OU Gengar


QC: Dennis EG, PK Gaming, p2
GP: Kris
  • Gengar has great Special Attack and a decent movepool to allow it to act as a strong wallbreaker.​
  • Its good Speed can be utilized to make a semipotent revenge killer on Offense.​
  • Gengar has utility outside of wallbreaking with moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Subtitute, Disable, and Trick.​
  • Its poor defensive typing and thin defenses make it extremely vulnerable to being revenge killed and Pursuit trapped.​
  • With Cursed Body, it removes any ability Gengar can no longer pivot into Ground-type moves. However, it allows Gengar to gain advantages from terrain effects and clean up Toxic Spikes.​
  • Despite its great Speed tier, Gengar falls short of some Choice Scarf users such as Tyranitar and other naturally faster Pokemon such as Thundurus, Tapu Koko, Greninja, and Weavile.​

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Taunt
item: Life Orb
ability: Cursed Body
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


  • Shadow Ball is Gengar's Ghost-type STAB move and hits foes very hard naturally and should be spammed whenever applicable.
  • Sludge Wave is used for hitting Fairy-yypes and other Pokemon that are either immune to or resistant to Shadow Ball, such as Mandibuzz. It's also more powerful than Shadow Ball when hitting neutrally.
  • Focus Blast can be used to break through Pokemon like Ferrothorn or Heatran, as well as Pokemon that can reliably switch into Gengar and give it trouble, such as Bisharp and Tyranitar.
  • Thunderbolt can be used for very bulky Water- and Flying-types such as Toxapex, Mantine, and Celesteela.
  • Taunt is useful to prevent slower Pokemon from setting up entry hazards or recovering health.
  • Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers that can switch in on Gengar, such as Mega Scizor.
  • Destiny Bond can be used in tandem with Taunt in order to potentially secure a KO on something Gengar can't KO straight up.

Set Details
  • Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment is used to help Gengar take advantage of its amazing Speed while letting it hit as hard as possible.
  • Life Orb is used to give Gengar's attacks extra power without being restricted to a Choice item.
  • A Timid nature allows Gengar to make the most of its Speed while not gimping any important stat.

Usage Tips

  • Being a fast and powerful but extremely frail attacker, Gengar should be used to either revenge kill a slower threat or break down opposing walls and tanks.
  • Pivoting in Gengar after a slow U-turn or Volt Switch can be a very effective strategy to get it in safely. This is also extremely important, as now that Gengar's Spikes damage with Life Orb recoil, its health will be diminished even faster throughout the course of a match.
  • Entry hazards are a great tool that Gengar can utilize to nail 2HKOs that otherwise would not be possible.

Team Options

  • Teammates that beat Dark-types and faster Psychic- and Ghost-types are paramount to success with Gengar. For this reason, Pokemon like Buzzwole, Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Pheromosa, and Magearna make excellent partners. Tapu Bulu is also an excellent partner that stomachs Ground- and Dark-type attacks thrown at Gengar while providing Grassy Terrain to help sustain Gengar.
  • Anything that can set up entry hazards while also being able to stomach hits from powerful priority attackers are good partners. For this reason, Skarmory and Ferrothorn get a mention as notable teammates.
  • Partners that benefit from Gengar's profound ability to break down walls and stall teams alike include Mega Pinsir, Greninja, Pheromosa, and Mega Sharpedo.
  • It's extremely important to have control over entry hazards during the course of the match, as keeping Gengar alive and healthy can be a difficult task. Partners that control entry hazards such as Starmie, Tapu Fini, Zapdos, and Skarmory are greatly appreciated.
  • Slow VoltTurn users are great to pivot Gengar in and out of battle while keeping it safe from as much damage as possible. Good examples of this are Landorus-T, Magearna, Magnezone, Mega Scizor, and Rotom-W.
  • Tapu Lele deserves a mention of its own, as it resists Psychic and brings Psychic Terrain, preventing priority attacks from even touching Gengar.
  • Anything that can set up Sticky Web for Gengar would help immensely against faster-paced teams. Good users of Sticky Webs, such as Smeargle and Shuckle, go very well with Gengar.

Other Options

  • Substitute can be used in order to ease prediction and safely secure a 2HKO or a burn with Will-O-Wisp; however, it can be somewhat difficult to properly find the moveslot for it.
  • Hex is plausible on a team focused on status, as Hex on a status-inflicted target will in fact be stronger than Shadow Ball. However, it lacks the same consistency that Shadow Ball has.
  • Icy Wind is an option to not only hit Ground- and Dragon-types super effectively, but to also slow down a switch-in that would normally be faster than Gengar, allowing Gengar to potentially outspeed and KO the opponent, but the move itself is overall very weak.
  • Pain Split is an option for Substitute sets to recover Gengar's lost health. However, this limits Gengar's options further.
  • Dazzling Gleam is an option to hit specific targets for super effective damage, such as Sableye. However, Shadow Ball should suffice, as it is also much more consistent.
  • Disable, when used in conjunction with Substitute can cripple the opposing Pokemon if their only reliable way to OHKO Gengar becomes disabled; however, this cuts into Gengar's coverage options.
  • A Trick + Choice Scarf set can also be used to not only outspeed threatening Pokemon like Pheromosa, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, and Thundurus, but also to Trick a Choice Scarf onto a Pokemon like Chansey or Skarmory, effectively crippling them. However, such a set is relatively weak, and aside from the one use of Trick, is for the most part useless against more stall oriented teams.
  • Choice Specs allows Gengar to wallbreak more effectively and doesn't have the recoil of Life Orb; However, it prevents Gengar from switching moves and restricts its utility outside of wallbreaking.
Checks and Counters

**Dark-types**: Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar are all able to potentially come in on Gengar and proceed to either outspeed it in the case of Weavile and Choice Scarf Tyranitar, KO it with Sucker Punch in the case of Bisharp, or Pursuit trap it. Alolan Muk deserves a special mention, as it can safely switch into any of Gengar's attacks and freely Pursuit Gengar to death.

**Faster Pokemon**: Greninja, Weavile, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, Zygarde-10%, and Thundurus are all examples of Pokemon that naturally outspeed and can OHKO Gengar with their respective STABs. However, these Pokemon cannot safely switch into Gengar.

**Priority Attacks**: Priority attacks from powerful Pokemon such as Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Alolan Muk, Bisharp, Mega Pinsir, and Mamoswine can all threaten Gengar with a potential 2HKO or even OHKO.

**Residual Damage and Status**: Chip damage from things like Stealth Rock, Spikes, burns, and Life Orb recoil and quickly dwindle Gengar's health, making its time on the battlefield short-lived.
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I really would fit destiny bond somewhere, probably on the third and fourth slashes: I would mention how ghost / poison coverage is enough to do solid vs most threats on its own, giving Gengar room to play with its other two moves. OO mention icy wind to smack landorus zygarde tornadus-t and fast switch ins such as Tapu Koko. DBond and Taunt work well together to counteract the nerf DBond received while DBond and focus blast combination completely remove the 50-50 with bisharp ensuring a trade each time.

I would talk about how cursed body isn't a nerf so much as a change in gameplan: without levitate you can lure in ground types with icy wind / dbond more efficiently than last generation and you can receive benefits from terrain and remove toxic spikes. You cannot stop Scarf Landorus-T or RP Landorus sweeps like last time, but Gengar was not a reliable ground counter in the first place so it's nerf has been highly overexaggerated.

Cursed Body Gengar can be used in the same way scald was last gen in the sense that you can sometimes scout a cursed body in late game (e.g. gengar + other mon vs opponents last pokemon: scarf pheromosa, you can scout a cursed body to fish for a win). it isn't reliable but not entirely useless.

Hope this helps.
I really would fit destiny bond somewhere, probably on the third and fourth slashes: I would mention how ghost / poison coverage is enough to do solid vs most threats on its own, giving Gengar room to play with its other two moves. OO mention icy wind to smack landorus zygarde tornadus-t and fast switch ins such as Tapu Koko. DBond and Taunt work well together to counteract the nerf DBond received while DBond and focus blast combination completely remove the 50-50 with bisharp ensuring a trade each time.

I would talk about how cursed body isn't a nerf so much as a change in gameplan: without levitate you can lure in ground types with icy wind / dbond more efficiently than last generation and you can receive benefits from terrain and remove toxic spikes. You cannot stop Scarf Landorus-T or RP Landorus sweeps like last time, but Gengar was not a reliable ground counter in the first place so it's nerf has been highly overexaggerated.

Hope this helps.
I'm not overall too sure on fitting DBond on the actual set instead of just making it an OO. Even with taunt, it can still be a bit unreliable and also limits your other, more general and applicable options such as WoW or even Substitute. I'll consider a slash on the fourth slot.
Surprised I haven't seen any mention of Ghostium Z its a nuke that assures a 2ko on anything not normal or dark on the switch, it makes it so a lot of pokes that would be checks or counters either can't switch in or get crippled as a result.

Also one thing that people haven't mentioned about cursed body is if a pursuit trapper switches in and you don't try to switch on certain pokes you will survive the first hit with a chance to get a cursed body disable. The two times so far I got pursuit trapped with Gengar this happened and I was able to switch out while pursuit was disabled, not a reliable thing but a nice little chance to get out of a situation where you would otherwise lose a pokemon.
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Mention Tapu Bulu as a good partner. Resists Dark and Ground which is fantastic, but more importantly Grassy Terrain gives you recovery and halves damage from EQ. On the flip side, you eat Poison attacks comfortably and can clean up Toxic Spikes (which are annoying for defensive Bulu sets).
Mention Tapu Bulu as a good partner. Resists Dark and Ground which is fantastic, but more importantly Grassy Terrain gives you recovery and halves damage from EQ. On the flip side, you eat Poison attacks comfortably and can clean up Toxic Spikes (which are annoying for defensive Bulu sets).
To be fair, Bulu loses to Weavile and Bisharp, especially the former if carrying Poison Jab which will just absolutely cuck you.
True but if Weavile's carrying Jab then it it's sacrificing either priority or coverage (and Icicle Crash does just fine I feel).

Bisharp gets 2HKO'd by BandHammer IIRC.
Actually if I can go a bit off topic, Jab is the best fourth move for it right now. Low Kick is kinda trash rn and it doesn't need pursuit. Anyways, Tapu Bulu is still a good partner and I'll add it anyway.
Focus Blast is pretty non-negotiable since its Gengar's only way of ever hitting things like TTar and Bisharp. Also hits bulkier Steels like Ferro harder and possibly SpD Tran.

The last slot gets pretty clustered so Taunt / Wisp / and maybe Sub should be the last slot. I don't think Thunderbolt is good but it could probably just get a mention as well as DBond (probably oo) and Icy Wind for sure.

Lastly, DGleam isn't too good and not worth a slot like ever. The only thing notable about it is 2HKOing Mega Sab. Otherwise it's not worth oo imo.

The specs suggestion would make focus blast more of an option since resists aren't taking hits well anymore
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what do you think of specs set? Tyranitar (and Torn-T) isn't used that much at the moment and ghost resists are hard to fit on a team. many 3 hkos turn into 2hkos with it, e.g against Ferrothorn, Scizor and you don't take Lo recoil. Together with Mimikyu they could form a Ghost spam core
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Focus Blast is pretty non-negotiable since its Gengar's only way of ever hitting things like TTar and Bisharp. Also hits bulkier Steels like Ferro harder and possibly SpD Tran.

The last slot gets pretty clustered so Taunt / Wisp / and maybe Sub should be the last slot. I don't think Thunderbolt is good but it could probably just get a mention as well as DBond (probably oo) and Icy Wind for sure.

Lastly, DGleam isn't too good and not worth a slot like ever. The only thing notable about it is 2HKOing Mega Sab. Otherwise it's not worth oo imo.

The specs suggestion would make focus blast more of an option since resists aren't taking hits well anymore
Very true, but at the same time the reason I said that is because there are SO many blanket checks to dark types in general going around right now. Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Alolan Muk, Mega Scizor, and Mega Gyarads, and I don't feel like it's entirely necessary to carry Focus Blast, though it IS an unarguable third move. Just saying that carrying your STABs and two utility moves is plausible.
what do you think of specs set? Tyranitar (and Torn-T) isn't used that much at the moment and ghost resists are hard to fit on a team. many 3 hkos turn into 2hkos with it, e.g against Ferrothorn, Scizor and you don't take Lo recoil. Together with Mimikyu they could form a Ghost spam core
Y'know, I actually was considering a Specs set with SBall | SWave | FBlast | Trick / TBolt, but I don't know, it just seems kinda iffy. I'll consider adding it to the post after I test with it for a while.
Focus Blast is pretty non-negotiable since its Gengar's only way of ever hitting things like TTar and Bisharp. Also hits bulkier Steels like Ferro harder and possibly SpD Tran.

The last slot gets pretty clustered so Taunt / Wisp / and maybe Sub should be the last slot. I don't think Thunderbolt is good but it could probably just get a mention as well as DBond (probably oo) and Icy Wind for sure.

Lastly, DGleam isn't too good and not worth a slot like ever. The only thing notable about it is 2HKOing Mega Sab. Otherwise it's not worth oo imo.

The specs suggestion would make focus blast more of an option since resists aren't taking hits well anymore
I think Tbolt is actually a good option right now. It can 2HKO Toxapex, Celesteela (these two are a row, but it's a row on your favor, and it's guaranteed after rocks), Skarmory (OHKO if it's the physical variant) and OHKO Mega Pinsir, Gyarados (2HKO if it already mega evolved, but it is more reliable than Focus Blast, which also is a 2HKO), Pelliper, Greninja, and is a row on Mantine depending on the spread, and a guaranteed OHKO even on the max HP/max Sp. Def after rocks.
Faster Pokemon: Dugtrio, Greninja, Weavile, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, Salazzle, Zygarde-10%, and Thundurus are all examples of Pokemon that naturally outspeed and can OHKO Gengar with their respective STABs. However, few of these Pokemon have the chance to safely switch into Gengar.
salazzle won't be getting an OU skeleton so I don't think you should mention her.

Destiny Bond is an option to take down an opposing pokemon with you should you predict and play around with it correctly. However, this is mostly unreliable.
you talked about Destiny Bond under the "moves" section so it's a bit redundant to bring it up again in "other options" vice versa
Hey there
You missing the word "[OVERVIEW]"
  • Great Special Attack and Movepool allow Gengar to act as a strong Wallbreaker​
  • Good Speed can be abused to make a semipotent revenge killer on Offense​
  • Great coverage options such as Focus Blast and Thunderbolt(this sentence is very similar to first one when u mention great movepool, so delete it)
  • Utility outside of Wallbreaking with moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Subtitute, Disable, and Trick​
  • Poor defensive typing and thin defenses make Gengar extremely vulnerable to being Revenge Killed and Pursuit Trapped​
  • With the change to Gengar's ability from Levitate to Cursed Body, it allows Gengar to be hit by ground type moves. However, it also allows Gengar to gain advantages from terrain effects and clean up Toxic Spikes.​

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Focus Blast / Thunderbolt / Taunt
move 4: Taunt / Will-O-Wisp / Thunderbolt / Destiny Bond
item: Life Orb
ability: Cursed Body
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

For the main set leave it like above without any slashes


  • Shadow Ball is your general STAB move and hits very hard naturally, and should be spammed whenever applicable.
  • Sludge Wave is used for hitting Fairy types and other pokemon that are either immune to or resistant to Shadow Ball, such as Mandibuzz.(also mention that is its stronger move)
  • Focus Blast can be used to break through Pokemon like Ferrothorn or Heatran, and Pokemon that can reliably switch into Gengar and give him trouble, such as Bisharp, Tyranitar, and Weavile.(Weav cannot "reliably" switch into as sludge does way to much)
  • Thunderbolt can be used for very bulky water and flying types such as Suicune and Celesteela.(mention toxapex/mantine over suicune as are more relevant mons right now)
  • Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers that can switch in on Gengar, such as Mega Scizor.
  • Taunt is useful to prevent slower Pokemon from setting up hazards or recovering.(Move this sentence below focus blast mention)
  • Destiny Bond can be used in tandem with taunt in order to potentially secure a kill on something Gengar can't kill straight up.

Set Details
  • Max Speed and Special Attack is used to help Gengar abuse his amazing Speed while letting him hit as hard as possible.
  • Life Orb is used to give Gengar's attacks extra power without being restricted to a Choice item.
  • Timid nature allows Gengar to make the most of his speed while not gimping any important stat.

Usage Tips

  • Being a fast and powerful but extremely frail attacker, Gengar should be used to either Revenge Kill a slower threat or break down opposing walls and tanks.
  • Pivoting in Gengar after a slow U-Turn or Volt Switch can be a very effective strategy to get Gengar in safely.
  • Hazards are a great tool that Gengar can abuse to nail 2HKOs that otherwise would not be possible.(mention some example here)
  • While Gengar does have very low defenses, it can still be a good idea to switch it into attacks that it resists or is immune to if he's the only resistance you have, as Gengar resists some important typings like Bug, Fairy, Grass, and Poison, while being immune to Normal and Fighting.(its ok mention immunities but gengar take a lot even if they are resisted hits so mention this insted of switch in gengar on resisted hits)
  • mention how cursed body limited its longevity (as it is afected by spikes now) in conjuntion with Life orb recoil.

Team Options

  • Teammates that beat Dark Types and faster Psychic and Ghost Types are paramount to success with Gengar. For this reason, Pokemon like Buzzwole, Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Pheromosa, and Magearna make excellent partners. Tapu Bulu is also an excellent partner that stomachs Ground and Dark type attacks thrown at Genger, while providing Grassy Terrain to help sustain Gengar.
  • Anything that can set up hazards while also being able to stomach priority hits from powerful Dark types are good partners. For this reason, Skarmory and Ferrothorn get a mention as notable teammates.
  • Partners that benefit from Gengar's profound ability to break down walls and Stall alike include Mega Pinsir, Greninja, Pheromosa, and Mega Sharpedo.
  • mention how gengar would apreciated a spin support for longevity
  • mention Lele here as it resist psychic moves as well provides immunity to priority which gengars hate.
  • mention teammates with the volt-turn combo as u mention in usage tips

Other Options

  • Substitute can be used in order to ease prediction and safely secure a 2HKO or a burn with Will-O-Wisp, however it can be somewhat difficult to properly find the moveslot for it.
  • Hex is plausible on a team focused on Status, as Hex on a statused target will in fact be stronger than Shadow Ball. However, it lacks the same consistency that Shadow Ball has.
  • Icy Wind is an option to not only hit Ground and Dragon Types for Super Effective damage, but to also slow down a switch in that would normally be faster than Gengar, allowing Gengar to potentially outspeed and KO the opponent, but the move itself is overall very weak.
  • Pain Split is an option for Substitute sets to recover your lost health. Though, this limits your options further.
  • Dazzling Gleam is an option to hit Fighting and Dark Types for Super Effective damage, but is relatively weak outside of this.(Dazz is for a specific targets like sableye, however its stab moves or focus cause consistent damage)
  • Destiny Bond is an option to take down an opposing pokemon with you should you predict and play around with it correctly. However, this is mostly unreliable.(you already mention this in moves)
  • Disable when used in conjunction with Substitute can cripple the opposing Pokemon if their only reliable way to OHKO you becomes disabled; However, this cuts into Gengar's overall ability against faster Offensive pokemon.(only mention how this combo limits its coverage option)
  • Trick and a Choice Scarf set can also be used to not only outspeed threatening Pokemon like Pheromosa, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, and Thundurus, but also to Trick a Choice Scarf onto a Pokemon like Chansey or Skarmory, effectively crippling them. However, such a set is relatively weak and aside from the one use of Trick, is for the most part useless against more Stall oriented teams.(this sentence is good however give it more focus to the choice scarf rather than trick)
  • mention choice specs too, as can hit harder but gengar loves switching moves.
Checks and Counters

Dark Types: Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar are all able to potentially come in on Gengar, and proceed to either outspeed it in the case of Weavile or Scarf Tyranitar, Kill it with Sucker Punch in the case of Bisharp, or Pursuit Trap it. Alola Muk deserves a special mention as it can safely switch into any of Gengar's attacks and freely Pursuit Gengar to death.

Faster Pokemon: Dugtrio, Greninja, Weavile, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, Salazzle, Zygarde-10%, and Thundurus are all examples of Pokemon that naturally outspeed and can OHKO Gengar with their respective STABs. However, few of these Pokemon have the chance to cannot safely switch into Gengar.

Priority Attacks: Priority Attacks from powerful Pokemon such as Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Alolan-Muk, Dugtrio, Bisharp, Mega Pinsir, and Mamoswine can all threaten Gengar with a potential 2HKO or even OHKO.

Residual Damage and Status: Chip damage from things like Stealth Rock, Spikes, Burns, and Life Orb recoil and quickly dwindle Gengar's health, making his time on the battlefield short lived.
Leave comment in bold so you can implement that, and strike-through another stuff so you can delete them.
After you implement all that called QC 1/3 :toast:
In the Overview, i'd mention that Gengar's Speed (while fast), falls short of the myriad of faster Pokemon, powerful scarf users and instant speed Mega Pokemon in the tier, all of which make its job harder. I'd also specify that the change in ability prevents it from pivoting into Ground-type moves, limiting its switch in opportunities. Other than that...


Gengar's honestly still got it
standard colors

GP 1/1

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  • Gengar has great Special Attack and a decent movepool to allow Gengar it to act as a strong wallbreaker. (AP)
  • Its good Speed can be abused utilized to make a semipotent revenge killer on Offense. (AP)
  • Gengar has utility outside of wallbreaking with moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Subtitute, Disable, and Trick. (AP)
  • Its poor defensive typing and thin defenses make Gengar it extremely vulnerable to being Revenge Killed revenge killed and Pursuit Trapped trapped. (AP)
  • With the change to Gengar's ability from Levitate to Cursed Body, it removes any ability Gengar can no longer has to pivot into Ground Type Ground-type moves. However, it allows Gengar to gain advantages from terrain effects and clean up Toxic Spikes.
  • Despite its great Speed tier, Gengar falls short of some scarfers Choice Scarf users such as Tyranitar, (RC) and other naturally faster Pokemon such as Thundurus, Tapu Koko, Greninja, and Weavile.

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Taunt
item: Life Orb
ability: Cursed Body
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


  • Shadow Ball is your general Gengar's Ghost-type STAB move and hits foes very hard naturally, (RC) and should be spammed whenever applicable.
  • Sludge Wave is used for hitting Fairy types Fairy-types and other pokemon Pokemon that are either immune to or resistant to Shadow Ball, such as Mandibuzz. It's also more powerful than Shadow Ball when hitting neutrally.
  • Focus Blast can be used to break through Pokemon like Ferrothorn or Heatran, and as well as Pokemon that can reliably switch into Gengar and give him it trouble, such as Bisharp and Tyranitar.
  • Thunderbolt can be used for very bulky water and flying types Water- and Flying-types such as Toxapex, Mantine, and Celesteela.
  • Taunt is useful to prevent slower Pokemon from setting up entry hazards or recovering health.
  • Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers that can switch in on Gengar, such as Mega Scizor.
  • Destiny Bond can be used in tandem with Taunt in order to potentially secure a kill KO on something Gengar can't kill KO straight up.

Set Details
  • Max Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment is used to help Gengar abuse take advantage of his its amazing Speed while letting him it hit as hard as possible.
  • Life Orb is used to give Gengar's attacks extra power without being restricted to a Choice item.
  • A Timid nature allows Gengar to make the most of his its Speed while not gimping any important stat.

Usage Tips

  • Being a fast and powerful but extremely frail attacker, Gengar should be used to either Revenge Kill revenge kill a slower threat or break down opposing walls and tanks.
  • Pivoting in Gengar after a slow U-Turn U-turn or Volt Switch can be a very effective strategy to get Gengar it in safely. This is also extremely important, (AC) as now that Gengar's taking damage from Spikes in tandem with damage and Life Orb recoil, his its health will be diminished even faster throughout the course of a match.
  • Entry hazards are a great tool that Gengar can abuse utilize to nail 2HKOs that otherwise would not be possible.

Team Options

  • Teammates that beat Dark Types Dark-types and faster Psychic and Ghost Types Psychic- and Ghost-types are paramount to success with Gengar. For this reason, Pokemon like Buzzwole, Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Pheromosa, and Magearna make excellent partners. Tapu Bulu is also an excellent partner that stomachs Ground and Dark type Ground- and Dark-type attacks thrown at Genger Gengar, (RC) while providing Grassy Terrain to help sustain Gengar it.
  • Anything that can set up entry hazards while also being able to stomach hits from powerful priority attackers are good partners. For this reason, Skarmory and Ferrothorn get a mention as notable teammates.
  • Partners that benefit from Gengar's profound ability to break down walls and Stall stall teams alike include Mega Pinsir, Greninja, Pheromosa, and Mega Sharpedo.
  • It's extremely important to have control over entry hazards during the course of the match, as keeping Gengar alive and healthy can be a difficult task. Partners that control entry hazards such as Starmie, Tapu Fini, Zapdos, and Skarmory are greatly appreciated.
  • Slow Volt-Turn combinations VoltTurn users are great to pivot Gengar in and out of battle while keeping him it safe from as much damage as possible. Good examples of this are Landorus-T, Magearna, Magnezone, Mega-Scizor Mega Scizor, (AC) and Rotom-W. (AP)
  • Tapu Lele deserves a mention all of its own, as it resists Psychic and brings Psychic Terrain, preventing priority attacks from even touching Gengar.
  • Anything that can set up Sticky Web for Gengar would help immensely against faster paced faster-paced teams. Good users of Sticky Webs, such as Smeargle and Shuckle, go very well with Gengar.

Other Options

  • Substitute can be used in order to ease prediction and safely secure a 2HKO or a burn with Will-O-Wisp; (ASC) however, however it can be somewhat difficult to properly find the moveslot for it.
  • Hex is plausible on a team focused on Status status, as Hex on a statused status-inflicted target will in fact be stronger than Shadow Ball. However, it lacks the same consistency that Shadow Ball has.
  • Icy Wind is an option to not only hit Ground and Dragon Types for Super Effective damage Ground- and Dragon-types super effectively, but to also slow down a switch in switch-in that would normally be faster than Gengar, allowing Gengar to potentially outspeed and KO the opponent, but the move itself is overall very weak.
  • Pain Split is an option for Substitute sets to recover your Gengar's lost health. Though However, this limits your Gengar's options further.
  • Dazzling Gleam is an option to hit specific targets for Super Effective super effective damage, such as Sableye. However, Shadow Ball should suffice, (AC) as it is also much more consistent.
  • Disable, (AC) when used in conjunction with Substitute, (AC) can cripple the opposing Pokemon if their only reliable way to OHKO you Gengar becomes disabled; however, this cuts into Gengar's coverage options.
  • A Trick and a + Choice Scarf set can also be used to not only outspeed threatening Pokemon like Pheromosa, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, and Thundurus, but also to Trick a Choice Scarf onto a Pokemon like Chansey or Skarmory, effectively crippling them. However, such a set is relatively weak, (AC) and aside from the one use of Trick, is for the most part useless against more stall oriented teams.
  • Choice Specs allows Gengar to wallbreak more effectively and doesn't have the recoil of Life Orb; However, it prevents you Gengar from switching moves and restricts your its utility outside of wallbreaking.
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Checks and Counters

**Dark Types Dark-types**: Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar are all able to potentially come in on Gengar, (RC) and proceed to either outspeed it in the case of Weavile or and Choice Scarf Tyranitar, Kill KO it with Sucker Punch in the case of Bisharp, or Pursuit Trap trap it. Alola Alolan Muk deserves a special mention, (AC) as it can safely switch into any of Gengar's attacks and freely Pursuit Gengar to death.

**Faster Pokemon**: Greninja, Weavile, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, Zygarde-10%, and Thundurus are all examples of Pokemon that naturally outspeed and can OHKO Gengar with their respective STABs. However, these Pokemon cannot safely switch into Gengar.

**Priority Attacks**: Priority attacks from powerful Pokemon such as Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Alolan-Muk Alolan Muk, Bisharp, Mega Pinsir, and Mamoswine can all threaten Gengar with a potential 2HKO or even OHKO.

**Residual Damage and Status**: Chip damage from things like Stealth Rock, Spikes, Burns burns, and Life Orb recoil and quickly dwindle Gengar's health, making his its time on the battlefield short lived short-lived.
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  • Gengar has great Special Attack and a decent movepool to allow Gengar it to act as a strong wallbreaker. (AP)
  • Its good Speed can be abused utilized to make a semipotent revenge killer on Offense. (AP)
  • Gengar has utility outside of wallbreaking with moves such as Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Subtitute, Disable, and Trick. (AP)
  • Its poor defensive typing and thin defenses make Gengar it extremely vulnerable to being Revenge Killed revenge killed and Pursuit Trapped trapped. (AP)
  • With the change to Gengar's ability from Levitate to Cursed Body, it removes any ability Gengar can no longer has to pivot into Ground Type Ground-type moves. However, it allows Gengar to gain advantages from terrain effects and clean up Toxic Spikes.
  • Despite its great Speed tier, Gengar falls short of some scarfers Choice Scarf users such as Tyranitar, (RC) and other naturally faster Pokemon such as Thundurus, Tapu Koko, Greninja, and Weavile.

name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Shadow Ball
move 2: Sludge Wave
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Taunt
item: Life Orb
ability: Cursed Body
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


  • Shadow Ball is your general Gengar's Ghost-type STAB move and hits foes very hard naturally, (RC) and should be spammed whenever applicable.
  • Sludge Wave is used for hitting Fairy types Fairy-types and other pokemon Pokemon that are either immune to or resistant to Shadow Ball, such as Mandibuzz. It's also more powerful than Shadow Ball when hitting neutrally.
  • Focus Blast can be used to break through Pokemon like Ferrothorn or Heatran, and as well as Pokemon that can reliably switch into Gengar and give him it trouble, such as Bisharp and Tyranitar.
  • Thunderbolt can be used for very bulky water and flying types Water- and Flying-types such as Toxapex, Mantine, and Celesteela.
  • Taunt is useful to prevent slower Pokemon from setting up entry hazards or recovering health.
  • Will-O-Wisp can be used to cripple physical attackers that can switch in on Gengar, such as Mega Scizor.
  • Destiny Bond can be used in tandem with Taunt in order to potentially secure a kill KO on something Gengar can't kill KO straight up.

Set Details
  • Max Maximum Speed and Special Attack investment is used to help Gengar abuse take advantage of his its amazing Speed while letting him it hit as hard as possible.
  • Life Orb is used to give Gengar's attacks extra power without being restricted to a Choice item.
  • A Timid nature allows Gengar to make the most of his its Speed while not gimping any important stat.

Usage Tips

  • Being a fast and powerful but extremely frail attacker, Gengar should be used to either Revenge Kill revenge kill a slower threat or break down opposing walls and tanks.
  • Pivoting in Gengar after a slow U-Turn U-turn or Volt Switch can be a very effective strategy to get Gengar it in safely. This is also extremely important, (AC) as now that Gengar's taking damage from Spikes in tandem with damage and Life Orb recoil, his its health will be diminished even faster throughout the course of a match.
  • Entry hazards are a great tool that Gengar can abuse utilize to nail 2HKOs that otherwise would not be possible.

Team Options

  • Teammates that beat Dark Types Dark-types and faster Psychic and Ghost Types Psychic- and Ghost-types are paramount to success with Gengar. For this reason, Pokemon like Buzzwole, Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Pheromosa, and Magearna make excellent partners. Tapu Bulu is also an excellent partner that stomachs Ground and Dark type Ground- and Dark-type attacks thrown at Genger Gengar, (RC) while providing Grassy Terrain to help sustain Gengar it.
  • Anything that can set up entry hazards while also being able to stomach hits from powerful priority attackers are good partners. For this reason, Skarmory and Ferrothorn get a mention as notable teammates.
  • Partners that benefit from Gengar's profound ability to break down walls and Stall stall teams alike include Mega Pinsir, Greninja, Pheromosa, and Mega Sharpedo.
  • It's extremely important to have control over entry hazards during the course of the match, as keeping Gengar alive and healthy can be a difficult task. Partners that control entry hazards such as Starmie, Tapu Fini, Zapdos, and Skarmory are greatly appreciated.
  • Slow Volt-Turn combinations VoltTurn users are great to pivot Gengar in and out of battle while keeping him it safe from as much damage as possible. Good examples of this are Landorus-T, Magearna, Magnezone, Mega-Scizor Mega Scizor, (AC) and Rotom-W. (AP)
  • Tapu Lele deserves a mention all of its own, as it resists Psychic and brings Psychic Terrain, preventing priority attacks from even touching Gengar.
  • Anything that can set up Sticky Web for Gengar would help immensely against faster paced faster-paced teams. Good users of Sticky Webs, such as Smeargle and Shuckle, go very well with Gengar.

Other Options

  • Substitute can be used in order to ease prediction and safely secure a 2HKO or a burn with Will-O-Wisp; (ASC) however, however it can be somewhat difficult to properly find the moveslot for it.
  • Hex is plausible on a team focused on Status status, as Hex on a statused status-inflicted target will in fact be stronger than Shadow Ball. However, it lacks the same consistency that Shadow Ball has.
  • Icy Wind is an option to not only hit Ground and Dragon Types for Super Effective damage Ground- and Dragon-types super effectively, but to also slow down a switch in switch-in that would normally be faster than Gengar, allowing Gengar to potentially outspeed and KO the opponent, but the move itself is overall very weak.
  • Pain Split is an option for Substitute sets to recover your Gengar's lost health. Though However, this limits your Gengar's options further.
  • Dazzling Gleam is an option to hit specific targets for Super Effective super effective damage, such as Sableye. However, Shadow Ball should suffice, (AC) as it is also much more consistent.
  • Disable, (AC) when used in conjunction with Substitute, (AC) can cripple the opposing Pokemon if their only reliable way to OHKO you Gengar becomes disabled; however, this cuts into Gengar's coverage options.
  • A Trick and a + Choice Scarf set can also be used to not only outspeed threatening Pokemon like Pheromosa, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, and Thundurus, but also to Trick a Choice Scarf onto a Pokemon like Chansey or Skarmory, effectively crippling them. However, such a set is relatively weak, (AC) and aside from the one use of Trick, is for the most part useless against more stall oriented teams.
  • Choice Specs allows Gengar to wallbreak more effectively and doesn't have the recoil of Life Orb; However, it prevents you Gengar from switching moves and restricts your its utility outside of wallbreaking.
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Checks and Counters

**Dark Types Dark-types**: Weavile, Bisharp, and Tyranitar are all able to potentially come in on Gengar, (RC) and proceed to either outspeed it in the case of Weavile or and Choice Scarf Tyranitar, Kill KO it with Sucker Punch in the case of Bisharp, or Pursuit Trap trap it. Alola Alolan Muk deserves a special mention, (AC) as it can safely switch into any of Gengar's attacks and freely Pursuit Gengar to death.

**Faster Pokemon**: Greninja, Weavile, Tapu Koko, Mega Alakazam, Zygarde-10%, and Thundurus are all examples of Pokemon that naturally outspeed and can OHKO Gengar with their respective STABs. However, these Pokemon cannot safely switch into Gengar.

**Priority Attacks**: Priority attacks from powerful Pokemon such as Azumarill, Mega Scizor, Alolan-Muk Alolan Muk, Bisharp, Mega Pinsir, and Mamoswine can all threaten Gengar with a potential 2HKO or even OHKO.

**Residual Damage and Status**: Chip damage from things like Stealth Rock, Spikes, Burns burns, and Life Orb recoil and quickly dwindle Gengar's health, making his its time on the battlefield short lived short-lived.
Will edit as soon as I'm home from exams. Thanks!