Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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It's moreso that Ghost / Psychic is bad offensive typing and worse defensive typing. Ghost + Psychic is one of the few Ghost / X typings you can get that won't ensure you hit every type for at least neutral damage. Defensively, a Ghost-type only gets a Psychic resistance from Psychic typing, and in exchange, becomes neutral to Bug and a crippling x4 weak to Dark and Ghost.
Yeah, it's not the best typing in the world, but everyone's acting as if it immediately dooms Lunala without knowing anything else about it.
Eh, the typings and abilities of the mons are kinda disappointing. I feel like they missed out on doing some cool new typings (Fairy/Dark Lunaala ;_;). Steel type Solgaleo is 100% Liger Zero tho. Rotom-dex is interesting and it'll be cool to learn more about these islands.
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Maybe the legendaries were banished from the sun and moon by arceus

And now I want to see fan art of Arceus shooting Lunala out of a cannon to the moon while screaming about the lack of bananas there. (I can't link that video i'm referencing if I could due to nsfw language.)

More on topic: So hot shirtless professor, the region based on hawaii looks like it is based on hawaii, and rotomdex looks like it will be something lots of people want toys of.

I think people are being overly pessimistic about Lunala: it has Multiscale so if you can avoid hazards it can better take a Knock Off, plus the fact that it is a cover legendary. The BST is gonna be high. Granted, I could see it being OU, sure. But I doubt it's as doom and gloom for Lunala as people claim.
I'm really disappointed by Lunala thus far, its typing is terrible (the fighting immunity and the ghost stab is nice but other than that...) and its abillity is basicly just multiscale.

Also its signature move has a mold breaker side effect? This is freaking stupid for a ghost(?)/psychic(?) type move.

Lets just hope that its stat distribution is near perfect.
And now I want to see fan art of Arceus shooting Lunala out of a cannon to the moon while screaming about the lack of bananas there. (I can't link that video i'm referencing if I could due to nsfw language.)

More on topic: So hot shirtless professor, the region based on hawaii looks like it is based on hawaii, and rotomdex looks like it will be something lots of people want toys of.

I think people are being overly pessimistic about Lunala: it has Multiscale so if you can avoid hazards it can better take a Knock Off, plus the fact that it is a cover legendary. The BST is gonna be high. Granted, I could see it being OU, sure. But I doubt it's as doom and gloom for Lunala as people claim.
I mean as long as Lunala has a more specialized and better stat distribution than regular Kyurem I'm certain it would work out.
I'm not sure if this has been brought up but at 1:07 in the American trailer you can see Kukui say that the region is chock full of nothing but rare Pokemon. So they might actually pull a B/W.
Hey, did anyone notice the website updated with this?


Looks like the Pokedex has QR features now!
I'm not sure if this has been brought up but at 1:07 in the American trailer you can see Kukui say that the region is chock full of nothing but rare Pokemon. So they might actually pull a B/W.
Well, we would have already heard about that by now. I can see them pulling a Hoenn though - like over half new Pokemon. Either that or they literally mean things like wild Larvestas and Bagons will be commonplace.
Oh, on the subject of the signature moves: I bet Solgaleo's is Physical while Lunala's is Special... But what about the fact that they ignore abilities? Does that mean stat boosts count when using it vs an Unaware pokemon? Because with the typings being Ghost for Lunala and most likely Steel for Solgaleo... It isnt like you have to worry about stuff like Flash Fire or Levitate. Heck, what WOULD be the use of ignoring abilities for those types?
Oh, on the subject of the signature moves: I bet Solgaleo's is Physical while Lunala's is Special... But what about the fact that they ignore abilities? Does that mean stat boosts count when using it vs an Unaware pokemon? Because with the typings being Ghost for Lunala and most likely Steel for Solgaleo... It isnt like you have to worry about stuff like Flash Fire or Levitate. Heck, what WOULD be the use of ignoring abilities for those types?
That would be implied. That means these moves might be a bit more interesting. Of course, the question is: will they even get any good boosting moves or will this just be good for Balanced Hackmons?
Oh, on the subject of the signature moves: I bet Solgaleo's is Physical while Lunala's is Special... But what about the fact that they ignore abilities? Does that mean stat boosts count when using it vs an Unaware pokemon? Because with the typings being Ghost for Lunala and most likely Steel for Solgaleo... It isnt like you have to worry about stuff like Flash Fire or Levitate. Heck, what WOULD be the use of ignoring abilities for those types?
Beating Shedinja.
Watching the trailer, I immediately noticed one thing:

Salamence STILL has that god-awful floating model.

EDIT: Oh right, legendaries.

For Solgaleo, I'll admit it: I was not expecting Steel/Psychic. Just like everyone else, I was sure that it would be part Fire-type. It's a pretty decent typing I think (of course, it would be even better if the Steel nerf hadn't happened), so it'll be interesting to see what its stats and movepool are.

Lunala... why couldn't you be Ghost/Fairy or Ghost/Flying instead of Ghost/Psychic? 4x weak to Dark and Ghost, only 2 resistances... I'll admit it, though, I love the typing as far as flavour goes. It at least makes more sense than the sun incarnate being weak to Fire. My hope at this point is that Lunala will be a fast, frail attacker; it'll at least minimize the effect of its terrible defensive typing (though I suppose it would also waste its Multiscale Shadow Shield). Also, I can't get over how silly "Moongeist beam" sounds.
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Oh, on the subject of the signature moves: I bet Solgaleo's is Physical while Lunala's is Special... But what about the fact that they ignore abilities? Does that mean stat boosts count when using it vs an Unaware pokemon? Because with the typings being Ghost for Lunala and most likely Steel for Solgaleo... It isnt like you have to worry about stuff like Flash Fire or Levitate. Heck, what WOULD be the use of ignoring abilities for those types?
It's very unlikely it'll be anything different from the effects of Mold Breaker.
I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that Lunala's signature move is Ghost. Psychic is a shared type between the legendaries so unless Sunsteel Strike is also Psychic - with a name that literally has Steel in it when it's a steel-type 'mon - and Dark is the only type it could be that isn't one of Lunala's. So yeah, Ghost is a pretty good bet.

Also gosh, there's so much negativity about the typings. They're fine typings and if you're slagging off Ghost/Psychic because Hoopa-U isn't good in Ubers then I'm not entirely sure why you know Hoopa-U isn't good in ubers.
Hoopa-U is dark-psychic
The trailer was alright. The character customization looks cool rotom dex looks really fun and cool too. The legends are alright im disappointed about their typing but we did get some gameplay that looks the same but cool in terms of graphics. Im excited and at E3Or whatever it is on June 15th and 16th we get some gameplay of some sort or something. Im just hoping we get maybe some new mega (unless they ruin the meta but only time will tell) as well as to see if we can catch some older Pokemon from previous genes (looking at it since the QR code had the Pikachu example looks like we will which is amazing)
Sweet Jesus, my prediction was right, the solGAleo prediction I made of it being tied to a metal element used to measure temperature was right.

Holy mother of God I can't believe I actually predicted something!
it also leads to why its a steel type

Pun totally unintended

Whoops, my bad.
Still, point of the post is that a lot of people seem to be swarming around the idea that because the bound ghost/psychic Hoopa was bad, so will Lunala.

But Hoopa had crappy stat distribution, and if it was the same hoopa that you woud use later as hoopa-u, it would only have 3 move slots, so you could use hyperspace fury
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