Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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That's it, I can't see new Megas appearing this gen. Not the concept being scrapped, but I don't think we are getting more, given how the two concepts clash.
They don't clash at all when you remember that the games are designed with VGC in mind competitively, which means that Item Clause is a thing. If anything, it's quite complementary to Mega Pokemon - if one Pokemon on your team has a mega stone, and one has a Z move stone, that's fewer Pokemon you're trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel for when choosing items.
Oh yes, Minior's Shield Down ability seems to be another Zen Mode/Stance Change/etc. like ability:

"Minior has the new Shields Down Ability, which no other Pokémon has had before. With the Shields Down Ability, it will have excellent defensive capabilities as long as its shell is intact. It will also be protected from status conditions. But when its HP drops below half, its shell will break, and it will change to a form better suited to attacking."

So, its base form prevents statuses and has higher defenses but at under half HP it will become more offensive. Substitute + Pinch Berry strategy anyone?
this trailer absolutely blew me away. I felt like this game was going to be super good and adding a lot of new and interesting things from earlier trailers, but at this point i'm fully convinced sun and moon is just going to blow shit up to the moon. Its gonna be hard to do this, but I think if I can stop myself from watching any more trailers and getting spoilers, there might just be enough mystery to the game left to make it even more exciting.


So... final starter evolutions confirmed?
35 foot tall half a ton dragon-type exeggutor

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried. They basically took the old Mega Vanilluxe fake leak from X & Y and turned it into a real Pokemon. I love it, it's absolutely hilarious.

I can't wait to see other sub species pokes. That Exeggutor was ridiculously awesome though. XD
Holy shit guys, this reddit rumor I brought up on Smogon discord last night seems like it was nearly right on the money, they just got Ninetale's typing wrong (he said Fairy / Fire, which to be fair is sorta close to Ice / Fairy lol)

Here's the rumor, I feel comfortable with posting it since getting the dancing birds and regional Pokemon variants right is just waaaay too good imo! Also, it seems to back up Cresselia~~ 's rumor as well (as if the Island trials weren't enough)

  • There actually are No Gyms

  • There is more than one evolution for Rockruff including a Werewolf

  • Yungoos' evolution is fat and hairy

  • Time works differently in each version

  • There are new forms of old Pokemon which are not Mega Evolutions but more along the line of Shellos/Wordam. Another chunk of information suggests that these are a few Pokemon that'll get new forms... Butterfree (Bug/Psychic), Rattata line (Dark), Nidoqueen/Nidoking (Poison/Fighting), Ninetails (Fire/Fairy), Growlithe line (Water), Abra line (Fighting), Duduo line (Fighting/Flying)

  • Pokemon transferred from the VC releases will have pre-gen 6 typings/stats

  • The stone bracelets have nothing to do with Synchro Evolution

  • Ash-Greninja is in the game

  • S.S Anne appears in the game

  • Larger, but not by much, amount of brand new Pokemon than last gen

  • Looker, Cynthia, Blue, Zinnia, AZ, and Lance all make appearances

  • Furfrou's hair cut can be changes in the new Amie

  • Some of the new forms for old Pokemon get new animations (Mentions the Abra line)

  • Transferring through Bank will be the only way to get some forms of old Pokemon

  • There is a flying type bird whose appearance varies each island

  • There is a 2 stage cat Pokemon that is Normal when captures but will inherit the fathers primary type as its 2nd type when hatched and the color/pattern varies by type

  • There is a Snowman like mentioned in the Chinese rumor and it is an Ice/Ghost 2 stage
They don't clash at all when you remember that the games are designed with VGC in mind competitively, which means that Item Clause is a thing. If anything, it's quite complementary to Mega Pokemon - if one Pokemon on your team has a mega stone, and one has a Z move stone, that's fewer Pokemon you're trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel for when choosing items.

... right. Good point.

Mega Salamence + Dragon Z-Crystal Haxorus, anyone? :P
Sad that they aren't expanding the Mega Evo concept further probably

Z-moves look interesting and it's probably the closest to the fabled "5th-move hold item" concept that keeps bouncing around every time a new generation comes around. Hopefully, even if it's just once, it might life some pokemon whose main issue is a lack of good moves.

The new forms are quite kooky and will definitely shake things up. Still sucks that ice typing is so bad defensively, if these are the new forms.

The gym leader concept is also pretty cool too. Maybe they might play an even bigger role in the story than the gym leaders of the 5th gen
Ok so looking more an Minior, status immunity seems amazing at over half HP and good defenses. When it breaks it gains better offenses and worse defenses? So Minior is a reverse Dar-Zen?
The other thing that stands out for me from this trailer is that it looks like we've found out how they're going to make use of all these amazing new abilities they've been introducing without constraining them to new Pokemon - while none of the Alola forms we've seen thus far have them, it stands to reason that we'll be getting some Alola forms that have them. Also, in before we get an Alola form Raichu that is visually indistinguishable from Pikachu...
Gotta say I'm fucking excited for Trials -- actual wild dungeons to trek through rather than inexplicably elaborate indoor mazes, plus actual Boss Pokemon that are distinguished from normal wild mooks by auto-boosted stats and mook Pokemon that fight alongside them!

Exeggutor looks like a.....I'm lost for words. It's still barely tolerable that they made it taller than Rayquayquay, but Grass/Dragon. U wot mate. How about Grass/Flying? Grass/...Normal? Grass/fucking anything, not Dragon, what the shit biscuits.

Alola as a whole looks absolutely gorgeous. Not much to comment on Z-moves, just sounds like Pokemon is gonna be messier than ever -- the sheer amount of battle mechanics we have now is intimidating as is to newcomers.

Very glad the leaks turned out to be real, I'm very happy with all the leaked final starters - wasn't a Rowlet fan before but Robingroot is absolutely fantabulous.

EDIT: Great Z-move names, except Bloom fucking Doom.
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Also, on the riding Pokemon section:

"One aspect of the culture in the Alola region is something known as Poké Ride, in which certain Pokémon help people get to places they wouldn’t be able to reach by using human strength alone. These Pokémon don’t join your team, but you can call on them anytime to receive their help. This practice is typical of the way of life in Alola, where humans and Pokémon are so closely bound together."

So, more or less, the removal of the importance of HMs? And the rocks that create artificial boudaries that have plagued us for years?

For once, I couldn't care less about the new pokémon or the new character - I started with the Japanese trailer - I just wanted them to get to those new Kantionians. I was wondering if Pokémon would ever show us to the Galapagos, and now they have. And this is exactly what I was hoping they would do - new 'isolated' forms for old pokémon in a similar spirit to Shellos and Gastrodon.
"A new element has been introduced into the Pokémon battles in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon: Z-Moves. Z-Moves are moves of great power that can only be used once per battle."


Turn 2

The opposing Gengar used Protect!
The opposing Gengar protected itself!
Pikachu surrounded itself with its Z-Power!
Pikachu unleashes its full-force Z-Power!
Pikachu used Gigavolt Havoc!
The opposing Gengar protected itself!
So Im feeling at the moment that an Alola Kalos switch ala GSC is a very possible chance. The shift away from gyms and a lack of pokemon Z, plus the new Zygarde forms and the XYZ anime make me very suspicious. On top of that, Kalos was never completed and there were too many open ended areas for it to just be left forever.

If there are megas I will be shocked, but this Z power sounds interesting.

I'm so worried that they won't buff the Sinnoh or Johto starters in anyway. (Z power doesn't work on them since they're Alola exclusive) Maybe they'll be a chimchar or cyndaquil event like Blaziken in XY? I really hope they don't forget about them. :(
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