Fire Emblem Fates

The concepts were all neat but the execution usually ended up poor. Also, many of the maps could be fly-skipped so it wasn't even worth it. Also some maps (Chapter 10 in particular) would have been SO much more tolerable if we actually had a good cast and it wasn't just carefully shoveling ice while Corrin gets ready to kill anything because he's like one of the only competent units you have unless you grind.

Yeah, Revelations seems like such a waste. The plot-line could have been better done, as I feel myself much more likely to get bored of Revelations than Birthright, let alone Conquest. Some of the characters also join with bad level scaling in particular stats (or, in Niles and Odin's case, almost all of their stats), making them much more undesirable for usage.
Yeah, Revelations seems like such a waste. The plot-line could have been better done, as I feel myself much more likely to get bored of Revelations than Birthright, let alone Conquest. Some of the characters also join with bad level scaling in particular stats (or, in Niles and Odin's case, almost all of their stats), making them much more undesirable for usage.
It's like they gave all the non-royal unit "balance" to Hayato and Silas. I mean Hayato joins at a great level, great time, with great stats here as opposed to Birthright. And, Silas is like a promoted Great Knight with his bases there.
I totally meant Takumi x Oboro, not Oorochi (although the latter is certainly hilarious)

As for supports, sometimes I go for the eugenics master race pairings, sometimes I go with what is fun. My list above was more the fun list.
Oboro should really only be paired up with either Takumi because OTPness or Subaki for Lucina!Caeldori. Put her into a Great Lord outfit and you got a discount Lucina
Odin was part of my team all the way until Chapter 26 of Revelation, believe it or not. Regardless of his low starting level, I basically insisted on using all three of the Awakening kids until the endgame, both as an Awakening fan and because of the Hidden Truths DLC story. He caught up to everyone else even without grinding and ended up being a decent enough Sorcerer, though not as good as he was in Conquest. As for Revelation itself, I liked the story enough but was annoyed by many of the late-game maps that take place in Valla, especially Chapter 25.

Anyway, I wrote a quick guide on the Mess Hall in My Castle (as in which characters' cooking gives the best boosts and which ones you should avoid) in case anyone's interested. I've been experimenting with it since beating Revelation, as there isn't much else to use food on after your pet dog reaches level 99 and the temporary stat boosts can be nice.

A-rank - Excellent Chefs
Dishes prepared by these characters almost always will be "delicious," "exquisite," or "mouthwatering" and give the most potent stat boosts. If you see them around, it's worth a shot.

Azura, Jakob, Mozu, Flora, Peri, Shigure, Dwyer, Caeldori

B-rank - Great Chefs
Units in this category aren't as talented as the ones above, but their meals still tend to give above-average boosts.

Ryoma, Sakura, Xander, Camilla, Subaki, Hayato, Orochi, Laslow, Nyx, Fuga, Shiro, Siegbert, Forrest, Soleil

C-rank - Mediocre Chefs
With these people, expect modest stat boosts. Most characters are in this category by default.

Kaze, Silas, Takumi, Leo, Elise, Saizo, Kagero, Azama, Oboro, Hinata, Hana, Kaden, Beruka, Selena, Niles, Odin, Effie, Charlotte, Benny, Gunter, Shura, Kana, Midori, Sophie, Ophelia

D-rank - Lethal Chefs
Food cooked by these characters generally will be either burned or outright disgusting/revolting/noxious, and others will comment accordingly ("Here lies Fuga. Killed by dinner. Ugh!"). If you see any of these people in the kitchen, you might as well not bother.

Felicia, Hinoka, Setsuna, Rinkah, Reina, Arthur, Keaton

For characters not listed here whatsoever, I either don't have them or haven't seen them in action enough times yet.
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I used Odin in the endgame too. Though I made him a Swordsmaster because CritsForDayz (+1 forged Killing Edge) just gave him a ridiculous 60% shot of a critical hit practically guaranteeing something's going to die since he usually doubled and had enough skill to reliably activate Astra too. I ended up grinding (mostly for supports so I could get all the children before descending into Valla) and by then he was way out of E-rank hell. The problem with Odin was his avoid wasn't too high so he kept getting hit. He kind of fell off by Endgame due to his low bulk but he was great with his sword and even passable using the Levin Sword due to his Magic Growths + Elise Pairup.
Layell's Canon Pairings:
Selena and Subaki
Nyx and Hayato
Takumi and Oorochi Oboro

If you disagree you are wrong.

- Separating Severa and Inigo is a crime and you should feel bad. This applies to Awakening too (which is why I always leave Owain unpaired, it feels wrong to have him not with Cynthia).
- Nyx and Hayato isn't bad, but Sakura and Hayato is downright adorable and I'm not separating them.
- I'm not a big fan of the "retainer crush" cliché since it makes it feel kinda forced/inorganic to pair them together, so I'll generally have Oboro with Hinata instead, especially after this manga chapter made me fall in love with their dynamic.

Also I'm going to give a shout-out to Kaze and Felicia for being probably my favourite pairing in the game. Optimization can fuck off (gotta go fast, right?), they're both super cute and I love it.
I've been DLC abusing in Conquest and gave my Swordmaster Odin a +2 Bravesword called Braverswoosh. It's fucking awesome.

- Separating Severa and Inigo is a crime and you should feel bad. This applies to Awakening too (which is why I always leave Owain unpaired, it feels wrong to have him not with Cynthia).
Bro have you seen Elise and Odin's Supports?
- Separating Severa and Inigo is a crime and you should feel bad. This applies to Awakening too (which is why I always leave Owain unpaired, it feels wrong to have him not with Cynthia).
- Nyx and Hayato isn't bad, but Sakura and Hayato is downright adorable and I'm not separating them.
- I'm not a big fan of the "retainer crush" cliché since it makes it feel kinda forced/inorganic to pair them together, so I'll generally have Oboro with Hinata instead, especially after this manga chapter made me fall in love with their dynamic.

Also I'm going to give a shout-out to Kaze and Felicia for being probably my favourite pairing in the game. Optimization can fuck off (gotta go fast, right?), they're both super cute and I love it.
Have you seen Laslow X Azura? It's such a sweet and cute support...and makes a Soleil that can do neither of her parent's talents and that's just funny.
Bro have you seen Elise and Odin's Supports?
Yeah it's pretty good, but at least one male character needs to go unpaired if Corrin is male so it might as well be Owain.
It also bugs me that their endings, the Awakening trio basically canonically go back to Ylisse with their spouses, so it's kind of awkward to imagine that when I already have him married to Cynthia in all of my Awakening games. Having one male character be forced to stay single was really a blessing in disguise for me. I guess I feel a little bad for Ophelia though.
Have you seen Laslow X Azura? It's such a sweet and cute support...and makes a Soleil that can do neither of her parent's talents and that's just funny.
I like this one too, but I pretty much always have Azura with Jakob since it's one of the few supports where Jakob's actually nice (and it's pretty great beyond that too), and it has the added bonus of being able to pair them in both routes. Also, the same thing I mentioned in the last response about Awakening applies here too.
Playing conquest and all I can say is I'm glad I'm doing casual and not perma death. I'm getting kicked in the face so hard right now short on funds and don't have much for grinding so that's becoming a problem. I knew these were gonna be problems for me lolXD. Should have gotten birthright. Nonetheless, conquest is amazing.
You weren't playing Lunatic, were you? If so then I don't see how you did that without grinding, dude gets one-shot by everything in his join chapter lol.
Reclass into Samurai and use him as a pair-up mule for Leo? The Speed bonus is nice and you get a fast support too.
Hmm, now I might actually try and use him the next time I play through Revelation, it should be enough of a challenge.
Samurai's an interesting talent for Odin since he has workable attack. Getting him to C-rank and giving him a forged Killer Sword (nicknamed to account for his personal ability) is really the only major problem you have to do with him. If you like skill buying, get him Death Blow and he'd crit more often than he doesn't.
Pretty sure there's an Arm Scroll drop on chapter 10 of the neutral route ( revelation ), you can always just toss it on Odin in order to speed up the process. Granted, it could have a better utilization elsewhere, but if someone really wants to use Odin, then there's that which is nice. You'll still have to babysit him a lot, though. Just please don't use him as a Dark Mage, he's better off as mixed Samurai. And I'd imagine that If you have access Hidden Truths I, then reclassing into Grand Master for a level in order to gain Ignis could make him even better.
Pretty sure there's an Arm Scroll drop on chapter 10 of the neutral route ( revelation ), you can always just toss it on Odin in order to speed up the process. Granted, it could have a better utilization elsewhere, but if someone really wants to use Odin, then there's that which is nice. You'll still have to babysit him a lot, though. Just please don't use him as a Dark Mage, he's better off as mixed Samurai. And I'd imagine that If you have access Hidden Truths I, then reclassing into Grand Master for a level in order to gain Ignis could make him even better.
I would say that or just throw him into Dark Flyer. He's got the mixed stats for it. And, if you bought both paths, you WILL have Dark Flyer emblems around.
Playing conquest and all I can say is I'm glad I'm doing casual and not perma death. I'm getting kicked in the face so hard right now short on funds and don't have much for grinding so that's becoming a problem. I knew these were gonna be problems for me lolXD. Should have gotten birthright. Nonetheless, conquest is amazing.

Once you attempt a couple of runthroughs of Conquest, even if you fail miserably at the first couple of attempts, you pretty much learn how you are supposed to play tactically in Conquest. The first time I played Conquest was on hard mode and I had no clue what I was doing. The second time I had a better understanding, but I still could not complete the last three chapters of my runthrough. The third time on Conquest Hard I breezed through the first ten to fourteen chapters, even beating the notorious chapter 10 in just one attempt, though I did struggle a little bit later on as I had Master Ninja Corrin with a Defense boon, which, while served me well, gave her no increase to her Strength, as well as getting no strength increases from Niles (male-female pairing), though she did make most of the runthrough relatively easy.
Reclass into Samurai and use him as a pair-up mule for Leo? The Speed bonus is nice and you get a fast support too.
Hmm, now I might actually try and use him the next time I play through Revelation, it should be enough of a challenge.

He's better off with Felicia 2 (gives Mag as well as Speed) or Adventurer Nyx (movement as well as Speed) imo
I reclassed him to Swordmaster so he could pass down Astra, married him off to Elise, and benched him. Ophelia ends up seriously broken if her mother is Elise, especially as a Witch.