Revolving Door of Pokemon (Continuous)

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IGN: Skarmbliss
Deposited: Lv. 2 female Zigzagoon
Wanted: Timid HP Fire Ditto (FlameWarII)
Message: Cannibal Timid

Apparently Caterpie is in high demand, people keep giving me lv.100 Dittos for them

Changed to Zigzagoon, hopefully with better luck lol.
Deposited: Male Marill Lvl 1
Message Cannibal Adamant

Wanted: Entei [Untrained]
IVs: 31/31/31/23/29/31
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Pressure
Level: 50
OT: Cannibal ID: 00289

Thank you! It was instantaneous man! You are the best!
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IGN Maesus
Deposited: Larvesta lv 50 female
Want: Ditto Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/31 メタモン Level 100
Message: Cannibal

Damn that was quick! Thanks
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I'm trying to breed a 0 Spe EV Ferroseed so this little guy here can help me:

*IGN: !!!
*Deposited: an awesome Lv.15, Male, Magikarp.
*Wanted: [ENG] Brave Ditto with 0EVs in Spe.
*Message: Cannibal(Brave)!

Thanks a lot.
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IGN: Mason
Deposited: Tentacool @ level 20
Pokemon Wanted: That Adamant Ho-Oh
Message: Cannibal
I didn't add the nickname I wanted because I assumed that because it was from a previous generation that you couldn't nickname it. If you magically can I'd like "Spectrarc". I honestly think this thread is too good to be true haha
I think I posted and put it on the GTS at the same time. Either way, the Zigzagoon is there right now, asking for a Ditto lv.91+
IGN: Dayon
Deposited: lvl 4 female wurmple
Wanted: ENG 6iv ditto (any nature)
Message: Cannibal
I lost everything.. :( please help me rebuild my teams by getting a good ditto
thanks alot
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IGN: May
Deposited: wurmple, lvl3, female, name: Todgepull
Wanted: Ditto, [JPN] Adamant, Jolly 31/31/31/31/31/31 メタモン Level 100
Message: Chikachikaaaa

Thanks a lot!
Hi, awesome giveaway! Thanks a lot dude!

I'd need a Ditto as following, thanks a lot!

IGN: Biondina
Deposited: Level 15 Female Zubat
Wanted: JPN Adamant Ditto
Message: Biondina Adamant

(i've put lvl 91 or higher to avoid snipes also)
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Deposited: Male Lvl 1 Marill
Message: Cannibal Adamant
Hitmontop [Untrained/EV-wiped]
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
Level: 20
OT: Kirk ID: 01916
Moveset: Fake Out, Rapid Spin, Sucker Punch, Mach Punch

Hey, this is an amazing giveaway. Thank you again.
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IGN: Kai
Deposited: Level 1 Female Ferroseed
Pokemon Wanted: Ho-Oh [UT]
Message: Thanks Cannibal

Tried not to be greedy but I just couldn't pass up this Ho-oh, got me hooked man. lol
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IGN: Dayon
Deposited: lvl 4 female wurmple
Wanted: ENG 6iv ditto (any nature)
Message: Cannibal
I lost everything.. :( please help me rebuild my teams by getting a good ditto
thanks alot
IGN: Jared
Deposited: Level 2 Female Wurmple
Pokemon Wanted: [ENG] Any 6iv ditto
Message: Cannibal

Thank you sir!
Hi, awesome giveaway!

I'd need a Ditto as following, thanks a lot!

IGN: Biondina
Deposited: Level 15 Female Zubat
Wanted: JPN Adamant Ditto
Message: Biondina Adamant

(i've put lvl 91 or higher to avoid snipes also)
Deposited: Male Lvl 1 Marill
Message: Cannibal Adamant
Hitmontop [Untrained/EV-wiped]
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
Level: 20
OT: Kirk ID: 01916
Moveset: Fake Out, Rapid Spin, Sucker Punch, Mach Punch

Hey, this is an amazing giveaway. Thank you again.
IGN: Kai
Deposited: Level 1 Female Ferroseed
Pokemon Wanted: Ho-Oh [UT]
Message: Thanks Cannibal

Tried not to be greedy but I just couldn't pass up this Ho-oh, got me hooked man. lol
I'd like the HP Ice "judas" Ditto
IGN: Mega
Deposited: lvl 10 female zubat
Msg: Cannibal
IGN: Kai
Deposited: Level 1 male Pawniard
Pokemon Wanted: Eng-Ditto (HP Ice)
Message: Thanks Cannibal

Turns out I'm in desperate need for some HP ice pokemon for the Johto Classic.

IGN: Karyu
Deposited: Level 10 Female Zubat
Wanted: Previous Generation Ho Oh
Message: Cannibal Ho Oh


IGN: Azriel
Deposited: Lvl 15 Male Snorlax
Wanted: JPN Timid Ditto
Message: Cannibal Timid
Thank you so much :)

I think I posted and put it on the GTS at the same time. Either way, the Zigzagoon is there right now, asking for a Ditto lv.91+
Yeah, I couldn't find it now nor a few minutes after you first put it up. If it's still there, it's buried under several pages. Try putting up something else.

I got sniped again =,D

I think I have PM'd though so if you could reply to me on there when you get chance that'd be better as I would like a few of those different ditto ^.^

If anyone else could help me that would also be much appreciated!

Will PM you. ;)
Sorry to hear of your lost laptop...I cry!
Well, it finally gives me the opportunity to replace it with a better one, so it's not all bad. I've actually been planning to replace that old laptop for the last 3 years. :P
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IGN: Kai
Deposited: Level 1 male Pawniard
Pokemon Wanted: Eng-Ditto (HP Ground)
Message: Thanks Cannibal

Turns out I'm in desperate need for some HP Ground pokemon for the Johto Classic.
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WANT: JPN Adamant Ditto lvl 100

DEPOSITED: Lvl 1 Nidoran Male
MESSAGE: Caniballistic

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Withdrawn.
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IGN: Karyu
Deposited: Level 10 Female Zubat
Wanted: Previous Generation Ho Oh
Message: Cannibal Ho Oh

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