ORAS Ubers Mega-Diancie for President (1508 ELO, 81.8% GXE, 1788 Glicko-1)

What is the best Pokemon in Ubers?

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Mega-Diancie for President
Hey what's up guys? I'm back for another RMT on Smogon, and this time we are discussing the Ubers tier. I decided to make a team around Mega-Diancie because, most things in Ubers are below 110 base Speed and I could take advantage of the ability Magic Bounce. I have had a tremendous amount of success with this team and I encourage you to try it out for yourselves. Please let me know what you guys think of my team. Thanks guys, enjoy! :)

  • 719-mega.png
    I started with Mega-Diancie as a fast, Magic-Bounce user to provide support.
  • 719-mega.png
    Next, I added Primal-Groudon for Stealth Rocks and a Xerneas check.
  • 719-mega.png
    Needed a E-killer Arceus check, hazard removal, and an Ground immunity so Giratina-Origin was selected.
  • 719-mega.png
    Wanted good priority and Arceus-Normal provides it with great power.
  • 719-mega.png
    I wanted a fast mon that had set-up potential and status infliction so Darkrai fit the build.
  • 719-mega.png
    Finally, I added another Dragon immunity and revenge killer to the team for more firepower.



Diancie-Mega @ Diancite
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Moonblast
- Diamond Storm
- Earth Power
- Protect

The highlight of the team. Mega-Diancie is so threatening in the Ubers tier. Like mentioned earlier it outspeeds common Ubers threats and has the ability Magic Bounce to bounce back hazards, statuses, and other indirect moves. Mega-Diancie's typing also makes it unique in a way that it beats Dragon and Flying types easily which are extremely common in the metagame. I am using a Naive nature to take physical hits better such as Extremespeed and Brave Bird. Max Special Attack to 2HKO Offensive Primal-Groudon with Earth Power and helps overall Moonblast damage. Protect is used to get a "free" Mega-Evolution off due to it's poor Speed before Mega-Evolution.


Groudon-Primal @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 248 HP / 56 Def / 200 SpD / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Precipice Blades
- Fire Punch
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock

Primal-Groudon is almost necessary on every Ubers team. Groudon provides a Water immunity upon switch-in, Stealth Rock, and strong physical attacks to my team. On switch-in, it is the best Primal-Kyogre answer on my team, which can otherwise a pain to deal with. SpDef Groudon is also a great Geomancy Xerneas check too. 4 Speed EVs to outspeed uninvested Primal-Groudon, Dialga, Reshiram, and Zekrom.


Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 200 Def / 60 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Shadow Ball
- Will-O-Wisp
- Defog

Giratina-Origin has multiple purposes on my team. First, it is my hazard removal (also gets rid of opponents screens). Second, it is my only Ground immunity on the team. Lastly, it is my best answer to E-killer Arceus. Arceus-Normal is a huge threat to every Ubers team. As long as I can Will-O-Wisp Arceus-Normal I usually don't have a problem with it. Giratina-Origin is also a great Primal-Groudon check.


Arceus @ Life Orb
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake
- Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance

One of my best win conditions. STAB +2 priority is insane, especially after an SD. Earthquake and Shadow Claw gives Arceus-Normal all the coverage it needs. I personally prefer Life Orb over Lum or Leftovers for extra damage. More times than not, I find myself sweeping late game with Arceus-Normal. There is no hard counter to this Pokemon.


Darkrai @ Life Orb
Ability: Bad Dreams
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Void

Darkrai is another huge threat in the Ubers tier. With a very high Speed stat and the option to put opponents to sleep, Darkrai needs to be well respected. Darkrai is a great lead if I do not want to want to lead with Mega-Diancie for any reason. After a Nasty Plot, Darkrai has a great chance of sweeping if your opponent does not have any or any remaining priority using Pokemon left on their team. Sludge Bomb provides Darkrai with great coverage vs. Fairy types.


Xerneas @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 32 Def / 252 SpA / 224 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Thunder
- Focus Blast
- Sleep Talk

Xerneas is the best revenge killer on my team with the Arceus-Normal. Xerneas provides my team with a Sleep Talk user that can come in on opposing Darkrai if Mega-Diancie goes down. The particular EV spread is used to outspeed Rayquaza after a Dragon Dance and OHKO with Moonblast. Thunder is nice for Ho-Oh and Primal-Kyogre, however I might change the set to mono Moonblast with Sleep Talk. For now I am keeping it the way it is.

  • 252 SpA Mega Diancie Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Palkia: 312-368 (97.1 - 114.6%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
  • 0 Atk Primal Groudon Precipice Blades vs. 136 HP / 0 Def Zekrom: 372-438 (99.2 - 116.8%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
  • 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Shadow Claw vs. 248 HP / 200+ Def Giratina-O: 143-169 (28.4 - 33.5%) -- 0.1% chance to 3HKO
  • +2 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Rayquaza: 351-413 (100.5 - 118.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  • +2 252 SpA Life Orb Darkrai Dark Pulse vs. 104 HP / 96 SpD Primal Groudon: 343-406 (93.4 - 110.6%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
  • 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Landorus: 306-360 (95.9 - 112.8%) -- 75% chance to OHKO


  • 493.png
    E-killer Arceus is a huge threat if Giratina-Origin dies, have to revenge with own Arceus or Xerneas.
  • 382.png
    Primal-Kyogre can become an issue if Primal-Groudon goes down. Revenge with Darkrai or Xerneas.


Let me know what you guys think of this team and let me know what can be tweaked on this team. I hope you try them out for yourselves. See you all on the ladder! :)

This is a pretty solid Mega Diancie team following a good thought process, though the sets and moves need some optimisations, this team handles a majority of the tier well. However this build gives your team a glaring Geomancy Xerneas weakness, especially aromatherapy or rest talk variants with your only proper control being Primal Groudon that simply isn't enough on this kind of builds, you've already indentified the Kyogre weakness which is good, but it can can be controlled by Groudon, E-killer And Darkrai.

I don't think Xerneas is the most efficient sleep absorber for this team and I think you could employ a Life Orb Ho-oh over Xerneas. Mega Diancie is already enough for Yvetal. Ho-oh makes your team stronger against opposing xerneas builds relieving some pressure off Groudon, Ho-oh also helps to improve the matchup Versus Stall.

I dont think dragons are an issue for this build due to the presence of Giratina-O and Diancie-Mega. Ho-oh can be an effective wallbreaker that can also check xerneas while being an effective sleep talk user that can run coverage and still effectively absorb sleep from opposing Darkrai as well as punishing anything if it gets a free turn and Ho-oh switch ins have to risk a Sacred fire burn or taking massive damage from Brave Bird.

Now for set and evs optimisations:

  • Thunder > Sludge Bomb on Darkrai: Thunder darkrai is much superior coverage to Sludge Bomb (which only really hits Xerneas) Thunder will help with Kyogre weakness of the team, while posessing the ability to deal with opposing Ho-oh and Hitting Klefki, Yveltal, Mega Diancie and Arceus-Water harder
  • Optimising Giratina-O: Current set and EVs are pretty inefficient, changing Giratina-O 248 Atk 248 Def Atk 12 Spe EVs Dragon Tail Earthquake Shadow Sneak and Defog, gives giratina a way to reliably deal with Setup Sweepers such as ExtremeKiller Arceus and the ability to the phaze them out, along with giving Tina-O more offensive presence
  • Rock Slide > Fire Punch on Groudon: Rock Slide gives Groudon perfect coverage with P-blades, Rock Slide also gives Para-Flinching ability along with Thunder Wave. Rock Slide also allows Groudon to take out Ho-oh and deal more damage to Salamence-Mega, Giratina-O, Lugia and Rayquaza.
Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Sleep Talk

Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 Atk / 248 Def / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Defog
- Shadow Force
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Good Luck with your team
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This is a pretty solid team at a glance following your team process though the sets and moves need some optimisations, you put alot of thought into the team on paper, this team handles a majority of the tier well. However this build gives your team a glaring Geomancy Xerneas weakness, especially aromatherapy or rest talk variants with your only proper control being Primal Groudon that simply isn't enough on this kind of builds, you've already indentified the Kyogre weakness which is good, but it can can be controlled by Donner and Ekiller.

I don't think Xerneas is the most efficient sleep absorber for this team and I think you could employ a Life Orb Ho-oh over Xerneas. Mega Diancie is already enough for Yvetal. Ho-oh makes your team stronger against opposing xerneas builds relieving some pressure off Groudon, Ho-oh also helps to improve the matchup Versus Stall. I dont think dragons are an issue for this build due to the presence of Giratina-O and Diancie-Mega. Ho-oh can be an effective wallbreaker that can also check xerneas while being an effective sleep talk user that can run coverage and still effectively absorb sleep from opposing Darkrai as well as punishing anything if it gets a free turn and Ho-oh switch ins have to risk a Sacred fire burn or taking massive damage from Brave Bird.

Now for set and evs optimisations:

  • Thunder > Sludge Bomb on Darkrai: Thunder darkrai is much superior coverage to Sludge Bomb (which only really hits Xerneas) Thunder will help with Kyogre weakness of the team, while posessing the ability to deal with opposing Ho-oh and Hitting Klefki, Yveltal, Mega Diancie and Arceus-Water harder
  • Optimising Giratina-O: Current set and EVs are pretty inefficient, changing Giratina-O 248 Atk 248 Def Atk 12 Spe EVs Dragon Tail Earthquake Shadow Sneak and Defog, gives giratina a way to reliably deal with Setup Sweepers such as ExtremeKiller Arceus and the ability to the phaze them out, along with giving Tina-O more offensive presence
  • Rock Slide > Fire Punch on Groudon: Rock Slide gives Groudon perfect coverage with Pblades, allowing it to take out Ho-oh and deal more damage to Salamence-Mega and Rayquaza
Ho-Oh @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Earthquake
- Sleep Talk

Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 Atk / 248 Def / 12 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Defog
- Shadow Force
- Earthquake
- Dragon Tail

Good Luck with your team

Thanks for your suggestions, I really think they could help out the team. Especially the Ho-oh, spreading around potential burns could really help along with checking Xerneas. Thanks again man! :)
Hi n_n always nice to see a team with Diancie-mega. The changes cranham suggested are solid and there isn't much I can suggest as the team looks good overall.

The team is a bit weak to Salamence-mega as only Giratina-O and Primal Groudon can tank a hit in the team, once it sets up, which is problematic for the team. So I suggest you to use Stone Edge instead of Shadow Claw on Arceus. Stone Edge will help a lot in dealing with opposing Salamence-mega, Ho-oh etc and also does higher damage to Lugia. This way, Salamence-mega won't be able to set up easily. Shadow Claw is mainly for Arceus-Ghost, but you already have Darkrai and Ho-oh to deal with it, so Stone Edge fits better.

Good luck n_n
Hi n_n always nice to see a team with Diancie-mega. The changes cranham suggested are solid and there isn't much I can suggest as the team looks good overall.

The team is a bit weak to Salamence-mega as only Giratina-O and Primal Groudon can tank a hit in the team, once it sets up, which is problematic for the team. So I suggest you to use Stone Edge instead of Shadow Claw on Arceus. Stone Edge will help a lot in dealing with opposing Salamence-mega, Ho-oh etc and also does higher damage to Lugia. This way, Salamence-mega won't be able to set up easily. Shadow Claw is mainly for Arceus-Ghost, but you already have Darkrai and Ho-oh to deal with it, so Stone Edge fits better.

Good luck n_n
Hi n_n always nice to see a team with Diancie-mega. The changes cranham suggested are solid and there isn't much I can suggest as the team looks good overall.

The team is a bit weak to Salamence-mega as only Giratina-O and Primal Groudon can tank a hit in the team, once it sets up, which is problematic for the team. So I suggest you to use Stone Edge instead of Shadow Claw on Arceus. Stone Edge will help a lot in dealing with opposing Salamence-mega, Ho-oh etc and also does higher damage to Lugia. This way, Salamence-mega won't be able to set up easily. Shadow Claw is mainly for Arceus-Ghost, but you already have Darkrai and Ho-oh to deal with it, so Stone Edge fits better.

Good luck n_n

Thank you for your suggestion! I think that Stone Edge would be a good fit. The positives definitely outweigh the negatives of using Stone Edge (negative=not being able to hit Giratina-O for 2x Damage) I really appreciate your input :)
Hello, I built the same team but with Ho-Oh over Xerneas when I was working on a BO that utilized both Darkrai and Ho-Oh.

Everything from here are just little details. Use a Modest nature on Mega Dianice since you want the SpD stat to be intact and the drop in power of Diamond Storm rarely matters (check calcs against Ho-Oh, Blissey, Lugia, etc). I don't think your Primal Groudon EV spread + move set is necessarily the best fit for this team. I run a SD + SR Primal Groudon here, but if you want to go more defensive I'm thinking you should use a max SpD set with Lava Plume over Fire Punch and Roar over Thunder Wave. The Giratina-O set also needs adjustment; it is not typical for Gira-O to invest in HP like this and usually opts for offense investment. I feel that a set with Attack investment, Shadow Sneak, and Dragon Tail has much more utility here. Thunder over Sludge Bomb on Darkrai and Stone Edge over Shadow Claw on EKiller are also some coverage options to consider running and that were previously mentioned.

- Run Ho-Oh over Xerneas
- Run Modest > Adamant on Mega Diancie
- Change the Primal Groudon moveset to match the EVs you run
- Run a Giratina-O moveset of Defog / Shadow Sneak / Dragon Tail / Shadow Force with an EV spread of 252 Atk / 244 Def / 12 Spe / Adamant
- Consider Thunder > Sludge Bomb on Darkrai
- Consider Stone Edge > Shadow Claw EKiller
Hello, I built the same team but with Ho-Oh over Xerneas when I was working on a BO that utilized both Darkrai and Ho-Oh.

Everything from here are just little details. Use a Modest nature on Mega Dianice since you want the SpD stat to be intact and the drop in power of Diamond Storm rarely matters (check calcs against Ho-Oh, Blissey, Lugia, etc). I don't think your Primal Groudon EV spread + move set is necessarily the best fit for this team. I run a SD + SR Primal Groudon here, but if you want to go more defensive I'm thinking you should use a max SpD set with Lava Plume over Fire Punch and Roar over Thunder Wave. The Giratina-O set also needs adjustment; it is not typical for Gira-O to invest in HP like this and usually opts for offense investment. I feel that a set with Attack investment, Shadow Sneak, and Dragon Tail has much more utility here. Thunder over Sludge Bomb on Darkrai and Stone Edge over Shadow Claw on EKiller are also some coverage options to consider running and that were previously mentioned.

- Run Ho-Oh over Xerneas
- Run Modest > Adamant on Mega Diancie
- Change the Primal Groudon moveset to match the EVs you run
- Run a Giratina-O moveset of Defog / Shadow Sneak / Dragon Tail / Shadow Force with an EV spread of 252 Atk / 244 Def / 12 Spe / Adamant
- Consider Thunder > Sludge Bomb on Darkrai
- Consider Stone Edge > Shadow Claw EKiller

Thanks for your input, I really think what you're mentioning could help a lot. Especially the Mega-Diancie nature. Thanks again :)
Hi Rezilient nice team and gratz for rmt but i think that thunder could be better on tai over sbomb so u wont get troubles with stalkers, also Stone edge is a better option in pdon over fp and finally i guess u could get a banded/lo ho oh over xern so it can provides more safety from xern and better synergy (u already got mega diancie to deal with ygod..)
Hi Rezilient nice team and gratz for rmt but i think that thunder could be better on tai over sbomb so u wont get troubles with stalkers, also Stone edge is a better option in pdon over fp and finally i guess u could get a banded/lo ho oh over xern so it can provides more safety from xern and better synergy (u already got mega diancie to deal with ygod..)

Thanks for the tips man, I appreciate it :)