[Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

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Nickname: Quiet | Limber
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/0
EVs: Untrained

IGN: M i r k o
Deposited: Lvl.16 female Oddish
Message: IFDG

Thank You!
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IGN: Doobzi
Wanted: Ditto
Nickname: HPIce
Timid | Limber
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31 [HP Ice]

Deposited: Whismur - lvl 10 - female
Message: HP Ice

Can you attach a spare destiny knot if you have one please?
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Nickname: SpACalm
Calm | Limber
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: Untrained

IGN: Spettra
DEPOSITED: Pelipper male lv 35

Thank You

(sniped, edited)
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Relaxed | Imposter
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/0

IGN: M i r k o
Deposited: Lvl.9 female Wingull
Message: IFDG

Thank You!
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ign: Ryuu Davin
deposited: lvl.6 male Wingull
Nickname: Ditto
Bold | Limber
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: Untrained

message: RyuuD

thank you!
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Wanted: Clefable
Deposited pokemon: lv6 male whismur
IGN: Jay
Message :IFDG
Looking to build a ou team and clefable is one of the pieces. THX in advance
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Request: Nickname: SpAModest
Modest | Limber
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: Untrained

IGN: M i r k o
Deposited: Lvl.7 female Surskit
Message: IFDG

Thank you
Bold | Unaware
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 244 HP / 248 Def / 16 Spe
Calm Mind / Moonblast / Heal Bell / Moonlight
Note: RNGed from a White 2 Hidden Grotto for the Kanto Classic competition.

Deposited pokemon: magikarp lv10 male
IGN: Spettra
Message :IFDG

Need an unaware clefable for a new team :)

Thank You
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Request: Nickname: SpAModest
Modest | Limber
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: Untrained

IGN: Doobzi
Deposited: Whismur - lvl 8 - Female
Message: IFDG

Any chance I can get an everstone with that? :p
Hi, thanks a lot for the giveaway!

Requested: SUM2013 Shiny Palkia 31/x/31/31/31/31. Since its in a cherist ball I've added ur FC. My IGN is Ace and my FC is 5430 0569 6778 and as for why I want the palkia, its because Ive been loving the work it puts in on my ubers team! :)
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Sent: Ditto x2, Palkia

Ryuu Davin : Seems like it was sniped again :(
spettra : There were like 7 big giveaways going on with Magikarps on the GTS so either it was sniped or I just couldn't find it, not sure which, went through 10 pages :\
oh ok :)

IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 244 HP / 248 Def / 16 Spe
Calm Mind / Moonblast / Heal Bell / Moonlight
Note: RNGed from a White 2 Hidden Grotto for the Kanto Classic competition.

Deposited pokemon: spinda lv 17 female
IGN: Spettra
Message :IFDG

Need an unaware clefable for a new team :)

Thank You
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Deposited: Female Wurmple Level 2 Requested: Modest Charizard solar Power (i think that with Z Sunny Day it will usable at least for fun) IGN: Gon TEXT: "IFDG" (sorry bot i don't have a mareep). Thanks!
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Rocky Helmet
Relaxed | Iron Barbs
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/0
EVs: 248 HP / 92 Def / 168 SpDef
Leech Seed / Spikes / Gyro Ball / Protect

Deposited: lvl 1 mareep
IGN: Noah
Message: IFDG

I'm trying to get a good team together in prep for sun/moon, and hes part if it. (Kind of a last minute thing)

Thank you!!
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Choice Band
Adamant | Victory Star
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
V-Create / Fusion Bolt / Brick Break / U-Turn
OT: Movie14

My FC: 3411-2094-8439 IGN: Ramsen

Reason: Victini is BAE.

Thanks a lot !
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Timid | Serene Grace
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Substitute / Calm Mind / Hyper Voice / Psyshock
OT: SPR2013
Note: RNGed in White from a Wondercard of the Spring 2013 Meloetta.

This is the only Pokemon I don't have heading into Sun and Moon! I'd sure appreciate your help before it drops!

My FC is in my signature, eagerly awaiting your reply!

Over the last year, I have been slowly building a collection of battle-ready Pokémon, and I have now decided that the time has come to share them with the community!

In this thread, I am giving away any of the Pokémon listed in my trade thread, featuring a nice collection of Kanto starter sets, and a Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 Xerneas in a Premier Ball!

What's the catch?!

Before you request any of my Pokémon, it is essential that you read and fully abide to the following rules:
  • You may only request one Pokémon per calendar month. Make your request count! If you wish for more, you can always offer me a trade in my trade thread.
  • All my Pokémon are bred, soft-reset or, in the case of non-pentagon Pokémon, RNGed by me. What I am giving away is a cloned copy of these Pokémon (cloned by me). You need to be ok with that.
  • The Pokémon you receive is non-redistributable. Do not clone it, do not trade it.
  • Do not create new accounts to get more than one Pokémon a month. This will get you banned from the giveaway.
  • You may request new Pokémon to be added to my list! Check out my trade thread for information about that.
Ready to order? Here's how you do it!
  • Catch a Pokémon of your choice. Something that is unlikely to get sniped, such as a Zubat, Wingull or Wurmple is a good idea (please, no Zigzagoon or Ditto). Or, you can make me happy and leave a Mareep :)
  • Place it in the GTS with the message "IFDG" and ask for the Pokémon you have chosen, level 91+.
  • Reply to this thread with your in-game name, the Pokémon you placed, its level and gender, and which Pokémon you are requesting (be specific if I have many sets of that Pokémon!).
  • Add a little bit of information about why you want this Pokémon. There is no wrong answer, I'm just curious! :) Are you hoping to destroy every Battle Spot opponent with it? Is it the final piece to your most excellently crafted RU team? Do you just love this Pokémon? Let me know!
  • Check the GTS every once in a while. If your Pokémon got sniped, put another and edit your post accordingly.
  • I will post every time a batch of Pokémon has been distributed.
  • When you have received your Pokémon, please edit your post and strike it through.
GTS limitations
  • Event Pokémon in a Cherish Ball cannot be traded through the GTS. In this case, add my friend code (0619-6325-7591), provide yours in your reply, and I will add you back. We shall schedule a trading time through DM.
  • Similarly, some items such as mega stones cannot be traded through the GTS. I will trade these Pokémon without their held item. If the item is important to you, please say so, write your friend code, and we will follow the same procedure as with event Pokémon.
Ditto Announcement
I have added a bunch of Dittos that are meant for breeding purposes on my trade thread, due to Buckert 's amazingly helpful giveaway being closed for the moment. My Ditto collection is nowhere near as good/helpful as his, but it's better than nothing. They will only stay there as long as his thread is closed. They do not count toward the monthly request limit, feel free to request them as you please! To request a Ditto, please follow the same guidelines as for any other Pokémon.
Sun & Moon
With the release of Sun & Moon, this giveaway will have to undergo some changes. For the first few weeks, everything will go on as normal using the Gen 6 games. I will keep sending Pokémon your way using the GTS, so it will be up to you to transfer these Pokémon to your Gen 7 games. However, after taking the time to properly go through the new games, I will work on setting myself up to transfer everything, find a way to clone, and eventually give away the Pokémon in Gen 7 instead. I will post a warning here a few days before this happens. Until then, have fun exploring Alola (I know I will)!​

Mareep received: 51

Note to mods: This is a continuous giveaway, please do not lock :)

Can I have a Ditto for breeding please? Preferably with Pokerus, but it isn't a requirement. I would like perfect IV's and nature Impish.

I placed a Zubat lvl 12 male in the GTS. My IGN is Arthur. I would like a Ditto for breeding. Perfect IV's and preferably Pokerus. Nature pref. Impish. I really want to start breeding, but don't have a Ditto so I came to this forum :D

Kind regards, Knaffils, IGN Arthur.
Sent: Meloetta, Victini, Ditto x3

Perfect IV's and preferably Pokerus. Nature pref. Impish.

I sent you the Impish one, but it doesn't have the Pokérus. A lot of my competitive Pokémon have the Pokérus though, so if you need it, you may want to look into that!
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