Fire Emblem Fates

The only bad prepromote is Gunter, and he's the game's Jeigan. Even then, he can still be useful as a decent Pair Up bot for Corrin thanks to his Personal and a Heart Seal reclass Wyvern Lord.
So I just beat Heirs of Fate VI - Lost in the Waves for the 1st time and just so yall know, you only get to listen Shigure's version of Lost in Thoughts if all children survive ( Well, I'm assuming here; all of my children characters [except Shigure and Kana] died so I wouldn't know if specific children need to survive or if they all have to). The chapter itself is basically Revelation's endgame done right, it offers a pretty decent challenge and I got curbstomped on my 1st shot at it lol :(

Who else here has played it?
OK, so I've sided with Nohr and planning the children. My Avatar is +Sturdy -Unlucky, her secondary class is Knight and I'm going to marry her to Xander so Kanna can have Aegis, Pavise and Wary Fighter (I want him to be a Dragonstone tank). I'm not sure what to do with Siegbert though - I might make him a Great Knight. Any suggestions? Can Corrin pass him down Dragon Fang?
So I just beat Heirs of Fate VI - Lost in the Waves for the 1st time and just so yall know, you only get to listen Shigure's version of Lost in Thoughts if all children survive ( Well, I'm assuming here; all of my children characters [except Shigure and Kana] died so I wouldn't know if specific children need to survive or if they all have to). The chapter itself is basically Revelation's endgame done right, it offers a pretty decent challenge and I got curbstomped on my 1st shot at it lol :(

Who else here has played it?
I beat it, but I got tired of reseting while trying for deathless, and turned on Phoenix Mode like the wimp I am.

Heirs of Fate's finale feels more narratively satisfying than Revelation's ending. Bookending the story with the pendant going into the water is probably a more fitting conclusion than the conversation with Azura and the Royal Families cutscene, among other things.

OK, so I've sided with Nohr and planning the children. My Avatar is +Sturdy -Unlucky, her secondary class is Knight and I'm going to marry her to Xander so Kanna can have Aegis, Pavise and Wary Fighter (I want him to be a Dragonstone tank). I'm not sure what to do with Siegbert though - I might make him a Great Knight. Any suggestions? Can Corrin pass him down Dragon Fang?
Dragon Fang can be passed down, but you should probably give Draconic Hex to Siegbert because it's such a good ability that's not hax-reliant.
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To be fair, if you marry Xander, Siegbert gets the Nohr Noble line too. You could always just have him spend a few levels there if you so wish.
That is really tempting, he could use Luna instead of Dragon Fang which although it doesn't look as cool, will trigger more often.

Any advice for the other kids?
Well, the ultimate question is: how many of them will you use? Conquest in particular is extremely heavy about resource management so you won't really get a good chance to use any of the kids unless you explicitly plan for it.

But here are some of my opinions of all the kids:

Kana - Literally Corrin 2.0 minus the Yato
Shigure - Unless you reclass people, he will literally be your own Falcoknight/Kinsei Knight. Either one works great. Shigure makes a really great rally bot thanks to his personal skill. I've seen people use him very well as a support unit thanks to that plus staff utility.
Dwyer - I've never really used him. I heard he's an ok staffbot though.
Sophie - More horses are never a bad thing. Depending on the mother (assuming a physical one) she'll either be usable or overtake her father quite easily. In my Revelation playthrough, Mozu!Sophie paired with Charlotte!Siegbert were amazing for not being Corrin/Xander/Ryoma.
Midori - I never really used her but I heard she has great utility thanks to Profiteer, her personal skill, and her luck. She'll be digging you gold up every other turn almost.
Siegbert - Xander 2.0 minus Siegfried. He's also really great and his personal skill really makes him a great support unit for his girlfriend/wife. He's also pretty solid on his own.
Forrest - I barely used him but like every single time I did he seemed to be a ridiculous Strategist in terms of speed and magic - one rounding many things with just a fire tome.
Ignatius - Unless the mother is like Camilla or one of the other super good mothers, don't bother since he's just a more balanced version of his father (in other words he has a speed growth). But he's one of the few units I preferred reclassed when I had Camilla as his mother since his stats just worked great as a Wyvern Lord there.
Velouria - Depending on who the mother is, she's just a different spin of her father. Good unit but consider that when using her.
Percy - I never used him but I heard he's amazing especially with Effie as his mother.
Ophelia - Great unit when you have Elise as the mother. She's pretty much what you'd want to see as a magical nuke. She's an all-around improved version of Nyx since she can actually hit things and survive at least one physical attack.
Soleil - She seems like a decent mercenary but all the times I used her she was fragile.
Nina - She's super fragile and really her father's better for the front-lines than her. But she has odd utility if you make Nyx be the mother and give her a Shining Bow as an Adventurer. There's no other good users of it and she'll make a decent staff bot that has WTA against ninjas that way.

So, I've personally took Sophie, Siegbert, and Ophelia into endgames before. The rest I havent, but the rest I barely even tried. It ultimately depends though on who the mothers are in each case. You can usually optimize a few of the children if you so wish to choose them.
Well, the ultimate question is: how many of them will you use? Conquest in particular is extremely heavy about resource management so you won't really get a good chance to use any of the kids unless you explicitly plan for it.

But here are some of my opinions of all the kids:

Kana - Literally Corrin 2.0 minus the Yato
Shigure - Unless you reclass people, he will literally be your own Falcoknight/Kinsei Knight. Either one works great. Shigure makes a really great rally bot thanks to his personal skill. I've seen people use him very well as a support unit thanks to that plus staff utility.
Dwyer - I've never really used him. I heard he's an ok staffbot though.
Sophie - More horses are never a bad thing. Depending on the mother (assuming a physical one) she'll either be usable or overtake her father quite easily. In my Revelation playthrough, Mozu!Sophie paired with Charlotte!Siegbert were amazing for not being Corrin/Xander/Ryoma.
Midori - I never really used her but I heard she has great utility thanks to Profiteer, her personal skill, and her luck. She'll be digging you gold up every other turn almost.
Siegbert - Xander 2.0 minus Siegfried. He's also really great and his personal skill really makes him a great support unit for his girlfriend/wife. He's also pretty solid on his own.
Forrest - I barely used him but like every single time I did he seemed to be a ridiculous Strategist in terms of speed and magic - one rounding many things with just a fire tome.
Ignatius - Unless the mother is like Camilla or one of the other super good mothers, don't bother since he's just a more balanced version of his father (in other words he has a speed growth). But he's one of the few units I preferred reclassed when I had Camilla as his mother since his stats just worked great as a Wyvern Lord there.
Velouria - Depending on who the mother is, she's just a different spin of her father. Good unit but consider that when using her.
Percy - I never used him but I heard he's amazing especially with Effie as his mother.
Ophelia - Great unit when you have Elise as the mother. She's pretty much what you'd want to see as a magical nuke. She's an all-around improved version of Nyx since she can actually hit things and survive at least one physical attack.
Soleil - She seems like a decent mercenary but all the times I used her she was fragile.
Nina - She's super fragile and really her father's better for the front-lines than her. But she has odd utility if you make Nyx be the mother and give her a Shining Bow as an Adventurer. There's no other good users of it and she'll make a decent staff bot that has WTA against ninjas that way.

So, I've personally took Sophie, Siegbert, and Ophelia into endgames before. The rest I havent, but the rest I barely even tried. It ultimately depends though on who the mothers are in each case. You can usually optimize a few of the children if you so wish to choose them.

Just gonna comment on a few of these statements:
  • Kana is not Corrin 2.0. Their stats and growths are beyond awful, and don't have Corrin's reclass options. They're easily among the worst of the kids in the game.
  • Midori is good as a Master Ninja because Master Ninja is literally the best infantry class in the game
  • Velouria is super Keaton since her offense is overkill and her speed is always going to be good. She's extremely good at killing, especially if Camilla is her mother.
  • Ophelia's good, though definitely overrated since her durability is poor.
  • Nina is your second legit pass user. Invaluable during Endgame, and decently useful during the main game if you need her
  • Percy is Godlike. Godlike before he even gains the child seal, even.
  • Soleil sucks
If I had to rank them:

Percy > Velouria > Shigure > Midori

Foleo > Sophie > Siegbert

Ophelia > Nina > Dwyer

Kana > Soleil > Ignis
Just gonna comment on a few of these statements:
  • Kana is not Corrin 2.0. Their stats and growths are beyond awful, and don't have Corrin's reclass options. They're easily among the worst of the kids in the game.
  • Midori is good as a Master Ninja because Master Ninja is literally the best infantry class in the game
  • Velouria is super Keaton since her offense is overkill and her speed is always going to be good. She's extremely good at killing, especially if Camilla is her mother.
  • Ophelia's good, though definitely overrated since her durability is poor.
  • Nina is your second legit pass user. Invaluable during Endgame, and decently useful during the main game if you need her
  • Percy is Godlike. Godlike before he even gains the child seal, even.
  • Soleil sucks
If I had to rank them:

Percy > Velouria > Shigure > Midori

Foleo > Sophie > Siegbert

Ophelia > Nina > Dwyer

Kana > Soleil > Ignis
Eh...I've seen some neat things done with Kana so I'm not in too much of a position to judge (stuff like Corrin + Charlotte!Velouria allows you to potentially break 100 strength with all the temporary modifiers included). Of course the thing is you practically have to force him to work which isn't really a good idea for normal play so I can see what you're saying. I'll still stick that Kana's Corrin 2.0 but it's like that in the way Windows Vista was Windows XP 2.0 - technically better but in practicality much much worse.

Also, I guess I was just unlucky with Camilla!Velouria. Everyone always praises that pairing but she just ended up having a higher speed and skill than her faster but lower defenses and strength. Did I get screwed or is that how it's supposed to be? Because if it is, then I'll probably just stick with Keaton since his main job was being like a mix between a Mercenary and a Knight for me which Velouria just wasn't - instead being a mix between a Mercenary and Samurai. In Revelation though, Rinkah ended up making a Super Keaton for me though. Considering she passed down Death Blow to her it was ridiculous how many things just wouldn't live after a round with her in Player Phase.

I also never found Ophelia's durability a problem. It's probably because Conquest is such a Player Phase heavy game that if you leave too many people open for attack in Enemy Phase you're doing it wrong. As long as she can ensure something threatening is dead in her turn she's good - which is more than what I can say about the other Sorcerers. Odin's too balanced for his own good and Nyx has a real accuracy problem.
Eh...I've seen some neat things done with Kana so I'm not in too much of a position to judge (stuff like Corrin + Charlotte!Velouria allows you to potentially break 100 strength with all the temporary modifiers included). Of course the thing is you practically have to force him to work which isn't really a good idea for normal play so I can see what you're saying. I'll still stick that Kana's Corrin 2.0 but it's like that in the way Windows Vista was Windows XP 2.0 - technically better but in practicality much much worse.

Main game Kana is pretty terrible so I imagine you were talking post game set ups for PVP. Your Windows analogy doesn't make any sense considering Corrin is a character with stupidly high growths, superb reclass options, Yato access and the best availability in the game. Kana literally has none of these things.

Also, I guess I was just unlucky with Camilla!Velouria. Everyone always praises that pairing but she just ended up having a higher speed and skill than her faster but lower defenses and strength. Did I get screwed or is that how it's supposed to be? Because if it is, then I'll probably just stick with Keaton since his main job was being like a mix between a Mercenary and a Knight for me which Velouria just wasn't - instead being a mix between a Mercenary and Samurai. In Revelation though, Rinkah ended up making a Super Keaton for me though. Considering she passed down Death Blow to her it was ridiculous how many things just wouldn't live after a round with her in Player Phase.

You probably picked her up too early. Keaton has Speed problems due to his 14 base and coin flip Speed growth, whereas offspring seal Velouria can double for pretty much the rest of the game due, and has the power + durability (with beastrune) to be a major threat.

I also never found Ophelia's durability a problem. It's probably because Conquest is such a Player Phase heavy game that if you leave too many people open for attack in Enemy Phase you're doing it wrong. As long as she can ensure something threatening is dead in her turn she's good - which is more than what I can say about the other Sorcerers. Odin's too balanced for his own good and Nyx has a real accuracy problem.

You're wrong. Conquest is a mix of both, though turtling is effective since there aren't many ways of punishing the player for doing so. That's why characters like Corrin and Xander are ridiculously good, because they can tank hits for days. Ophelia isn't surviving on EP because mages hit ridiculously hard in Conquest. Even Leo with his overkill Res stat, can barely tank the Ragnarok/Lightning/Ginnupasomething using Sorcerers in chapter 25, and that's pretty much the magic tanking chapter. Ophelia is strictly a player phase unit, with some light EP if you passed down vantage and use Nosferatu. Not sure why you brought up Odin or Nyx, both of whom are among the worst units in the game.
Keaton ( as a Wolfskin ) Hp 80%| Str 80% | Mag 0% | Skl 25% | Spd 50% | Lck 35% | Def 60% | Res 25%
Camilla!Velouria (Wolfskin) Hp 65% |Str 75% | Mag 12% | Skl 50% | Spd 62% | Lck 35% | Def 50% | Res 37.5%

Growth-wise, they are marginally the same honestly. The things Camilla!Velouria has over Keaton are her Skill Growth, which means she won't be missing nearly as much as her Father does, and her higher speed. And that's pretty much it. The thing is: thanks to the Offspring Seal you can get a balanced out Wolfskin from the get go if you haven't bothered with Keaton or if he got RNG screwed. She also does get an insane +5 str mod, but caps don't really matter all that much if we're only talking about the main game.
Keaton ( as a Wolfskin ) Hp 80%| Str 80% | Mag 0% | Skl 25% | Spd 50% | Lck 35% | Def 60% | Res 25%
Camilla!Velouria (Wolfskin) Hp 65% |Str 75% | Mag 12% | Skl 50% | Spd 62% | Lck 35% | Def 50% | Res 37.5%

Growth-wise, they are marginally the same honestly. The things Camilla!Velouria has over Keaton are her Skill Growth, which means she won't be missing nearly as much as her Father does, and her higher speed. And that's pretty much it. The thing is: thanks to the Offspring Seal you can get a balanced out Wolfskin from the get go if you haven't bothered with Keaton or if he got RNG screwed. She also does get an insane +5 str mod, but caps don't really matter all that much if we're only talking about the main game.
Huh, I guess either my Keaton was blessed or my Velouria was screwed in comparison. My Keaton definitely capped Strength and Defense by Endgame and had a reasonable speed.
Keaton ( as a Wolfskin ) Hp 80%| Str 80% | Mag 0% | Skl 25% | Spd 50% | Lck 35% | Def 60% | Res 25%
Camilla!Velouria (Wolfskin) Hp 65% |Str 75% | Mag 12% | Skl 50% | Spd 62% | Lck 35% | Def 50% | Res 37.5%

Growth-wise, they are marginally the same honestly. The things Camilla!Velouria has over Keaton are her Skill Growth, which means she won't be missing nearly as much as her Father does, and her higher speed. And that's pretty much it. The thing is: thanks to the Offspring Seal you can get a balanced out Wolfskin from the get go if you haven't bothered with Keaton or if he got RNG screwed. She also does get an insane +5 str mod, but caps don't really matter all that much if we're only talking about the main game.

In terms of Growths, the higher Speed growth she has on him is the most important thing to note, since she is far more likely to gain multiple Speed level ups in row. Not to mention her Speed base, which is always going to be very high. Keaton's Speed at level 20/8 is 20 on average, which is pretty mediocre. I've always had Velouria join at that level with way more Speed than that.
Just gonna comment on a few of these statements:
  • Kana is not Corrin 2.0. Their stats and growths are beyond awful, and don't have Corrin's reclass options. They're easily among the worst of the kids in the game.
  • Midori is good as a Master Ninja because Master Ninja is literally the best infantry class in the game
  • Velouria is super Keaton since her offense is overkill and her speed is always going to be good. She's extremely good at killing, especially if Camilla is her mother.
  • Ophelia's good, though definitely overrated since her durability is poor.
  • Nina is your second legit pass user. Invaluable during Endgame, and decently useful during the main game if you need her
  • Percy is Godlike. Godlike before he even gains the child seal, even.
  • Soleil sucks
If I had to rank them:

Percy > Velouria > Shigure > Midori

Foleo > Sophie > Siegbert

Ophelia > Nina > Dwyer

Kana > Soleil > Ignis

How good is Percy supposed to be? I recruited him after Chapter 22 with Arthur!Effie and the only thing I can find him usable for is a Rallybot and maybe tanking. All of his stats are average except for his Luck which is always going to be high after Offspring Sealing, and his Defense, which is higher than even Xander's. Percy does not have the speed to double, possibly even with Pair-ups, and I do not exactly have the resources to pick up both Luna + Axefaire.
How good is Percy supposed to be? I recruited him after Chapter 22 with Arthur!Effie and the only thing I can find him usable for is a Rallybot and maybe tanking. All of his stats are average except for his Luck which is always going to be high after Offspring Sealing, and his Defense, which is higher than even Xander's. Percy does not have the speed to double, possibly even with Pair-ups, and I do not exactly have the resources to pick up both Luna + Axefaire.
He's supposed to be ubers good because:

1 - you can get his paralogue really early on with almost no grinding required, meaning free exp for your army.
2 - He has the best paralogue for obtaining a shit ton of cash; which is limited in conquest.
3 - Percy has a ridiculous luck stat and cap, which affects hit rate. In a game with very shaky hit rate.
4 - His growths are definitely not 'avarage' if you've got Effie as his mom like you should've; they're on par with Camilla's.
5 - Percy is not only good on his own, he also makes his father and any other Berserker better just by being nearby thanks to his personal skill.

Your Percy is mediocre because you waited far too long to recruit him. You should get him asap instead of waiting for a offspring seal.
He's supposed to be ubers good because:

1 - you can get his paralogue really early on with almost no grinding required, meaning free exp for your army.
2 - He has the best paralogue for obtaining a shit ton of cash; which is limited in conquest.
3 - Percy has a ridiculous luck stat and cap, which affects hit rate. In a game with very shaky hit rate.
4 - His growths are definitely not 'avarage' if you've got Effie as his mom like you should've; on par with Camilla's.
5 - Percy is not only good on his own, but he makes his father and any other Berserker better just by being nearby thanks to his personal skill.

Your percy is mediocre because you waited far too long to recruit him; you should get him asap.
Actually...Percy doesn't have a good luck cap. He has a great luck growth but the caps are all determined by the parents. That means he's already inheriting Arthur's low Luck cap. For Effie!Percy, his luck cap modifier is -2 (0 from Effie, -3 from Arthur, and +1 from being a child unit).

What's worse is how I gimped it even further with Setsuna as a mother in Revelation (hey, their support is hilarious and they learn to help each other out. It's a sweet end for two joke characters). Percy has a -3 luck cap modifier thanks to his parents here.
Actually...Percy doesn't have a good luck cap. He has a great luck growth but the caps are all determined by the parents. That means he's already inheriting Arthur's low Luck cap. For Effie!Percy, his luck cap modifier is -2 (0 from Effie, -3 from Arthur, and +1 from being a child unit).

What's worse is how I gimped it even further with Setsuna as a mother in Revelation (hey, their support is hilarious and they learn to help each other out. It's a sweet end for two joke characters). Percy has a -3 luck cap modifier thanks to his parents here.
Oh yeah, I goofed up there but still, until we get an Apotheosis-esque map, caps will hardly matter anyways. :pirate:
Unless we're talking about PvP, but PvP was a mistake.
How good is Percy supposed to be? I recruited him after Chapter 22 with Arthur!Effie and the only thing I can find him usable for is a Rallybot and maybe tanking. All of his stats are average except for his Luck which is always going to be high after Offspring Sealing, and his Defense, which is higher than even Xander's. Percy does not have the speed to double, possibly even with Pair-ups, and I do not exactly have the resources to pick up both Luna + Axefaire.

Very good. Best kid in Conquest in fact, by virtue of his extremely good base class, Arthur & Effie's availability, durability (free +5hp/+2 defense), solid growths and flight utility. He isn't as effective in the later chapters, but he's very handy early on.

You waited too long to get him.
I wonder if there is a sweet spot of sorts when getting Percy since the earlier you get him, the less free exp he has (this only matters if you want to use him of course). There probably is, but it would take too much time, thought, and overall effort to figure out i guess. Making use of the army exp in his paralogue is probably most useful right before on of the two difficulty spikes though.
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Who would you recommend as a mother for Sophie? I used Hana when I played through Hoshido, and she was awesome as a Swordfaire Hero, but as that's not possible in Conquest, who would be some good alternatives?
Who would you recommend as a mother for Sophie? I used Hana when I played through Hoshido, and she was awesome as a Swordfaire Hero, but as that's not possible in Conquest, who would be some good alternatives?
It depends what you want to use her for. I still like recommending Mozu as her mother because I like black hair on Sophie. Mozu's also a good physical mother, and she can pass down Aptitude which, really any kid would like. Of course, if you still plan on using Silas as a main member of your team I would find someone else because Villager Mozu's pair-up bonuses are crap (Silas really doesn't need THAT much skill). Nice thing about it, is that using her that way will grant her access to the best anti-air class in the game: Kinsei Knight. And trust me, there will come a chapter on Conquest where you wish you had a Kinsei Knight just for Air Superiority.
Mozu can make almost any physical child amazing. The first time I used Hisame was with Mozu!Hinata and he was one of the most consistent characters I had. The same thing happened with Shiro when Mozu was his mother. (Rinkah!Hinata, on the other hand, is awful; don't EVER try it)
Mozu can make almost any physical child amazing. The first time I used Hisame was with Mozu!Hinata and he was one of the most consistent characters I had. The same thing happened with Shiro when Mozu was his mother. (Rinkah!Hinata, on the other hand, is awful; don't EVER try it)
People don't realize that Mozu has working growths even before Aptitude. The problem is she starts at level 1, with shit bases, shit weapon level, and a level designed against her. Funnily enough, what she lacks in combat she makes up in child raising (a task typical for a village girl). If you have a physical child you care about but don't really care about the father, then Mozu's the girl to date.