Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Does anyone have a Swinub in a Level Ball? IVs, Nature, Gender, etc don't matter.

Also looking for someone who can raise three of my Pokémon to level 100 so I can Hyper Train them.
Would somebody with Pokemon Sun be willing to evolve my Rockruff into a Lycanrock then trade it back to me. The form that I want is only available if it evolves on Sun during the day. I will trade Rockruff holding a rare candy to speed up the process. If anybody wants to trade something to me that needs to trade-evolve like Gengar or Alakazam then that seems like a fair exchange.
Do you need it for comp or just dex? You cancatch midday in the mountain you catch Lunala at when its day in game. Its a specific grass patch though so Google it.
Would somebody with Pokemon Sun be willing to evolve my Rockruff into a Lycanrock then trade it back to me. The form that I want is only available if it evolves on Sun during the day. I will trade Rockruff holding a rare candy to speed up the process. If anybody wants to trade something to me that needs to trade-evolve like Gengar or Alakazam then that seems like a fair exchange.

Sure thing, add me and let me know when you're ready.
Is it possible to get any of the Pokemon through Island Scan to have their HA? Most of the starters available through Island Scan strongly appreciate having their HA, and I would rather have the right ability than a matching ball....
Is it possible to get any of the Pokemon through Island Scan to have their HA? Most of the starters available through Island Scan strongly appreciate having their HA, and I would rather have the right ability than a matching ball....
None of the Pokemon caught through Island Scan can have their Hidden Ability, as they can not be SOS-Chained and are set to only have one of their regular abilities. You can however catch a male one of the island scan mons in any ball you want, then bring up a female one with its Hidden Ability of it from an earlier generation, then breed them together to get both the Pokeball you want and with its Hidden Ability

Edit: I forgot to mention that Klink is excepted from this, as it's genderless, so there's no way to get HA and Apricorn ball on it.
None of the Pokemon caught through Island Scan can have their Hidden Ability, as they can not be SOS-Chained and are set to only have one of their regular abilities. You can however catch a male one of the island scan mons in any ball you want, then bring up a female one with its Hidden Ability of it from an earlier generation, then breed them together to get both the Pokeball you want and with its Hidden Ability
Derp me forgetting the new breeding mechanics -_-.

I've breed too much in 6th Gen, I know no other life but the Gen 6 life.... :3
Hey all. Back with another one-off request. I was wondering if anyone had any Scolipede line spitbacks in Gen 6. Specifically with the hidden ability and Jolly. Ball doesn't matter, but decent IVs would always be appreciated (plus I goofed and transferred my breeding setup to Sun already D: ). Thanks in advance!
Re-posting from a few pages back, now. Nature is not all that important, since I found a Jolly natured pokemon in the same egg group. Female is definitely preferred. Thanks!
Third time's the charm :p
If you haven't been helped, I think I either still have a HA Whirlipede I caught for a future project (Shhh, I'm very lazy :3), or I can just catch more in one of my Whirlipede Friend Safaris. Do you want me to get one for you in a specific ball?
Hey, that would be wonderful. No specifics on the ball.

Edit: added you and am online now.
So on the topic of whirlipede, what makes whirlipede so dangerous? I've only seen two maybe three requests for them and i'm wondering if i should prepare for facing one.
So on the topic of whirlipede, what makes whirlipede so dangerous? I've only seen two maybe three requests for them and i'm wondering if i should prepare for facing one.
In Battle Spot you can use a Baton Pass set with Swords Dance and it's Speed Boost ability. Or, with Z-Aqua Tail like I want to. ORAS has a move tutor for that, and I'll transfer it up to Sun when it's ready.
In Battle Spot you can use a Baton Pass set with Swords Dance and it's Speed Boost ability. Or, with Z-Aqua Tail like I want to. ORAS has a move tutor for that, and I'll transfer it up to Sun when it's ready.

Well then, that sounds exceedingly dangerous and i am now even more afraid of bug types!
Find a Carbink and chain (since trade requests go unnoticed unless you are well known). I would help but iI still need to catch one myself. HA can appear after a 30 Chain btw. Hope this helps.

I tried that and ended up catching a non-Prankster Sableye eight times over three hours, since there's no really time efficient way to test for Prankser without the Sableye killing Carbink and ending the chain anyway. Thanks for the attempt though.
LF: Net Ball HA Golett, IVs don't matter as I can breed down the Ball and Ability now.
Here's what I'm willing to trade for it:
Timid HT/3/31/31/31/HT Lunala in a Luxury Ball

Adamant 31/HT/31/31/HT/31 Zygarde 10% with Aura Break (in a Pokeball ofc.)

Rash 31/31/31/X/31/0 Ditto SOS chained in Moon
Timid 31/0/31/30/31/30 Female Alolan Vulpix in a Premier Ball with Snow Warning and the egg moves: Hypnosis, Encore, Freeze-Dry and Moonblast.

Timid 31/e/31/30/31/30 Male Cutiefly in a Love Ball with the egg moves: Moonblast, Baton Pass, Speed Swap and Bestow.
(Note: also available as a female level 100 EV and Hyper Trained Ribombee with a lower attack IV and all moves PP maxed)

I can also do breeding requests for stuff like Lure Ball Relaxed 31/31/31/31/31/0 HA Mareinae with Haze and Stockpile.

PM/VM me if you have the kind of Golett I'm looking for, hopefully we can work something out.
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