Fire Latios
Pokemon deposited: lv. 1 male Mawile
IGN: Geovano
Message: Blizzicane

Thanks in advance!

Sent, nya!

Pokemon Wanted:Heatran
Ability:Flash fire
Pokemon Deposited:25/male/tentacool


Sent, nya!

Pokemon Wanted: Cresselia
Pokemon Deposited: 27/Male/Psyduck
IGN: Moshuu


Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. :C

IGN: Kyle
Deposited: Elgyem Level 37 Male
Message: Blizzicane

Level: 100 Latios
OT/ID: Cora/44698
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/06/31/30/31/30
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe

Move 1: Psyshock
Move 2: Draco Meteor
Move 3: Hidden Power (Fire)
Move 4: Defog
Please and thank you!

Sent, nya!

Pokemon wanted:
Larvitar - Level: 40 - OT/ID: Gus/29040

Pokemon deposited: female lv40 larvitar
IGN: Marine
Message: Blizzicane

Pokemon wanted Aegislash (lv61)
Pokemon deposited: lv1 male tauros
IGN: Suzu
Message: Blizzicane

thankies ^^
edit: reuploaded

Sent both, nya!

I would like to get:

Pokèmon: Heracross

Level: 29

OT/ID: Gus/29040

Ability: Guts

Nature: Adamant

IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31

EVs: N/A

Move 1: Take Down

Move 2: Rock Blast

Move 3: Pursuit

Move 4: N/A

Fully Redis

Notes: Donated by Matteo

Deposit: LVL 24 female heracross

IGN: Mattia

Message: Blizzicane

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. :C

Hi, could I have this one please?


Level: 100
OT/ID: Bluemew/33207
Nickname: Gloria
Ability: Sandforce
Nature: Impish
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP/144 Def/112 SpD

Move 1: Earthquake
Move 2: Stealth Rock
Move 3: Slack Off
Move 4: Whirlwind

Deposited: Lv.2 female Poochyena
IGN: Daniel
Message: Blizzicane

Thanks in advance!

Sent, nya!

Pokemon Wanted: Xemnas' Garchomp
Pokemon Deposited (level/gender/species): 16/female/Spinda
IGN: Daevon

Sent, nya!

The milotic​
I would like this I put a lvl 21 zangoose in that's female with your name

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. Also, please follow the format in the OP or at least use a format that everyone else is using, nya. :3

redepositing with Level 12 Male Vivillon.

Sent, nya! And I am not sure if I told you this before or if it was someone else but crossing out your quote doesn't cross out your original post and your original post has not been crossed out, nya. Alternatively, you could just edit the post instead of making a new.


Deposited: lvl. 3 male Poochyena
IGN: D a v i n
Message: Blizzicane

Thanks in advance : )

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. :C

Yeah an alakazam was wanted haha. I was sniped, yes. I've reuploaded more specifically this time. Sorry about that!

Alakazam level 12 Male

Er seems i'm too late.

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya.

Request: shiny ferrothorn
Deposit: Zorua lv. 9 male

Fitting name for what your asking X3 and I assume your IGN is Brendon, nya? Because you didn't list it but I sent it anyway, nya. :3

deposited a lvl 1 female mienfoo
requesting for latios

thank y very much!!!!i was looking for a defog latios for months!!!thank y!!!thank y!!!! :) :)

Sent, nya!

porygon 2
Level: 70
OT/ID: Xemnas/20016
Ability: Trace
Nature: Bold
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
EVs: 244 HP/252 Def/12 SpD
i deposited a lvl 14 roselia male
message ... blizzicane
ty in advance

Sent, nya!

Gender: Male
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31
EVs: 6 Def/252 SpA/252 Spe

Move 1: Volt Switch
Move 2: Thunderbolt
Move 3: Overheat
Move 4: Hidden Power

Pokemon deposited: combee/male/lvl1

Either sniped, lost in GTS, or bad info, nya. :C

pokemon wanted: your porygon2
ign: Brandon
message: Blizzicane
pokemon deposited: lvl 22 female wobbuffet

Sent, nya!
Thanks for the kyurem! Would like a couple of iPRODIGY mons

OT: Quentin/16261
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy
IVs: 31/24/31/31/31/08


Level: 1
Gender: female
Pokemon: Drilburr
IGN: Sam

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Thanks for the kyurem! Would like another iPRODIGY mon

OT: Quentin/16261
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy
IVs: 31/24/31/31/31/08


Level: 1
Gender: female
Pokemon: Drilburr
IGN: Sam

Woop Woop told you people would be interested. Thanks for adding it!
Level: 54
OT/ID: Shaun/38155
Ability: Pixilate
Nature: Modest
IVs: 31/23/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 HP/6 Def/252 SpA

hey thanks again for the porygon2 ....
ign danielle
deposit lvl 45 murkrow
message blizzicane
Hello, I would love this iPRODIGY Cresselia:

OT: Quentin/16261
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy
IVs: 31/24/31/31/31/08

IGN: Will
Deposited: Espurr, Female, Lvl. 1
Message: Blizzicane

Thank you

Edit: Got sniped, deposited and Espurr now
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