[DONE] JOHTO CLASSIC - Post your results!

Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster. Really enjoying this tournament and thought I'd share my thoughts so far. Currently at 9 wins, 6 losses. Using a team of my favorites and some leftovers from the Kanto Classic (Blastoise, Alakazam, Gyarados, Raikou, Scizor, and Tyranitar).

My first four matches were losses against Japanese players that sent me to the low 1400s, but afterwards was able to climb back to the upper 1500s before losing to a 1650+ Japanese player and an American player in my final match. Lost a few times to overprediction, but overall the Japanese teams are well put-together. My favorite match so far was against a Ditto, a Shiny Suicune with Sheer Cold and Extreme Speed, and a Scizor I was almost able to win against.
I've yet to play any battles but after reading earlier posts it seems like Minimize Clefable is a pest in the cartridge competition. How prevalent would you guys say MinClef is on the cartridge ladder? Also, has anyone come across any Moody Smeargle/Espeon cores yet? Just want to gauge how different the Cartridge ladder is from the Showdown Ladder.
Just finished my matches, went 13-2. I was pretty frustrated about one of my losses, it was just entei and venusaur left. I missed the sacred fire that would've gotten me the win.

All in all I haven't seen as many clefables as I thought I would. Quagsire gives me problems. And Dugtrio puts in a loooot of work. It traps and kills a lot of common mons like Entei, Raikou, Arcanine, Magneton, and Tyranitar.
I am using Quagsire, Venusaur, Kangaskhan, Magneton, Entei and Azumarill. Sitting at an okayish 11-4 so far. Two dreadful misplays inflicted two needless early losses; another game I had the absolute pleasure of getting Fissured twice and crit Outraged all within three turns; and one game I got straight up outplayed.

One guy had a really cool team preview strategy of seeming like a perfectly innocent normal-type theme team, which turned out to be a Tailwind (Pidgeot) / Trick Room (Girafarig) set up for Belly Drum Snorlax and Guts Ursaring.

edit: Only two (evasion) Clefables made it into my games from around 5-6 preview screens where they were present. Nobody picked Suicune either. Smeargle/Espeon nowhere to be found. Oh well, the first day of competition is always like this.
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I've yet to play any battles but after reading earlier posts it seems like Minimize Clefable is a pest in the cartridge competition. How prevalent would you guys say MinClef is on the cartridge ladder? Also, has anyone come across any Moody Smeargle/Espeon cores yet? Just want to gauge how different the Cartridge ladder is from the Showdown Ladder.

In my first 15 matches I'd say I encountered about 5 Fables, but I was only able to confirm Minimize on two of them. The others I fought were of various other builds (Cosmic Power, CM) but I was able to deal with them before they became problematic (thank god for my Venusaur!).

No Smeargle/Espeon cores yet on cartridge. I think the Showdown ladder is pretty unique compared to the actual cartridge. I haven't even fought a Suicune yet (Raikou and Entei however are rampant). Weirdly enough I ran into a Sheer Cold Articuno...whatever gets the job done I guess.
Currently 12-3, but had two disconnects on my end in matches I would have won. My one real loss was to specs Gengar. So far I haven't encountered any MiniClef, Raikou, or Suicune.

If I do poorly tomorrow I may restart on the second cartridge I registered.
+3 Dragonite's Extremespeed crucially missed an opponents Espeon (assumingly with that annoying incense) which put me into a downwards spiral. Last opponent rage quitter after losing single handedly to Dragonite. 8 wins-7 losses. Damn.
Have seen no sign of any Clefables, Smeargles and only come across one distribution shiny Beast, and that was an Entei. (Which finished me after I predicted a Toxic from opponent's Umbreon which I predicted and didn't switch to Magneton which I assumed would be running Espeed with that substitute set, so I went for belly drum expecting Entei to sub and it didn't. Got finished by Espeed.) overall a complete misplay.
Hi everyone! New poster here. I just wanted to join the conversation. I played my 15 matches this morning and had the most fun playing competitively in spite of getting a losing record. This competition plays a lot better than the Kanto classic, and here I was thinking I'd enjoy the 6v6 format better.
+3 Dragonite's Extremespeed crucially missed an opponents Espeon (assumingly with that annoying incense) which put me into a downwards spiral. Last opponent rage quitter after losing single handedly to Dragonite. 8 wins-7 losses. Damn.
Have seen no sign of any Clefables, Smeargles and only come across one distribution shiny Beast, and that was an Entei. (Which finished me after I predicted a Toxic from opponent's Umbreon which I predicted and didn't switch to Magneton which I assumed would be running Espeed with that substitute set, so I went for belly drum expecting Entei to sub and it didn't. Got finished by Espeed.) overall a complete misplay.

Sucks you encountered a rage quitter but rest assured knowing it counted as a loss for him and a win for you!
Ten wins and several misplays on my part. My team's nightmare Quagsire got beated twice and the other problematic mon Cloyster is less common in the BS than in the Showdown. I fought a Smeargle running transform though... Moody is nowhere to be found, luckily.
Are we allowed to post our battle videos for the vsRecorder here? If not is there another thread specifically for that? I really would like to watch how my smogon brethren are doing. As for minifable, it's hella common unfortunately but thankfully Taunt Gengar has had success against it thus far.
Are we allowed to post our battle videos for the vsRecorder here? If not is there another thread specifically for that? I really would like to watch how my smogon brethren are doing. As for minifable, it's hella common unfortunately but thankfully Taunt Gengar has had success against it thus far.
We are allowed to but most people wait until after the competition just in case we face each other.
I ended the day with a (bad) score of 7-8. I lost a few battles to mistakes (like letting raikou faint when I should have switched out), but I lost around half of them due to terrible RNG, like when fire blast misses twice, WoW missing, and azumarill missing play rough. I really hope I can do much better tomorrow.
currently 1640, 15 battles with 13-2
not facing a lot of high ratings and its taking forever to search, is anyone else with similar rating playing right now?
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+3 Dragonite's Extremespeed crucially missed an opponents Espeon (assumingly with that annoying incense) which put me into a downwards spiral. Last opponent rage quitter after losing single handedly to Dragonite. 8 wins-7 losses. Damn.
Have seen no sign of any Clefables, Smeargles and only come across one distribution shiny Beast, and that was an Entei. (Which finished me after I predicted a Toxic from opponent's Umbreon which I predicted and didn't switch to Magneton which I assumed would be running Espeed with that substitute set, so I went for belly drum expecting Entei to sub and it didn't. Got finished by Espeed.) overall a complete misplay.

I loathe Rage Quitters with a passion. They deliberately try to tank your record out of pettiness, disconnecting on the off chance that it gets considered a loss on your end too. Two people rage quit on me and it made my heart jump when I saw the "Communication with your opponent has been interrupted" screen, it seriously made me worry that my connection had screwed me over. Thankfully I got the wins but it still pissed me off.

On a general usage note I'm seeing way more Espeons on the Cart than on Showdown. 6 players had Espeon on their team. 2 Light Clay variants, 2 Specs variants, and 2 Baton Pass variants. SpecsPeon was by far the most devastating mon whenever I faced off against it, it hits insanely hard and the variety of possible Espeon sets can make it somewhat hard to play around. Could also be just the type of team I'm running. 3 players had a Clef on their team, thankfully not the obnoxious MinClef variant. All of those variants were Wish Protect types or Moonlight. As expected, Azumarill and Dragonite are pretty widespread. Almost every team I faced had an Azu or a Dnite. Alakazam, Gengar, and Venusaur were the next most popular mons. They were on about 2-3 teams each. Also encountered 2 Jumpluffs which was surprising. They were fairly rare on Showdown. They accomplished nothing and died. I did encounter one Baton Pass Smeargle but luckily it wasn't Moody so it was manageable. The worst part about Moody Smeargle IMO is that it might randomly get a Defense or Evasion boost to pass on and make Espeon un-killable through sheer happenstance.
Hi everyone! New poster here. I just wanted to join the conversation. I played my 15 matches this morning and had the most fun playing competitively in spite of getting a losing record. This competition plays a lot better than the Kanto classic, and here I was thinking I'd enjoy the 6v6 format better.
6v6 is nice if you're not playing too many matches consecutively, 15 6v6 matches will start to feel like a drag even before you're halfway through. That's why I didn't even finish the Kanto Classic.

Anyways, I just finished my 1st set of battles and man, do low ladder americans suck at pokemans lmao. I'm currently sitting at 1630, give or take, and I'll have you know I've met shit like Choice Specs Umbreon or Dragon Rush Dnite more times than I'm confortable with. My one loss was against this one Japanese player who got me once but damn, did he get me good with a Focus Sash + Mirror Coat Girafarig. Have any of you faced off against weird/funny stuff like these?
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My one loss was against this one Japanese player who got me once but damn, did he get me good with a Focus Sash + Mirror Coat Girafarig. Have any of you faced off against weird/funny stuff like these?
The most strange thing I met that I can remember now was precisely in my last match of the day, although maybe not more than yours. It was a Chesto Berry + Rest Clefable, while its other moves were the common Calm Mind, Minimize and Moonblast. It was defeated by my own Clefable after a long battle, connecting 4 Moonblasts but most importantly after winning the speed tie on the turn my opponent's Clef was gonna wake up and use Rest again. I also faced another one with Magic Guard instead of Unaware, since I poisoned it with Blissey and its HP didn't decrease by that. I also won that one, and once again, with my own Clefable. lol

Finished day 1 with a 9-6 balance. I got two frustrating losses by crits from Donphan's Earthquakes who didn't have items to increase the ratio. At least one of them wasn't even banded and it still did a lot to my Clefable. That 120 base Attack may not be underestimated at maximum spread and nature if it was, I suppose. The most fair ones I suffered I'd say were one with Girafarig against Scarf TTar, even after having defeated a Zapdos which had Signal Beam, and another with Miltank to a Dragonite after my Clefable was taken down, again, thanks to a mot*******ing Donphan. How ironic is that I loved using him in Flash Clash and now it's annoying me. XD

Still, I got good vibes with the team and it was very fun. Miltank managed to tank Entei's Sacred Fire and knock it out on three hits. Our favourite cow is doing good for myself as a mixed wall. Its only problem is to get burned, which actually suffered two or three times, but even then it managed to weaken things like WoW Gengar, Scizor and Machamp, and then allowing a teammate to finish the job. I'm very proud of her, sure some of my rivals relived their hate back from GSC times towards it. lol

As for the other members of the team, Girafarig's Energy Ball proved to be a good answer to Quagsire; Ursaring defeated all by himself a trio of Gengar, Dragonite and Tyranitar; Blissey did her stall job well despite being surprised by Inmunity Snorlax and the aforementioned Magic Guard Clefable; Tauros' hits demolished some things, and Clefable is proving to be the actual best member of the team, even if I didn't use her on one match. No one Scizor was able to defeat her thanks to Flamethrower, and any 'mon trying to setup becomes useless when I switch into her. Seems like she hasn't lost her shine back from the Kanto Classic at all.

Now, the thing I'm more uncomfortable with is the 15 matches per day. I started battling a bit before 8 PM and finished like at 10:10 PM. For a 3v3 scheduled matches competition I think 10 battles per day is enough, like the Little Cup, Battle of Hoenn, Trick-or-Treat Friendly or the Fairy Face-Off competitions. Even the Kanto Classic with all 6 Pokémon didn't seem that long to me, even when I actually only fought in three matches (and I won them all lol). I think it takes a lot of time even if you do something like 8 battles in the morning and then 7 in the night.

Also, I saved 14 of those matches (don't know what happened with the 15th) and I plan to share the replays after hitting 30 saves or so.
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VenusaurOmega , usually I get around that by just letting the battles roll over to the next day. In fact sometimes I've just done Sunday rushes hehehe.

I'm probably gonna complete my team on Saturday and give it a whirl then, and maybe do like 20 matches or so tomorrow. Hopefully this team works well, but Im a bit worried since its a team I never used on PS, never got comfortable with my teams there!
So, I've been doing pretty well so far, despite forgetting to put Sucker Punch on my Nidoking, and a lot of the common threats on showdown are a lot less common in-game, though I suppose that might be because you start off at a lower rank.

And sure enough, 12 games in, I was complacent enough with Suicunes to forget about Sheer Cold. Only for it to hit TWICE IN A ROW. So upset. [WX2G-WWWW-WW45-VR67]

Has anyone else had a different experience compared to Showdown so far? For some reason confusion feels a lot more frustrating in-game as well, I sort of regret switching Machamp out of my team last minute...
Has anyone else had a different experience compared to Showdown so far? For some reason confusion feels a lot more frustrating in-game as well, I sort of regret switching Machamp out of my team last minute...
Yes. From what I've experienced, Espeon is a lot more common, even more so than Alakazam. Kinda ironic considering that I've been preaching Alakazam > Espeon all the way since day one. I also haven't come across Baton Pass chains, nor Smeargle & Moody Users in general; haven't seen a single one being used. Minimize Clef, yet another threat I was utterly prepared for, didn't make an appearance.

All-out-Attackers & Set-Up Sweepers were particularly more noticeable on cart during this 1st day. I saw plenty of chansey as well, far more often than on PS!, but none made it past teampreview.
Yes. From what I've experienced, Espeon is a lot more common, even more so than Alakazam. Kinda ironic considering that I've been preaching Alakazam > Espeon all the way since day one. I also haven't come across Baton Pass chains, nor Smeargle & Moody Users in general; haven't seen a single one being used. Minimize Clef, yet another threat I was utterly prepared for, didn't make an appearance.

All-out-Attackers & Set-Up Sweepers were particularly more noticeable on cart during this 1st day. I saw plenty of chansey as well, far more often than on PS!, but none made it past teampreview.

Yeah, it's a lot more of a coverage/sweeping/defensive walls thing than it is strategy and status and support. I've seen one substitute, had no status put on me, and been taunted once. Which makes sense, because I suppose that's the more common approach for casual players, but it gets difficult because you get so used to seeing the same movesets and strategies, and then it's like... oh, it's an offensive umbreon, and it has a sitrus berry?