OU Tapu Lele


QC checks: Gary / p2 / Colonel M
GP checks: P Squared


* Tapu Lele's claim to fame is Psychic Surge, which gives it access to boosted Psychic-type attacks and grants an immunity to priority for grounded Pokemon.
* Complementary STAB types and a wide enough coverage movepool allow it to threaten Psychic switch-ins and make for a threatening offensive presence.
* It can use Choice Scarf to become an incredibly effective cleaner and revenge killer, or it can take advantage of items such as Choice Specs and Life Orb to become a terrifying balance breaker.
* Psychic Terrain helps out fast and frail attackers that are vulnerable to being revenge killed by priority users, including Tapu Lele itself.
* Low physical bulk and average speed leave it vulnerable against faster team compositions.
* Outside of its Psychic-type STAB attacks, Tapu Lele's power is good but nothing incredible, which makes it prone to being walled by Steel-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

* Psychic is Tapu Lele's main STAB, hitting the hardest out of everything else in its movepool.
* Psyshock is a little bit less powerful, but it can provide a stronger hit against specially bulky checks, such as Chansey and Tornadus-T.
* Moonblast hits Dark-types and provides a secondary STAB move if Psychic is too risky.
* Focus Blast snipes Steel- and Dark-types looking to switch into Tapu Lele's STAB moves, such as Heatran and Tyranitar.
* Hidden Power Fire can catch Scizor and Ferrothorn looking to switch in.
* Shadow Ball allows Tapu Lele to 2HKO Mega Metagross and deal a solid amount of damage to Jirachi.

Set Details

* Maximizing Special Attack provides as much power as possible behind its moves.
* Maximum Speed, a Timid Nature, and a Choice Scarf allow Tapu Lele to outrun and revenge kill threats including Pheromosa, Weavile, and Greninja.

Usage Tips

* This set functions as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner.
* Clear out checks and counters through other wallbreakers and by catching them with coverage moves on the switch.
* Avoid locking into Psychic if the opponent has a Pursuit trapper, as this makes Tapu Lele easy to pick off.
* Keep an eye on how much time is left in Psychic Terrain. Once it's worn out, priority users such as Mega Scizor will be able to cut a sweep short, and the power behind Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB move will be reduced back to normal.

Team Options

* Generally, Tapu Lele will be looking to sweep by using its Psychic-type STAB attack, so removing Dark- and Steel-types is essential. Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Heatran are very good at this, as they are able to switch into and beat common checks. Magnezone is a huge help at removing Steel-types, as it is able to trap and remove annoyances such as Skarmory, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn.
* Pokemon that can take advantage of Psychic Terrain make for good teammates. Mega Metagross and Mega Alakazam can take advantage of the additional power of Psychic-type attacks to beat down their checks and secure 0HKOs or 2HKOs, while frail Pokemon such as Greninja and Pheromosa can use the immunity to priority attacks to great effect.

name: Stallbreaker
move 1: Psyshock / Psychic
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Taunt / Calm Mind
item: Twisted Spoon
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Psyshock hits special walls harder.
* Psychic is the most powerful move available.
* Moonblast provides a secondary STAB move.
* Hidden Power Fire hits Scizor and Ferrothorn.
* Taunt prevents healing moves and status, allowing Tapu Lele to function as a stallbreaker.
* Calm Mind boosts its power and allows it to break walls after a boost.

Set Details

* Maximized Special Attack and Speed provide as much power as possible while letting Tapu Lele outrun most defensive Pokemon.
* Twisted Spoon provides power to Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB move while not cutting into its HP.
* Shed Shell allows Tapu Lele to escape from Dugtrio, which gives it the ability to deal massive damage to common stall archetypes.

Usage Tips

* This set trades the brute power of Choice Specs for the flexibility of being able to change moves on the fly. This allows Tapu Lele to be more flexible and less prediction reliant while taking down defensive cores.
* Sets using Taunt should attempt to shut down common switch-ins and prevent them from healing themselves or supporting their team. Using Taunt in conjunction with entry hazards and chip damage can allow Tapu Lele to push through checks like Chansey.
* Calm Mind sets should look to set up after their checks have been appropriately weakened.

Team Options
* The reduced power compared to Choice Specs sets means that Tapu Lele may need additional damage in order to secure KOs. Entry hazard support from Ferrothorn or Heatran can make up for this deficiency.
* This set's goal is to break apart defensive cores, so an offensive counterpart makes for a good teammate. Ash-Greninja, Shift Gear Magearna, Pheromosa, Choice Band Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Landorus-T all appreciate the immense pressure that Tapu Lele puts upon their checks and counters.
* Other Pokemon that can help Tapu Lele break down defensive cores are appreciated. Magnezone can remove Steel-types that wall Tapu Lele, while other wallbreakers such as Swords Dance Landorus-T can put incredible pressure on mutual checks, such as Skarmory.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast / Psyshock
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

* Psychic is the strongest STAB move available.
* Psyshock is slightly weaker, but it hits special walls and Assault Vest users harder thanks to its ability to hit on the physical defense.
* Moonblast is a secondary STAB move that hits Dark-types types such as Tyranitar and Greninja.
* Focus Blast hits Steel-types such as Heatran and Excadrill.
* Hidden Power Fire is useful for Ferrothorn and Scizor.
* Shadow Ball hits Mega Metagross and Jirachi.
* Thunderbolt gives Tapu Lele a way of hitting Celesteela and specially defensive Skarmory.

Set Details

* Choice Specs boosts Tapu Lele's offensive power through the roof, at the cost of being able to switch moves.
* Maximized Special Attack and Speed give Tapu Lele as much power as possible while letting it outrun as much as possible.
* Timid allows Tapu Lele to Speed tie with other Tapu Lele, Zygarde, and Kyurem-B while outrunning Timid Porygon-Z and Jolly Landorus-T.
* Modest offers more power in exchange for speed.

Usage Tips

* Switch Lele in on free turns or resistanced hits and then fire off appropriate attacks
* Avoid locking yourself into Psychic STAB against Pursuit trappers such as Weavile and Tyranitar.
* If a teammate needs protection against priority attacks, switching Tapu Lele in to be KOed can give them a chance to clean.

Team Options

* As a wallbreaker, Tapu Lele can help break through defensive cores for a teammate to clean up. Fast cleaners such as Pheromosa, Excadrill, and Greninja can take advantage of this nicely, as their high speed and offenses allow them to make short work of a damaged team.
* Other Psychic-types can take advantage of Psychic Terrain to power up their STAB attacks. Partnering Tapu Lele with Mega Alakazam or Mega Metagross can allow them to muscle past their usual checks.
* Since Steel-types resist both of Tapu Lele's STAB types, Dugtrio and Magnezone make for good partners. Dugtrio is able to trap Heatran and Mega Metagross, while Magnezone can take on Mega Scizor and Celesteela.

Other Options

* The all-out attacker set can use various Z-Crystals in order to break past common checks. These include Psychium-Z (for a powerful STAB hit on a switch-in) and Fightium-Z (in order to push past Steel-type checks).

Checks and Counters

**Steel-Types**: Mega Metagross, Jirachi, Magearna, and Celesteela are solid defensive answers to Tapu Lele, as their typing and bulk allow them to take most hits and retaliate appropriately. Mega Scizor can switch in and tank anything but Hidden Power Fire, although Psychic Terrain prevents it from accessing Bullet Punch.

**Revenge Killers**: Although Tapu Lele is immune to priority, its low physical defense leaves it vulnerable to faster attackers. This makes Choice Scarf and Specs sets prone to being Pursuit trapped by Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Weavile if locked into a Psychic move, as well as Mega Scizor if locked into Moonblast. If it isn't running a Choice Scarf, it can be picked off by Pheromosa, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, offensive Garchomp, and Mega Pinsir. If it is running Scarf, it is still vulnerable to faster Choice Scarf users, such as Garchomp and Nihilego.
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I got this comment on my analysis of Hydreigon, but this will be more helpful to you for checks.

Mention how Hydreigon (and Dark-types in general) can take advantage of a Lele locked into Psychic on the choice sets, and can KO with various coverage.
- Nature's Madness + Taunt for stallbreaking
Personally I'd remove this since Fini pulls it off much better with Misty Terrain for status immunity and a better defensive typing + higher physical bulk to put in work against more offensive teams.
Do you guys think it might be worthwhile to use both Psyshock and Psychic on choice sets? Normally that would be a bad idea, but with STAB and Psychic Terrain, Psychic moves are boosted to 2.25x their usual power, while STAB Moonblast nails darks, and Focus Blast/HP Fire in the last slot can take care of anything else. Running two Psychic moves allows you to wallbreak more effectively by dealing with both Chansey and physically defensive mons.
I´ve been running a specs set with double psychic stab and while it might not be considered as the mainstream way to go, it has definitely it´s uses and should be considered in other options if not even slashed as alternative (this is the single best mon to be able to run double psychic coverage I´ve found myself to need psyshock just as much as thunderbolt for example)
I would personally put in the usage tips for scarf that it can be a great late game cleaner once the resists for one of its stabs are gone, won a few games that way using a similar set
On Specs I'd definitely recommend double Psychic STAB (Psychic/Psyshock/Moonblast/Hidden Power [Fire/Ground] as the main set because being able to hit an opponent's weaker defense with a neutral special hit is extremely valuable. For example, against SpD Skarm Modest Specs Psychic cleanly 2HKOs it after SR, and even has a 59% chance to 2HKO it through Leftovers anyway. HP Fire also 2HKOs, and just for a reference point, Thunderbolt doesn't always OHKO after SR. Obviously for physically defensive Skarm, both Psychic and SE coverage 2HKO or better.

Mixed Wall Hippowdon and Bulky Rotom-Wash are similar - Psyshock can't OHKO them but Psychic can. It's the same thing with frailer potential checks and counters that have one strong defense (e.g. Kartana can tank Psyshock but nothing else). Bulky Mega Scizor can get overwhelmed by Psychic, it's a 99.6% chance 2HKO after SR (which doesn't include the chance for a Sp.Def drop). Having both also means that you can predict against checks with either kind of bulk and threaten both physical and special walls. Psyshock obviously earns its keep against Chansey and the few Assault Vest Pokemon (Excadrill and friends) that still pop up. The fact your opponent has to predict whether to switch in their physically or specially defensive Lele check is itself a benefit to running both - Moonblast does not secure KOs like Psychic does.

Incidentally Focus Blast gets dropped for Psychic because Focus Blast doesn't really "nuke Steels." The most prominent Steels in OU are Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Celesteela, Heatran, [Scizor/Genesect], [Metagross/Jirachi], and Bisharp. Of those, half are neutral to Fighting and HP Fire or Ground hits just as hard without the shaky accuracy. Moonblast is neutral on Bisharp and OHKOs.

In contrast Scarf should choose one of Psychic or Psyshock. Scarf doesn't have the raw power of Specs to just punch through resisted hits and therefore needs the coverage. I know the main set only lists Psychic right now, but Psyshock's advantages and disadvantages are well-covered ground. Psyshock is Scarf Lele's best bet to pick off weakened Pokemon with low physical defense.
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For the specs and AoA sets, it would help to mention what Modest and Timid accomplish; for example, Modest Specs Psyshock is a guaranteed 2HKO on both Chansey and AV Tangrowth after rocks, while Timid outruns Kyurem-Black, DD Zygarde, Jolly Excadrill (which p2 mentioned in the Metagame Discussion thread), Nidoking, Adamant Mega Pinsir, etc.
For the specs and AoA sets, it would help to mention what Modest and Timid accomplish; for example, Modest Specs Psyshock is a guaranteed 2HKO on both Chansey and AV Tangrowth after rocks, while Timid outruns Kyurem-Black, DD Zygarde, Jolly Excadrill (which p2 mentioned in the Metagame Discussion thread), Nidoking, Adamant Mega Pinsir, etc.

Timid accomplishes the same things (assuming Psychic Terrain) and Stealth Rock isn't even necessary...

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 390-460 (60.7 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tangrowth: 241-285 (59.6 - 70.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I forgot about Psychic Terrain during calcs, my bad. If Timid can hit that hard then I think it should be recommended more strongly than Modest. Extra speed is really valuable and Modest doesn't seem worth it in comparison.
you wanna know what the problem is?
she should know nature's madness and hold a tapunium z.

I don't see the appeal of Guardian of Alola, much less Nature's Madness on Tapu Lele, especially when Psychic Terrain + Psychic STAB can OHKO or 2HKO the majority of the meta, and the Dark types who are immune are threatened by Moon Blast. Lele shouldn't be staying in against Steels like Magearna anyway, which are just about the only things that should be worried of losing 75% health. It's better to take advantage of psychic terrain + boosting item, which make it an immediate threat to most of the meta.
On the Calm Mind set, remove Life Orb and just keep Mind Plate or TwistedSpoon. Life Orb isn't that great for it as it not only gives away that you aren't Choiced and wears you down. Sure it gives you a bigger boost in power that comes at the longevity of Lele, considering Lele is already fairly frail you'd want to keep it as healthy as possible for cleaning situations.

Also remove mentions of Genesect since it's banned.
Choice Scarf

  • Remove Assault Vest Excadrill as an example of what Psyshock hits because that is a dogshit set and replace it with Chansey since it chunks it quite a bit.
  • Mention Shadow Ball in the move section of Choice Scarf. It's a solid option to 2HKO Mega Metagross on the switch and take big chunk from Jirachi.
  • Also mention Magnezone in team options because it can rip through most offensive teams once the Steel-type is gone.

Choice Specs

  • Add Thunderbolt in move section, because it lets you 2HKO Celesteela and SpD Skarm which is pretty big considering those might be like the only two things that can kind of switch into Specs Lele.
  • Remove outrunning Timid Xurkitree in set details

All Out-Attacker

  • Personally I think Taunt should be slashed before CM just because you can still effectively stallbreak and shut down defensive cores without even needing to set up, but I'll let other members of QC be the judge of that
  • Also I agree with Subject, drop Orb and just keep Twistedspoon. Lele can't afford the recoil and it still hits like a truck regardless.
  • In set details mention Shed Shell, as it basically gives Lele the ability to 6-0 Dugtrio stall, or pretty much any stall for that matter, because it can't be trapped and just proceeds to either spam Taunt/CM and STABs.
QC 1/3
already told this to hootster since the last set is slash happy. expert belt isn't worth it over extra fire power or the ability to escape dugtrio with shed shell. focus blast legit only hits heatran and you can shut that down with taunt or beat it with calm mind. no idea why thunderbolt is there since you still lose to celesteela and slowbro gets wrecked even without it. condensed version, everything else is better in set details:

name: Stallbreaker
move 1: Psyshock / Psychic
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Hidden Power [Fire]
move 4: Taunt / Calm Mind
item: Twisted Spoon
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
scarf > all out attacker > specs

stallbreaker t/o should also have other psychic types mentioned

if you're mentioning aromatherapy of all things, mention terrain extender

I would mention in either the Overview or in Choice Scarf Set Details / Usage Tips how great Psychic Terrain is to prevent Tapu Lele from being revenge killed from priority. It's one of the biggest appeals to the set IMO (next to just being a generally fast and pretty strong Pokemon).

Specs IMO should really use Timid. Modest's power is sexy but, while rarer, nothing is worse than Speed typing Kyurem-B for example. You're also slower than Jolly Excadrill which is usually the standard nowadays.

I feel you could go a smidgen further on Team Options for these. Some of them like Scarf really like Magnezone support because it removes the headache of Steel-types (which are usually the best answer to Tapu Lele). I know you mentioned it in Specs. Landorus-T also works as a Team Option on the Stall Breaker set since Mega Sableye doesn't quite enjoy repeated Earthquakes and Skarmory can be caught off-guard with a +2 Continental Crush or fears getting thwacked by Knock Off.

For Revenge Killers you could mention how Scarf Garchomp will always outspeed and usually KO Tapu Lele too. Could mention how Scarf Nihilego always outspeeds it too. Choice Specs kind of follows the same principle as Scarf on how if Tapu Lele is locked onto Psychic (or in Mega Scizor's case, Moonblast too) it is prone to Pursuit. Might be worthwhile rewording the section slightly. Add Mega Scizor as options that can Pursuit Tapu Lele in C&C.

Something like:

- Choice sets locked onto Psychic are prone to Pursuit (mention Pursuit users, can also mention Scizor can handle Moonblast as well if you want).
- Non-Choice Scarf Lele is revenge killed by (insert threats).
- Scarf is still slower than (insert Scarf threats).

Good stuff otherwise once p2's changes are implemented too.

GP 1/1


* Tapu Lele's claim to fame is Psychic Terrain (I would probably go for Psychic Surge here), which gives it access to boosted Psychic-type attacks and grants an immunity to priority for grounded Pokemon.
* Complementary STAB types and a wide enough coverage movepool allow it to threaten Psychic switch-ins resists and make for a threatening offensive presence.
* It can use Choice Scarf to become an incredibly effective cleaner and revenge killer, or it can take advantage of items such as Choice Specs and Life Orb to become a terrifying balance breaker.
* Psychic Terrain grants an immunity to priority for grounded Pokemon, which helps out fast + and frail attackers that are vulnerable to being revenge killed by priority users, including Tapu Lele itself.
* Low physical bulk and average speed leave it vulnerable against faster team compositions.
* Outside of its Psychic-type STAB attacks, Tapu Lele's power is good but nothing incredible, which makes it prone to being walled by Steel-types.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

* Psychic is Tapu Lele's main STAB move, hits hitting the hardest out of everything else in its Lele's movepool.
* Psyshock is a little bit less powerful, but it can provide a stronger hit against specially bulky checks, such as Chansey and Tornadus-T.
* Moonblast hits Dark-types and provides a secondary STAB move if Psychic is too risky.
* Focus Blast snipes Steel- and Dark-types looking to switch into Tapu Lele's STAB moves, such as Heatran and Tyranitar.
* Hidden Power Fire can catch Scizor and Ferrothorn looking to switch in.
* Shadow Ball allows Tapu Lele to 2HKO Mega Metagross and deal a solid amount of damage to Jirachi.

Set Details

* Maximizing Special Attack provides as much power as possible behind its moves.
* Maximum Speed, a Timid nature, and a Choice Scarf allow Tapu Lele to outrun and revenge kill threats including Pheromosa, Weavile, and Greninja.

Usage Tips

* This set functions as a revenge killer and late-game cleaner.
* Clear out checks and counters through other wallbreakers and by catching them with coverage moves on the switch.
* Avoid locking into Psychic if the opponent has a Pursuit trapper, as this makes Tapu Lele easy to pick off.
* Keep an eye on how much time is left in Psychic Terrain. Once it's worn out, priority users such as Mega Scizor will be able to cut a sweep short, and the power behind Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB move will be reduced back to normal.

Team Options

* Generally, Tapu Lele will be looking to sweep by using its Psychic-type STAB attack, so removing Dark- and Steel-types is essential. Landorus-T, Rotom-W, and Heatran are very good at this, as they are able to switch into and beat common checks. Magnezone is a huge help at removing Steel-types, as it is able to trap and remove annoyances such as Skarmory, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn.
* Pokemon that can take advantage of Psychic Terrain make for good teammates. Mega Metagross and Mega Alakazam can take advantage of the additional power of Psychic-type attacks to beat down their checks and secure OHKOs or 2HKOs, while frail Pokemon such as Greninja and Pheromosa can use the immunity to priority attacks to great effect.

name: Stallbreaker
move 1: Psyshock / Psychic
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Hidden Power Fire
move 4: Taunt / Calm Mind
item: Twisted Spoon
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


* Psyshock hits special walls harder.
* Psychic is the most powerful move available.
* Moonblast provides a secondary STAB move.
* Hidden Power Fire hits Scizor and Ferrothorn.
* Taunt prevents healing moves and status, allowing Tapu Lele to function as a stallbreaker.
* Calm Mind boosts its power and allows it Lele to break walls after a boost.

Set Details

* Maximized Special Attack and Speed provide as much power as possible while letting Tapu Lele outrunning most defensive Pokemon.
* Twisted Spoon provides power to Tapu Lele's Psychic-type STAB move while not cutting into your its HP.
* Shed Shell allows Tapu Lele to escape from Dugtrio, which gives it the ability to deal massive damage to common stall archetypes.

Usage Tips

* This set trades the brute power of Choice Specs for the flexibility of being able to change moves on the fly. This allows Tapu Lele to be more flexible and less prediction reliant while taking down defensive cores.
* Sets using Taunt should attempt to shut down common switch-ins and prevent them from healing themselves or supporting their team. Using Taunt in conjunction with entry hazards and chip damage can allow Tapu Lele to push through checks like Chansey.
* Calm Mind sets should look to set up after their checks have been appropriately weakened.

Team Options
* The reduced power compared to Choice Specs sets means that Tapu Lele may need additional damage in order to secure KOs. Entry hazard support from Ferrothorn or Heatran can make up for this deficiency.
* This set's goal is to break apart defensive cores, so an offensive counterpart makes for a good teammate. Ash-Greninja, Shift Gear Magearna, Pheromosa, Choice Band Zygarde-10%, and Choice Scarf Landorus-T all appreciate the immense pressure that Tapu Lele puts upon their checks and counters.
* Other Pokemon that can help Tapu Lele break down defensive cores are appreciated. Magnezone can remove Steel-types that wall Tapu Lele, while other wallbreakers such as Swords Dance Landorus-T can put incredible pressure on mutual checks, such as Skarmory.

name: Choice Specs
move 1: Psychic / Psyshock
move 2: Moonblast
move 3: Focus Blast / Psyshock
move 4: Hidden Power Fire / Shadow Ball
item: Choice Specs
ability: Psychic Surge
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

* Psychic is the strongest STAB move available.
* Psyshock is slightly weaker, but it hits special walls and Assault Vest users harder thanks to its ability to hit on the physical defense side.
* Moonblast is a secondary STAB move that, (RC) hits Dark-types such as Tyranitar and Greninja.
* Focus Blast hits Steel-types such as Heatran and Excadrill.
* Hidden Power Fire is useful for Ferrothorn and Scizor.
* Shadow Ball hits Mega Metagross and Jirachi.
* Thunderbolt gives Tapu Lele a way of hitting Celesteela and specially defensive Skarmory.

Set Details

* Choice Specs boosts Tapu Lele's offensive power through the roof, at the cost of being able to switch moves.
* Maximized Special Attack and Speed give Tapu Lele as much power as possible while letting it outrunning as much as possible.
* Timid allows Tapu Lele to Speed tie with other Tapu Lele, Zygarde, and Kyurem-B, (RC) while outrunning Timid Porygon-Z and Jolly Landorus-T.
* Modest offers more power in exchange for speed tier.

Usage Tips

* Switch Tapu Lele in on free turns or resisted hitsances, and then fire off appropriate attacks. (AP)
* A
void locking Tapu Lele yourself into its Psychic-type STAB move against Pursuit trappers such as Weavile and Tyranitar.
* If a teammate needs protection against priority attacks, switching Tapu Lele in to be KOed can allow give them a chance to clean.

Team Options

* As a wallbreaker, Tapu Lele can help break through defensive cores for a teammate to clean up. Fast cleaners such as Pheromosa, Excadrill, and Greninja can take advantage of this nicely, as their high speed and offenses allow them to make short work of a damaged team.
* Other Psychic-types can take advantage of Psychic Terrain to power up their STAB attacks. Partnering Tapu Lele with Mega Alakazam or Mega Metagross can allow them to muscle past their usual checks.
* Since Steel-types resist both of Tapu Lele's STAB types, Dugtrio and Magnezone make for good partners. Dugtrio is able to trap Heatran and Mega Metagross, while Magnezone can take on Mega Scizor and Celesteela.

Other Options

* The all-out attacker set can use various Z-Crystals in order to break past common checks. These include Psychium-Z (for a powerful STAB hit on a switch-in) and Fightium-Z (in order to push past Steel-type checks).

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Mega Metagross, Jirachi, Magearna, and Celesteela are solid defensive answers to Tapu Lele, as their typing and bulk allow them to take most hits and retaliate appropriately. Mega Scizor can switch in and tank anything but Hidden Power Fire, although Psychic Terrain prevents it from accessing Bullet Punch.

**Revenge Killers**: Although Tapu Lele is immune to priority, its low physical defense leaves it vulnerable to faster attackers. This makes Choice Scarf and Specs sets prone to being Pursuit trapped by Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Weavile if locked into a Psychic move, as well as Mega Scizor if locked into Moonblast. If it isn't running a Choice Scarf, it can be picked off by Pheromosa, Choice Scarf Landorus-T, offensive Garchomp, and Mega Pinsir. If it is running Choice Scarf, it is still vulnerable to faster Choice Scarf users, such as Scarf Garchomp and Nihilego.
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