Smogon Premier League VIII - Commencemeat

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Illuminati Killer
I wont be silenced like Helen Keller
I’m talking to you Stellar
And the others with mod power
This shit is for a trampled flower
We remember the name
Doubles aint the same
That man gave too much to the game
But you never respected, acted in vengeance
Gave him a death sentence, acted as the executioner
Toward your social media contributor

People have been afraid to speak up
They too scared of the corrupt
It’s now time for SPL but I’ll interrupt
I’ll say what I want and say fuck your permission
Theres no stop when justice is the mission
We can forgive and forget if you reverse the ban decision
Have you been called out like this before?
Huh? chaos , doug, Sam , and Zarel
Once a growing meta has now been made sterile
Now where is the former circuit tour host?
You pushed him out like Shaq in the post
I’m looking at you too Joim , tennis and Toast++
I know yall pretentious and expect to be worished like an Indian cow
But that aint me, I call it like I see it - yall tyrants like Chairman Mao

This man was at the top of the game for years like Derek Jeter
Doubles champ and the original tier leader
He made some mistakes but you fired back with a heater
Bad blood has been spilled; both sides are too strong willed
to mend the wound and move on. Can we get a fresh start?
it feels like doubles has been stabbed in the heart
I speak on behalf of the doubles community
Not asking impunity but just a little unity
This rap comes strong but no hate
He made doubles great; now un-ban him for SPL8

And I’m just getting started, don’t call me retarded
I’ll leave you breathless like someone farted
As smogons top living rapper I’m stepping out of my throne
I’m the killer that acts alone and the one making your mother moan
These rhythms go so hard they break bone
I don’t even need sticks or stones

I heard my last rap didn’t go over well with soulgazer
Chronicles pick me up, I’m the razer
I cut up bad teams like a circumcision
And will leave the Falcons regretting their decision
Those birds will get plucked and baked inside a fire type Rotom
Better talk some sense into your manager, Totem

What up to the Indie Scooters?
Let’s turn Falcons into chicken wings and serve ‘em up like Hooters
Falcons? More like some turkeys
Avoid that team like its genital herpes
Fucking untouchable, not the least bit respectable
Weak like a vegetable, potato for example
Get mashed by the Ever Grande Bigs; snapped like some twigs
Tigers will make you into a meal like some short ribs

Last rap I said I was Luke Skywalker
Truthfully I’m more like the father, Darth Vader
A crusader and a perfect fit as a Team Raider
I squash the competition
for 11 weeks thats the tradition
Will come out on top in SPL8
Recognize n1n1 as a Doubles great or get flattened like a pancake
Then eat you for breakfast while I let the falcons marinate
That’s what’s for dinner
Whatever team I’m on is guaranteed to be the winner
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With all of the recent drama, some people got to wondering about the legitimacy of the Bigs' latest retain


Ok so here's my draft guide. I'm ready for the "glad we asked" Finchinator

No internal order within the ranks. Actually there is no real order between the ranks either. Performance over price is key in SPL anyway, not just performance.

Top guns, these have to be drafted:

Astounded - Extremely high playing capability, this guy tosses people around with his confident aggression-style play. Similar to Level 56 in many ways but possibly a bit more inconsistent (higher highs, lower lows).

Level 56 - Good all around tournament player. Not much to put against the guy, aside from being a tad inexperienced in this setting. Not the most creative guy but is that really a metric for anything?

Lord Outrage - Seems to have calmed down as well. Most consistent ORAS Ubers player as evident from seasonal results. Builds well but can sometimes misplay, especially when probability management is important.

Le olde geezers, high tier players. These are probably safe bets overall but it has to be said that the activity on some of them have been questionable:

Dice - If he wants to play Ubers he's certainly capable. Best builder/metagamer in the tier but his playing ability can be questionable at times.

Problems - No reason to doubt this guy, he always seems to play well according to me. But he's been gone for quite a while.

Blim - Rough ORAS run but he's the GOAT, so come on.

Edgar - Has really shown great activity and passion since he came back. Is fundamentally a strong player. But has essentially been gone for 2 years and his last SPL was disappointing.

The middle ground

Gunner Rohan - Good seasonal results, highly motivated and active. Has to branch out his playstyle register more (which he probably works hard on).

Fireburn - Had a poor SPL run 2 years ago but is pretty good overall.

Transcendent God Champion - I know shit is going to hit the fan but PTR is a good player. You can absolutely not complain about his playing proficiency, it's up there with guys like Blim. He might be unwilling to branch out from using what he is comfortable with, which can be a problem.

ZF - putting him here but he's retained so yeah.

BKC - if he wants to play Ubers there is no reason to not put him here. He'll likely be hella expensive though, but he obviously knows other tiers as well.

The Trap God - Similar to Gunner Rohan, has arguably branched out harder with using different things in the past but he isn't as proficient with what he uses as Gunner.

Pohjis - On the same level as Trap God, pretty much. Can he build though?

Lacus Clyne - Pretty good results but her plays make me scratch my head all too much.

Orch - Must be ranked here as I see nothing that makes him a worse pick than some of the players in this bracket. Very unique views on the meta, big on preparing for opponents especially. Hard counter to yours truly.

Donkey - Although I don't condone his behavior the last SPLs he is a very, very capable builder. Could be worthwhile to complement a starter player with for 3k?
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[16:17] +Censored: EESA
[16:17] ~Isa: ,
[16:17] ~Isa: is this a meme
[16:17] +Censored: no
[16:17] +Censored: are you not going to play spl
[16:17] ~Isa: have you noted
[16:17] ~Isa: my role
[16:17] +Censored: oh
[16:17] ~Isa: in this spl
[16:17] +Censored: OH
[16:17] ~Isa: rofl
[16:17] +Censored: you're
[16:17] +Censored: the host

Hello everyone guys, well i am looking for a team to play in. I would like to play the tier DPP OU and if i couldn´t then i would like to play BW.
Well, i am from Spain GMT+1 , i have Discord: PERRO#2100 i would thank if some team will be able to send me a link to their Discord channel to do some try outs, i have replays to see if you want too.

Note: I recolected some links reading previous posts but i still haven´t all the teams channels. I see PM´s and Discord everyday cause i use it on my mobile phone too.

Thanks for your time.
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Made a list of 10 great RBY players (not my order or any conscious order) with Disaster Area:
since we r out here includin ppl like ortheore i suppose its time..
RBY KING AND SMOGON CLASSIC WINNER METABEAST will grace the commoners with the real RBY list (assuming Tiba isnt playing)

1. marcoasd
2. no one else is worth above 5k

thank me later lol.
Fuckin wassup it's everyone's 2nd favourite Gen 7 LC tier leader of all-time, the evil monster that banned Porygon, Quote! I'm about to hit y'all up with a list of LC players. By now you should all know who you're picking up because only like 6 of us exist, but if you're having second thoughts, or your team is racially imbalanced and you need to swap out that last whitey, well I'm here to help! The tier is still pretty fresh so I can't put everyone in an exact order, but I'll lump 'em all into groups for ya.

Tier 0 (So good they were retained):

A quick shout-out to Heysup, ZoroarkForever, and ZoroDark for being retained. Good stuff.

Top Tier Prospects:
Star: Y'all already know this dude is good but seriously, one scrap with him and you can see how well he analyses the game. He was kicking our asses when he was like 6 or something. He deserves to go for an acceptable value.

OP: OP is mad good. He's an excellent addition to teams not just because of his skill, but because he's a smart and helpful person. That's a great guy
to have on a team.

fatty: Another solid player. He builds his own teams and kicks ass with them.

Sken: Easily the most underrated LC player of the past couple of years. Not sure why he was slept on. Memes, I guess. Mad good though. Too bad we disagree on nearly everything.

Mambo: The reason why I put Mambo in this tier, despite what some of you might think, is because when he puts in the work, he'll build amazing CTs and can play extremely well. His major fault is that he's prone to making assumptions too quickly about someone and it's easy to pick up on that when playing against him. Fix that shit Mambo and you'll skyrocket. Trust me, I know he was a meme for a while but he's great.

Kushalos: This dude comes out of nowhere and just kicks ass. He's also an amazing cook. He'll make your team the best meals. Easy pick imo.

Close to the Top

mad0ka: Would be higher up but her inconsistencies hold her back. Still worth it for an LC slot, and if she fixes herself up she'll be right back up there with the rest.

Kingler12345: People like to shit on him because he's a lucky kid but he's not bad by any means. He'll still get you some wins.

Fiend: I always forget how good Fiend is until I watch him play other people. I don't count my matches with him because I'm retarded, but when I watch him play in a tour match or high ladder he holds up well until he gets haxed.

Celestavian: Dude's actually good when he isn't sitting there playing poker all day. I'll warm him up a bit and he should be good to go.

Sleepers (just gonna list off)
Hairy Toenail
The Quasar

Also me because I'm somehow the best and worst LC player of all time. My b if I forgot any other good peeps that actually signed up.
Illuminati Killer
I wont be silenced like Helen Keller
I’m talking to you Stellar
And the others with mod power
This shit is for a trampled flower
We remember the name
Doubles aint the same
That man gave too much to the game
But you never respected, acted in vengeance
Gave him a death sentence, acted as the executioner
Toward your social media contributor

People have been afraid to speak up
They too scared of the corrupt
It’s now time for SPL but I’ll interrupt
I’ll say what I want and say fuck your permission
Theres no stop when justice is the mission
We can forgive and forget if you reverse the ban decision
Have you been called out like this before?
Huh? chaos , doug, Sam , and Zarel
Once a growing meta has now been made sterile
Now where is the former circuit tour host?
You pushed him out like Shaq in the post
I’m looking at you too Joim , tennis and Toast++
I know yall pretentious and expect to be worished like an Indian cow
But that aint me, I call it like I see it - yall tyrants like Chairman Mao

This man was at the top of the game for years like Derek Jeter
Doubles champ and the original tier leader
He made some mistakes but you fired back with a heater
Bad blood has been spilled; both sides are too strong willed
to mend the wound and move on. Can we get a fresh start?
it feels like doubles has been stabbed in the heart
I speak on behalf of the doubles community
Not asking impunity but just a little unity
This rap comes strong but no hate
He made doubles great; now un-ban him for SPL8

And I’m just getting started, don’t call me retarded
I’ll leave you breathless like someone farted
As smogons top living rapper I’m stepping out of my throne
I’m the killer that acts alone and the one making your mother moan
These rhythms go so hard they break bone
I don’t even need sticks or stones

I heard my last rap didn’t go over well with soulgazer
Chronicles pick me up, I’m the razer
I cut up bad teams like a circumcision
And will leave the Falcons regretting their decision
Those birds will get plucked and baked inside a fire type Rotom
Better talk some sense into your manager, Totem

What up to the Indie Scooters?
Let’s turn Falcons into chicken wings and serve ‘em up like Hooters
Falcons? More like some turkeys
Avoid that team like its genital herpes
Fucking untouchable, not the least bit respectable
Weak like a vegetable, potato for example
Get mashed by the Ever Grande Bigs; snapped like some twigs
Tigers will make you into a meal like some short ribs

Last rap I said I was Luke Skywalker
Truthfully I’m more like the father, Darth Vader
A crusader and a perfect fit as a Team Raider
I squash the competition
for 11 weeks thats the tradition
Will come out on top in SPL8
Recognize n1n1 as a Doubles great or get flattened like a pancake
Then eat you for breakfast while I let the falcons marinate
That’s what’s for dinner
Whatever team I’m on is guaranteed to be the winner

a shit.
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