Finished 8-7 today. Went on a 3-game tilt in the middle of the day against back-to-back Scizor teams that I apparently just... can't.

Still haven't seen any Cresselia or Smeargle yet. Battled a guy SUPER into legendary dogs. Also matched up against 2 people with teams of lvl1 pokés
Went 10-5 in my first competition. Not too bad I would say but the dragons have given me a tough time with their intimidate switch spam.
Saw a handful of Cress and one Smeargle.
Weavile has absolutely destroyed Cress and Crobat shuts Smeargle down entirely.
I think I'll end today at 10-0. I don't want to play any more just yet as I'm facing a lot of low rated opponents and I'm getting tired, which means I'm prone to making a mistake and losing a lot of rating.

This format is a lot of fun! It's a great reminder of how much bulkier metagames get with the exclusion of mega stones. Just being able to have a choice in item is nice in itself, as I had to come up with some quirky ways of getting around the item clause. I haven't faced anything I didn't personally expect so far, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I know it's kind of late but I wanted to share this core I came up with.

My team was in need of a Wide Guard user, but the problem with Hitmontop is that it has too many things it wants to run (Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Close Combat, Feint, Mach Punch, Sucker Punch, ...) but only four things that it can. It's also pretty easy to take down with single target attacks as well. So I started to use this set:
Probopass @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
-Thunder Wave
-Wide Guard
-Earth Power
-Flash Cannon
Alongside Thunder Wave, it beats a lot of stuff easily with Flash Cannon and Earth Power, including the common Weavile and some Arcanine. The one issue was that it lost easily to some single-target attacks such as Close Combat (and to a lesser extent Earth Power), which was made worse by its lack of Protect. To fix this, I decided to add:
Togekiss @ Babiri Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 244 HP / 252 SpA / 12 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
-Air Slash
-Heat Wave
-Follow Me
This Pokémon takes attacks aimed at Probopass with ease, such as Close Combat, Earth Power, and to a lesser extent Scald. Wide Guard protects it against many common spread moves such as Blizzard, Rock Slide, and maybe Discharge. I chose to use a Babiri Berry to more easily beat Scizor, which is relatively unhindered by Thunder Wave and walls Probopass otherwise. The reason I used Protect on this set is so Probopass can paralyze a threat (read: anything that can be paralyzed), such as Suicune or Ludicolo, while Togekiss proceeds to flinch-spam it.
I haven't really worked on the EVs for either, though.
Ended today 12-3. One loss was unlucky - missed rockblast while he also hit me through confusion, had either happened I would have won. Another one I was taken way off guard by a Trick Room Gardevoir, did not expect that, and since I predicted incorrectly he got a good footing and kept the momentum the whole match. Last loss was a Hariyama/Cresselia Trick Room lead that I just terribly miss-played. Overall can't be disappointed with 12-3, but was left feeling like I shoulda done better. We will see tomorrow!
Ok, Team Arbok & Tards is ready to go; any bets on W:L ratio?
TR Gardevoir gives me nightmares man don't even mention it. I'm not running Scizor thus I am fucked.
IGN Taran if anyone meets me. gl to all participating. currently 7-2 where I choked a game away and lost to a solid tr team. I'd be happy with 12-3.

Got 12-3 but I'm kinda disappointed with my last loss. my LO weavile couldn't break a +1 cresselia and came so close when I got a crit knock off but ice shard just fell short. Being moonlight stalled is the worst thing ever.
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Ouch. 9:6.

Still better than me today buddy.

Really gotta work on my Scizor-counter before tomorrow. Unless the Pokégods are kind to me and nobody brings Scizor tomorrow. Can everyone just bench Scizor? My ego can't take it.

Edit: IGN Maverick but I'm mostly battling Japanese people apparently (and one Italian guy today. Hi, fellow European) because timezones. Probably won't run in to any of you unless I battle late tomorrow.
Have to take a break but currently sitting on 3-0, hopefully get another 10 or so battles in today. Weavile has been MVP in every battle.
Still better than me today buddy.

Really gotta work on my Scizor-counter before tomorrow. Unless the Pokégods are kind to me and nobody brings Scizor tomorrow. Can everyone just bench Scizor? My ego can't take it.

Edit: IGN Maverick but I'm mostly battling Japanese people apparently (and one Italian guy today. Hi, fellow European) because timezones. Probably won't run in to any of you unless I battle late tomorrow.

I'm not running Scizor \o/

Just be a dick like me and use shit like Fire Punch Rhyperior, Heat Wave Zapdos, Gyarados ruins its life, HP Fire Empoleon (I saw that today lol), Fire Blast Togekiss, Fire Blast Garchomp, lots of stupid shit to ruin its day.
I'm getting Canadians and Mexicans, its bizarre. I'm used to stupid Japanese haxstrats and shit like Fire Blast Gyarados, these Canadians and their Leech Seed Venusaur are baffling.

Also Defiant Empoleon is seriously looking good. Rapes every Intimidator in the meta bar Gyarados, which it comfortably walls. WP Defiant Empoleon running Scald/Aqua Jet/Ice Beam/? was no joke and wiped out 3/4ths of my team by itself. I almost regret running Azumarill after that LOL

edit: 4:2, my Heat Wave has burned 6 out of 7 hits (plus double burns, not joking), Arbok has not yet fainted, so yes I lost the 2 matches I did not bring Arbok.
I am so going to hell.
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Ended with 10-5 on my first day. Common Pokemon I've encountered so far have been Gyarados, Arcanine, Scizor, Garchomp, and the occasional rain team.
Oh, and I went up against a Sun team that had Solar Power Charizard which ended up OHKO'ing one of my Pokemon right from the start of the battle xD
Hey im new here.
I went pretty well on the first day going 13-2 but today im not having the same luck. Its my first competition that i made(what i thought was) a good team :p.

I came across today an electabuzz with follow me beside a belly drum azumarill :/ i didnt even know follow me electabuzz was a thing..

Does smogon have competitions in doubles format on oras? All these tiers are confusing me.
I'm not running Scizor \o/

Just be a dick like me and use shit like Fire Punch Rhyperior, Heat Wave Zapdos, Gyarados ruins its life, HP Fire Empoleon (I saw that today lol), Fire Blast Togekiss, Fire Blast Garchomp, lots of stupid shit to ruin its day.

Bless you for not running Scizor. You are a good person. I've got my Infernape but that shit gets outsped by Scizor even though he is FAST and can't hang in long enough to pick up the KO (plus one of them was running quick attack which I feel is like... overkill maybe c'mon now lads). My Venusaur knows HP Fire but, eh, not powerful enough. Got my firey Garchomp as well. Honestly with half my team running fire-type moves you'd think I'd have this AND YET. I DO NOT.

I'm getting Canadians and Mexicans, its bizarre. I'm used to stupid Japanese haxstrats and shit like Fire Blast Gyarados, these Canadians and their Leech Seed Venusaur are baffling.

Given that I'm, y'know, in the UK I was expecting fellow Europeans but apparently there aren't any. It's just me and that one Italian dude taking on the whole of Japan and their Fire Blast Gyrados.

edit: 4:2, my Heat Wave has burned 6 out of 7 hits (plus double burns, not joking), Arbok has not yet fainted, so yes I lost the 2 matches I did not bring Arbok. I am so going to hell.

My Raichu has picked up a double paralysis off of Discharge in every match I've run it. It's only been fainted once (thanks, Charizard). I'll join you in hell.
Hey I'm new too.
This is my first competition and first lot of competitive double battles I've done. (I dabble in singles)
My first day went really well where I finished on 13-2, today is a bit tougher and I'm currently on 16-4 (Master rank). 2 of the matches I got completely outplayed and the other 2 I was frozen multiple times.
I was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on building doubles teams since I'm really enjoying this competition.
I built my Sinnoh classic team with a little bit of research mixed in with some of my favourite Pokemon
My team is:
I know there is a serious Ice and rock weakness but that hasn't affected me much yet.

Currently on 19-6 due to 2 DC's where I was winning :(
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my 2nd day wasn't very good. 9-6. currently 21-9 which I'm not too happy with. if I can get a record of 32-13 id be happy now. Did get haxed 3 of my games today which I was salty about and it probs tilted me but I was too stubborn to stop.
I didn't build all my desired mons for the competition in time, mainly because I chose to invest far more time in Pokemon Go. Its a little disturbing the release dates for these two events were so close that they started in-fighting... anyhoo, The main thing I'll be trying to run this competition is Clefairy + Azumarill to attempt Belly Drum Sweeps. alternate sweepers to pair with clefairy include Garchomp, Scizor, and Machamp
These disconnects are so bad. I'm low enough on the ladder that a majority of people I'm about to win against just DC, hurting my rank. But I stick through my battles, win or lose, so now I'm stuck with a horrible rating. Started off strong and now it's finally setting in.
These disconnects are so bad. I'm low enough on the ladder that a majority of people I'm about to win against just DC, hurting my rank. But I stick through my battles, win or lose, so now I'm stuck with a horrible rating. Started off strong and now it's finally setting in.

Opponents that disconnect on you count as your win so you don't need to worry there, disconnects just take longer to register to the server. If your rating has been falling then it's your internet that's been disconnecting and not the opponent.
Opponents that disconnect on you count as your win so you don't need to worry there, disconnects just take longer to register to the server. If your rating has been falling then it's your internet that's been disconnecting and not the opponent.
I was always under the impression that a DC on their end did nothing to your rating?
I've never had a DC on a loss so don't think it's me
I was always under the impression that a DC on their end did nothing to your rating?
I've never had a DC on a loss so don't think it's me
If it's their fault then the game will give you the option to "continue battling". If it kicks you off of Battle Spot then it's your fault. As Psynergy said: if the opponent DCs you gain the rating as if you'd won, but there's a delay.
Bless you for not running Scizor. You are a good person. I've got my Infernape but that shit gets outsped by Scizor even though he is FAST and can't hang in long enough to pick up the KO (plus one of them was running quick attack which I feel is like... overkill maybe c'mon now lads). My Venusaur knows HP Fire but, eh, not powerful enough. Got my firey Garchomp as well. Honestly with half my team running fire-type moves you'd think I'd have this AND YET. I DO NOT.

Given that I'm, y'know, in the UK I was expecting fellow Europeans but apparently there aren't any. It's just me and that one Italian dude taking on the whole of Japan and their Fire Blast Gyrados.

My Raichu has picked up a double paralysis off of Discharge in every match I've run it. It's only been fainted once (thanks, Charizard). I'll join you in hell.

I like this guy, we're keeping him.
If battles are still running I'm gonna hop online and gouge some people's rating last minute, if you see Arbok then surrender now.
Need to add Arbok to Viability ranks in all doubles metas.