Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

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An option to enable/disable room invites. The amount of groupchats I get invited to by people I don't know is annoying.
Would it be at all possible to implement a password protection system for backchannels? Obviously with the caveat that auth could bypass it.
Hi, so I was in the Help room today, and a user asked: "Is there any ability like lightning rod for grass type moves?". I then realised that there wasn't a command to search for abilities, which was kinda weird since there was one for items, moves and Pokemon. The command, which would be something like /abilitysearch, would operate the same as /itemsearch -- input a keyword, and abilities that contain that keyword in their description will show up.
Would it be possible to create a shortcut in the /rank command? e.g. "/rank [user], ag" or "/rank [user], bh" instead of "/rank [user], anythinggoes" or "/rank [user], balancedhackmons" respectively, as it would make things a lot easier when trying to do a quick /rank on an opponent before a match, and less annoying if they play a bunch of metas and preventing you from scrolling through dozens of metas to find the meta you want to know their rank in. I can help with creating the shortcuts for metas w/ longer names if whoever implements this (if it gets approved) would like the help. I feel like this is a reasonably valid suggestion as there are already shortcuts for joining rooms (e.g. /j om instead of /j othermetas) and it would make life a lot easier, particularly when you're trying to have a conversation simultaneously. Sorry if this is too bothersome to implement/generally irrelevant to everyone else/has been suggested before and denied (I'm not about to read 32 pages rof).
Everyone who plays PS! should know about the Replay function. You can save a battle after you have played it, regardless whether you won or loss. This can be used to taunt your foes, show a funny match, and to show people your playstyle.

When someone post their replay into the chat, private or public, you only see a link of the battle and that is it. Do you believe there should be more development into the replays, such as showing the players names, and the score?

Here is an example of what I am talking about: (Link provided by ArcadeKiller)
(This is a standard PS! replay link)

Now this is what I think the replay links should look like: ArcadeKiller vs Dickmcbutt (1-0) [4 PKMN vs 6PKMN]

Do you agree? Please reply your opinion down below!

(I am not part of the staff nor work for the PS! website, and that by posting this, I do not promise any changes made to the website, this is a simple opinion made into a post.)
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Hi, this is simply a suggestion, i'm not sure why you made a whole thread for it. I'm merging it with suggestions but I'm iffy on whether what you're suggesting is even possible.
Hi, this is simply a suggestion, i'm not sure why you made a whole thread for it. I'm merging it with suggestions but I'm iffy on whether what you're suggesting is even possible.

Yeah sorry about that, new to the forums, dont know how much works around here, thanks for my error by the way.

What I am suggesting is that the link of the replay shows the players usernames, the score, and the number of pokemon used. I am pretty sure it is possible as it would be the same link, just different text. It would be like adding a hyperlink to text such as this: ArcadeKiller vs Dickmcbutt (1-0) [4 PKMN vs 6PKMN]
1. The time limit should be 60 seconds not 150 seconds. That's too much time wasted waiting on someone to chose their next move.
2. There should be some type of penalty for people who like to harass others just b/c they are losing.
3. Fix monotype (or any game mode) to where you are only allow 1 item per pokemon. it's annoying fighting 3 or more pokemon with choice scarf/leftovers/black sludge. ect
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1. The time limit should be 60 seconds not 150 seconds. That's too much time wasted waiting on someone to chose their next move.
2. There should be some type of penalty for people who like to harass others just b/c they are losing.
3. Fix monotype (or any game mode) to where you are only allow 1 item per pokemon. it's annoying fighting 3 or more pokemon with choice scarf ect.
1. The 3 minutes has been discussed to death. It's meant to be the perfect time for a player to look up calcs/think etc. 60 seconds is a very short amount of time to do anything but click moves. Also, the timer adds 30 seconds every time you make a move, so if someone takes 120 seconds to make a move in one turn, they have 60 seconds the next. They cannot keep taking 150 seconds every time. If someone admits that they're doing it just to waste your time, report them to an @ in help room.
2. You can report them to mods (@) in the help room and they will look into it.
3. There is not item clause in smogon and there are no plans to add them. If someone is running 3 scarf mons, they're taking a risk as they will have 3 pokemon that are locked to a single move.
1. The time limit should be 60 seconds not 150 seconds. That's too much time wasted waiting on someone to chose their next move.
2. There should be some type of penalty for people who like to harass others just b/c they are losing.
3. Fix monotype (or any game mode) to where you are only allow 1 item per pokemon. it's annoying fighting 3 or more pokemon with choice scarf ect.

How do you expect #2 to work? If they are harrassing you in chat, there isn't an automatic system that suspects they are salty. If someone is being a sore loser and offensive you should report them to a person who can do something about it, (@, &,#)
1. The 3 minutes has been discussed to death. It's meant to be the perfect time for a player to look up calcs/think etc. 60 seconds is a very short amount of time to do anything but click moves. Also, the timer adds 30 seconds every time you make a move, so if someone takes 120 seconds to make a move in one turn, they have 60 seconds the next. They cannot keep taking 150 seconds every time. If someone admits that they're doing it just to waste your time, report them to an @ in help room.
2. You can report them to mods (@) in the help room and they will look into it.
3. There is not item clause in smogon and there are no plans to add them. If someone is running 3 scarf mons, they're taking a risk as they will have 3 pokemon that are locked to a single move.

1. How long has pokemon been out? People should know damage by now. Not saying I can tell you right off the bat what a move will do, but people should know what moves are effective and which moves are resistant.
2. 60 secs is a good amount of time. If it takes you 2 1/2 minutes to do calculations then something is wrong.
3. Item clause would be a great thing to implement. Even in the pokemon games you don't see gym leaders or final four using the same items on their pokemon. I maybe wrong, but last time I checked their pokemon had different items.

I forgot 2 add one thing. There should be a player report button or something. Thumbs up Thumbs down for that player. I just started playing not that long ago and people take this game way too serious to enjoy.
1. How long has pokemon been out? People should know damage by now. Not saying I can tell you off the bat what a move will do, but people should know what moves are effective and which moves are resistant.
2. 60 secs is a good amount of time. If it takes you 2 1/2 minutes to do calculations then something is wrong.
3. Item clause would be a great thing to implement. Even in the games you don't see gym leaders or final four using the same items on their pokemon. I maybe wrong, but last time I checked their pokemon had different items.
Item Clause is a ridiculous idea; Pokémon Showdown is a competitive battling simulator and thus we should be able to choose any item we want, since we're just playing competitively. This isn't the Battle Tower or any ingame simulator. There was a discussion about this in 2009, and the conclusion that was reached was "item Clause has nothing to do with competitive Pokémon". However, a few formats do have item clause in place.
Item Clause is a ridiculous idea; Pokémon Showdown is a competitive battling simulator and thus we should be able to choose any item we want, since we're just playing competitively. This isn't the Battle Tower or any ingame simulator. There was a discussion about this in 2009, and the conclusion that was reached was "item Clause has nothing to do with competitive Pokémon". However, a few formats do have item clause in place.

I don't know what Pokemon you were playing before showdown but when I played Pokemon on Nintendo DS & 3DS they even had an item clause. You couldn't send a team of 6 Pokemon into battle with the same item, they would tell you it was not allowed. Even in the local tournaments I attended multiple items were banned. So I don't know how "item clause" has nothing to do with competitive Pokémon when it's not allowed even in the games. You can't have just VGC and few other formats apply item clause and not others.
I don't know what Pokemon you were playing before showdown but when I played Pokemon on Nintendo DS & 3DS they even had an item clause. You couldn't send a team of 6 Pokemon into battle with the same item, they would tell you it was not allowed. Even in the local tournaments I attended multiple items were banned. So I don't know how "item clause" has nothing to do with competitive Pokémon when it's not allowed even in the games. You can't have just VGC and few other formats apply item clause and not others.
when I played Pokemon on Nintendo DS & 3DS they even had an item clause. You couldn't send a team of 6 Pokemon into battle with the same item, they would tell you it was not allowed
in-game pokemon =/= competitive pokemon
I don't know what Pokemon you were playing before showdown but when I played Pokemon on Nintendo DS & 3DS they even had an item clause. You couldn't send a team of 6 Pokemon into battle with the same item, they would tell you it was not allowed. Even in the local tournaments I attended multiple items were banned. So I don't know how "item clause" has nothing to do with competitive Pokémon when it's not allowed even in the games. You can't have just VGC and few other formats apply item clause and not others.

VGC is the "Official" Nintendo format, so it follows Nintendo rules. These closely align to ingame rules.

All other formats are Smogon formats (OU, etc) and are only required to conform to the limitations imposed on Wi-Fi battles (additional restrictions are debated and implemented by the Smogon community). Item clause does not apply here, so Smogon were not required to include it as they felt the metagame was better off without such a restriction.

In summary, the reason item clause is applied to some formats and not others is because different groups of people decide the rules for different formats. PS! provides a simulator for those formats to be played according to the predetermined rules. At the end of the day, doesn't independently make these decisions for any permanent / competitive format, so even if item clause was up for discussion (which it isn't) this would not be the place for it.
VGC is the "Official" Nintendo format, so it follows Nintendo rules. These closely align to ingame rules.

All other formats are Smogon formats (OU, etc) and are only required to conform to the limitations imposed on Wi-Fi battles (additional restrictions are debated and implemented by the Smogon community). Item clause does not apply here, so Smogon were not required to include it as they felt the metagame was better off without such a restriction.

In summary, the reason item clause is applied to some formats and not others is because different groups of people decide the rules for different formats. PS! provides a simulator for those formats to be played according to the predetermined rules. At the end of the day, doesn't independently make these decisions for any permanent / competitive format, so even if item clause was up for discussion (which it isn't) this would not be the place for it.

If they are imposed on wifi battles, when was it allowed for pokemon to have same items?

Then turn around and say "smogon made the rules, but smogon don't follow the rules or we pick and choose which rules we will abide by."

What's the point of having a "SUGGESTION if you guys don't want to hear suggestions. (we make the forums, but we choose where the "suggestion post" belongs" lol.
If they are imposed on wifi battles, when was it allowed for pokemon to have same items?

Then turn around and say "smogon made the rules, but smogon don't follow the rules or we pick and choose which rules we will abide by."

What's the point of having a "SUGGESTION if you guys don't want to hear suggestions. (we make the forums, but we choose where the "suggestion post" belongs" lol. is an online pokemon simulator for smogon metagames. This is what it was designed for. It also supports VGC / Official Nintendo formats, but when you play something like "OU", that is a smogon metagame. The pokemon allowed are decided by smogon statistical tiering and suspect tests. The additional restrictions are decided upon by the smogon community.

When I say "Wi-Fi battles", I mean direct challenges, not battle spot laddering.

The format for cartridge style online play is also called "Battle Spot" on Showdown, and it has the Nintendo restrictions you seem to want.

Essentially, be aware of what format you are laddering in. There's no point in forcing one predetermined format to conform to the rules of another when both can happily co-exist.
I don't know if this is the right thread, but I want to report a bug. I was playing a random 2nd generation battle and I had a male Kangaskhan. It would be great if you fixed it
I don't know if this is the right thread, but I want to report a bug. I was playing a random 2nd generation battle and I had a male Kangaskhan. It would be great if you fixed it
hi, i believe you are looking for this thread; it would also be useful if there was some sort of replay or screenshot to support your points
I wish there was a special room for playing with a freely modified type chart. Obviously both players would have to accept the altered chart before the battle begins and restrictions would be placed to prevent endless battles (no type would be able to have more than 2 immunities for example).
I wish there was a special room for playing with a freely modified type chart. Obviously both players would have to accept the altered chart before the battle begins and restrictions would be placed to prevent endless battles (no type would be able to have more than 2 immunities for example).
it would be hard for the administrators to implement or make a tier (i think you meant tier, not room because that would be ridiculous having a room for such a thing) just like this; thought and preperation would need to go into this to decide what the various type charts could be (the furthest PS! has gotten to with altered type charts is inverse battles), making the idea more suitable for a pet mod (although it'll most likely be rejected since people will go wild with ideas and inverse battle is sufficient for now as a type-chart tier) since they are basically tiers that require to be planned first (eg: new stats / new pokemon).
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