ORAS OU Best Mega Medicham Team?

Hello everyone! This is my 2nd rate my team and I'm excited to show off this Mega Medicham team I recently made. This team contains an offensive Mega Medicham and Weavile core (due to there amazing synergy), a Jirachi, a Gliscor, a Volcanion and a Raikou. Now let's get to the sets.

Nippleknee (Medicham-Mega) @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Zen Headbutt

Mega Medicham is one of my new favorite Pokemon, and for good reason. His movepool is outstanding giving him STAB High Jump Kick, Fake out and STAB Zen Headbutt, and his ability is one of the best abilities in the game, pure power. If you didnt know, pure power doubles Mega Medicham's attack giving Mega Medicham the highest attack stat in the metagame. I gave my Medicham Substitute in replace of Ice Punch due to Medicham being so weak to Sucker Punch Bisharp and 252 Atk, 252 Spd and 4 HP to max out Medicham's wall breaking potential.
ScratchMyButt (Weavile) @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Icicle Crash
- Pursuit
- Knock Off

Weavile's synergy with Medicham is really good. Weavile revenge kills ghost types that may of killed Medicham and Medicham just walls things Weavile can't. Ice Shard STAB is great for cleaning up the leftovers that Medicham caused, Icicle Crash is great on Slower Pokemon and has a flinch chance which is always great, pursuit is for killing Ghost types that may of killed Medicham and Knock Off is to cripple Eviolite/Leftover users.
WishmakerOnDVD (Jirachi) @ Colbur Berry
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 144 HP / 120 Def / 212 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Wish
- Stealth Rocks

Jirachi has great synergy with Medicham and Weavile due to its ability to kill fairy types, not to mention flinch HAX. Jirachi is also my lead which is why SR is here and Jirachi is a great staller due to its access to wish. Jirachi also has U-Turn to gain momentum. The EV set I chose is a little all over the place but it works. 32 speed is to outspeed a good amount of OU and I chose a more defensive set respectively for being lead. Colbur berry is simply for taking less damage from powerful Dark sweepers, like Weavile and Tyranitar.
Digimon (Volcanion) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 146 HP / 252 SpA / 110 Spe
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Steam Eruption
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power

Though he may not seem like it, Volcanion is a great, powerful wall. I chose an assault vest set for the sheer bulk Volcanion gains from it. Steam Eruption is Volcanion's main attack, and Pokemon that resist it still take a lot of damage from it, not to mention it's like scald combined with hydro pump. Fire Blast is Volco's secondary move and is pretty self explanatory. Earth Power kills electric types that otherwise wall Volcanion and sludge wave is mainly filler.
Raikou @ Assault Vest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Extrasensory

I chose Raikou to kill Talonflame who threatans Medicham and because he has good synergy with Volcanion and lots of potential to revenge kill. HP ice is for utterly destroying Lando, Thunderbolt is reliable and does good damage, VS is to gain momentum and to chip stallers and Extrasensory is for doing damage to ghost types that weavile can't handle. Also assault vest is here because Raikou has decent Special Defense and so said "Wynaut? Not like I'm gonna have non damaging moves anyways" .
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 Atk / 200 SpD / 56 Spe
Careful Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Knock Off, maybe Stone Edge
- Roost

Gliscor has great type synergy with Volcanion and Raikou and if I end up replacing knock off with stone edge, Gliscor can kill flying types like Talon flame (like raikou). Swords Dance, poison heal Gliscor is amazing at sweeping, plus he gets roost. There's not much to say besides this guy is better than landorus-t by a rock slide. (Pun intended)

Well that was my OU offense team, hopefully you like it and please help me improve it too if possoble. BYE BYE :$
Hi Willowispuser! I have some recommendations for your team:

Mega Medicham: A great mon in the current metagame. The only change here is I would highly recommend using ice punch over substitute. If you really want to try out a sub set, you need to be replacing fake out or zen headbutt. I would just recommend the four attacks set however. While I also prefer the adamant nature generally, you may want to consider a jolly one on this team as another way to potentially revenge kill manaphy (if you win a speed tie). I know volcanion tanks hits and you electric type will scare it out, but it's nice to have back ups.

Weavile: I really like weavile + medicham as a core, but you could consider running an AV bisharp as your pursuit trapper. Jirachi is about your only good switch into Lati@s and without protect, it doesn't work too well at taking repeated dracos or HP fires. I like the following spread on my own AV bisharps:

Bisharp (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 84 SpD / 172 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Pursuit

Jirachi: nice spdef, support mon. I think, however, if you are really wanting to keep Weavile over bisharp, then you need to run either protect or thunderwave (or body slam if you're feeling lucky) over u-turn. This will allow you to better keep your jirachi alive for longer to switch in on multiple dragon and fairy type moves.

Volcanion: Another fun, bulky choice and a secondary fairy resist. I'm a bit confuse about your EV spread though. Not sure what you are trying to speed creep with that investment. I would recommend taking most of that speed out and investing back into HP or put more speed into to hit a certain speed tier. If you invest up to a 220 speed stat you will outpace most Rotom-W which might be beneficial. Or going up more, a lot of pokemon are EV'ed up to the 240/244 benchmark (like your own Jirachi) perhaps you want to hit 248 to outpace these. Keep playing with your team and see if this extra speed is really worth it, but make sure you're not wasting EVs.

Raikou: If you change out weavile to bisharp, you'll be at 3 AV users. We probably don't need that much special bulk. But you will be losing a fast revenge killer in weavile. Because of this I would consider changing raikou into the faster version: Jolteon. This is rarely seen in OU because Raikou is already quite fast, and hits a little bit harder. Jolteon, however, will give you an electric immunity which makes up a bit for its decreased bulk, and will give you that extra speed that you lose in dropping weavile. You can also make up for the decrease damage out put by giving it a choice specs. If you really don't like this suggestion, I won't blame you. Jolteon is a lower-tier mon for a reason, but I wouldn't be suggesting it if I didn't think it fit really well on your team.

Gliscor: I am having the hardest time with what to do with this pokemon. Part of me want to suggest putting a defogger in this spot. A different flying type with more utility, rather than sweeping potential. But I can tell you want some sort of set up pokemon to break walls. If you go the defog route, I would recommend Mandibuzz. Another lower-tier mon, but I really think you'd benefit from having defog support AND a pokemon that is not set up fodder. Mandibuzz has STAB foul play which prevents Mega Charizard X from setting up in your face, and its dark typing means it does not care too much if an opposing bisharp comes in for the attack raise. I have tried to make SD gliscor work on a variety of teams in the past few months and I really don't think it does too well in the current metagame. Play around with this last team slot and see what support your team needs the most.
TY for so much detailed information on what to do :D
I'll be replacing Weavile with your Bisharp because it's a good idea and I think I'm gonna have to get ice punch on Medicham so ill do that. I do like the idea of using jolteon, but ill have to play around with it to make sure its good. Im gonna go with a more bulky volcanion too. Gliscor can go too because now that i have jolteon, gliscor is really meh. I don't know what i'll replace it for though because Im kinda iffy about using mandibuzz, but if I do use mandibuzz would it be best to have focus sash+defog? I don't really know any good sets for mandibuzz
TY for so much detailed information on what to do :D
I'll be replacing Weavile with your Bisharp because it's a good idea and I think I'm gonna have to get ice punch on Medicham so ill do that. I do like the idea of using jolteon, but ill have to play around with it to make sure its good. Im gonna go with a more bulky volcanion too. Gliscor can go too because now that i have jolteon, gliscor is really meh. I don't know what i'll replace it for though because Im kinda iffy about using mandibuzz, but if I do use mandibuzz would it be best to have focus sash+defog? I don't really know any good sets for mandibuzz

I think that's a good idea to try one or two of these changes at a time. Maybe give jolteon a few games and if you find yourself not liking it, you can go back to raikou. If you try out Mandibuzz definitely just run a bulky leftovers set. Roost, Foul Play, and Defog are all staple moves, but the remaining slot can be either Toxic or Taunt, depending on which you deem more valuable. Try this spread out:

Mandibuzz @ Leftovers
Ability: Overcoat
EVs: 240 HP / 216 Def / 52 Spe
Impish Nature
- Roost
- Foul Play
- Taunt / Toxic
- Defog