OU Azelf


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QC: p2, Hootie, daddy's kisses
GC: Calm Pokemaster


* Azelf has an excellent base 115 Speed tier along with access to Taunt, Stealth Rock, and Explosion. This makes it an effective suicide lead.
* It has high mixed offensive stats, with base 125 Attack and Special Attack.
* It has a wide supportive and offensive movepool with many viable coverage options, along with access to Nasty Plot.
* Unfortunately, Azelf has low defenses and a poor defensive typing.

name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Skill Swap
item: Focus Sash
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


* Stealth Rock deals damage to opposing Pokemon when they switch in, aiding sweepers by breaking Focus Sash and Sturdy and providing chip damage.
* Taunt prevents opposing Pokemon from setting up hazards or boosting.
* Explosion deals a large amount of damage coming off of Azelf's base 125 Attack stat while blocking Rapid Spin and Defog, keeping your hazards on the field. It also provides a free switch-in for Azelf's teammates.
* Skill Swap allows Azelf to setup Stealth Rock on Magic Bounce users, such as Mega Sableye.

Set Details

* Focus Sash is used to ensure Stealth Rock can be set up versus faster threats. It also allows Azelf to Taunt slower hazard setters without fear of being OHKOed.
* A Jolly nature and 252 Speed EVs are used to maximize Speed while keeping Explosion as strong as possible.
* 252 Attack EVs are used to ensure Explosion is enough to severely dent, if not OHKO, the opposing Pokemon.
* A bulkier spread of 196 HP / 56 SpD / 252 Spe could be used with a Jolly nature and a Colbur Berry to set up Stealth Rock versus Fake Out + Foul Play Mega Sableye. This spread is still able to set up Stealth Rock versus Tapu Koko, but it loses out on the ability to setup Stealth Rock versus Pheromosa and non-Taunt Mega Alakazam.

Usage Tips

* You will almost always be leading with Azelf. However, do not lead with it if your opponent has a reliable answer to this set, such as a faster Taunt user.
* Use Taunt versus opposing Pokemon who could set up hazards or boost on Azelf. However, be cautious when using Taunt on Pokemon with U-turn or Volt Switch, since they can use those moves to break Azelf's Focus Sash while switching in a Pokemon that outspeeds it.
* In most cases, Azelf will be setting up Stealth Rock and then immediately using Explosion. You should consider keeping Azelf around if you were able to keep its Focus Sash intact.

Team Options

* This set fits on hyper offense teams. Pokemon such as Keldeo appreciate Azelf's hazards, turning some 2HKOs into OHKOs. Offensive Flying-types such as Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Minior also appreciate Azelf's ability to prevent hazards from going up with Taunt.
* Ghost-types can prevent Rapid Spin, keeping your hazards up. Defiant Pokemon, such as Bisharp, can also deter Defog.
* Explosion's free switch-in gives wallbreakers, such as Landorus, an easier time putting holes in the opposing team for your cleaners.

Other Options

* Fire Blast could be used to cover the Steel-types that resist Explosion.
* A Choice Scarf set with Trick or U-turn could be effective at both revenge killing and disabling walls. However, Azelf's poor defenses make it susceptible to strong priority such as Sucker Punch and Scizor's Bullet Punch, and Levitate prevents Psychic Terrain from providing protection.
* A Nasty Plot set with Life Orb could make for a solid wallbreaker due to Azelf's numerous coverage options. However, Azelf has difficulty setting up Nasty Plot due to its poor defenses.
* A physical Choice Band set could be run with Zen Headbutt, elemental punches, and U-turn, but in general lacks the power of special sets. Special sets also have access to Psyshock to muscle past special walls.
* Dual screens could be used with Explosion and Taunt to provide a powerful setup sweeper an opportunity to boost.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Azelf typically doesn't have the coverage to severely damage Tyranitar, and Crunch + sandstorm damage will almost always OHKO Azelf. Other Dark-types bring Azelf down to its Focus Sash and can avoid Explosion through priority or being faster.

**Faster Taunt Users**: A faster Taunt disables Azelf, preventing it from setting up Stealth Rock. Faster Taunt users include Greninja, Mega Alakazam, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Other Pokemon can Speed tie with their Taunts, such as Alolan Persian and opposing Azelf. There are also Prankster Taunt users, such as Thundurus.

**Defog and Rapid Spin**: Entry hazard removers can undo Azelf's work once it faints if they are not out-pressured by Azelf's teammates.

**Faster Pokemon**: Pokemon above base 115 Speed or with strong priority can KO Azelf before it Explodes. However, they cannot prevent Stealth Rock if they do not carry Taunt.
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straight forward analysis good stuff

**Faster Taunt Users**: A faster Taunt disables Azelf, preventing it from setting up Stealth Rock. Faster Taunt users include Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Crobat, Greninja, Salazzle, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-Therian. Other Pokemon can speed-tie with their taunts, such as Alolan-Persian and opposing Azelf. There are also Prankster Taunt users, such as Thundurus.

remove aerodactyl, crobat and salazzle from here though and specify mega alakazam as opposed to reg zam

straight forward analysis good stuff

**Faster Taunt Users**: A faster Taunt disables Azelf, preventing it from setting up Stealth Rock. Faster Taunt users include Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Crobat, Greninja, Salazzle, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-Therian. Other Pokemon can speed-tie with their taunts, such as Alolan-Persian and opposing Azelf. There are also Prankster Taunt users, such as Thundurus.

remove aerodactyl, crobat and salazzle from here though and specify mega alakazam as opposed to reg zam


Done, thanks!
Give Fire Blast an OO mention for its ability to cover Steel-types who resist Boom. It's better than just about everything that is in there atm tbh.

You could also give the bulky Colbur Berry set (196 HP / 56 SpD / 252 Spe jolly w/ Colbur Berry) a mention somewhere (prolly OO, maybe Set Details; wherever QC thinks) for its ability to set up rocks vs. Fake Out+Foul Play Sableye without losing the ability to lay vs. Tapu Koko while mentioning how it loses the ability to use SR vs. non-Taunt Alakazam and Pheromosa.
Give Fire Blast an OO mention for its ability to cover Steel-types who resist Boom. It's better than just about everything that is in there atm tbh.

You could also give the bulky Colbur Berry set (196 HP / 56 SpD / 252 Spe jolly w/ Colbur Berry) a mention somewhere (prolly OO, maybe Set Details; wherever QC thinks) for its ability to set up rocks vs. Fake Out+Foul Play Sableye without losing the ability to lay vs. Tapu Koko while mentioning how it loses the ability to use SR vs. non-Taunt Alakazam and Pheromosa.

I've added Fire Blast into OO, and for the time being I've mentioned the bulky Colbur set in Set Details. Thanks!
Hey, really solid analysis. I just have one slight change I'd like to see and then this is good for GP.

Mention that, versus certain Stealth Rock users, it's not always wise to automatically click Taunt. Now that I think about it, the only two Rockers that you really need to worry about are Jirachi and Landorus-T, which can either A) U-turn out anticipating the Taunt or B) simply set up Rocks. The potential danger in mindlessly taunting versus those two is that they can just U-turn, break Azelf's sash, and pivot into something that can outpace and KO Azelf from there, essentially letting Azelf die for nothing.

Not sure how to concisely phrase that whole situation, but some mention of that should be noted IMO.

With that said, 3/3
Hey, really solid analysis. I just have one slight change I'd like to see and then this is good for GP.

Mention that, versus certain Stealth Rock users, it's not always wise to automatically click Taunt. Now that I think about it, the only two Rockers that you really need to worry about are Jirachi and Landorus-T, which can either A) U-turn out anticipating the Taunt or B) simply set up Rocks. The potential danger in mindlessly taunting versus those two is that they can just U-turn, break Azelf's sash, and pivot into something that can outpace and KO Azelf from there, essentially letting Azelf die for nothing.

Not sure how to concisely phrase that whole situation, but some mention of that should be noted IMO.

With that said, 3/3

Thanks! I've added this into Usage Tips.

Ready for GP!
Small nitpick, Espeon is non-existent in the current meta, so I wouldn't mention it as a magic bounce user, just mega sableye is fine. Even mega sableye isn't all that common either nowadays.
Additions / Corrections

  • Azelf has an excellent base 115 Speed tier along with access to Taunt, Stealth Rocks, and Explosion. This makes it an effective suicide lead.
  • It has high mixed offensive stats, with base 125 in both Attack and Special Attack.
  • It has a wide supportive and offensive movepool with many viable coverage options, along with access to Nasty Plot.
  • Unfortunately, Azelf has low defenses and a poor defensive typing.
name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Skill Swap
item: Focus Sash
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

  • Stealth Rock deals damage to opposing Pokemon when they switch in, aiding sweepers by breaking Focus Sashes, and Sturdy, and providing chip damage.
  • Taunt prevents opposing Pokemon from setting up hazards or boosting.
  • Explosion deals a large amount of damage coming off of Azelf's base 125 Attack stat while blocking Rapid Spin and Defog, keeping your hazards on the field. It also provides a free switch-in for Azelf's teammates.
  • Skill Swap allows Azelf to setup Stealth Rock on Magic Bounce users, such as Mega Sableye and Espeon.
Set Details
  • Focus Sash is used to ensure Stealth Rock can be set up versus faster threats. It also allows you Azelf to Taunt slower hazard setters without fear of being OHKOed.
  • A Jolly nature with and 252 Speed EVs are used to maximize Speed while keeping Explosion as strong as possible.
  • 252 Attack EVs are used to ensure Explosion is enough to severely dent, if not OHKO, the opposing Pokemon.
  • A bulkier spread of 196 HP / 56 SpD / 252 Spe could be used with a Jolly nature and a Colbur Berry to set up Stealth Rock versus Fake Out + Foul Play Mega Sableye. This spread is still able to set up Stealth Rock versus Tapu Koko, but it loses out on the ability to setup Stealth Rock versus Pheromosa and non-Taunt Mega Alakazam.
Usage Tips
  • You will almost always be leading with Azelf. However, do not lead with it if your opponent has a reliable answer to this set, such as a faster Taunt user.
  • Use Taunt versus opposing Pokemon who could set up hazards or boost on Azelf. However, be cautious when using Taunt on Pokemon with U-turn or Volt Switch, since they can use those moves to break Azelf's Focus Sash while switching into a Pokemon that outspeeds it.
  • In most cases, you Azelf will be setting up Stealth Rock and then immediately using Explosion. You should consider keeping Azelf around only if you were able to keep your its Focus Sash intact.
Team Options
  • This set fits on hyper offense teams. Pokemon such as Keldeo appreciate Azelf's hazards, turning some 2HKOs into OHKOs. Offensive Flying-types such as Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Minior also appreciate Azelf's ability to prevent hazards from going up with Taunt.
  • Ghost-types can prevent Rapid Spin, keeping your hazards up. Defiant Pokemon, such as Bisharp, can also deter Defog.
  • Explosion's free switch-in gives wallbreakers, such as Landorus, an easier time putting holes in the opposing team for your cleaners.
Other Options
  • Fire Blast could be used to cover the Steel-types that resist Explosion.
  • A Choice Scarf set with Trick or U-turn could be effective at both revenge killing and disabling walls. However, Azelf's poor defenses make it susceptible to strong priority such as Sucker Punch and Scizor's Bullet Punch, and Levitate prevents Psychic Terrain from providing protection.
  • A Nasty Plot set with Life Orb could make for a solid wallbreaker due to Azelf's numerous coverage options. However, Azelf has difficulty setting up Nasty Plot due to its poor defenses.
  • A physical Choice Band set could be run with Zen Headbutt, elemental punches, and U-turn, but in general lacks the power of special sets. Special sets also have access to Psyshock to muscle past special walls.
  • Dual screens could be used with Explosion and Taunt to provide a powerful setup sweeper an opportunity to boost.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Azelf typically doesn't have the coverage to severely damage Tyranitar, and Crunch + sandstorm damage will almost always OHKO Azelf. Other Dark-types bring Azelf down to its sash, Focus Sash and can avoid Explosion through priority or Speed being faster.

**Faster Taunt Users**: A faster Taunt disables Azelf, preventing it from setting up Stealth Rock. Faster Taunt users include Greninja, Mega Alakazam, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Other Pokemon can Speed tie with their Taunts, such as Alolan Persian and opposing Azelf. There are also Prankster Taunt users, such as Thundurus.

**Defog and Rapid Spin**: Entry hazard removers can undo Azelf's work once it faints if they are not out-pressured by Azelf's teammates.

**Faster Pokemon**: Pokemon above base 115 Speed or with strong priority can KO Azelf before it Explodes. However, they cannot prevent Stealth Rock if they do not carry Taunt.


GP 1 / 1
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Additions / Corrections

  • Azelf has an excellent base 115 Speed tier along with access to Taunt, Stealth Rocks, and Explosion. This makes it an effective suicide lead.
  • It has high mixed offensive stats, with base 125 in both Attack and Special Attack.
  • It has a wide supportive and offensive movepool with many viable coverage options, along with access to Nasty Plot.
  • Unfortunately, Azelf has low defenses and a poor defensive typing.
name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Taunt
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Skill Swap
item: Focus Sash
ability: Levitate
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe

  • Stealth Rock deals damage to opposing Pokemon when they switch in, aiding sweepers by breaking Focus Sashes, and Sturdy, and providing chip damage.
  • Taunt prevents opposing Pokemon from setting up hazards or boosting.
  • Explosion deals a large amount of damage coming off of Azelf's base 125 Attack stat while blocking Rapid Spin and Defog, keeping your hazards on the field. It also provides a free switch-in for Azelf's teammates.
  • Skill Swap allows Azelf to setup Stealth Rock on Magic Bounce users, such as Mega Sableye and Espeon.
Set Details
  • Focus Sash is used to ensure Stealth Rock can be set up versus faster threats. It also allows you Azelf to Taunt slower hazard setters without fear of being OHKOed.
  • A Jolly nature with and 252 Speed EVs are used to maximize Speed while keeping Explosion as strong as possible.
  • 252 Attack EVs are used to ensure Explosion is enough to severely dent, if not OHKO, the opposing Pokemon.
  • A bulkier spread of 196 HP / 56 SpD / 252 Spe could be used with a Jolly nature and a Colbur Berry to set up Stealth Rock versus Fake Out + Foul Play Mega Sableye. This spread is still able to set up Stealth Rock versus Tapu Koko, but it loses out on the ability to setup Stealth Rock versus Pheromosa and non-Taunt Mega Alakazam.
Usage Tips
  • You will almost always be leading with Azelf. However, do not lead with it if your opponent has a reliable answer to this set, such as a faster Taunt user.
  • Use Taunt versus opposing Pokemon who could set up hazards or boost on Azelf. However, be cautious when using Taunt on Pokemon with U-turn or Volt Switch, since they can use those moves to break Azelf's Focus Sash while switching into a Pokemon that outspeeds it.
  • In most cases, you Azelf will be setting up Stealth Rock and then immediately using Explosion. You should consider keeping Azelf around only if you were able to keep your its Focus Sash intact.
Team Options
  • This set fits on hyper offense teams. Pokemon such as Keldeo appreciate Azelf's hazards, turning some 2HKOs into OHKOs. Offensive Flying-types such as Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, and Minior also appreciate Azelf's ability to prevent hazards from going up with Taunt.
  • Ghost-types can prevent Rapid Spin, keeping your hazards up. Defiant Pokemon, such as Bisharp, can also deter Defog.
  • Explosion's free switch-in gives wallbreakers, such as Landorus, an easier time putting holes in the opposing team for your cleaners.
Other Options
  • Fire Blast could be used to cover the Steel-types that resist Explosion.
  • A Choice Scarf set with Trick or U-turn could be effective at both revenge killing and disabling walls. However, Azelf's poor defenses make it susceptible to strong priority such as Sucker Punch and Scizor's Bullet Punch, and Levitate prevents Psychic Terrain from providing protection.
  • A Nasty Plot set with Life Orb could make for a solid wallbreaker due to Azelf's numerous coverage options. However, Azelf has difficulty setting up Nasty Plot due to its poor defenses.
  • A physical Choice Band set could be run with Zen Headbutt, elemental punches, and U-turn, but in general lacks the power of special sets. Special sets also have access to Psyshock to muscle past special walls.
  • Dual screens could be used with Explosion and Taunt to provide a powerful setup sweeper an opportunity to boost.

Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Azelf typically doesn't have the coverage to severely damage Tyranitar, and Crunch + sandstorm damage will almost always OHKO Azelf. Other Dark-types bring Azelf down to its sash, Focus Sash and can avoid Explosion through priority or Speed being faster.

**Faster Taunt Users**: A faster Taunt disables Azelf, preventing it from setting up Stealth Rock. Faster Taunt users include Greninja, Mega Alakazam, Tapu Koko, and Tornadus-T. Other Pokemon can Speed tie with their Taunts, such as Alolan Persian and opposing Azelf. There are also Prankster Taunt users, such as Thundurus.

**Defog and Rapid Spin**: Entry hazard removers can undo Azelf's work once it faints if they are not out-pressured by Azelf's teammates.

**Faster Pokemon**: Pokemon above base 115 Speed or with strong priority can KO Azelf before it Explodes. However, they cannot prevent Stealth Rock if they do not carry Taunt.


GP 1 / 1

I implemented all edits, except the only on the Focus Sash usage tip, since a player may also want to consider keeping Azelf around if a taunter would be really useful against the opposing team or if it could crucial and possible to set up Stealth Rock multiple times throughout a match. However, these are rare and case-by-case scenarios, so I didn't include them in the analysis.

Small nitpick, Espeon is non-existent in the current meta, so I wouldn't mention it as a magic bounce user, just mega sableye is fine. Even mega sableye isn't all that common either nowadays.

I also removed Espeon from the Magic Bounce line, since it isn't receiving an OU analysis and only received 0.90% usage in the first month Gen 7 Pokebank OU stats.

Thank you!