ORAS NU Head Smash: A User's Guide (Peak 1680 Elo, #1)



Proof of Peak : http://imgur.com/1gFfSev

I hate introductions so I'm going to try to get to the point. I made this team almost the second my boy hit NU. Hes always been my favorite Pokemon and i felt NU would be the perfect environment to support him in. Here's how i did it.


Obviously, I started the team with Aggron. However, as much as I love him, Aggron is too slow and easily revenge killed to be sweeping teams without support. I considered Sticky Web to remedy this but even then I miss out on several scarfed mons such as Primeape and Jynx (not to mention Pokemon that aren't even affected by Web). I decided my best bet was to try a trick room team despite my lack of success with them in the past.


Xatu was an easy choice as a Trick room setter. It doesn't care about the fighting and ground moves aimed at Aggron. It is fast and therefore will have a "slow" U-turn under Trick Room allowing me to bring him out safely. On top of that it can keep itself healthy and keep Hazards off my side of the field without me having to slow my momentum with a Rapid Spinner or Defog user. Now i needed a partner for Aggron to sweep with.


Hariyama (Also one of my favorite pokemon from my childhood) was another easy pick. With Sawks absence teams aren't as prepared for powerhouse fighting types and yama hits just as hard as Sawk when wielding the Choice Band. On top of that Hariyama decimates and can easily switch in on Aggrons two counters (Gastrodon and Poliwrath). He also destroys several checks to Aggron that make it difficult to Head Smash safely, such as Steelix, Ferroseed, and Rhydon. To top it off, although he doesn't resist water, Hariyama prays that the scalds aimed at Aggron burn him and activate Guts, turning him into a monster. Aggron in return can remove and switch in on several Pokemon that trouble yama such as Scyther, Mesprit, and Musharna. When used correctly, these two can tear down the entire tier. I just need to ensure Trick Room can go up.


Audino was another reliable TR setter that came to mind. Shes very easy to keep healthy and can be called on to set TR up several times in a match thanks to Regenerator. Audino ended up being the most vital member of the team but I'll get to that later.


I needed a good Stealth Rock lead. I used Archeops for a while but i got tired of Xatu so i turned to this monster. That decision finalized my team and really brought consistency to my wins. All that's left is something that can function outside of TR.


Vivillion is a great late game Sweeper outside of Trick Toom. She also brought an important status to my team as I wouldn't have any otherwise. With that my team was complete.



Aggron (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Brave Nature
- Head Smash
- Heavy Slam
- Earthquake
- Superpower

Aggron is a major threat down here. He literally has 2 true counters in Defensive Gastrodon and Defensive Poliwrath (technically defensive Torterra too with the set I'm running). That's it. That said the Ev spread is pretty simple. The Brave nature is to "outspeed" most of the tier under TR while still outspeeding Gastrodon outside of TR as they like to stall TR turns with recover and can result in them taking 2 consecutive Head Smashes when TR runs out. The SpD allows Aggron to take a Vacuum Wave from Modest Poliwrath if at full hp. EQ is there to catch Steelix but also allows him to avoid the Aftermath on Skuntank and Garbodor. Superpower is mainly for Ferroseed without having to resort to Fire Punch, which allows for me to hit something hard even if they don't go to Ferroseed. Superpower is also Aggron's strongest answer to Steelix. Finally, Heavy Slam is Aggron's most reliable STAB move and can often clean weakened teams. It also allows him to OHKO Mega Audino. His bulk and typing make it easy for me to bring him out under Trick Room, especially when the opponent has to guess whether ill go to Aggron or Hariyama.


Xatu (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP / 240 Def / 16 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Roost
- Trick Room
- U-turn
Besides Trick Room, its the Standard Xatu set. The Speed gets the jump on Neutral natured Hitmonchan and Garbodor with the rest invested for maximum bulk. Rocky Helmet lets me beat Steelix and non Knock off Ferroseed, while punishing Fighting types trying to take out Aggron. Xatu functions as a great pivot for the team. It's "slow U-turn under Trick Room is vital in bringing Aggron and Hariyama out safely. Plus side is it ensures that Pokemon such as Mesprit and Rhydon don't get off a Stealth rock on Xatus way out.


Hariyama (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 100 Def / 156 SpD
Brave Nature
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Bullet Punch

Sawk getting banned is the greatest thing that could have happened for Hariyama. Those teams that let their guard down with Sawk's exit can catch these hands. The Ev spread allows Hariyama to take a Fake out and Double Edge from Kangaskhan while also maintaining some special bulk. I normally try to avoid having two choiced pokemon on a team but the nature of Trick Eoom requires me to get things knocked out quick so its important to have the highest output possible. Hariyama is terrifying under Trick Room and unlike Aggron can not be neutered with status. Due to his bulk I can often lead with it to get a quick kill outside of Trick Room or at the very least soften up one of his counters with Knock Off. The best part is most people don't expect Guts Hariyama or banded for that matter, so this set can nab some quick KOs putting me at an early advantage.


Audino (F) @ Audinite
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 SpA
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Dazzling Gleam
- Encore
- Healing Wish
It seems I'm incapable of making an NU team without this pokemon. Even back in 5th gen Audino has always been a favorite for me. That said it is undeniably the most important Pokemon on the team. Audino is the glue that allows me to get last minute sweeps and keeps TR up throughout the match. Early game It easily sets up TR and maintains health with Regenerator with no need to mega until late game. Encore punishes my opponent for setting up when I TR sometimes giving me a safe switch to Aggron or Yama. Late game, the magic comes in the move Healing Wish. Thanks to Mega Audinos immense bulk, Audino has set up many late game sweeps for my team. The order is usually mega evolve into Trick Room, Healing Wish, GG. Its that simple. Hwish provides not only a safe switch but a fresh start for Hariyama or Aggron to dismantle a team (and occasionally Vivillon outside of TR). An example of this is here: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-384381987


Overtime (Rampardos) (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Head Smash
- Earthquake
- Endeavor
The Archeops replacement. And a damn good one. Not only does Rampardos function under Trick Room and soften Aggron checks better than Archeops, but most importantly it can overide Xatu's magic bounce and set up the Stealth Rock. With the exception of Claydol, Rampardos can reliably defeat every spinner and defogger in the tier if they choose to spin/defog in his face. With the help of Endeavor he can even get some trick room shenanigans going as even with max speed most of the tier outspeeds him. On that topic the evs are there to outspeed most leads of the tier and with jolly letting him catch omastars and neutral natured Aurorus. At the end of the day though his one job is to get the rock up. Anything he accomplishes past that is working overtime :P.
For those doubting the kid: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/nu-385058763


Vivillon-Sandstorm (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Hurricane
- Energy Ball
- Sleep Powder

Vivillon is my favorite set up sweeper in the tier. It more or less has spore coupled with one of the best boosting moves in the game. Early game I use it to sleep a nuisance on the opposing team while late game i can go for a sweep outside of Trick Room after yama and Aggron have tore down walls. The reverse can be done as well however. I can soften up the team early to mid game and have yama and Aggron clean up when Vivi falls. Whats great is Vivi actually lures in common problems for yama and Aggron such as Xatu and Steelix respectively. Vivillon often makes the important plays in the match with the holes she puts through the opposing team.



I have no switch ins and if its running taunt it can stop audino from setting TR. This thing is VERY dangerous to my team if its kept alive until late game. The taunt set specifically.


Once again i have no switch ins which usually isn't an issue as i can sack Rampardos take a hit and TR with Audino or tank and kill with Yama. The real problem comes with the rare but possible taunt sets that stop audio from using TR.


It can pick off a lot of my Pokemon and reliably spins Rampardos Stealth Rock often getting away with it as i am problably switching out or too slow to stop it.


Can reliably defeat Xatu and set up a rock. Makes Aggron wary of spamming Head Smash.


No switch ins and Vivillon can't put it to sleep.


This is the most fun I've ever had with a team. The team has also been the most successful out of my previous teams. I have always wanted to make a good trick room team and its great Aggron got to be a part of it. I hope you like it as much as i do.


Team: http://pastebin.com/qcT6ykNh


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Hey cool team man, specially sash rampardos ;).
But after testing a couple of battles with it, I found opposing AV hariyama a bit tough to switch in if xatu is a bit weakened. Though the synergy is fantastic it is kind of difficult to play with for someone who hasn't made the team himself.
Anyways best of luck
Hey cool team man, specially sash rampardos ;).
But after testing a couple of battles with it, I found opposing AV hariyama a bit tough to switch in if xatu is a bit weakened. Though the synergy is fantastic it is kind of difficult to play with for someone who hasn't made the team himself.
Anyways best of luck
Thanks I'm glad you like the team. And yeah I actually forgot to mention that opposing Hariyama can be a nuisance to the team as fake out runs down TR and hes fairly difficult to switch into. I usually work my way around him though so that's probably why he slipped my mind.